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Chapter 1092 Emperor Chongping: To this day, Qinghai and Mongolia are generally peaceful



In the early morning, the early autumn dew rolls on the grass blades, the sun shines on the river southwest of the Acropolis, and the morning breeze is gentle and sparkling.

In the newly built official office of the city guard, Xie Zaiyi had just finished breakfast, put on his helmet and armor, summoned a group of soldiers, and went to the city head to observe the enemy's situation.

As soon as they arrived at the city gate, Lieutenant General Wang Xun hurried up to greet him, cupped his hands towards Xie Zaiyi and said, "Captain, the scouts have come to report that Hami Guard's troops have moved and are already thirty miles away."

Xie Zaiyi's face remained calm, but his rich voice was full of joy, and he said, "It's good when people come."

I'm afraid that the Junggar soldiers and horses will be too timid to come. If one of them comes, some of the soldiers and horses can be killed.

Xie Zaiyi immediately made a decision and said: "Close the city gate quickly! The craftsmen returned to the city to appease them, and the soldiers of each battalion prepared the defense equipment and stood ready."

Wang Xun asked: "The governor decided to defend the city?"

Xie Zaiyi said solemnly: "It is not to defend the city, but to avoid its sharp edges. The enemy army is coming with great fanfare. It is the time when the morale is high and the attack is fierce. Our army wants to win decisively with the cavalry. If we kill one of them first, we can also reduce the number of casualties."

Casualties, let’s talk about other things.”

At least this will reduce casualties.

Wang Xun clasped his fists and said yes.

As Xie Zaiyi's order was issued, the soldiers in the city began to take action, relying on the newly built defense facilities to resist the upcoming siege.

Xie Zaiyi came to the top of the city, picked up a monocular telescope in his hand, and looked to the west. What came into view at this moment were the winding mountains and the boundless grassland.

At this moment, all I could see was the end of the green grassland, and black clouds of varying heights appeared from the vast undulating hills. I could see a team of cavalry galloping towards them, flying a black wolf flag. Under the sunlight, the smoke and dust appeared.

Rolling, saber shining, turbulent like a black tide.

Not long after, the deafening sound of horse hooves gradually appeared in the field of vision.

The image in the telescope gradually became clearer, and one could even see the ferocious facial expressions of some Mongolian generals.

Wang Xun looked solemn and reminded: "Captain, there are many people coming from Junggar this time, not less than 30,000."

As an experienced general, he can roughly estimate the number based on the flags and the range and density of the cavalry formations.

"They think we have few soldiers and want to seize the opportunity to capture Shazhou in one fell swoop." Xie Zaiyi's eyes flashed coldly and he said in a deep voice.

The strength of the troops on the battlefield is not constant. The changes in the strength of the troops are precisely when the commanders of both sides seize opportunities for combat.

This is particularly important in cavalry confrontations with obvious mobility.

Excellent cavalry generals, such as Wei Huo, Chang Yuchun, and Li Wenzhong, are often good at capturing fighter opportunities in the complex dynamic changes on the battlefield.

Jia Chang, Jia Fang, and Dong Qian also looked up at the Mongolian cavalry with smoke billowing from the distance, their young faces showing eagerness to try.

The war is about to begin, and it’s time to make achievements!

Xie Zaiyi said loudly: "Prepare crossbows, muskets and other long-range siege equipment, prepare to meet the enemy!"


As the Chinese army general behind Xie Zaiyi waved his command flag, the Han army's sergeants began to prepare nervously and quickly for the battle.

While Xie Zaiyi was looking at the soldiers and horses, Dorji accompanied Wen Chun, Galdan and others also arrived at the Shazhou Acropolis surrounded by grass and streams, observing the Shazhou Acropolis as if facing a formidable enemy.

Dorji said to Wen Chun on the side: "Brother Wen Chun, the Han army seems to have reinforced the city. The city is much taller than when we came last year, and there are many turrets."

Wen Chun nodded, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, and said coldly: "The Han people want to stay in Shazhou permanently. Once they succeed in building the city, it will not be easy for us to get back the Shazhou Guard in the future."

Galdan on the side said: "Brother, the combat power of the Han cavalry is far inferior to that of our warriors from the Junggar clan. They don't dare to fight in the field. They still want to defend the city, and they have lost their spirit!"

Wen Chun looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Don't underestimate the enemy."

The smile on Galdan's face faltered, and he felt a little depressed.

Dorji said: "Galdan, you have underestimated the Han army. The Han general who led the army led thousands of horsemen to chase them into the desert. The leader of the Han army is not easy to mess with."

When it comes to old things, Dorji still feels a little resentful and annoyed.

Galdan's eyes flashed, and he said no more, but turned his gaze to the Shazhou Acropolis in the distance.

"The army will set up camp first." Wen Chun raised his hand and gave the order.

A group of soldiers waved the flag and began to deliver orders to the ministries.

Dorji said: "Brother Wen Chun, our army is not good at attacking the city. We can first let the tribes who escaped from the Shazhou Guard attack the city. If they can capture it in one fell swoop, they will capture it. If they cannot capture it, our army will harass the Han army again."

to lure them out of the city for a decisive battle."

Wen Chun nodded and said, "That's what I mean too. If we help the Shazhouwei tribe regain their homeland, they will also send troops!"

After the Mongolian soldiers and horses of Junggar began to set up camp, Wen Chun called a meeting of various tribes to discuss attacking the city.

It is almost certain that the various tribes will send troops to attack the Shazhou Acropolis with siege equipment such as ladders and logs to test the strength of the Han army. The Junggar troops will also raid the rear and join the battle with the Han army at any time.

After lunch at noon, eight thousand soldiers composed of the Shazhou Weiyuan Mongolian tribe formed a fan-shaped forward and surrounded the towering reinforced and heightened city wall.

Under the sound of flags, countless soldiers from the Junggars or Mongolians rushed towards the Acropolis. The shouts of killing seemed to shake the heaven and earth. Under the sunlight, the shining sabers could be seen reflecting the gleaming light in the sunlight.

Xie Zaiyi looked at the Mongolian soldiers surrounding him below, shouted loudly, and said in a loud voice: "Get ready, fire arrows!"

Following Xie Zaiyi's order, the Han army on the city began to prepare crossbows and firecrackers, and this time they brought some Franco machine guns.


As the enemy soldiers and horses from the Junggar tribe approached the city, Xie Zaiyi shouted for release, and then the Han army on the top of the city stretched their bows and nocked arrows, shooting at the soldiers and horses below.

Xie Zaiyi also took a three-stone bow and shot at the leader of the Fan clan who was a little further away. Every time the bow string sounded, a life would be taken away.

Along with the muffled sounds, clouds of blood mist exploded in the distance, and the offensive of the Mongolian soldiers coming like a tide below was halted.

The Junggar tribe's cavalry were also shooting at the city head, but the Han army's protective facilities were complete and the overall casualties were not large.

At this moment, all the Junggar and Mongolian generals who were watching the battle from behind were shocked. Wen Chun, holding the reins in his hands and sitting on the saddle, looked at the city head and frowned, clearly feeling miserable.

Dorji said: "Brother Wenchun, the Han people are good at using strong bows and crossbows to withstand this wave. As long as we fight in close combat, they are definitely no match for us."

Wen Chun frowned, anger emerged on his face, and shouted: "It is really hateful that a good man was shot and killed under such a turtle shell!"

Next, rolling logs, rocks and boiling dung were poured down on their heads, and the Mongolian soldiers who were climbing along the ladder screamed in pain.

At this moment, under the towering city head, soldiers and horses were climbing towards the Shazhou Acropolis carrying logs and ladders. Holding a steel knife in their hands, they approached the city wall and started fighting with the Han troops defending the city.

For a moment, the cry of killing resounded throughout the city, and black and red blood began to splash and fall in the air along with the severed limbs and arms.

Xie Zaiyi was now standing under the city gate, next to the crenellations of the city wall, calling the names one by one of the Mongolian generals who were urging his men to climb the city from behind.

When one arm got tired, he replaced it with another, and the Mongolian generals, who were suppressed and motivated, did not dare to ride near.

The Sifang Jingying cavalry fired at the generals calmly and steadily, loading their muskets and ammunition, and the whole process was orderly.

Of course, there were also some Beijing cavalrymen who groaned in pain under the arrows of the Junggar cavalry.

Until late in the evening, the sun was setting in the west, the sky was full of sunset, and the golden-red sunset dyed the entire western sky red.


The sound of ringing gold sounded, and the Mongolian soldiers abandoned nearly a thousand corpses and retreated to the rear.

Heavy casualties!

When the leader of the Mongolian clan entered the military tent, his face was ugly and he kept complaining.

When Wen Chun entered the military tent, the complaining voices stopped a little.

Wen Chun said: "Everyone has worked hard. I asked the soldiers to prepare wine and meat. Let's drink and eat meat first."

When the clan leaders present heard this, the anger on their faces dissipated a little.

A burly man with a horse face said loudly: "Sitaiji, the Han people are good at defending the city. If we attack like this swarm, even if we attack for a hundred years, we will not be able to enter Shazhou City. We have to think of other ways."


Wen Chun comforted everyone and said: "Don't worry, everyone. Although the Han people have powerful crossbows, it is impossible for them not to come out in the city. Their food has to be transported from far behind. They will definitely come out."

Just when the Seven Guards of Kansai were turbulent, Jia Heng's latest victory news and memorials were also delivered to Shenjing City by express delivery 600 miles away.

Shenjing City, Daming Palace, Hanyuan Palace

After the previous great victory in the northwest, the palace and gardens, which were originally filled with gloom and clouds, also disappeared in this half month.

Emperor Chongping was convening the cabinet, the Military Aircraft Department and the six ministerial officials in the palace to discuss matters. Compared with the noisy last dynasty, there were only ten or twenty ministry-level officials this time.

The matters discussed were not only military affairs, but also rice and grain, imperial examinations and other matters.

As the border affairs in Xining continued, the Chen-Han imperial court also began to be tight in the supply of military supplies and fodder.

In particular, Huguang and other places are experiencing severe drought for the first time in the past decade, which has affected a wide range of areas, and the food shortage that requires relief is also huge.

Huguang was originally the granary of the Han Dynasty. It was known as Huguang's ripeness and the most abundant in the world. However, this year it is clear that the drought of the Little Ice Age has begun to spread to the south.

Even places like Zhejiang, which have always had good weather, have begun to experience droughts.

Qi Kun, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, said: "Your Majesty, there is a drought in Huguang and many areas have reported poor harvests. I would like to request that the summer grain supply be exempted this year. In addition, the Nanjing Ministry of Hunan has urgently allocated 1.5 million shi of grain to Huguang. The Ministry of Hunan has also requested that

At the request of Shi Ding, Marquis of Zhongjing, two million dan of sweet potatoes were allocated from the treasury, and the disaster was slightly alleviated."

In recent years, Henan and other places have promoted the planting of sweet potatoes, and due to the drought, they have been exempted from taxes. Therefore, there are sufficient sweet potato stores, and a lot can be allocated to support Huguang.

Emperor Chongping nodded and muttered: "The cabinet drafted a decree and ordered the officials in Huguang to rush to plant sweet potatoes after the severe drought to make up for the poor harvest. In addition, the imperial court issued a decree to the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs and the chief officials of the warehouse.


When Han Huang left his post, he handed over his hand to Emperor Chongping.

At this time, Liu Zheng, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, held an ivory jade wat, came out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, the preparations for this year's Enke have been completed. When will the examination of the Ministry of Rites start?"

In the recent imperial examination fraud case, 130 people have been deprived of their honors through interrogation and re-examination. Depending on the severity of the case, they have been banned from taking the examination for different years.

This incident led to the imprisonment of Fang Huan, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the relevant criminals are still detained in imperial prisons. It was a serious blow to Han Huang and Zhejiang Party members, but it preserved his reputation as the chief minister of the cabinet. As for his son Han Hui, he was not taken away in the end.


However, although Yan Hong appeared to be safe and sound, he was also implicated in the case. Soon after, he left the Imperial College and was transferred to a local government as a prefect.

The Ministry of Rites prepared Enke again to dilute the impact of the imperial examination fraud case and appease the scholars of the world.

It was originally based on Jia Heng's victory in Ping'an Prefecture and the killing of the slave chieftain. However, after Yan Ye, the king of Nan'an County, led his troops to the northwest and was defeated, the original excuse for Enke could only be vague.

Emperor Chongping thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "In the middle of this month, the examination will begin. Yao Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, will be the chief examiner, Liu Qing will be the deputy examiner, and Lu Li, the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, will be the co-examiner.

From Hanlin and Hongwen Hall, we gathered fellow examiners, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate sent Kedao censors to supervise the examinations. The Jinyi Mansion will strictly investigate the fraud."

The officials whose names were called below came out to take orders one after another.

Han Huang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, pondered for a moment, held an ivory jade wat, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Lin Ruhai, the Minister of Household Affairs, has sent a memorial to Shenjing. The General Taxation Department of the Customs has set up an office in Jinling to take charge of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong.

By the eleven customs offices, the plan to open the sea has been fully implemented, but there have been many more local reports about pirates using boats to cut paths in the rivers and seas."

Emperor Chongping looked calm and asked: "Isn't King Shuirong of Beijing supervising and training the navy in the south of the Yangtze River to suppress pirates? Is there any report delivered recently?"

Shi Jie, the Minister of Military Aircraft, handed over his hand and left the mission, saying: "Your Majesty, Prince Shuijun led the Hangzhou and Ningbo naval forces, and the Jiangnan Navy, to defeat six or seven groups of pirates in this month, annihilating thousands of enemies, and raided Dachen Island, the bandit's nest.

But the pirates fled south, and the Jiangnan Navy is still pursuing them."

With the help of the Jiangnan Navy with Hongyi cannons, Shui Rong was not idle during this period. He defeated several pirate forces at sea. The pirates continued to move south and entrenched themselves on Jilongshan Island.

Emperor Chongping said: "Jiangnan Navy and Shui Rong are still doing their jobs with sincerity. They issued edicts and encouraged them to keep up their efforts. Nowadays, the annual customs duties have opened up a quarter of the financial resources for the imperial court, but the pirates have hindered the maritime affairs."

Trade, how can we, the great Han Dynasty, allow pirates to plunder wantonly and disturb the people in our vast sea area?"

In this way, there is finally some good news.

At this moment, Dai Quan entered the study, bowed to Emperor Chongping, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Duke Wei sent someone to send an urgent report."

The ministers in the palace who were discussing matters looked shocked.

When Emperor Chongping heard Jia Heng's military report, he felt a little happy unconsciously and called out: "Dai Quan, bring it over and let me have a look."

Dai Quan responded to the order, bowed and delivered the military report in his hand.

Most of the courtiers looked surprised and confused.

Did Duke Wei win another battle?

After half a month of no progress during the previous great victory in the northwest, and the sudden defeat of the Kho Shuote Mongol army, the current courtiers no longer had any doubts about Jia Heng's ability to lead the army.

Emperor Chongping finished reading, his eyes moved slightly, and he said: "Ziyu reported the victory, and successively recovered Huangyuan, Haiyan and other places. At the same time, he conquered the Mongolian tribes around Qinghai Lake. Heshuote has basically withdrawn from Qinghai, and some of them have fled.

Hami, looking for reinforcements from Junggar who are entrenched in the Western Region, some of which are still in Tibet."

Speaking of this, the voice said excitedly: "Today, Qinghai and Mongolia are generally pacified."

The civil servants below were very happy when they heard what Emperor Chongping said.

Qinghai and Mongolia, which cost the Han a hundred thousand troops, finally returned to the hands of the Han. Doesn't that mean we can return to Beijing?

Emperor Chongping pondered and said: "However, the remnants of the Heshuote Mongols fled to Hami and tried to instigate the Mongolian Tatars in Junggar to raise troops to invade Qinghai. Jia Ziyu has already led his troops to pacify them."

When the officials in the palace heard this, the joy on their faces faded slightly, and their hearts turned to worry.

Is this war still going to end?

Emperor Chongping said: "In the past few days, Jia Ziyu has marched into Shazhou Guard and Chijin Mongolian Guard, and has successively recovered the vast territory of the two guards. Fuyuan General Jin Xuan also led troops to Handong, Quxian and other places to regain the homeland of our Han family.

Now, Jia Ziyu is about to fight with Junggar in Hami to completely defeat the Seven Guards of Guanxi!"

When the officials in the palace heard this, they were shocked.


Some knowledgeable and knowledgeable civil servants knew where Hami was and that it was the outpost to the Western Regions.

Liu Zheng, the Minister of Rites, looked very anxious and said: "Your Majesty, the barbarian situation in Hami and other places is complicated. In addition, the Mongols from the Dzunggar tribe are ravaging the countries in the Western Regions. They are tyrannical for a while. We, the Han Dynasty, are fighting with them. The winner will not be decided in a short time.

, once the war continues and the mud is deep, the consequences will be disastrous."

When the officials in the palace heard this, they were shocked and felt that this was reasonable.

Zhao Mo, the Minister of Punishment, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that since our Han army has regained Qinghai and defeated the Heshuote Mongols, our dynasty should withdraw its troops and return to the enemy. It is not appropriate to continue the war."

Emperor Chongping said: "Ziyu mentioned this matter to Shu before. Even if our government wants to stop as soon as possible, the Junggar and Heshuote tribes will not give up. Ziyu has now taken the initiative to take back my Seven Guards of Guanxi.


Zhao Mo said anxiously: "I am afraid that the situation of winning first and then losing will happen again. I think that the Seven Guards of Guanxi are not worthy of my big man's expedition."

As soon as these words came out, all the officials in the palace were slightly shocked.

After the great victory in the northwest half a month ago, there are still people in the Han Dynasty who want to stop the war?

Yao Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, said: "Your Majesty, if it is not necessary, we should start the war again. Since the spring of this year, the imperial court has been fighting, and there is a drought in the vast lake, so we should rest with the people."

Liu Zheng, the Minister of Rites, who had just reported the matter of the imperial examination, also handed over his hand and said: "Your Majesty, the national treasury is in dire straits now, and it is really not appropriate to start a war again. I know that Duke Wei is brave and good at fighting, but the continuous war is not a blessing to the country."

Emperor Chongping's face darkened, and he felt a little unhappy, but he suppressed his anger.

Not only did Zhao Mo vaguely mention Nan'an's victory first and then its defeat, which made Emperor Chongping secretly hold back his anger, but also because Yao Yu and Liu Zheng, two loyal and upright ministers who had no affiliation with any party, came out to agree.

Today's big men really shouldn't be trapped in the quagmire of war anymore. The Ministry of Revenue is almost running out of money and food.

Seeing that Emperor Chongping was silent, Zhao Mo bit his tongue again and cupped his hands to persuade: "Your Majesty, just now the Minister of Qi mentioned that there is a shortage of money and food in the treasury, there is a severe drought in Huguang, and it is difficult to raise rice and food for relief. I think that if the war in the northwest continues,

, the consumption of rice, food, and national funds may affect the stability of the court. With the poverty of the Seven Guards of Kansai, even if they are really recovered, they will probably not be able to hold it. The so-called victory is not overwhelming, I ask your Majesty to think twice!"

If the Holy One indulges himself in the great achievements of opening up new territories, engages in military warfare, and suffers from continuous war disasters, no matter how powerful the country is, it will not be able to withstand such constant consumption.

How about a strong man? In his later years, Emperor Wu still wanted to issue edicts to punish himself.

Following Zhao Mo's words, Yao Yu said: "I ask your Majesty to think twice."

Later, Liu Zheng, the Minister of Rites, also came out to second the proposal.

This is already a debate among some civil servants about whether the Seven Guards of Kansai can be recovered. In fact, it is also a continuation of the Ming court's argument that it abandoned Hami and eventually abandoned the Seven Guards of Kansai.


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