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Chapter 1101 Emperor Chongping: If Ziyu can still win the battle, then

 Western Regions...(Please vote for me!)

Above the vast grassland, the autumn wind is bleak, constantly blowing the bushes, making a rustling sound and swaying here and there. Occasionally, a few night owls fly across the sky and emit a sharp cry.

A group of cavalrymen who were moving in a panic and had a hurried look were evacuating towards the Western Region. The flags they carried had long been discarded, and the cavalrymen on the horses were also swaying, with gray faces and chapped lips.

After fleeing from the Shazhou Acropolis to the northeast for several days, and now to the west for several days, it can be said that the Junggar troops suffered several major defeats, and their morale was now extremely low.

Even if he is a natural warrior, he is not an iron man after all. This journey of wandering has consumed a lot of energy.

Wen Chun said with a concerned look on his face: "Galdan, let all your men dismount and rest."

Galdan: "..."

Well, he was about to ask if he wanted to dismount and rest.

As more than a thousand cavalrymen dismounted from their horses, they fell to the ground in a mess on the grass. They began to moan "ouch" and "ouch" non-stop, and lay on the ground without even wanting to move.

Galdan's young face was full of fatigue and he said: "Brother, are the Han pursuers still behind?"

Wen Chun sighed, looked up at the blue sky like the sea, and said: "The Han people will not chase us. They have occupied Hami City and have not prepared enough food for a long time. They will not go deep into the desert until the father Han comes over."

Take back Hami."

This time he came out and lost his troops. How was he going to see his father Khan?

Galdan said: "Brother, what should we do next?"

Wen Chun said dejectedly: "Let's meet Father Khan first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

At this moment, they heard the rumble of iron hoofs trampling across the ground in the distance. The faces of the Junggar soldiers who had dismounted to rest suddenly changed, and they quickly tightened their sabers beside them.

"Brother, this is..." Galdan said in a harsh voice.

Now they are really at the end of their rope. If there are still Han people chasing them, they will definitely be unable to stop them and become prisoners of the Han people.

Wen Chun frowned, and then said firmly: "They must not be Han people, the sound of horse hooves comes from the west."

He raised his eyes and followed the sound, and saw smoke and dust billowing in the western sky. Thirty or fifty cavalrymen, who were also scouts, came close enough to ask, "Which unit are you from?"

Wen Chun saw clearly the costumes of the knights on the horse and the shape of their weapons. His original vigilance dissipated slightly and he said, "I am Wen Chun. Where is the Khan now?"

The scout was surprised and said: "It turns out to be Wutai Ji."

While talking, he got off his horse and said, "We are the scouts under Sengge Taiji. Why is Taiji here?"

Wen Chun looked ashamed and said: "The Han army invaded Hami City. We were defeated and just escaped here."

"The city of Hami was lost?" The scout was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Wen Chun asked again: "Where is Father Khan's army?"

The scout suppressed his fear and said, "Taiji, the Great Khan is thirty miles away."

"Take me there now." Wen Chun said in a deep voice, propped up his exhausted body, called to his cavalry, and headed towards Junggar Khan Baturhun.

Under a low hill with withered grass and trees, the big bamboo was rustling in the wind. Junggar Khan Batur Hutaiji was sitting on the felt cloth, looking towards the direction of Hami City, with a worried expression on his face that looked like an ancient bronze bell.


Because not long ago, Baturhun had learned that his son had led troops out of Hami City and went to attack Shazhou Guard.

"Father Khan, there is no news from the fifth brother yet, will something happen?" Baturhun's son Seng Ge came forward and whispered.

Baturhun withdrew his firm gaze, and with hands like iron pincers, he gently combed the horse's mane and said: "Wen Chun is always cautious in doing things. Since he led the troops to attack Shazhou, he has a certain degree of confidence."

"Then we'll wait for his good news." Sengge said with a smile on his face, but a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes as he lowered his eyes.

While the father and son were talking, a soldier from the Junggar tribe came running quickly from a distance and said: "Khan, Taiji, Wutaiji are here."

Baturhun was slightly frightened and said, "Wen Chun, why is he here? Isn't he in Hami?"

A cold light flashed through Seng Ge's eyes, and he secretly thought, it seems that something happened to his capable fifth brother in Hami City.

Before Baturhun could be startled and doubtful, it didn't take long before he saw more than ten people on horseback coming. With smoke billowing all the way, Wen Chun and Galdan, led by dozens of Junggar scouts, arrived at the military tent.

"Father Khan!"

When Wen Chun saw Baturhun, who was as tall as a mountain, he called out affectionately, his eyes filled with tears.

It was so painful that out of the 30,000 troops guarding the Hami Acropolis, he only brought back a thousand cavalry.

This is the difference between the soldiers and horses of the grassland and the Han people. Yan Ye, the king of Nan'an County, humiliated the country by losing his army and left a hundred thousand troops in the northwest.

The young men of the grassland tribe who were not already wealthy are now... even worse off.

Baturhun said: "Wen Chun, where is Hami City?"

At this moment, I saw the embarrassed state of Wen Chun and Galdan at a glance. I don't know why, but I still feel a little unbelievable.

There are 30,000 Junggar warriors in Hami City. Are they all going in now?

Wen Chun got off his horse and quickly came to Baturhun. His pale face seemed full of pain and said: "Father, the city of Hami has been lost. The Han people tempted me to send troops to Shazhou, and all the troops and horses were lost there.

Oh, my father, my son is guilty, he is guilty!"

Sengge said anxiously: "Fifth brother, if you include He Shuote's troops, you brought 40,000 people to attack a small Shazhou City, and you did so much damage? Could it be that those in Shazhou City belong to the Han army?"

The main force of a hundred thousand troops?"

Wen Chun was speechless when questioned, and said: "There is a partial force in Shazhou City, but they are very difficult to deal with relying on the city."

Sengge looked at the gloomy Baturhun and said, "Father Khan, fifth brother, he is not staying well in Hami City, so he has to lead his troops to Hami City?"

Galdan argued: "Father Khan, it was Heshuote's brother Dorji who tried his best to persuade the fifth brother to attack Shazhou to seize the opportunity for the future war. He did not expect that the Han generals in Shazhou City would be like this.


Wen Chun said: "Father, it's the child who is incompetent."

As he said this, he took out the saber from his leg and put it on his neck, ready to wipe his neck.

Galdan, with quick eyes and quick hands, held down Wen Chun's arm and said, "Brother, no!"

The two had been good to each other since childhood and had a deep relationship. At this moment, Junggar certainly couldn't bear to see Wen Chun commit suicide.

And Wen Chun said loudly: "Galdan, I have caused so many brave warriors in the clan to lose their lives, how can I still have the dignity to live in this world?"

At this moment, blood stains appeared on the neck.

When Baturhun saw this, he was so angry that his hair and beard stood out, and he shouted angrily: "You will commit suicide when you encounter a slight setback. This is your only hope!"

Wen Chun had tears streaming down his eyes at this moment and said: "Father, 30,000 troops, 30,000 troops, this is a big defeat, it's because of my son's incompetence."

Baturhun's face was ashen and he said loudly: "The shame of this defeat will be washed away with the blood of the Han people!"

Sengge looked at this scene coldly and thought to himself, he was pretending to be in front of his father Khan again. If he wanted to commit suicide, he would have wiped his neck on the road, why should he wait until he was with his father Khan?

"How many Han people are there in Hami City?" Baturhun asked.

Wen Chun said: "I don't know how many children there are, but there are thirty thousand in Shazhou. Judging from the subsequent pursuit, the main force of the Han army should have arrived in Shazhou or even stationed in Hami."

Baturhun frowned and said, "Where are the 10,000 people from Dorji?"

Galdan said: "Father Khan, brother Dorji led the troops to retreat in order to cover my brother and I's retreat, and was captured by the Han people. Their soldiers and horses later fled to unknown places."

Baturhun frowned and said, "This Dorji!"

If Wen Chun had not been bewitched by him, he would not have left Hami City. He would have waited for him to rush to Hami and then fight the Han army in Hami City.

"Khan, now that the Han people have occupied the city of Hami, what should we do?" asked the counselor Guan Bu on the side.

Baturhun frowned and said: "The Han army has occupied Hami City, making things difficult to handle. The Han people are the best at defending the city. Even if we attack the city, we may not be able to get any benefits, but we will only waste the lives of the clan members."


Sengge's sinister face showed an anxious look and asked: "Father Khan, what should we do about Hami? Are we going to let the Han people take over it?"

Baturhun looked deeply and said: "Let's check the situation first. If a fight is not possible, then we can negotiate peace with the Han people."

"Meet peace?" Seng Ge frowned and asked in confusion.

Baturhui said coldly: "The Han soldiers and horses cannot stay in Hami forever. Once they leave, Hami will be closer to us, and if we try to take it back all at once, we will be in the city at that time, and the Han people will not be able to do it."

We will work hard at the expedition site, and when the Han people and the Jurchens in Liaodong start fighting, it will not be too late for us to take back Qinghai."

This sounds a bit treacherous, but this is the philosophy of survival on the grassland. Etiquette and morality are just shackles that bind the people at the bottom.

Hami City

Jia Heng spent the past few nights with Chen Xiao, and during the day he inspected the city defenses and sent troops to build fortifications. At the same time, accompanied by Chen Xiao, he patrolled along the city defenses.

The city of Hami was built in the shape of a Han city wall.

Jia Heng asked: "Where are Xie Zaiyi's troops?"

Chen Xiao was dressed in a flying fish suit and said in a clear voice: "This morning Fei Ge sent a message saying that it will be here soon."

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and asked: "What about the transportation and collection of grain? How much grain is currently stored in the city."

Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first. Once the army enters Hami City, it will consume thousands of grains a day, so it needs to be stocked up in advance.

"There are only 300,000 shi now. If we want to increase the amount, we can only wait for news from Suzhou. We have already sent a letter to the King of Wei, asking him to go to Suzhou to supervise the transportation of grain and grass." Chen Xiao said.

Jia Heng gently stroked the bricks of the city wall. After entering late September, the heat gradually receded, and there was a coolness in the air. He said: "If this happens, we will wait for the Junggar troops to attack."

After thinking for a while, he said: "Send out the scouts to track the movements of the Junggar Mongols."

Chen Xiao responded.

Jia Heng inspected around Hami City, then went down from the city tower and sat down in the official hall, preparing to write some rules and regulations.

Han law is not very effective in such a city where the Fans and Han people live together. If you want to bring the Hami Acropolis under the control, on the one hand, you need to reduce the proportion of Hu people in the city, and on the other hand, you must use Fanyi laws to govern the Fanyi people.


In the evening, the sky is filled with sunset.

Chen Xiao entered the hall and said: "The scouts have come to report. Zhongqin Bo thanked Zaiyi. Jin Xuan has come with 40,000 troops and horses."

Jia Heng put down the brush in his hand, stood up and said, "I'll go greet you."

At this moment, two miles away from Hami City, smoke and dust billowed from soldiers and horses.

Xie Zaiyi and Jin Xuan, surrounded by Jia Fang, Jia Chang, Dong Qian and other Beijing generals, led a mighty 40,000-strong army and approached Hami City.

Xie Zaiyi left behind his deputy generals Wang Xun and Ni Biao and other Beijing camp generals, and led about 15,000 soldiers and horses to guard the towns of Shazhou to guard the grain roads.

Jia Heng came out of the city gate at this moment and looked at the Han army troops in the distance with their flags covering the sky. He secretly said that now that the soldiers and horses are gathered together, Hami City basically has nothing to worry about.

At this point, the Pingxi army has all gathered in Hami City. With strong troops and horses, they can even try to regain the Western Region and wipe out Junggar.

Xie Zaiyi arrived at the city gate, and he and the other generals got off their horses, looked at the young man in the python suit, his eyes were full of excitement, and said: "Commander wise."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "General Xie and all the other generals are here well."

To this day, the generals he trained at the beginning have fully blossomed in the capital camp. It can be said that it is only now that he can say that he has some foundation.

Many of the men in front of him are his close friends, and the young generals of the Jia family are gradually gaining momentum. After this battle, many of them can become mid-level generals, or even move forward to high-level generals.

There were only Jia Fang and Jia Chang in front of them, while Jia Yun, Jia Ling, Jia Qin and others had already gone to the Jiangnan Navy to clear out the pirates at sea.

At this moment, Xie Zaiyi and all the cavalrymen from the Beijing camp saluted one after another.

Jia Heng stepped forward to help him and said, "You guys have been working hard all the way, so please go to the city to rest first."

The faces of all the generals present showed excitement.

When the army marched into Hami City in a mighty manner, at this moment, the Han merchants or powerful forces in the city were completely relieved.

The imperial army is constantly marching to Hami City, and it is imperative to wipe out Junggar.

Jia Heng, Xie Zaiyi and other cavalry generals from the Beijing camp entered the city, and allowed the Beijing camp to welcome the soldiers and horses into Hami. Then they led the generals to the official office of Hami city.

It was also the place where Jia Heng's imperial envoy traveled.

Xie Zaiyi asked on the way, "Jie Shuai, has Wen Chun ever been captured?"

Jia Heng said: "Let Wen Chun escape. At that time, our army was small. We wanted to control Hami City, and the number of pursuing troops we could send was limited."

Xie Zaiyi nodded and asked: "Where is the unknown Junggar army now?"

"There is no news yet. They should still be on the road at the moment. Junggar should mobilize 50,000 soldiers and horses this time. Our army has a slight advantage." Jia Heng said.

Everyone entered the official office and took their seats, and the guards served food.

Jia Heng sat down behind the commander-in-chief and said: "This time the capital camp gathered together in Hami. Not only must it be brought under the rule of the imperial court, but the Junggar tribe must also be severely damaged. Otherwise, they will come back as soon as the imperial army retreats."

This is the characteristic of the grassland nomads. They come and go like the wind and have no desire to occupy a city.

Now that the Junggar tribe has lost tens of thousands of elites, it is easy to change its strategy and adopt the technique of raiding and harassing.

But before that, the Junggar tribe in Hami Acropolis needs to be dealt with. In fact, many of them have fled in recent days, and Hami City can't help but have people coming and going.

Xie Zaiyi said: "Jie Shuai, what are the arrangements next?"

Jin Xuan also put down the tea cup and looked expectantly at the boy in the python suit.

Jia Heng said: "I'm not afraid if Junggar attacks the city, but they may harass the grain roads of Hami, Gua, and Shazhou to trap my army. Fortunately, our army is all cavalry, so there is no need for them."

Worried, but before that, we should send cavalry to take precautions."

This kind of cavalry fighting requires a fierce general, so he can naturally take on this task, while Xie Zaiyi and Jin Xuan can also lead the troops on their own.

Xie Zaiyi said: "The commander-in-chief means that the decisive victory in this battle lies with the cavalry."

"Baturhun is not Wen Chun or Dorji. He will not use his cavalry to stalemate our army in front of a fortified city. If the attack on the city fails, he will probably lure our army out of the city and then use his cavalry to win the battle.

It’s different from before.” Jia Heng said.

Jin Xuan nodded and said: "What Duke Wei Guo said is true. These barbarians are like this. Once the siege is frustrated, they will never cause more casualties."

Jia Heng said: "So, the cavalry will be put to great use this time. This is a tough battle."

Baturhun must be much warmer and more mature, and it is probably this use of troops, using the mobility and combat power of the Junggar cavalry to fight against the Han army. At that time, unless the Han army is capable of weapons, equipment and combat power,

Obviously covering one end.

Jia Heng said: "This time the escort carried a lot of flintlock guns, led by three generals: Dong Qian, Jia Fang, and Jia Ling, to give the enemy a head-on blow."

Jia Fang, Jia Ling, and Dong Qian stood up, clasped their fists toward Jia Heng, and said in unison: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, the three of us will definitely fulfill our mission."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "The key is to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, annihilate their effective strength, and hurt them."

"Yes." The three generals clasped their fists and said in response.

Jia Heng said: "In addition, even though the Junggar tribe has occupied the Western Region for many years, and is surrounded by Yarkand, Kazakh and even Rakshasa Kingdoms, it can be said that they are surrounded by enemies, they cannot mobilize many soldiers and horses to attack our big man. I plan to send envoys to Kazakh and

Yerqiang, use the method of making friends from far away and attacking closely, and he will be destroyed."

According to history, after the Manchu Qing annihilated Southern Mongolia and entered the customs, Baturhun held a feudal master alliance meeting of the Oirat tribes to resist the Manchu Qing forces.

His move was to destroy Mongolia's unity and practice the art of sowing divisions.

But this is not something ordinary people can do.

Jia Heng said: "This matter is not urgent. You must speak Mongolian and be as perseverant, courageous and resourceful as Zhang Qian and Ban Chao. You can choose from Jingying and Jinyi Mansion recently."

This is a long-term job, and it is a long-term preparation for him to regain the Western Regions.

"Alright, you guys have been having a hard time eating and sleeping all this way. Let's have lunch first." Jia Heng looked at the guards in Jinyi who were carrying dishes and placed them on the table, and said to the surrounding generals in the Beijing camp.

Just when the battle in Hami City was about to begin and the clouds were gathering, in the city of Shenjing——

Daming Palace, Imperial Garden

Since the Mongol pacification of Qinghai, Emperor Chongping has rarely been much more relaxed. In the past few days, he followed the imperial doctor's instructions and came to the Imperial Garden for a walk after lunch.

Mainly because of the previous political turmoil, the capital fell into complete calm. Although the eyes were still on the northwest, worried that after the Seven Guards of Kansai were recovered one after another, it would arouse hostility from the Junggar and other Fanyi, but because Jia Heng's sea-fixing needle was in the northwest,

It's a lot less worrying.

It's not that there are no bad words, but it's obviously not enough.

At this moment, it is almost autumn, and there are no bright purples and reds in the imperial garden courtyard, and all kinds of summer flowers have withered and withered. Only the chrysanthemums are blooming in full bloom. On the flower wall covered with ivy, withered yellow and green grass are intertwined, and the breeze blows.

When I arrived, I felt a sense of desolation and desolation.

Emperor Chongping and the Empress of Song Dynasty sat in a pavilion with red beams and hanging curtains, and started playing chess across a chessboard.

Mainly, Emperor Chongping was playing chess with Concubine Duanrong, while Empress Song was sitting quietly aside, talking and smiling sweetly.

At this moment, the lazy sunshine in the afternoon shines on the beauty's exquisite and graceful body, her head is full of pearls and emeralds, and her plump and gorgeous face, her skin is as white as snow. The sunlight seems to linger on the white skin under her beautiful neck.

Go, fall into the round and white snow, and wander around its shoulders.

Under the slender eyebrows of Queen Song, her beautiful eyes looked at the middle-aged emperor with a smile, and she said softly: "Your Majesty's complexion has improved a lot recently."

Emperor Chongping put down a chess piece and said softly: "In the past few days, I have had fewer worries and slept more."

Qinghai and Mongolia in the northwest are generally pacified, but there is a hidden worry in Junggar, but with Ziyu in charge in the northwest, nothing will happen.

Empress Song lightly opened her red lips and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is very good. The civil servants and generals in the world are all in their own places. Your Majesty also takes good care of it and maintains peace. I would like to go to the south with your Majesty again."

Ten or twenty years ago, His Majesty got to know her and her sister in Jiangnan, and I don't know if I can go to Jiangnan again in this life.

"Jiangnan? I haven't been there for many years." Emperor Chongping sighed, put down his chess pieces, and asked, "Is it much better over there, Duke Song?"

"My father's side is fine, but the doctor said that after all, I'm getting older, so it's better to rest more." Empress Song said softly with a look of longing on her fair-skinned face.

Emperor Chongping nodded, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip.

"Your Majesty, the military report from the northwest." At this moment, Dai Quan took the military report and memorial from a hurried internal supervisor, walked to the pavilion in two steps, and said

Emperor Chongping quickly put down the teacup in his hand, raised his eyes to look at Dai Quan, and said, "Jia Ziyu's military report?"

Dai Quan bowed and delivered the report to the general, saying: "It seems that it was just delivered by the Military Aircraft Department. Your Majesty, please take a look at it."

Emperor Chongping took the military newspaper and browsed it quickly, almost at a glance. Suddenly, he put down the military newspaper, facing two pairs of expectant eyes, and said: "Ziyu lived up to the expectations of me and the great Han, leading thousands of horses deep into the desert, and marching thousands of miles."

, took back the city of Hami, and the remnants of the Junggar and Heshuote tribes, a total of 40,000 people, were defeated by Zhongqinbo at the foot of Shazhou City, and were completely injured. From now on, the Seven Guards of Guanxi are all in the hands of my great Han."

This stone has completely fallen to the ground, and what remains is the decisive battle with the Junggar tribe. If Ziyu can still win, then the Western Regions...

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongping laughed to himself.

If you have to go to Long to look at Shu, it's nothing more than this.

Since the spring of this year, the Han Dynasty has fought successive wars, and the national treasury has indeed been unable to make ends meet. Moreover, after the elite soldiers from the previous Beijing camp were killed in the northwest, it will not be possible to regain the Western Region overnight.

Emperor Chongping calmed down and put down the military report.

Queen Song stood up, bowed to Yingying, and with the trembling moonlight trembling, she smiled at Emperor Chongping and said, "I congratulate your majesty and congratulate the great man."

This was already the best news she had heard from the little fox.

That little fox is really good at fighting.

Concubine Duanrong also put down her chess piece, a faint smile appeared on her pretty face, her eyes were shining brightly under her willow eyebrows, and she said: "I congratulate your majesty, and congratulate the great man."

Emperor Chongping said happily: "Okay, now that both my beloved concubines are naked, let me see what kind of memorial Ziyu has written."

With that said, he took the memorial in the secret box and began to read it attentively.

At the end of the month, please vote for me!


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