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Chapter 1054 The Prince of Nan'an: Is the Nan'an lineage extinct?

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Qinghai, Huangyuan County

Hou Xiaokang below was about to give the order to attack the city. Hu Kui, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia, said: "General Hou, don't be reckless. Our army has just arrived and we are exhausted. It's not too late to have a good meal first and then attack the city!"


Hou Xiaokang said: "General Hu, the military situation is like a fire. It's not too late to have dinner after we capture Huangyuan. Attack the city! Capture Huangyuan and have dinner!"

Hu Kui's expression changed slightly and he whispered: "General Hou, once the attack on the city is frustrated, morale will inevitably be low. If you want to take Huangyuan City in one go, you won't be able to do it."

Hou Xiaokang was not ignorant of military affairs. He knew that the current Han army was a tired army. He suppressed his irritable mood, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "General Hu, Hou is sending a group of soldiers and horses to test first."

Attack, if the enemy's troops are not large, we can capture it in one fell swoop. Our army does not have much rations. If we cannot attack in one attack, we will make other plans."

At this point, if everything goes wrong, you need to consider your own options.

When Hu Kui heard this, he had a clear understanding in his heart.

General Hou was already preparing for a major defeat.

In fact, the situation is extremely critical, and if it fails, the whole army will be wiped out and the country will be humiliated with the loss of its troops.

Hou Xiaokang said solemnly: "If the captives leave the city and attack together, our army will have a good meal, and it will be time to wait for work and capture Huangyuan."

Hu Kui said: "Then just follow what General Hou said."

Then, he ordered his soldiers and horses to begin a fierce attack on Huangyuan County.

At this moment, Yue Tuo was standing on the top of the city, with the big banner behind him making a sound, and his sinister wolf-like gaze towards the Han army. When he saw two groups of soldiers and horses coming from below to attack the city, he sneered and said: "Fire the arrows.

, not a single soldier is allowed to enter Huangyuan County!"

When Ilden heard this, he raised his hands and said yes.

In this way, the siege of the city continued until noon, but the Han army was still unable to capture it, so they had to rest and regroup, and the battle situation became anxious for a while.

On the other side, at the mouth of the East Canyon east of Huangyuan, Yue Tuo's deputy general Leng'erli and his 10,000 troops had already set up camp and were ready.

Jin Xuan mobilized the most elite 30,000 Xining cavalry and 10,000 infantry troops. The army prepared siege equipment and attacked Leng'erli fiercely.

Although Leng'erli's troops suffered heavy casualties, he commanded his soldiers to rely on the terrain, strictly guard the pass, and fight to the death, preventing Jin Xuan from sending troops, and the two sides were in a stalemate again.

At this moment, the entire situation in Qinghai is plunged into a crisis where everyone is racing against time.

First, the soldiers and horses of Nan'an County Prince struggled to hold on in the face of the heavy siege of Heshuote Mongolian troops at Haiyan, while the Heshuote Mongolian soldiers and horses of Huangyuan, led by Yue Tuo, blocked the joints and tried to restore the grain route.

Two divisions of the Han army.

However, the grain and fodder of Nan'an County Prince and Hou Xiaokang, who had opened up Huangyuan, were being consumed day by day.

It can be said that the Prince of Nan'an County is in danger of falling at any time.

And this situation did not last long. On the fifth day when Haiyan was trapped, with the thunderous cheers of the soldiers and horses under Dorji, the small Haiyan City could no longer withstand the hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides.

The army was devastated one after another, and a large part of the city wall in the western section collapsed, and a large number of Qinghai Mongolian soldiers rushed into the city.

At this moment, in Haiyan County, in the government hall

The sound of armor leaves colliding with swords was heard, and the soldiers delivering orders came and went, constantly describing the situation to the general sitting in front of the military tent.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers from outside have rushed in. Let's leave quickly." At this time, Liu Fang said urgently to the Prince of Nan'an County.

The Prince of Nan'an County beat his chest and stamped his feet, with a sad look on his face. Under the gaze of several earth-colored generals, he said: "This place is ominous!"

First, Jin Xiaoyu lost 30,000 soldiers and horses here, and then his Beijing army fell here. The word Haiyan is really ominous!

Liu Fang took Nan'an County Prince's arm and said with a bitter look on her face: "Your Majesty, the situation is over. Let's go quickly."

Prince Nan'an gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

At this point, if you sit in an isolated city, you can only become a prisoner of the enemy.

As the Prince of Nan'an County fled out of Haiyan County, surrounded by a group of soldiers, the Han army in the capital camp in the northwest this time also announced that their defeat was certain and the situation was irreversible!

Dorji gathered his soldiers and horses and stormed towards Haiyan County. Mongolian soldiers and horses poured into the city like a tide, slaughtering the panicked Han army.

Since then, the Northwest has been defeated!

However, Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye and a group of personal guards did not escape far. Thirty miles away from Haiyan City, he said to Liu Fang on the side: "Go to Huangyuan, join forces and recapture Huangyuan."

Liu Fang said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the enemy situation in Huangyuan is unclear..."

While the two were talking, a trumpet sound suddenly sounded from a distance, and a troop of soldiers and horses shot out from the mountain forest.

The leading general was Meng'an, the general under Dorji of Taiji, Qinghai Province.

"It's the enemy commander, take them down!" Meng An said excitedly when he saw Nan'an County Prince and others, his eyes resting on the commander's flag with the word "Han" for a moment.

The surrounding generals were even more shocked. They dismounted their horses and rode towards Prince Nan'an.

At this moment, the two men had only four to five thousand soldiers and horses, and they were desperate troops. They fled in panic. As for Huangyuan County behind them, the sound of killing was already loud, and many Han troops fled in all directions.

Liu Fang raised the saber in her hand, flashing a faint cold light in the sunlight, and said loudly: "Generals, fight your way out!"

Within a few breaths, the soldiers and horses of both sides collided together, like torrents of steel colliding together. The sounds of "clang" and "puff" came one after another, occasionally accompanied by bursts of screams from soldiers.

Within a few moments, the two sides fell into a fight.

Liu Fang, together with a group of soldiers and generals, killed dozens of people with swords, opening a bloody path for the Nan'an County Prince and other Chinese generals behind him.

For a moment, he was like an arrow, rushing towards the outside of the battlefield.

Meng An stared at Liu Fang, sneered, raised the iron spear in his hand and stabbed Liu Fang.

When Liu Fang saw the cold light approaching, she felt a chill in her heart and quickly used a steel knife to push it away.


Accompanied by the ear-piercing scream, Liu Fang's heart was shaken, and she quickly drove her horse to dodge into the distance.

Meng An snorted coldly, and immediately slashed towards Liu Fang head-on.

In just two or three rounds, the saber in Liu Fang's hand had already flown high into the sky. Before she could react, she saw the ugly Tatar general laughing ferociously and secretly saying something bad. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his back and stars in his eyes.

, was swept across the back by a fierce thrust.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Liu Fang fell off her horse.

"Catch the ones alive and tie them up!" Meng An said loudly, and the soldiers beside him swarmed up and pinned Liu Fang to the ground.

The generals of the Han army turned around and beheaded them, and used their heads to make wine vessels to relieve their hatred.

The Prince of Nan'an County looked pale and held a long iron sword in his hand. He danced it impervious to wind and rain. Wherever he waved it, blood rained and screams continued. He was invincible.

The prince of Nan'an County joined the army as a young man and spent most of his life in the army, so his bravery can be seen as a glimpse.

The Duke of Nan'an was so brave that he naturally caught Meng An's eyes. His eyes lit up, and as soon as he got off his horse, the black horse flew away like a dark cloud.

"Old man, suffer death!" Meng An shouted angrily, like spring thunder on his tongue, which was still clearly audible in the noisy battlefield where the killing sounds shook the sky.

The Prince of Nan'an County was startled. When he saw the person coming, he knew that he was an enemy general. He did not reply and went towards Meng'an with a few soldiers to kill him.


The long knife in the hand of Prince Nan'an collided with Meng'an's, sparks flew out and the sound shook the whole place.

Meng An felt his head and was secretly surprised that this old man could be so brave.

The Prince of Nan'an County roared angrily and charged towards Meng'an.

As time passed, the two men fought like a revolving lantern until they reached thirty rounds. The shouts of killing from the Han troops around them gradually became fainter. Gradually, the Mongolian troops came to attack and besiege the Nan'an County King.

Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye's expression changed slightly, but at this moment, two cold lights flickered in the slanting spears, and the two spears came over and stabbed towards Yan Ye's back.

Yan Ye had a look of shock on his face and blocked the incoming person with the horizontal knife in his palm.


Accompanied by the sound of swords and guns clashing, piercing screams sounded, and the swords and guns attacking around him gradually receded away. At this moment, Prince Nan'an suddenly felt an evil wind in his waist and ribs. Suddenly, he felt an indescribable force.

Strength comes.

With a "pop" sound, he fell off his horse.

Just when he was about to draw the short knife at his waist, he suddenly heard a sneer and saw the spear close to his neck. The cold light seemed like a poisonous snake spitting out snake messages, making people feel chilled all over.

"Don't move!" Meng An shouted with a cold look in his eyes, and said.

Prince Nan'an's face was pale, his hands and feet felt cold, and there was a hint of anger in his piercing eyes under his thick eyebrows. He only had one thought at the moment, it's over!

Is the Nan'an lineage extinct on its own?

Seeing this, Meng An knew that the other party did not have the courage to commit suicide, so he laughed loudly and said: "Come here, tie him up."

Immediately, several large-bodied and round-waisted soldiers with ferocious faces responded to the order loudly, swarmed forward, and tied up Nan'an.

Prince Nan'an seemed to have just come to his senses. He struggled violently and cursed angrily.

Meng An sneered, looked at the Han troops that were gradually scattering around him, and said, "Armies, divide your forces and pursue us!"

At this point, in the battle of Haiyan, Chen Han's army was defeated, and Liu Fang, the first son of Nan'an County Prince and Li Guogong, was captured in human hands.

On the other side, in Huangyuan County, Hou Xiaokang and Hu Kuiwei waited for their food rations to be cut off. They fled north and took a detour to Xining to pursue the bandits out of the city. The second general led more than 4,000 cavalry and left most of their troops behind. They were in panic.

Fleeed back to Xining Prefecture.

Yue Tuo did not pursue him. After killing Chen Han's army, he sent troops to notify Dorji and increased his troops at the entrance of the East Canyon to prepare for the attack on Xining.

Three days later, when General Jin Xuan of Fuyuan heard about the defeats in Haiyan and Huangyuan, he could only sigh and did not dare to advance rashly, so he reined in his troops and returned to Xining.

In Haiyan County, the government hall is still the same as it was a month ago. Now it is decorated with lights and colorful decorations. There is constant laughter and laughter. A group of generals are drinking and mingling with each other, feeling extremely comfortable.

Dorji was sitting on the tiger-skin chair in the yamen hall, entertaining the generals who had served previously. He glanced at the generals below and said with a smile: "It was just like yesterday when I had a drink with you. I don't want to win again."

A great victory.”

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Taiji, Prince Yue Tuo is back." At this time, a muscular general with several pigtails on his head strode in with a smile on his face.

"Please come quickly, no, I will greet you personally." Dorji laughed boldly and called a group of trusted generals and two Taijis from Qinghai and Mongolia to greet Yue Tuo.

After this dazzling wave of war, Dorji was convinced of Yue Tuo's general strategy.

At this moment, Yue Tuo, accompanied by De'erli, rode his horse to the front of the county government office. He was sitting upright on the horse, wearing a black-edged red satin armor. Suddenly he saw the mighty Dorji and several Qinghai Mongolians.

Taiji, general.

"Brother." Yue Tuo turned over and dismounted, throwing the horse's reins to his cronies aside.

"Good brother." Dorji walked a few steps quickly, with a smile on his face, as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, good brother, this battle was really enjoyable!"

Yue Tuo and Dorji held each other's arms and welcomed Yue Tuo into the hall with laughter.

After sitting down again, Yue Tuan looked at Dorji and said, "I heard that my brother captured the Nan'an County Prince of the Han Dynasty?"

Dorji smiled and said: "He has been imprisoned before he can be questioned. He is a waste. Keeping him is a waste of food. When the army comes back, his head will be taken to avenge the son who died in the battle."

Yue Tuo said: "Brother, I have an unkind favor."

Dorji looked surprised and said: "My dear brother is so solemn, but it doesn't matter."

In the past few days, as I spent time with Yue Tuo, this Qinghai-Mongolian Taiji also learned a few refined words.

"Brother Shuo Tuo was detained by the unscrupulous Han court when he went to the Han court for peace talks last time. I want to exchange Nan'an and others for brother Shuo Tuo when the war stops. I don't know if brother is willing."

Yue Tuo said.

Prince Nan'an is just a fool, how can he compare with his brother's strategy and bravery?

Hearing this, Dorji put down his wine bottle and said, "Why is Brother Shuo Tuo being detained in the Han court?"

Yue Tuo sighed and said: "It was also last year, before brother Duduo died in his country, brother Shuo Tuo originally went to the Han court to negotiate peace. He did not want the Han court to act as a ceremonial state in the Central Plains and even fight between the two countries, so he did not kill the envoys.

I don't know the etiquette, so I detained my brother Shuo Tuo, and now I am in Nan'an."

Dorzi nodded and said: "It has to be changed back."

Yue Tuo said: "Actually, there is another advantage. Nan'an is a common man. Our army can easily win this time because this man is resourceful and resourceless. If the Duke of Wei comes with his troops, we want to win

A big victory won't be so easy. I heard that the prince of Nan'an County and Duke Wei of the Han Dynasty had frequent military disputes. Now that the generals are returning, it will have a constraining effect."

Dorji said: "Not necessarily. The Han emperor will not be able to forgive the defeated general unless he cuts his body into thousands of pieces."

"Even if the corpse is really broken into thousands of pieces as my brother said, it can still be exchanged for my brother Shuo Tuo." Yue Tuo said: "But in my opinion, the Han Emperor is definitely willing to exchange Nan'an and others for the sake of governance.

The crime of their defeat."

It has to be said that this Jurchen prince, who was well-read in Chinese poetry and literature, did understand the thoughts of the Han people. At this time, if he returned to Nan'an, the cause of the defeat could be explained, at least to a small extent.

Dorji nodded and said, "What my dear brother said is true."

After thinking for a while, he ordered: "Come here and take the person out of the prison."

The guards on the left and right heard the words, loudly agreed, and then went to the prison to take Prince Nan'an away.

After everyone left, Dorji said with a smile on his face: "Brother, I have a good thing to show you."

Hearing this, Yue Tuo paused slightly while drinking, put down the wine cup, and looked at Dorji in surprise.

Dorji ordered the guard on the side: "Go and get the telescope."

The guard responded with a yes.

After a while, the guard took a box, bowed and presented it, saying: "Taiji."

Dorji took the brocade box, opened it and took out the telescope. He looked at Yue Tuo with a smile and said, "This was found from the man in Nan'an. I have asked the Han generals and they all said that this is a telescope."

, with it you can see thousands of miles away and observe the enemy's situation, dear brother, take a look."

When Yue Tuo heard this, his eyes moved slightly, he quickly took the telescope from Dorji, raised the monocular and started to look out the window, he was shocked.

It is clear that in the mirror's field of vision, the outlines of the house and scenery are clearly visible.

"Brother, this thing... can be said to be a weapon for the military and the country!" Yue Tuo said with a solemn expression and a look of surprise in his eyes: "If you use this thing to observe the enemy's situation, there will be no secrets in the mobilization of troops and horses within a radius of several miles.


"Yes, if the guards of Huangyuan had this thing before, it would be impossible for my dear brother to approach Huangyuan County silently." Dorji smiled and joked.

Yue Tuo's eyes moved slightly, his lips moved, but he did not speak after all.

But Dorji took the initiative to speak and said with a smile: "Brother Yu gave this thing to Brother Xian so that he can check the enemy's situation. What does Brother Xian think?"

When Yue Tuo heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly whispered: "How to do this?"

Dorji said: "Why can't I do it? My dear brother helped me defeat the Han army and show my authority to the northwest. It is just a small telescope, what is it worth?"

As he spoke, he laughed.

Yue Tuo said: "Actually, I want to wait until I get it back and let the Han craftsmen in China refine it, and then send one to my brother for the convenience of marching and fighting."

"If you can make it yourself, that would be the best." Dorji nodded and said: "Otherwise, the Han people have such military weapons, but we don't. When the two armies confront each other, it will be easier for them to bully us.


Yue Tuo nodded and said, "That's what my brother said."

"Brother Xian, there is something I would like to ask your opinion on?" Dorji said.

Hearing this, Yue Tuo looked at Dorji in surprise and said, "Brother?"

"As a wise brother, is it possible for Shuote Mongolia and I to capture Xining?" Dorji said: "The day before yesterday, my father Khan sent an envoy from Tibet, telling me not to attack Xining."

Dorji launched a war in Qinghai. Gushi Khan naturally learned about such a big thing and felt that he should not anger the Han people too much, otherwise the Han troops would attack Qinghai with all their strength and it would be difficult for both sides to deal with it.

When Yue Tuo heard this, his heart moved slightly and he said, "What do you mean, brother?"

Dorji said: "I want to give it a try. If we really can't take Xining City, we can negotiate peace with Han Ting. At that time, Nan'an and Shuo Tuo brothers can be exchanged together. At that time, let Han Ting make a decision in the mutual market."

What do you think, brother Xian, of making more concessions?"

Hearing this, Yue Tuo's eyes flashed, and he understood that Dorji had given up immediately, or that he was under pressure from Gushi Khan.

So what did Gushi Khan think? Or what conditions did he want to impose on them from the Qing Dynasty?

Yue Tuo said: "Since the elder brother has made a decision, the younger brother naturally thinks it is feasible. Besides, after fighting several battles in a row, it's time for us to take a rest."

Dorji smiled when he heard this.

At this moment, in the prison in Haiyan County, Prince Nan'an, with his hair disheveled, was sitting on a pile of hay, with a look of dejection that could not be concealed.

The sparse sunlight coming from the bars on the wall shone throughout the prison, making the former king.

Separated by a wall is Liu Fang.

Liu Fang's situation was not much better at the moment. Her hair was disheveled and her face was earth-colored. She called through the wall: "My lord, are you okay?"

When Prince Nan'an heard Liu Fang's voice, his eyes that had lost focus focused a little more and said: "Nephew Liu Xian."

Liu Fang said: "My lord, don't worry. Since they captured us alive, there is a possibility of going back."

The Prince of Nan'an County showed a bitter smile on his face and said: "Now that the matter has come to this, what can we do if we go back? We, the defeated generals, have lost our troops and humiliated our country. I don't know how angry the Holy One must be at this moment."

Liu Fang was anxious and said: "Your Majesty, it's not our fault for this. If that kid hadn't taken away the Hongyi cannon, we would have destroyed Heshuote Mongolia with artillery fire in Haiyan City. How could we have done this?"

Big defeat?"

"It's that little Jia Heng who ruined our business," Liu Fang said anxiously.

Prince Nan'an sighed, but did not respond.

If there were such claims about the defeat in Xining Fucheng, and now a lone army has penetrated into Haiyan County, will the court and the palace listen to these claims?


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