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Chapter 304 Wang Xiuhua's Decision

After receiving the assurance from the Wang family, Zhang Dagang released his hold on Wang Long's neck.

There was an abyss at his feet. Wang Long squatted on the ground in embarrassment and crawled towards the house.

When Zheng Linbo rushed to the top floor, he saw Mr. Wang lying on the ground like a dog.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were all broken, and cold wind poured into the house, making the wind chimes in the house jingle.

"Fangfang, are you okay?" Zheng Linbo stepped forward worriedly and pulled Zheng Fangfang into his arms.

"You silly girl, there is no need for you to do stupid things when you have me and my father as the two pillars of the family."

Zheng Linbo felt extremely distressed. He hugged his trembling sister who was frightened and felt extremely upset.

It's all his fault, otherwise why would he be forced to this point by the Wang family?

Several people returned to the Zheng family again. When Mrs. Zheng learned that Zheng Fangfang wanted to trade her innocence in exchange for the safety of the Zheng family, tears suddenly burst out of her eyes.

Zheng Wenxuan also didn't speak for a long time, his face was full of decadence.

"Fangfang, remember, even if the Zheng family is really in decline, a woman doesn't need to trade her innocence. We will never interfere in your marriage." Old Mrs. Zheng pounded the floor with her cane, looking at

My granddaughter was angry and distressed at the same time.

If the Zheng family was willing to marry and sacrifice love, the current Zheng family would never be oppressed like this by the Wang family.

Zhang Dagang looked at the dull Zheng family and said, "The Wang family will not attack you again, don't worry."

When I heard Zhang Dagang brought it up, Zheng Fangfang remembered it, wiped away the dull look on her face and said: "Doctor Zhang beat Wang Long, and the Wang family and his son have promised not to put pressure on our Zheng family."

Everyone looked at Zhang Dagang in surprise.

Zhang Dagang should have understood who the Wang family were by now, but he didn't expect that he would still be willing to help them.

"Dagang, based on my understanding of the Wang family and his son, he will never let you go so easily. You must be careful." Old Mrs. Zhou pulled Zhang Dagang with a worried look on her face.

Zhang Dagang nodded, and at this moment, the phone rang, and the note on it was sister-in-law.

Wang Xiuhua's worries about herself can be conveyed even over the phone.

Zhang Dagang's heart softened: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'll go back right away."

In the past two days, I didn't go back to the village because of the Zheng family's affairs, so I naturally didn't have time to talk to Wang Xiuhua about the specific situation.

"No need Dagan, I've arrived in Suhai City. Where are you, I'll find you."

Zhang Dagang didn't expect that his sister-in-law had already arrived, so he directly reported the Zheng family's address.

Soon, Wang Xiuhua appeared at Zheng's house.

Looking at the sighing Zheng family, Wang Xiuhua looked at Zhang Dagang in confusion.

Zhang Dagang shook his head and said he didn't know. Wang Xiuhua looked at Zheng Linbo again.

"Xiao Bo, is your company okay?"

Wang Xiuhua was a little worried, and her eyes fell on Zheng Fangfang, who was sitting on one side.

"Sister Xiuhua, our Zheng family may be in trouble now." Zheng Linbo let out a long sigh.

After listening to Zheng Linbo's words, Wang Xiuhua knew the whole story.

When she learned that Zhang Dagang went to rescue Zheng Fangfang single-handedly, she felt sour and bitter, but also a little proud.

Her Dagang family is so powerful that he can actually make local snakes in Suhai City admit their defeat with his own abilities.

"Now that banks are unwilling to lend money to our Zheng family, all ongoing projects can only be stopped, fearing that we will face huge compensation." Zheng Wenxuan let out a long sigh, and seemed to have aged ten years for a moment.

After hearing this, Wang Xiuhua's eyes widened in surprise.

"You still need to compensate? Is it so serious?"

After opening a beauty salon, Wang Xiuhua's horizons broadened a lot.

Now that she heard that Zheng's not only wanted to close down, but also had to pay compensation, she couldn't believe it.

"If Zheng's company goes bankrupt, we will not be able to fulfill the contract, so we will naturally have to pay compensation according to the amount in the contract."

Zheng Wenxuan said with a decadent look on his face: "I have no money, so I have no money, but it makes me feel uneasy to let this whole family suffer and suffer with me."

Mrs. Zhou looked at her decadent son and was so sad that she stopped talking.

Those people who seemed to have a good relationship in the past, when they found out that Zheng was being targeted by Wang, they ran away faster than anyone else, let alone asked them to borrow money.

Wang Xiuhua looked at the silent family and reached out to pull Zhang Dagang's sleeve.

"Dagang, come out with me for a moment."

Zhang Dagang glanced at his sister-in-law doubtfully and followed her outside.

"Dagang, Mr. Zheng needs money right now. How about we sell off all the houses and shops I own except the beauty shop." Wang Xiuhua hesitated and said, "Those things are of little use to me.

I want to help the Zheng family."

Zhang Dagang didn't expect that his sister-in-law would drag him out for this reason, and he was a little surprised.

"Sister-in-law, if those things are sold, they will really be gone. Have you really thought about it?"

Wang Xiuhua nodded firmly. She liked the atmosphere of the Zheng family gathering together.

That was something she had never experienced before.

Money is something external to the body. If that money can really help the Zheng family come back to life and allow the family to live like this, Wang Xiuhua will feel that she has done a great thing.

Thinking of her own experiences growing up, her father's obsession with gambling, and her deceased husband, Wang Xiuhua became more determined to help the Zheng family.

What's more, the relationship between Dagang and Miss Zheng also made Wang Xiuhua want to take action.

"In that case, fine."

Wang Xiuhua entered the room and expressed his thoughts to several people.

If you sell those things, you can get at least 6 million. The money can at least solve Zheng's urgent need.

"Sister Xiufang, this money invested may be wasted. Have you really thought about it?"

Zheng Linbo looked at Wang Xiufang in disbelief.

Even Mrs. Zhou's eyes flashed with admiration when she looked at Wang Xiufang.

They have never had any contact, and Wang Xiuhua dared to bet on the future of the Zheng family just for Zhang Dagang.

You know, that money is all Wang Xiuhua has.

If it were gone, the Zheng family would not be able to afford the money to compensate her.

"This money will be treated as my investment in your Zheng family. I will be responsible for the good or bad." Wang Xiuhua said firmly.

Mrs. Zheng couldn't help but gasp when she looked at Wang Xiuhua.

What kind of woman can do things to such an extent?

This is not leaving any room for herself. If it were her, she would never be able to do such a thing.

Zheng Fangfang also looked at Wang Xiuhua blankly. Her eyes wandered between Wang Xiuhua and Zhang Dagang, and she suddenly realized a problem.

It seems that Zhang Dagang's widowed sister-in-law is not easy on Zhang Dagang.

The scene was quiet for a moment. Mrs. Zhou stood up and walked to Wang Xiuhua with a cane, almost kneeling down.

"Son, if the Zheng family can really survive this crisis this time, you will be our Zheng family's benefactor."

This chapter has been completed!
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