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Chapter 1099 Jia Heng: So far, there are no Junggars east of Hami

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Acropolis of Hami

Jia Heng was in the bright hall of the fortress where Wen Chun previously lived, looking over the basic situation in the city delivered by merchants from Hami City.

On the night when Hami was captured a few days ago, several Han merchants in the Acropolis of Hami, mostly members of the Huo, Ma, Zhang, and Li families, asked to see him, mainly to inquire about the Han court's movements and its attitude towards the Han people in the city.

Since the city of Hami fell into the hands of the Junggar Mongols, the Han people have been living in the cracks and seeking the soil for survival by doing some business between Han and Xinjiang.

After a brief contact, it seemed that the Han merchants were worried that the Han army would not be able to stay permanently, and their attitude was somewhat ambiguous.

However, they did promise one thing. If the main force of the Han army entered the city later, the four families would help raise food and military supplies on the spot.

After talking with him, he roughly found out that there were only 120,000 to 30,000 people in Hami City, mainly Junggar tribes, Turghut Mongolians, Uighurs and Han people, and in addition there were traders from afar.

Jia Heng had previously posted notices of peace and security in the city in both Han and Mongolian languages ​​to appease the tribes in the city. After seizing the city, he also strictly restrained the soldiers and only sent troops to monitor the settlements of several tribes.

"Commander, the scouts are reporting back. Wen Chun of the Junggar tribe has returned and is outside the city at the moment." Qu Lang entered the hall and said to the young man sitting behind the commander, holding a book and frowning in thought.

Jia Heng put down the album in his hand, paused for a moment, and said in shock: "Outside the city? I'll go take a look."

With that said, surrounded by a large number of royal guards, he came to the gate tower of the Hami Acropolis. He held a monocular and looked at the cavalry in uniform and disorderly formation in the distance.

Jia Heng put down the monocular telescope, pondered for a moment, and said loudly: "Let Yangwei Camp, Zhenwei Camp Commander Qi Yingzhou and Yu Jining, two generals, lead three thousand soldiers and horses to go out of the city to chase the bandits. Don't let them get close to the Hami Acropolis!"

Such a defeated army with low morale, a mighty force, and only about 3,000 men, seemed to be few in number. This was the time to beat the drowned dog hard.

This trip to Hami is not only to recover this strategic highland in the Western Region, but also to annihilate the effective force of the Junggar tribe.

As Jia Heng's order was issued and the war drums sounded "dong dong", the cavalry generals Qi Yingzhou and Yu Jining from the Beijing camp led three thousand troops and charged towards the Junggar tribe.

The Han army, which had been recharging its strength for a day and a night, had just taken the Hami Acropolis, and its morale was like a rainbow. It waved its saber, the sword was shining, and killed the stunned Junggar soldiers and horses.

"Brother, the Han army is coming out of the city to pursue and kill." Looking at the Han army who came out of the city to pursue and kill, Galdan didn't know how many Han soldiers were in the city. His expression changed drastically and he said urgently.

"Let's go! Go west!" Wen Chun saw this scene, glanced at the city with hatred, and gritted his teeth.

It must have been when he was not in the city that these Han troops made a sneak attack on the Hami Acropolis. Now there are pursuers behind them and powerful enemies in front. If they stay here any longer, they will be in danger of being annihilated.

As Wen Chun ordered his horses to flee west from Gucheng, three thousand Junggar soldiers and horses headed west. The clatter of horses' hooves stirred up huge smoke and dust, which flew up and obscured the sight.

The soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp, led by two cavalry generals of the Beijing camp, followed closely and continued to pursue, chasing the Junggar soldiers and horses to the desert.

The shouts of death gradually faded away.

When night fell, the wind rustled through the leaves of the shrubs on the grassland desert, and a bright moon as bright as silver climbed into the sky, the pursuit also came to an end.

The nearly 2,000 cavalry left behind by the Junggars fought with the Han army and ended with hundreds of cavalry fleeing and 1,600 cavalry being annihilated by the Han army.

But Wen Chun and Galdan led Qianqi to escape towards Turpan, running for their lives and no longer caring about the city of Hami.

Jia Heng did not stay at the top of the city for long. When the sun set, he returned to the fort built by Wen Chun and continued to check the geographical map of Hami City.

After dinner, the Han generals who went to pursue him returned to the city. Jia Heng asked the two generals about the results of the battle, and then asked the two generals to go down to eat and rest.

At this point, Wen Chun's troops in Hami Acropolis were basically expelled from the Hami Guard area. Chen Han still had Fan tribes remaining except for the distant Aduan Guard, and basically restored the Seven Guards of Guanxi.

Especially the strategically important Hami Guard among the Seven Guards.

However, even so, there were still about three to four thousand horsemen who fled back to Junggar.

In other words, one operation was as fierce as a tiger. If the three Mongolian brothers Heshuote were not included, 25,000 Junggar people would be annihilated.

Compared with the great victory of defeating the Heshuote Mongols and regaining the pastures around Qinghai Lake, the Han army's victory in the face of the Junggar tribe was quite difficult.

Of course, the Junggar tribe is in the Western Region and faces a more harsh environment, so it has extraordinary fighting capabilities.

In other words, the core tribes of Heshuote who were squeezed out from the foot of the Tianshan Mountains are also more troublesome. They were only taken away to Tibet by Gushi Khan, and there were not many core tribes left behind.

"There will be tens of thousands of people from Baturhun in the follow-up. It will not be easy to win this battle." Jia Heng moved his eyes away from the map and looked outside at the desolate dim night. He murmured.

"Captain, the head of the Zhang family held a banquet in the Bafang Building in the city and invited the governor to come over." Qu Lang entered the hall, cupped his hands and reported.

Jia Heng sneered: "It seems that they have received the news of Wen Chun's defeat today."

These businessmen are also people who are accustomed to watching the wind. If the imperial army did not repel the Junggar troops led by Wen Chun, they would still have excuses. But now that Wen Chun is sure that he will not return to the Hami Acropolis, their attitude has begun to change.

imperial court.

Qu Lang said: "After the army arrives in Hami, it cannot do without the help of these local merchants."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Follow me to meet them."

With that said, surrounded by a group of Jinyi palace guards, he headed to Bafang Tower.

At this moment, the largest restaurant in Hami Acropolis, Bafanglou, is brightly lit and the atmosphere is noisy.

After two days of martial law, the Hami Acropolis gradually returned to its former peace. Seeing that the Han army had committed no crimes, the city gradually regained its vitality.

The merchants who originally ran many businesses in Hami Acropolis have also opened their businesses one after another, and the more courageous people have also come out to do activities. They can't really make a living.

On the second floor, in the private room, various dishes are placed on the dining table, and there are both Han women and some thinly dressed Hu women serving around them.

The heads of the four families, Huo, Ma, Zhang and Li, were sitting in a group on pearwood chairs, whispering something.

"Today the Han army is chasing the Junggar soldiers and horses to the west. It seems that Wen Chun is really defeated." Huo Hai, the head of the Huo family, who is in his early forties and fat, said worriedly at this moment.

Ma Zhanxin, the head of the Ma family, said: "The day before yesterday, the Han army chief said that the imperial court was going to recover the Western Regions, and the army would arrive soon."

When Jia Heng came this time, he did not reveal his real name, but temporarily borrowed Jia Fang's name.

"This time it seems true. The Junggar people have always been fierce. Today they were chased by Han army dogs like rabbits. It seems that they really suffered a big defeat in Shazhou." The Zhang family advocate next to Huo Hai answered the question timidly.


Huo Hai frowned and said: "The imperial court suffered a defeat in Xining not long ago. A hundred thousand troops were defeated by the Heshuote people. Does it still have the power to take back the Western Regions?"

"I heard that the Han Ting Wei Duke defeated the Heshuote people with only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. The Shazhou Guards have also been taken back by the court. Now the soldiers and horses have arrived in Hami. Look at this posture.

Let’s get serious.” Li Ren, the head of the Li family, said.

Zhang Wei said: "I think we should wait a little longer. If Junggar Khan comes with a large army, it will not be easy for us to gain a foothold in Hami."

Ma Zhanxin looked at a few people and asked: "This Duke Wei is quite powerful, maybe he can defeat Junggar?"

While several people were discussing, a servant came up and said, "Sir, General Jia of the Han Army is here."

As soon as these words came out, the four people sitting there quickly stood up and went out to greet him. Accompanied by the servants, they stood under the door of the restaurant and looked around.

With a flattering smile on his face, he stepped forward to greet him and said, "General Jia."

At this moment, Jia Heng, accompanied by the guards of the Jinyi Palace, strode closer and said with a smile: "We are busy with military affairs, so I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"What did General Jia say? General Jia is concerned about the safety of the people in the city, so I should wait a little longer." Huo Hai said with a smile.

"Yes, now that the city is in chaos, it's time to worry." Ma Zhanxin agreed.

Li Rendao: "General Jia, this is not the place to talk. You might as well go to the wing to talk first."

Jia Heng nodded, no longer being polite, and went to the restaurant while greeting everyone.

Stepping into the private room on the second floor, Jia Heng had no choice but to sit at the front seat under the insistence of several family owners and said, "What does Shopkeeper Zhang mean by inviting me?"

"It was Wen Chun's main force who was defeated by your army today?" Zhang Wei asked with a smile.

Jia Heng said: "Wen Chun led the troops to attack the Shazhou Guard. Everyone here should know it."

"I know, Wen Chun brought tens of thousands of people to attack the Shazhou Guards earlier, and the momentum was huge." Huo Hai nodded and said.

Li Ren, Zhang Wei and others also nodded.

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "My great Han defeated the Junggars in Shazhouwei. It was the remnant army that fled back to Hami today that our army defeated them. So far, there are no Junggars east of Hami!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several family heads present were shocked, recalling Jia Heng's words in their hearts.

"The big man really wants to take back Hami? No longer throw it to the Junggar people?" Ma Zhanxin next to Huo Hai said.

Jia Heng said: "The big man is very determined this time. He wants to take back the homeland of the Seven Guards of Kansai. The Hami Guard is the leader of the Seven Guards of Kansai and controls the main road. Naturally, we, the big man, want to take it back. Duke Wei Guo has already arrived with the main force.

Hami, when hundreds of thousands of troops gather in Hami, no matter how many troops Junggar sends, they will be attacked head-on!"

"If this is the case, will there still be a big battle?" Li Ren asked with concern.

If the war continues, will the Li family evacuate this land of right and wrong?

Jia Heng said: "This is inevitable. Only a battle can determine the ownership of the Hami Guard and the Seven Guards of Guanxi. However, the court is fully prepared this time and will definitely win a complete victory. If Junggar loses, our army will even march in."

Western Region!”

When all the merchants present heard this, they were shocked and frightened.

If the imperial court wins, it's okay. If the imperial army loses, if they supply food and fodder to the Han army, will Junggar Khan let them go?

Jia Heng said: "Don't worry, everyone. I, Duke Wei of the Han Dynasty, will lead the main force to come soon. When all the troops arrive, the Hami Acropolis will be as solid as a rock and there will be no loss."

If the Han army only defended the city, with the advantages of Han cannons and firearms, Junggar might not really be able to gain anything this time.

Seeing the solemn expressions on several people's faces, Jia Heng said: "Don't worry, everyone, the army will feed the Western Regions. Let you provide food and fodder, and we will not let these few people work in vain. After Hami is recovered, there will still be a lot of goods transported to Hami, and the government's deployment is not good."

At that time, there were many people I relied on."

Several people present heard this and were a little moved.

In this way, they had the imperial court to rely on.

Jia Heng observed the faces of several people and said: "Everyone, the imperial court will definitely take back the Hami Guard this time. When the time is right, it will regain the Western Regions. By then, the entire Western Regions can be free with my big man.

Trade, then it will be more convenient for you to do business."

Huo Haidao: "Don't worry, General Jia. It's just that when Duke Wei arrives, we still hope that General Jia can help us introduce him."

The people in front of them are members of the same clan as Duke Wei. If they can get on Duke Wei's line, even if they leave Hami, they will still have a way out.

Jia Heng said: "Don't worry, I will introduce you to you when Duke Wei arrives."

Several people looked happy, and then they changed glasses, drank three rounds of wine, and tasted five dishes.

Li Rendao: "This general is already a general at a young age. I wonder if he has ever been married?"

Li Ren clearly had some special thoughts at this moment and planned to marry his youngest daughter to Jia Heng.

Jia Heng put down the wine cup and said, "I already have a wife, and I have a very deep relationship with my wife. She is already pregnant with Liujia."

Not only did he have a wife, but he had three wives.

Hearing this, Li Ren quickly said: "I'm so arrogant."

Huo Hai, Ma Zhanxin, and Zhang Ren saw this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This old Li Tou wanted to eat alone.

The next day, in the morning, the sun shone on the Hami Acropolis, which was hung with red flags, and the temperature gradually increased.

Jia Heng was about to lead his soldiers to inspect the defense facilities of the Hami Acropolis and prepare for the subsequent attack by the Junggar army.

In fact, the Hami Acropolis is quite tall, because the Han people of the Hami Acropolis provided many design ideas, and Han craftsmen participated in building the city.

Jia Heng inspected the turrets and parapets on the top of the city, and asked the Jinyi Mansion guards on the side to note down the key points of defense in preparation for the subsequent assignment of the generals of the Beijing Camp to defend the city.

At this moment, a general from the Beijing Camp came quickly and said loudly: "Commander, the scouts of the Beijing Camp Army are approaching Hami City, and the forward of the Beijing Camp Army is thirty miles away."

When Jia Heng heard this, he was very happy and said: "Send someone to inform the Beijing camp, and also ask the city to prepare wine, meat and food to entertain the Beijing camp army!"

By mid-noon, the 5,000 vanguard of the Beijing Cavalry Army had arrived at the Hami Acropolis, led by Fan Yanan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Lianwu Camp.

Looking at the familiar red flag with the word "Han" on the top of the city, this nearly forty-year-old Beijing general, with a bearded face full of joy, said to Ding Xiang, the governor of the training camp beside him:

"Jie Shuai has captured the Acropolis of Hami."

Ding Xiang was in his early twenties. During the Great War in Northern Xinjiang, General Guo Yong, who served as deputy general next to Xie Zaiyi, was promoted to the governor of Qianshi due to his merit. At this moment, with a smile on his face, he said: "The city of Hami has returned to the Han Dynasty.

Ting, our army took the lead when facing Junggar."

At this moment, the city gate opened, and Jia Heng, surrounded by a group of Jinyi palace guards and Beijing camp generals, greeted him.

"The last general Fan Yan'an (Ding Xiang) has seen Jieshuai." The second general rolled his saddle and dismounted, walked a few steps quickly, and saluted the young man in python suit with cupped fists.

Jia Heng nodded slightly, held their arms, and asked with a smile: "Two generals, please get up quickly. Where is the main force of the army now?"

Fan Yanan clasped his fists and said, "Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, the main force of the army is fifty miles away at the rear and will be there in a moment."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "You came just in time. Hami is currently short of major generals."

In fact, in the past few days, when he was guarding Hami City, he also needed to guard against other tribes in the city. He basically sent troops to monitor the family members of the Junggar tribe.

Many of the men in these dependent families followed Wen Chun to attack Shazhou Acropolis.

The timely arrival of the Beijing army will undoubtedly eliminate this hidden danger. Otherwise, if most of the Junggar troops led by Baturhun arrive first, these people may become mines that can explode at any time once they attack the city.

Jia Heng ordered the soldiers to lead the troops from the Beijing camp into the city, and this scene naturally fell into the eyes of the interested people in Hami City, not only the Han people, mainly the four merchants, but also the Junggar tribe who were originally ready to make a move.

The Han people have increased their troops again! The Hami Acropolis is full of Han soldiers and horses.

Of course, in addition to fear, there are also some thoughts of watching the excitement, for example, the big one is coming...

By noon, Chen Xiao also led the army to the Hami Acropolis. The cavalry flowed like a tidal wave, and the red flags roared like balls of flames, seeming to burn the sky red in the vast Gobi Desert.

At this moment, more than 20,000 cavalry troops, including Beijing cavalry troops and Heshuote Mongolian troops, arrived at the Acropolis of Hami together in a mighty and spectacular manner.

At this moment, Chen Xiao was standing under the great horse of the Chinese army, holding the rein with one hand and setting up a pergola with the other hand, looking at the young man in python suit at the gate of the city. He breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. That clear and beautiful face,

It's also a bit gentler.

The two knew each other, got to know each other, and even got married, but they had not been separated for such a long time. What's more, they were thousands of miles away in the desert. Jia Heng went deep into dangerous places and rushed to attack the enemy. He did not know how much danger he was bearing.

To put it bluntly, even when Jia Heng was accompanying other women, Chen Xiao was secretly watching, keeping them within sight.

"Jie Shuai!" Seeing Jia Heng coming out of the city to greet him, Generals Du Feng and Shao Chao dismounted from their horses and approached, looking excited.

Going thousands of miles deep, breaking through the Acropolis of Hami, and opening the door to the Western Region, this is something worthy of a special mention in the history of war.

Famous in history, comparable to Wei Huo!

Jia Heng nodded, stretched out his hand to support each other, and said with a smile: "Two generals, thank you for your hard work. We have prepared wine, meat and food in the city. Let's go into the city to rest."

The Beijing camp cavalry chased the Junggar Mongolian cavalry all the way, and they also brought some dried meat, dry food and water. At this moment, most of them were exhausted.

Jia Heng exchanged simple greetings with the two former generals from the capital camp, looked at Xiaoxiao riding on the horse with stern eyes, and said, "Xiao Qian's business."

I haven’t seen you for so long, and I really miss Xiaoxiao. Turpan’s cantaloupe and grapes are not as delicious as Xiaoxiao’s big snow pears.

The girl was wearing a Feiyu uniform at the moment, with a dashing appearance. Although her face was dusty, her eyes were sharp, especially under the straight bridge of her nose. There was a hint of coldness on her lips, as if she was angry.

Well, my wife is so pretty even when she is angry.

Maybe it's because he hasn't seen a woman for so long, so...

You can't say that later.

Chen Xiao fixedly looked at the young man with full beard and tail, with warm eyes, his clear eyes flickered, his jade face was as clear as frost, and he said: "The armies are entering the city!"

Jia Heng: "..."

Xiaoxiao has become very capable?

Jia Heng's face paused slightly. At this moment, he still had to give up. Seeing the generals in the Beijing camp who were not making any movement, he said, "The troops in the Beijing camp have entered the city to rest!"

After saying that, he got on his horse and rode side by side with the girl in the flying fish suit. He said in a warm voice: "Xiaoxiao, it's been a long journey. It's hard work."

Chen Xiaoni glanced at the boy in the python suit and said in a clear voice: "Running a long distance and heading straight to the bandits' lair, are you satisfied?"

Jia Heng said: "The Hami Acropolis was completely unprepared, and it fell in one fell swoop without any setbacks. It's a pity that Wen Chun didn't keep him, and let him lead the remaining soldiers to escape back to the Western Region and join Baturhun. These Junggar people are difficult to deal with.


It wasn't that we couldn't lure soldiers and horses into the city before, it was that we couldn't lure them at all.

Because no one knows how many troops Wen Chun brought.

Moreover, the key problem is that the Han army has a small number of soldiers, less than ten thousand, and it also needs to monitor the Junggar tribe in the city. If one mistake is not made, it will be self-defeating.

If the attack on the Hami Acropolis had not been carried out at the beginning, but instead the Junggars had been able to find out what was real and what was real, the Hami Acropolis would not have been captured so easily.

In the same way, before the army arrived, he had to bluff in Hami. Even the current Hami city could not figure out how many Han soldiers there were.

Those merchants only knew that it was not the main force, because this could still be distinguished, but they could not tell how many people there were.

Chen Xiaoqing said: "Junggar is the overlord of the Western Regions, and they have been chasing them all the way. I can really feel that their resilience is not comparable to Shuote, but it is somewhat similar to the Jurchens."

Jia Heng said: "The Junggars are not as good as the Eight Banners of the Jurchens now, but if they are not suppressed, they will become a serious problem for my man in the future."

The two of them talked and entered the Hami Acropolis.

At this moment, the residents of Hami Acropolis in the houses on both sides of the street and some shops looked at the Han troops entering the city in surprise.

When he saw the Qinghai Mongolians not far behind the Han army, the fear in his heart became much lighter.


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