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Chapter 1138 Jia Heng: He is close to nature


Shandong Admiral's Office

The governor's Yamen was stationed in Jinan Prefecture, while the Shandong Admiral's Yamen was first stationed in Qingzhou during the Taizong period, and then moved to Dengzhou. As the main navy to defend the port in response to the entire northern sea area, it defended the North China Plain together with Jinmen under the control of the Peking Metropolitan Command.


Among the government offices——

Baoling Hou Shi Nai was sitting on a handsome chair covered with a wolf-skin mattress. On the screen behind him, there was a giant sea map of Denglai, Shandong Province. Not far away, the commander of Denglai Guards, Yu Zhihe, was respectful.

The man standing there was about forty years old, with a resolute face, and he looked at the gray-haired old man with envy.

Marquis Baoling is the in-law of Duke Wei, and he is really a person who has direct access to heaven. Now that the governor has ascended to Lai, this is an opportunity to get in touch with Duke Wei.

"Now that the war is imminent, we should have sufficient supplies of military supplies. We once again wrote to the governor's office of Shandong and asked him to deliver another 300,000 shi of grain and levy 7,000 men to Denglai." Shi Nai, a bowling lord in a bullfight uniform, put down the book in his hand and

The old face showed no anger but no authority as he ordered.

"The governor's office of Shandong came and wrote that this year's military grain and fodder supply should be allocated by the Ministry of Household Affairs. Shandong has suffered a drought this year. The people only have enough to eat, and it is difficult to requisition rations." Yu Zhihe said.

"He is also in charge of food and wages. Can't he raise food from the big gentry family? We must also send him the clothes since the beginning of winter. If it doesn't come as expected, I will definitely give him a hard copy." Shi Nai, the Marquis of Baoling, said in a deep voice.


Zhao Qi, the governor of Shandong, was originally a member of the Qi Party. He once studied the scriptures under the disciples of Kong Yan and Sheng Gong. He can be said to be a disciple of the saint with a solid foundation.

In the past, he had a good relationship with Shandong Admiral Lu Qi, who was also a member of the Qi Party. Now that he was replaced by Baolinghou Shi Nai, there were many disputes over the normal supply of food and salary.

Even if a superior official like the first-class Wuhou serves as a local official, his power is limited and he may be constrained by civilian officials. In other words, this is the original meaning of the control of small and large in civilian politics.

"Master Marquis, a large number of Jurchen ships were spotted attacking the port." At this moment, a tall and tall general wearing armor came in from outside, with a look of panic on his face.

Shi Nai's face paused slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Follow me to have a look."

In the past few days, patrol and lookout ships at sea have discovered traces of a large number of North Korean naval operations.

As Shi Nai spoke, he led the generals from the Shandong Admiral Yamen and rode fast horses towards the seaside.

At this moment, on the vast expanse of the sea, white waves are rolling incessantly, and the Jurchen fleets are overwhelming, with tall masts and numerous soldiers.

Shi Nai put down the telescope in his hand and said coldly: "There are quite a few people here."

A burly naval officer, Colonel Lu Hu, raised his hand and asked: "Master Marquis, the bandits are coming with great force. There are probably more than 300 large and small ships. This is the main force of the Korean Navy."

Baolinghou Shi Nai looked solemn and said: "As soon as the enemy invaders come near the shore, drive them away! Send an urgent letter to the imperial court six hundred miles away. In addition, send a letter to the Duke of Wei in Jinling and a letter to the coast guard."

Ziyu won the battle in the northwest cleanly, and in the blink of an eye he was once again a first-class prince.

This speed of promotion is really a mixture of joy and sorrow.


The horn was desolate and distant. Above the water fort, the officers and soldiers stood ready, staring at the approaching Qing navy.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers closed the water stronghold tightly and bombarded the approaching ships. However, they did not use Hongyi cannons, but Folan machine cannons and bows and arrows.

Hauge's harassment and conquest of the Han Dynasty sea area began with a large-scale naval invasion, and the entire invasion process was quite Hauge's style.

For a time, in the early winter of the 16th year of Chongping, the coast of Shandong was shrouded in war clouds, and the government once again asked the court for help.

Jinling, Ningguofu

In the inner study room, in the inner room——

Jia Heng hugged Chen Xiao's delicate body, tired of it for a while, and then looked at the girl with delicate features and beautiful bones. She was shocked to see that her face was as red as haze, bright and moving.

Jia Heng patted Suqiao gently and said softly: "Xiaoxiao is working so hard, aren't you going to let me pass?"

"Since you like to control people so much, you might as well control me." Chen Xiaoni snorted, her cheeks turning red with shame, and she whispered.

Jia Heng looked strange and whispered, "You really want to try everything."

"Just looking at it, I don't know how it can make your wan sister-in-law so fascinated." Chen Xiao stood up and said softly.

The two hugged each other and lingered for a while. Jia Heng raised his eyes to look at the sky outside and said, "Okay, it's getting late. Stop making trouble."

Chen Xiaoxing's eyes were slightly opened, her cheeks were flushed, and she whispered: "Chen Yuan in the capital may have done something strange recently, so you need to pay attention to it."

Jia Heng thought for a while and whispered: "All he can do is assassinate members of the royal family. The only ones who are out now are the Queen and Prince Liang. Xiaoxiao, do you think I should go to Luoyang to meet the Queen?"

Chen Xiao said: "???"

"Normally, there will be Tiqi escorts from the government and Jinyi Mansion along the way, so there should be no serious problems along the way." Jia Heng said.

Chen Xiao said softly: "Okay, stop guessing. You will go to Suzhou Mansion recently, so you don't need to worry about this anymore."

Jia Heng suppressed the worries in his heart for the time being, stretched out his hand to gently lift a strand of hair hanging by the girl's ear, and said with a smile: "Then, get up and take a shower, I have to get busy."

As he spoke, a strange voice sounded, and Chen Xiaoni snorted and lightly punched Jia Heng.

Jia Heng had a strange look on his face, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, the sealing was so good.

After Xiaoxiao left, Jia Heng put on his clothes, then called Qingwen, took a bath and changed clothes in the house, and then left the courtyard, preparing to go to Miaoyu Courtyard, but after thinking about it, he diverted to see Xichun.

It's been so long since I came back that I really haven't seen Xichun much.

Besides, it was the Spring Festival, Tanchun and Xiangyun, and they didn't talk much alone.

At this moment, in the courtyard where Xichun was, a candle lit up, projecting a thin figure on the screen.

Xichun stretched out a white and tender little hand and yawned, put the paintbrush in her hand aside, looked at the young man on the scroll, and felt a sense of joy in her heart.

"Girl, it's time for dinner." The maid came to the painting studio and said softly.

Xichun got up, then came to the side of the table, washed her hands, picked up a pair of chopsticks, suddenly raised her petite and bright face, and asked: "How many days has it been?"

When he entered the painting and heard the words, he looked surprised and said: "How many days has it been?"

"Nothing." Xichun picked up two chopsticks, picked up the food and started eating.

I have been in Jinling for so many days, but I still haven’t come to see her.

While the girl was absent-mindedly eating her meal, the surprised voice of the little maid Xiu Ju suddenly came from outside the house: "Girl, the uncle is here."

"Bang..." The chopsticks in Xichun's hands fell to the ground, and a look of joy appeared on her beautiful face. She stood up and went to greet him. She saw the young man in casual clothes coming in from the outside.

Jia Heng had a warm smile on his face and said, "Fourth sister, I'm eating. I happen to be hungry, so I'll give you a pair of chopsticks."

Xichun couldn't hide the joy on her face and said, "Brother Heng, why are you here?"

Jia Heng smiled, walked closer, took the girl's delicate hand, and said, "Come and see Sister Xichun."

The girl back then was now close to the age of hairpins. She was tall and graceful, but her eyebrows still had a trace of melancholy, and her face still looked a little fair.

Xichun was held up by Jia Heng's slender hands. The sides of her beautiful and bright face were slightly warm, and she said softly: "Brother Heng."

Jia Heng looked at Xichun, smiled and said, "Fourth sister has grown taller."

Well, it’s not like you can see the tip of your toes by lowering your head, Xiao He only showed her sharp corners.

Jia Heng said, and used a head-touch to kill.

Xichun's heart was pounding as she was being looked at, and her breathing was inevitably a little faster.

Jia Heng said: "Fourth sister, what is this painting?"

With that said, he took Xichun's hand and came to the bookcase.

Only then did Xichun react. Her palm-sized face suddenly turned a little rosy, and she said, "Nothing."

"Draw me again." Jia Heng picked up the scroll on the desk and looked at the picture of a young man looking forward to the flight of God, but with a slight smile.

Jia Heng settled for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Well, sister Xichun likes... to draw me?"

"No, I don't like it." Hearing this, Xichun lowered her head, looking extremely ashamed.

What is he talking about? Who likes him?

Well, I was in a trance and lost sight of the painting and calligraphy.

Jia Heng took Xichun's hand and came to the table again. He smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat first."

Girls' feelings are always poetry, and it's not easy to expose them.

Jia Heng said, took Xichun's hand, sat down beside a table, and said softly: "I have been busy with things inside and outside during this period. I haven't come to see my sister. It's rare for us to have a meal together today."


At this moment, the maid came into the painting and took a pair of chopsticks, putting them aside for Jia Heng to use.

Xichun asked: "Brother Heng, have you finished your business outside?"

The first time he came back, he definitely wanted to see his wife and concubines. She was not his... and there was no need to see her right away.

Jia Heng said: "It's almost time. I'll take your sister Miaoyu to Suzhou Mansion in the next two days. If my sister wants to go, you can go with us."

Xichun's eyes were shining brightly, and her tone was full of expectation as she said, "Can I go?"

Jia Heng smiled and said: "Of course we can go, just a few of us and we won't take anyone else with us."

After all, Miaoyu is a pregnant woman, so she can talk to others along the way, which can also relieve the depression in her heart. As for Chai Dai and Yun Tan, there are too many people going there, and they can't take care of them.

Xichun Yu's face was slightly red, she pursed her pink lips, looked at the young man, and said softly and softly: "Sister Miaoyu is pregnant with Brother Heng's baby, right?"

Jia Heng smiled and said, "Who told you all this?"

Xichun said softly: "Sister Xiuyan told me. In addition, during this period, sister Miaoyu was raising a fetus in the yard, so most of the sisters in the house knew about it."

Jia Heng chuckled and said, "Yes, the fourth sister will be able to be an aunt by then."

Xichun said: "Sister Qin also has a child. I am now an aunt."

After the two of them finished their meal, they talked for a while.

Jia Heng smiled and said: "Fourth sister should go to bed early, I will go back first."

Xichun said softly: "Brother Heng, go ahead."

Jia Heng said no more, left the wing, turned around a corridor, and was about to go looking for Miaoyu.

Suddenly, he saw a girl walking slowly with a lantern, it was Xing Xiuyan.

Jia Heng said: "Xiuyan, it's so late, where did this come from?"

When Xing Xiuyan saw the young man, he was shocked and said quickly: "Brother Heng, come here to see Master Miaoyu?"

Jia Heng whispered: "Xiuyan, I want to tell you something."

Xing Xiuyan heard this and was about to ask when she suddenly saw that the young man had slowly come over and held his hand. Her heart skipped a beat.

But in a second thought, I realized that the two of them were already engaged, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with that?

Jia Heng said: "Let's find a place to talk."

"Go to my room and talk." Xing Xiuyan said softly, then blushed and whispered: "There is a wall between my courtyard and Miaoyu."

Jia Heng: "..."

What do you mean, are you worried that Miaoyu will be jealous when she sees you?

As Xing Xiuyan came to the courtyard, he saw a wall in the middle.

The two entered the wing. Xing Xiuyan asked the maid to light the candle, and then said: "Brother Heng, let me pour you a cup of tea."

When Jia Heng heard this, he did not let go of Xing Xiuyan's hand and said softly: "Let the maid pour it."

The maid's cheeks were slightly red, she bowed her head in response, then went to the small table to pick up the teapot and pour tea for the two of them.

Jia Heng said softly: "Xiuyan, in the past two days, I want to take your sister Miaoyu to Suzhou Mansion, and you will go with me so that I can talk with you on the way."

Xing Xiuyan said: "Brother Heng is helping sister Miaoyu's family move the grave."

"Yes, she told you." Jia Heng asked.

Xing Xiuyan said: "I told you."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "She has always had a higher eye than the top. There are so many girls in the house, but she only plays so well with you and makes you a close friend."

Xing Xiuyan's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, she lowered her head and whispered, "Where is it?"

Jia Heng took Xing Xiuyan's delicate hand and said, "Xiuyan, thank you for helping me take care of her during this time."

Xing Xiuyan turned her head slightly, met the young man's gaze, and whispered: "Brother Heng just said that Master Miaoyu took me as a confidant, and I should take care of her."

Jia Heng said: "Xiuyan, do you still remember when you and I first met?"

Xing Xiuyan had a look of memory on his face and said, "Brother Heng, when does that mean?"

Jia Heng: "???"

Xing Xiuyan was also a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Brother Heng, I...I really can't remember."

Jia Heng said: "When Xiuyan first entered the mansion, I came out of Mr. Zheng's house and met Xiuyan in the corridor."

Xing Xiuyan's memory was suddenly recalled when he heard this, and he said softly: "Brother Heng also drank some wine that day."

Jia Heng said with a smile: "Yes, it was still raining at that time. When I saw Xiuyan at first sight, with a relaxed expression and charming forest scenery, I felt that the daughter of Jiangnan Wang Xie from a high family seemed to have come from the Wei and Jin Dynasties across a thousand years."

Xiuyan people live up to their name, just like Xiu out of the clouds, the mist in the mountain stream disappears and appears, there is a bit of the feeling of first love in the white moonlight, like a river of tobacco, plums and yellow rain.

Xing Xiuyan was also reminded of his memories, his eyes were dazed, and he murmured: "Brother Heng was slightly drunk that day, but his demeanor was as clear as the sound of pines, bamboos, gold and stone."

At that time, she passed by and had a profound impression on her.

But that day was just like seeing a phoenix soaring in the sky, leaving people with only a few words of emotion and no other thoughts.

Jia Heng smiled and said, "I thought Xiuyan couldn't remember it at all, but it turns out he still remembers it."

This is quite interesting.

Xing Xiuyan's jade cheeks turned red and she said softly: "Brother Heng is one of the best among people. He is certainly unforgettable."

Jia Heng chuckled lightly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to gently pinch Xing Xiuyan's face. Under the girl's shy and evasive eyes, he looked at it for a moment. The face was as white as jade, without makeup, especially the indifferent charm between the eyebrows and eyes.

There is a natural state of heaven.

Suddenly, an indescribable emotion surged in his mind.

He is close to nature...

Xing Xiuyan's eyebrows were slightly lowered, and her heart was pounding. Suddenly, she saw a warm breath blowing on her face, and the shadow blocked the orange light. She quickly closed her eyelashes and was about to subconsciously purse her pink lips.

But the softness comes.

Jia Heng felt like a gentle breeze and drizzle at first, but later he didn't know why, maybe he thought of "the first love that you can't let go of, someone else has already let it go."

Then, like a strong wind and a sudden rain, Xing Xiuyan's heart beat faster and her jade cheeks turned as rosy as clouds.

After a while, Jia Heng looked at Xiuyan, who had narrowed her eyes and had a slight breath. She gently put her arm around Xing Xiuyan's shoulders and whispered, "Xiuyan."

"Brother Heng, it's getting late, you..." Xing Xiuyan whispered, her delicate body going soft at this moment.

Jia Heng said softly: "Then let's take a rest?"

Xing Xiuyan: "..."

That's not what she meant.

"Sister Miaoyu should be waiting for Brother Heng now." Xing Xiuyan lowered her head, her voice was soft, her cheeks were hidden in the darkness, and her expression was hard to tell.

Jia Heng did not tease the shy girl, but said softly: "Then I'll go over."

Xing Xiuyan softly said "Hmm" and watched the young man leave with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

After Jia Heng left, Xing Xiuyan sat quietly on the spot, her eyes filled with water, and she stroked her hot cheek with one hand, as if the heart-stopping joy still remained on her lips.

On the other side, Chen Xiao left Ningguo Mansion, went to a restaurant as dusk was approaching, and entered a private room with a candle lit inside.

"Here we come." Gu Ruoqing was setting up several tea sets, with a serene look on her beautiful face, and a gloomy and calm air lingering in her heroic brows.

Chen Xiao sat down and looked at the beauty opposite.

Nan Ling on the side quickly handed over the tea cup, and Chen Xiao quickly thanked her, then watched the girl get up, came to the side of the screen, and stared outside.

Gu Ruoqing asked: "How did Duke Wei treat you?"

That man left the south of the Yangtze River, won a great victory in the northern Xinjiang, and then went to the northwest to win two games in a row.

Chen Xiao didn't want to say more and asked, "Is it okay? Master, please pass me over if you have anything to say."

"I asked you not to ruin Chen Yuan's overall plan." Gu Ruoqing said.

Chen Xiao said coldly: "I don't even know what his plan is. How to destroy it? Before you give me the message, at least tell me what the overall plan is."

A comprehensive plan?

Gu Ruoqing shook his head and said in a clear voice: "Master didn't tell me, he just told you that if Duke Wei notices something, you can help cover it up."

Chen Xiao frowned her beautiful eyebrows, with a searching look in her clear eyes, and asked: "Where is Master now?"

Gu Ruoqing sighed and said, "Actually, I don't know either. Master is good at the art of disguise. He always seems like a dragon but never sees the end."

Chen Xiao picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and was silent for a moment.

The two were silent for a moment, then Gu Ruoqing said: "If you are short of maids, Nan Ling can come to serve you."

Chen Xiao put down the tea cup and said, "I have no shortage of maids to serve me."

Maybe it was an eyeliner, or maybe it was directed at Jia Heng.

Gu Ruoqing frowned slightly, looked at Chen Xiao sincerely, and said warmly: "This is also a request of mine. She loves the Duke of Wei. I can only help her so much. I will help you find out what Chen Yuan's specific plans are.


When Chen Yuan was mentioned, Gu Ruoqing had an inexplicable look in his eyes.

After Chen Xiao heard this, he looked at the girl not far away and chuckled: "Love the Duke of Wei? What does it have to do with me?"

He feels strange and inexplicable. Even if he is flirting with women in the entire Grand View Garden, the women outside are also moved by him. What is going on?

Gu Ruoqing frowned, took a deep look at Chen Xiao, and said, "The corners of your eyebrows are open. As you walk, it is obvious that your virginity has been lost. You must have committed yourself to Duke Wei."

My little junior sister is arrogant and arrogant. Apart from the Duke of Wei, there is no one else.

Hearing Gu Ruoqing's straightforward words, Chen Xiao's cold face blushed quietly, snorted coldly, and retorted: "As expected of someone who is used to seeing the wind and the moon, his eyesight is poisonous."

Gu Ruoqing did not respond to Chen Xiao's sarcastic words, but stretched out his hand and said, "Nan Ling, come here."

Hearing this, Nan Ling walked over and said softly: "Sister Gu, please call me."

The girl was originally raised as a Yangzhou thin horse since she was a child. She has a somewhat pale and thin figure, and her voice is even softer and softer at this moment.

"You will follow this sister Xiao from now on. She is inseparable from Duke Wei." Gu Ruoqing looked at Nan Ling steadily and said softly.

Hearing this, Nan Ling felt happy, turned to look at Chen Xiao, and said, "Sister Xiao."

Chen Xiao's face was as cold as frost. He took a deep look at the girl and said, "You will serve me by my side, but one thing is that you must be strict with your mouth, otherwise..."

Although he didn't say any follow-up words, the evil spirit between his eyebrows was dense.

When Nan Ling heard this, her appearance suddenly changed, and she quickly said: "Sister Xiao, don't worry, if I talk nonsense, I will get a split lip and a torn tongue."

Chen Xiao nodded and said no more. He stood up and said goodbye to Gu Ruoqing.


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