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Chapter 338 The emergency in the hospital

Seeing the sack, Wang Gang turned pale with fright and trembled all over: "Brother, brother, don't be in a hurry to pretend to be me. I'll give you money, isn't it just 30,000 yuan? I'll give it to you right now. I'm begging you."

elder brother."

Hearing Wang Gang's words, Zhang Dagang stopped what he was doing and chuckled: "Then pay quickly."

"Okay, I'll pay for it right now."

Wang Gang staggered up from the ground and began to search for money one by one among his brothers. However, these brothers were all from the Moonlight clan. Even if Moonlight still had money, they had all gone to pick up girls. Where would there be any extra money?

In this way, more than 20 brothers searched for a long time and finally found 10,000 yuan.

And this ten thousand yuan also includes various kinds of nickels and dimes.

For a moment, Zhang Dagang was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that with so many people, they couldn't even raise 30,000 yuan.

Wang Gang seemed to realize that it was a bit embarrassing. He pointed at his brothers and cursed: "Damn it, how can everyone live like a loser? More than 20 people can't scrape together 30,000 yuan. I really don't know what you guys are doing."

Where did all the protection money I received go?”

"Big, big brother..."

One of the younger brothers raised his hand weakly.


Wang Gang was angry and said impatiently.

"Brother." The younger brother's voice was like a mosquito: "We have no money, but isn't that because all the protection fees we collected were handed over to you, eldest brother? You always have thirty thousand yuan, right?"


s"Wang Gang was immediately shocked.

He really didn't have 30,000 yuan on him. Not only was he in cash, but he also owed a lot of debt on his bank card.

What caused today's willingness was none other than his lavish spending. The protection money he collected could be spent in three days, so how could there be any leftover food?

"Brother." Wang Gang looked at Zhang Dagang with a flattering look on his face: "Look, we don't charge protection fees for your store. These 30,000 yuan..."

"What nonsense are you thinking about?" Zhang Dagang looked at Wang Gang with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded: "After this incident, if you still dare to come and collect protection fees from our store, then I will have to call you big brother.

Therefore, this method will not work."

"Then, what should we do?"

Wang Gang looked at Zhang Dagang with a look of help.


Looking at Wang Gang's strong figure, Zhang Dagang thought for a long time, and then said: "Well, since you hang out on this street, then you are responsible for protecting this shop. After all, I don't come here often, but I tell you

You, you will be responsible for anything that happens to this store, is that clear?"


Wang Gang nodded quickly, he was naturally very happy that he didn't have to pay for it himself.

"Okay." Zhang Dagang waved his hand and said, "Go away and take your little brother and disappear from me."

When Wang Gang heard this, he left the place with his little brother without any nonsense.

After Wang Gang left, Yu Xing'er was very happy and said that Zhang Dagang had solved this problem for her and she would treat Zhang Dagang to a nice meal.

However, this proposal was rejected by Zhang Dagang.

After a busy day, he had no appetite for food at the moment and just wanted to go home and sleep.

Yu Xing'er didn't force it, but calculated the general ledger of the fruit shop. After deducting labor costs, planting fees, soil fees and other costs, the profit of the fruit shop today totaled 134,080.

That's right, the fruit shop's net profit per day is a full 130,000 yuan.

If this were placed in other fruit shops, it would be something that would be unthinkable.

But even this kind of miracle, which requires caution when dreaming, was accomplished by Zhang Dagang.

With the 70,000 yuan received from the dividend, Zhang Dagang happily left the fruit shop and returned home.

Lying on the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.

Zhang Dagang became extremely depressed without a vacation. He worked up his energy and came to the hospital. As usual, he began to treat patients and record the data in the ward. These data were extremely important and were used to provide feedback to the attending physician.

Yes, once a problem occurs, it may cause physical problems to the patient.

Today, Zhang Dagang discovered that the data of an old woman was strange. The old woman had hydronephrosis, so her data mainly included kidney cell activity and blood tests. After both tests, the data were all normal.

It's just that the old lady kept crying in pain in the morning,

And the part she was covering happened to be the kidney.

Therefore, Zhang Dagang initially suspected that the grandmother might be infected with hydronephrosis and cause early inflammation of the kidneys. This inflammation is hidden in the body and cannot be detected initially, so Zhang Dagang directly reported the data to the grandmother's attending physician.

The old lady’s attending physician is called Feng Shi. He is in his forties, bald, pot-bellied, and looks like a typical greasy middle-aged man. It is said that Feng Shi came in through the back door to become a doctor. He has some ability, but not much, at least he is not a doctor.

This level.

When Zhang Dagang found Feng Shi, he was watching a romantic action movie on his computer with a wretched look. When he saw Zhang Dagang barging in, he quickly closed the computer and said in an unhappy tone: "Doctor Zhang, what can I do for you?"

"Dr. Feng." Zhang Dagang said with a serious face: "When I just made the rounds, I found an old woman with a stomachache. I looked at her case and found that it was hydronephrosis, which is more serious, so I want to ask you to go and have a look.


When Feng Shi heard this, he stood up and reprimanded: "Dr. Zhang, your job is to make ward rounds, not to order me. I can do whatever I want. I can see if I want to see. If I don't want to see, I don't have to see."

It's not your turn to speak."

Zhang Dagang didn't expect Feng Shi to have such an explosive temper. He couldn't help but frowned, but he still held it in, took a deep breath and said: "Doctor Feng, my inference cannot be wrong. I think you should go and have a look at yours."


"Doctor Zhang!"

Before Zhang Dagang could finish his words, Feng Shi became completely impatient: "Am I the attending physician or your attending physician? My hospital has regulations, not those of you, a self-righteous brat like you."

After saying this, Feng Shi took the examination report from Zhang Dagang's hand, glanced at it casually and laughed disdainfully: "Doctor Zhang, also, if you are blind, you might as well buy one

I’m wearing glasses, so I can’t see. The information written on it says everything is normal. Do you understand what everything is normal, you blind man!”


Feng Shi threw the inspection report on Zhang Dagang's head and continued to look at the computer without taking it seriously.

Zhang Dagang suppressed his anger, but his voice became colder unconsciously: "Feng Shi, as a doctor, you have received money from the hospital, so you should be responsible for the patient. Now that the patient's body is abnormal, as a doctor, you should be responsible for checking the patient."

Doctor, I must be responsible."

"Are you fucking sick?" Feng Shi was also irritated and cursed: "I need you, a waste who checks the patient's body, to teach me how to do things?"

This chapter has been completed!
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