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Chapter 1082 Nan'an: The sky has no eyes, the sky has no eyes! (Please

Next month’s ticket!)

Xiningfu, Dalao

"Your Majesty, after I return to the capital, I hope that your Majesty will speak kindly to me. I am just trying my best to do this." Liu Fang suddenly said.

But Prince Nan'an seemed to be silent now.

Just when the Prince of Nan'an County was thinking about how to deal with Jia Heng's defeat when he returned to the capital, he suddenly felt that the light in front of him was slightly darker, and the oil lamp seemed to be blown around by a gust of wind.

I was startled, following the sound of chains and wooden cell doors, I saw the prison chief outside entering the dimly lit cell, standing in the corridor, looking towards Prince Nan'an, and said in a cold tone: "

Someone comes to see you."

After all, the Prince of Nan'an County is a noble person, so the prison boss naturally does not dare to neglect him, but he also does not dare to get too close to him.

As for the person who came to visit from outside, he was a nobleman from Tianhuang.

After a while, King Chen Ran of Wei was seen coming in from the outside wearing a silk python robe, accompanied by several servants.

King Wei Chen Ran closed his eyes, looked at the man sitting on the haystack, bowed his hands and said, "Master Yue Zhang."

Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye raised his unkempt head and said excitedly, "His Royal Highness, King Wei, why are you here?"

Wei Wang Chen Ran looked at Yan Ye, who had grayer hair, with a bit of unbearability in his eyes, and said: "Come and see your father-in-law, open it."

The cell leader stepped forward and opened the lock on the cell door. With a click, the cell door opened.

King Chen Ran of Wei entered the room and said, "My lord, my father-in-law, I have brought you some food."

After saying that, he ordered the servant to put down the food box in his hand, which contained wine, vegetables, a roasted and crispy chicken, and a jug of wine.

When the Prince of Nan'an County saw the food and wine, his eyes were stunned for a moment, and his throat moved uncontrollably, but he still managed to maintain his composure on his face and said, "His Royal Highness, King Wei, are you here?"

"I know that my father-in-law has been suffering in the cell these days, so I just came over to take a look. There is no other meaning." Wei Wang Chen Ran said.

After all, he is his father-in-law, so he can't say much else now.

Of course, it is not easy to say this now because it seems to be adding insult to injury.

The Prince of Nan'an County sighed and said: "The defeated general is lucky enough to survive by eating chaffy vegetables. Why should His Highness the King of Wei hand over such a sumptuous meal?"

King Wei said: "Where did your father-in-law's words come from? After all, your father-in-law is the founding hero of the country. Although the army was defeated, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Moreover, your father-in-law is already old, and sometimes he has no worries about military affairs.


The Prince of Nan'an County did not listen to these words of relief. He just picked up the flask, poured himself a glass, smiled and said, "I heard that the army has been having trouble attacking the city and evacuating the stronghold recently. I wonder what the situation is like recently?"

He now feels that this son-in-law came to visit him probably because of what Liu Fang said just now, that the army led by Jia Heng's son was not going well in the expedition to Huangyuan!

Otherwise, you won't come early or late, but why do you come here to see him after almost half a month?

Thinking of this, Prince Nan'an felt an uncontrollable joy in his heart.

Just as Liu Fang said, if Jia Heng's expedition to the northwest is also frustrated, it means that the northwest is a tough one and will be worse by then.

Although they fell into the trap of luring troops, they still won a victorious battle. Comparing these two aspects, it was not too bad.

As for Yan Ye, there is another person who is worse than him, and that is Liu Fang, who has no integrity and wears women's clothes to beg for food from the bandits.

Wei Wang Chen Ran said: "Duke Wei had some disadvantages in advancing the army before, but everything was planned. My father-in-law, don't worry. I think there will be good news soon."

When Yan Ye heard this, he frowned and said, "Is everything planned?"

"Impossible!" At this moment, Liu Fang, who was listening closely across the wall, her expression suddenly changed.

In fact, as soon as the food box was opened, the aroma of chicken drumsticks was already floating in the air to the cell next door. Liu Fang was a little concerned about it, knowing that someone came to visit Yan Ye, Prince of Nan'an County.

He put his ear against the wall and listened. After a while, a look of surprise and inexplicable expression appeared on the face that was fatter than before Zhengxi.

Liu Fang said: "Your Highness, King Wei, it is absolutely impossible! What else can the kid do after holding down troops under the fortified stronghold for more than ten days? If the Hongyi artillery is brought over and blasted with one cannon, the stronghold will be filled with earth and rocks.

We have already captured the stronghold, why did it take so long?"

After saying that, without waiting for King Wei to say anything else, he said: "It can be seen that it was just to show his ability. Now it's better. The troops were stationed for more than ten days and the food was wasted. If Liu is right, the imperial court only transferred it for a month."

Liang Mo, if the victory cannot be decided quickly within a month, it will only be a matter of time before the army withdraws to Xining Fucheng."

Wei Wang Chen Ran frowned when he heard what the neighbor said.

"It's Liu Fang." Prince Nan'an noticed that King Chen Ran of Wei looked unhappy and said, "Your Highness, don't pay attention to him."

Wei Wang Chen Ran said in a low voice: "I came here to tell my father-in-law that Fang Jin was a spy. When my father-in-law sent troops to the northwest and Jin Xiaoyu defeated Haiyan, Fang Jin secretly provided some information, which led to

Yue Tuo knows the dispatch and control of our Han army very well."

After thinking about it, he could still save his father-in-law from a too tragic ending, otherwise he would be implicated.

When Prince Nan'an heard this, his pupils shrank and he said, "Is this happening?"

But even with this fact, can the responsibility for the defeat be completely shifted to Fang Jin?

Prince Nan'an's eyes flashed, and he kept thinking.

In the end, we came to a result that would not make much difference, that is, even if the matter could be blamed on Fang Jin, it would be enough to remove him from the title, but could he keep the hereditary title for his son?

In fact, the iron hats of the four major princes of Chen and Han were quite tough, but a hundred thousand troops were defeated in the northwest, and no matter how hard the iron hats were, they could not cover up such a crime.

Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye said: "Let's wait and see about this after we return to Beijing."

No matter what, it is a foregone conclusion that he will fade away from the court.

At this moment, I suddenly heard bursts of cheers coming from outside the prison, and I didn't know what was going on.

Wei Wang Chen Ran ordered: "Go and see what's going on?"

The servant behind him, who was also the official of the Wei Palace, walked from the prison to the outside. Not long after, he turned back and said with joy: "Your Majesty, I heard that Duke Wei won a great victory and was defeated at the mouth of the East Canyon.

The Ban people annihilated 40,000 to 50,000 enemy invaders successively, and the Jurchen Prince Yue Tuo was also captured alive, and is now being taken to the prison of Jinyi Mansion."

Unlike Yan Ye and Liu Fang, who were imprisoned in the Xining Mansion Office, important prisoners like Yue Tuo have been jointly detained by Jinyi Mansion and Jingying, and are jointly imprisoned in the prison of Jinyi Mansion.

"It's impossible, it's fake, it's all fake! He didn't bring the Hongyi cannon, how could he win?" Liu Fang next door yelled with dull eyes, as if trying to break free from the rope, the cuffs of her dress were red.

Because of the excitement, the tassel gently swayed out of rippling red shadows, which turned out to be a little strangely bright.

In other words, Liu Fang's mentality has been distorted at this moment, because once she returns to the capital wearing clothes, she doesn't know how much ridicule she will suffer.

The few beliefs that have been supported in the past two days are that even Jia Heng can be defeated. In this way, if the two are compared, they can get away with it.

Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye's eyes were dull at this moment and he was speechless for a long time.

Jia Heng's son has won the battle again. Don't fall into the enemy's trick to lure troops again...

But there are obviously 40,000 to 50,000 troops and horses. Even if it is a tactic to lure troops, there is no such tactic to lure troops.

At this moment, the war instinct developed over many years in the military made the Prince of Nan'an feel troubled.

Did Jia Heng'er win again?

The sky has no eyes, the sky has no eyes!

King Chen Ran of Wei showed a joyful expression on his face and said, "Zi Yu won the battle!"

Previously, when he was listening to the military situation, he began to have a vague intuition that Ziyu would definitely win this war.

Seeing the King of Wei, he couldn't help but feel happy. King Nan'an had complicated thoughts. Who was closer to the King of Wei, him or Jia Ziyu?

King Chen Ran of Wei's face was filled with joy and he said: "Master Yue Zhang, you should be so proud of this."

As he said that, he picked up the jug, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp. Because he drank so hard, two strange flushes appeared on his cheeks.

Seeing this scene, Yan Ye's mood became even more complicated. Originally, this cup of celebration wine should have been drunk for him.

Wei Wang Chen Ran said: "Your Majesty Yue-Zhang, the troops and horses will continue to sweep Qinghai, and they may need a lot of food and military supplies. My Yue-Zhang, I will go back to the city to settle everything first, and then come back to find my Yue-Zhang."

Now during the great victory, when the post-war military memorials were delivered to the capital, he helped supply food, fodder and military supplies in Xining, which was also a great achievement.

Yan Ye suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart and said, "Your Highness, please go first."

After saying that, he watched King Wei Chen Ran leave the cell, and then, an empty sigh sounded in the cell.


Jia Heng had already led his troops to Haiyan. After hearing what Wang Xun said, he looked solemn and said, "Pang Shili, you immediately lead 7,000 cavalry troops and go to meet Xie Zaiyi."

Xie Zaiyi's move was still a bit risky with 5,000 cavalry troops chasing an army of more than 10,000 captives.

Pang Shili accepted the offer, then received the military order and went to meet Xie Zaiyi.

Jia Heng looked at Jin Xuan and said: "What's left is to sweep away the Qinghai tribes, gather the Qinghai Mongolian tribes, and deal with the upcoming Junggar tribe."

Since Dorji has gone to Junggar, we should expect the enemy to be lenient, and we need to be prepared that Junggar will send troops to come for reinforcements.

Jin Xuan pondered for a moment and said: "Duke Wei, we must also prevent Gushi Khan who went to Tibet from raising troops to return to Qinghai."

It is almost needless to think that when Gushi Khan in Tibet heard the news, he would definitely raise troops and come to help.

Jia Heng said: "I plan to ask Ezhe Khan to go to the southwest to prevent reinforcements from Gushi Khan in Qamdo."

Going further to Tibet, the situation of the Mongols and other tribes there was more complicated, so the initial strategy of burning, killing and looting was actually somewhat... poorly thought out, or not thorough enough.

There must be both punishment and deterrence, as well as virtue and gentleness.

This way the cost of governance is the lowest.

If we use Chahar Mongolia to gather part of Qinghai Mongolia, and then go to Tibet to fight with Gushi Khan, will we be able to bring Tibet back to the Han court?

This is actually a strategic idea.

If he could resolve the two frontier lands and expand the territory, he would be able to leave a legacy for future generations, and his coming to this world would not be in vain.

Jia Heng's thoughts were racing incomprehensibly for a while, so Jin Xuan had to remind the young Duke of the Kingdom and said: "Gong Wei, Duke Wei."

Jia Heng turned around and said, "It's nothing."

Jin Xuan asked: "If Jungar Khan really comes to help, how will Duke Wei plan to respond?"

Jia Heng said: "I'm going to report to the imperial court. We took advantage of the situation and fought a battle to recapture the Seven Guards of Guanxi and point our sword at the Western Region. The Junggar tribe can probably mobilize 100,000 troops?"

He paused for a moment and said, "But I thought if there was a real fight, Gushi Khan in Tibet might also send troops. In any case, the matter is serious and we need to communicate with the court."

The victory military report he wrote in the past two days must have been rushed to the capital.

Jin Xuan nodded, his face thoughtful.

At this moment, in the vast desert, in the evening, the sky is filled with sunset, and a bright sun hangs in the western sky. The setting sun is like blood, poetic and picturesque.

The red flag that was smoking was burning with a black hole, and under the broken swords and guns, there were corpses everywhere.

Occasionally, a vulture would peck the face of the corpse, tear off a piece of meat, feast on it, and make a cheerful "coo" sound from its mouth.

Then he seemed to feel the loud noise of the horses' hooves, flying up into the sky with "flutter", and seemed to look at the large number of cavalry in the distance with fear.

At this moment, the Han army's ranger, wearing a red uniform and holding a wild goose feather sword, slowed down a bit. Under the raised flag, a group of personal guards surrounded a young man wearing a dark red war robe and armor.

The military commander, the military commander squinted slightly and looked at the horse hoof prints on the desert that were gradually obscured by the wind and sand. His resolute face had rough skin and bloodshot eyes.

This man is none other than the great Han Zhongqin Bo Xie Zaiyi.

Xie Zaiyi led his troops in pursuit, from the north of Qinghai Lake to Handongwei, and then to the edge of the vast desert. Fighting along the way, Dorji left behind six or seven thousand troops one after another. The two sides fought all the way, and in just a short time

We fought dozens of times in six or seven days.

It can be described as extremely tragic.

"General, if we go further we will reach the vast desert and head straight to the Guazhou Guard." Jia Chang said in a hoarse voice. He licked his cracked lips, stopped the foal, neighed and said in a deep voice:

"Brothers, we are running out of dry food and there is not much water left. We cannot enter the desert."

Xie Zaiyi's weather-beaten face was full of exhaustion. He had been chasing for five consecutive days, and even an ordinary person was troubled by it.

"No more pursuit, we can't catch up, return to the army!" Xie Zaiyi looked at the cavalry disappearing in the distance and said loudly.

The main thing is that the desert ahead is deep, and they don't know the road or water source. If they go forward, they are afraid that they will get in but not get out.

Now they have strangled them one after another and defeated six or seven thousand Heshuote Mongolian soldiers and horses. This is a great success. Now it is time to stop when the situation is good.

Not long after returning, Xie Zaiyi met Pang Shili who came to help him. The two generals joined forces and supplied Xie Zaiyi's troops with dry food and water, and then galloped towards Haiyan.

At this point, the first and second phases of the entire Northwest War have begun to enter the middle stage, and they have begun to advance in the direction of the Qinghai tribes.

Qinghai, Haiyan County

In the past few days, Jia Heng ordered the guards of Jinyi Mansion to start searching for the internal agents who led Jin Xiaoyu's troops here in Haiyan City. At the same time, he helped Jin Xuan find Jin Xiaoyu's body and transport it to Xining Mansion for burial.

Previously, the tomb in Xining Mansion actually contained a tomb of Kim Hyo-wook, but now Kim Hyo-wook's body was found.

Jin Xuan asked Jia Heng for two days' leave because he was in a heavy mood.

On this day, Jia Heng was sitting in the county government office, looking up the map of the Seven Guards of Guanxi.

With the capture of Haiyan and the elimination of the main elites of the Heshuote Mongols, what is left is actually the pacification and governance of the Qinghai tribes.

The Ban people here are divided into large and small tribes.

To the west of Qinghai Lake and to the north are the Seven Guards of Kansai. Now the Han army's sphere of influence has just reached the vicinity of Qinghai Lake. They are now sweeping out the tribesmen and killing the old tribes of Qinghai Badaiji. Some of them are deployed by their officials.

, to help them collect taxes.

Chen Xiao said: "Xie Zaiyi and Pang Shili are back."

Jia Heng put down the map and said in deep thought: "I'll go take a look."

In the past few days, he had actually been worried a lot, mainly because if the troops and horses led by Xie Zaiyi and others were lost, it would undoubtedly cast a shadow over this great victory in the northwest.

At this moment, on the streets of Haiyan County, Generals Xie Zaiyi and Pang Shili were smiling and talking about what they had seen on the grassland.

Xie Zaiyi's face was dusty, but under his thick eyebrows, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon. He said: "I chased all the way and found that there were only a few Han people in Handong Wei. They were all Hu merchants from Mongolia. I, the son of the Han family, want to own this place.

I will have to immigrate to the border in the future.”

Pang Shili smiled and said: "Some time ago, judging from the commander-in-chief's intentions, he seemed to want to regain the Seven Guards of Kansai."

Since you first went to the capital camp, have you ever thought that you would show off your power and show off your troops in the northern border and outside the territory today?

"The Junggars will not sit idly by and watch the Han invade the Western Regions again. There should have been a fight by then." Xie Zaiyi said with bright eyes.

Until then, it will be the time for our generation of warriors to make great achievements and leave their names in history!

I thought he was just an ordinary lieutenant in front of the imperial capital, but here he is today!

While the two were talking, Jia Chang smiled and said: "Thank you, General, Commander-in-Chief is here."

At that time, Jia Heng had already led a group of royal guards to greet him outside the county government office, and the young Duke's Qing Jun face showed a sense of joy.

Jia Heng's eyes were warm and he smiled and said, "Thank you, General Pang."

"I've seen Jieshuai." Xie Zaiyi and Pang Shili dismounted from their horses, walked forward quickly, clasped their fists and saluted.

Jia Heng stretched out his hands and grabbed their arms tightly, and said with a smile: "My brothers don't need to be so polite."

Xie Zaiyi didn't think anything of it, after all, he was already used to being called Jia Heng.

Pang Shili's eyes flashed under his thick eyebrows, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Jia Heng said with a smile: "Come on, let's go to the Yamen to talk. Later, we will prepare a light banquet for the two generals to wash away the dust."

While they were talking, Jia Heng and Xie Pang entered the county government hall. At this moment, the chef had already handed over the instructions and began to prepare the food and drinks.

After he and General Xie Pang sat down, Jia Heng Zhanran stared at Xie Zaiyi and asked: "How many soldiers and horses did Dorji of Heshuote Mongolia take away in this pursuit?"

This is the issue he is most concerned about.

Xie Zaiyi said: "Commander Jie, when Heshuote Mongolia came out of the city, there were about 15,000 soldiers and horses. During the pursuit, 6,7,000 soldiers and horses were lost and separated. Later, less than 10,000 soldiers and horses entered the desert."

"With less than ten thousand people, I can't think of a big storm." Jia Heng nodded and said, "General Xie, can you tell me about this road and the detailed process of chasing Dorji's troops? It's best to go to Handong."

Even describe the landforms and conditions of Guazhou."

Xie Zaiyi said: "In fact, the last general did not penetrate too far. After traveling westward from Haiyan..."

In fact, Dorji couldn't tell how many troops Xie Zaiyi had led at first, and then he chased and defeated Xie Zaiyi. But when he found out, he had lost all courage and organized the cavalry to counterattack, but he still fought for Xie Zaiyi.


As for the whole army marching to fight with the Han army, Dorji did not have the courage to take the last gamble, and the two Taijis, Hulubuchi and Sangarza, had been trying to dissuade Dorji from acting recklessly.

After all, the last few troops and horses cannot be lost, and we cannot just go to see the Khan of Junggar with just a few people.

Therefore, Xie Zaiyi's pursuit and killing journey along the way was also quite dangerous.

After listening to Xie Zaiyi's explanation of the whole process, Jia Heng said: "Since Dorji has fled to Junggar, we must be careful to prevent them from invading our Qinghai in the future. We will send a group of ranger scouts to investigate in the near future. Next, in Qinghai and other places,

Or to shock and divide the Fan tribe."

Xie Zaiyi nodded.

But just as the situation in the northwest was changing, Jia Heng was about to exert pressure to appease the Qinghai tribes and seek two frontier lands.

After receiving the good news and memorials reported by Jia Heng, they also arrived at Shenjing City at an accelerated speed of 600 miles.

Fortunately, I didn’t keep some readers waiting in vain.


This chapter has been completed!
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