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Chapter 116 It's just a coincidence

 Xia Houying watched almost from beginning to end as Jia Heng first obtained information from the little officer named Cai Quan, then grabbed useful information from the clues, and then quickly judged where the bandits were hiding.

It is just by witnessing the process that I feel that it is magical.

Especially the method of calculating directions, the more I think about it, the more wonderful it becomes.

The bright clear eyes under Yingxiu's eyebrows flashed, and she looked at the young man in green shirt. For a moment, some doubts arose in her mind, but Qingzhi was not the time to ask such questions, so she had to suppress them for the time being.

Jia Heng flipped through the thin book in his hand, then put it down and looked at Cai Quan. There was a bit of worry in his calm eyes and said: "You have to be more careful with the hundreds of households under your command. I guess this

Either there are bad people hiding inside, or there are spies from others."

Asking Cai Quan to suppress the bandits was probably the idea of ​​Niu Jizong, a close friend of the Jia family who was the governor of the regiment at that time.

Today's Chen-Han 12th Regiment Camp was built in imitation of the Ming Dynasty. It was nominally selected from the elites of the provincial capitals to prepare for its establishment, but in reality there were many children of honorary cavalry who filled it and received money and food instead of serving in the army.

Chen Han Jingying, the twelve camps, are divided into four military camps (Fen, Yao, Lian, Xian), four brave camps (Dare, fruit, effect, drum), and four power camps (Li, stretch, Yang, Zhen), each

One battalion has about 20,000 troops, divided into five armies, Shenshu and Shenji battalions.

Each battalion has a regiment and camp commander, who is usually a prince or uncle. He has Tongzhi, Qianshi, counselor, military affairs, and generals, guerrillas, etc. are dispatched on a temporary basis. The quota for leading troops in wartime is different. The banners are still divided into thousand households and hundred households.

Training preparation.

The son of Duke Zhen now attacked the first-class Bo Niu Jizong, who was the commander-in-chief of Guoyong Camp. He was nominally in charge of 20,000 troops.

Cai Quan nodded and responded: "I still have a few trustworthy people who are keeping an eye on them secretly."

Seeing this, Jia Heng didn't say much and asked instead, "How about I take a look at the firecrackers?"

He is actually interested in the firecrackers of this world.

At that time, Cai Quan took down a black-tube fire gun from the table nearby and said: "This is the fire gun. It is called a bird gun. There are three-eyed guns in the army, but they are not easy to use."

Jia Heng stretched out his hand to take it, only to feel that it was cold in his hands. There was a faint rough and rough feeling when he rubbed it, and he said to himself: "From this, you can see the smelting craftsmanship of Chen Han."

"If you want to trigger a fire, you need to light a match rope, and it is very inconvenient to load the gun. If it rains or is humid, it will become even more useless." Cai Quan added as he saw Jia Heng playing with the fire blunderbuss.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said, "This blunderbuss is indeed inconvenient to use."

The development of military technology can often change the shape of war.

From the perspective of smelting technology, the blunderbuss tube technology is very average, but it is not completely unusable. If the firing method is improved and a lot of effort is spent, it can actually move towards a flintlock gun.

If we extrapolate according to time, the European armies are now equipped with low-cost flintlock muskets on a large scale.

"In the original work of "A Dream of Red Mansions", the self-ringing bell already appeared. It is obvious that the Chen and Han dynasties at this time had some commercial contacts with Western countries through maritime trade."

It will be impossible to make any further improvements to create a rifle.

Whether it's smelting technology or bullets, it's not something he can solve alone.

For future generations of soldiers, even though he was familiar with guns and artillery, it was impossible for him to surpass Chen Han's existing "industrial base" and create any military technology that was too advanced.

If we just improve today's firecrackers, even if they are slightly easier to use, it can be done.

A certain big country has not solved the problem of unified rifle standards until the 21st century. IWC brand rifles.

Some things may seem inconspicuous, but there is an industrial category behind them.

"It's just that if you want to make a flintlock gun, you have to go to the Ordnance Supervision and communicate with the craftsmen there." Jia Heng's face moved slightly, and he made up his mind. He looked at Xia Houying aside and said: "Commander Xia Hou,

I am very interested in this musket, Commander Xiahou, can you take me to the weapons inspection to have a look?"

It is better not to make too much of a fuss about the fire blunderbuss, otherwise, even if it is made, it will only be used as a wedding dress for others.

It won't be too late to mention this again when he really takes the lead in training the new army.

If you are training a new army, new equipment is definitely indispensable.

Xia Houying paused and said: "There are craftsmen in the Arms Supervisor, but Mr. Jia has to go now? Your Highness will send the young princess to the palace later, and she won't have to wait too long."

Jia Heng thought for a while and said, "Then let's go see His Highness first."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Cai Quan exchanged glances with Dong Qian, both of whom saw surprise in the other's eyes, as if they were asking the Commander Xia Hou and who the "His Royal Highness" he mentioned was?

Dong Qian also looked confused, obviously unaware.

Jia Heng thought for a moment, then turned to look at Cai Quan and said, "Brother Cai, did the army urge you to set off?"

Cai Quan said seriously: "Brother Heng, the best we can do is wait until the day after tomorrow. Any later will be unjustifiable."

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said, "Then the day after tomorrow. I will go with you to Chang'an County the day after tomorrow."

He not only went to help Cai Quan, but also wanted to see the fighting strength and discipline of the soldiers in the Beijing camp. Only by seeing this weak brigade in person, which could not even defeat the foreign countries along the Western Sea, could he tell Emperor Chongping about the preparations for the establishment of a new country.

When conducting military strategy, we must make sure that what we say is meaningful and convincing.

When Cai Quan heard this, he couldn't help but said with joy: "Brother, if you follow us, we will be sure to suppress the bandits."

Even though Jia Heng had just roughly estimated the hiding place of the bandits in Cuihua Mountain, it was still very difficult to annihilate the bandits with just a few hundred men under his command, not to mention that he needed to think of strategies accordingly.

Jia Heng said: "You can't say that, you still have to be prepared to show mercy to the enemy."

Over here, a servant from Cai Quan's mansion said, "Master, the food is ready."

Cai Quan greeted with a smile: "Brother, eat first."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "I have to meet a distinguished person later, so it's not good to drink."

Cai Quan thought about the word "noble" in his heart, and looked at Xia Houying on the side, feeling a little in awe again. He hadn't noticed it just now, but now he took a closer look, and this conductor Xia Hou was actually a woman?

So... from the palace?

He didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he asked Dong Qian to sit down and eat some food.

Xia Houying waved her hand and said she had eaten. Then she walked aside, took the map on the table and looked at it, a flash of thought flashed in her cold eyes.

But he was still thinking about Jia Heng's positioning method. The more he thought about it, the more wonderful it became. He raised his eyes and looked at Jia Heng who was eating.

"How did he come up with it?" Xia Houying frowned Yingxiu and thought, "Could it be from history books? But why have I never heard of this method?"

In this compartment, Jia Heng finished his lunch and did not linger much. He said goodbye to Cai Quan and Dong Qian, then stood up, nodded to Xia Houying, and left Cai Quan's house together.

"Where did you learn that...?" Xia Houying frowned and said softly.

"What?" Jia Heng was thinking about the manuscript of the Three Kingdoms. Hearing this, he didn't react for a moment.

Xia Houying's cold eyes flashed under Liu Ye's eyebrows, and she said in a clear voice: "How could you think of using three forks to determine the location of that den of thieves?"

"This... I figured it out as soon as I thought about it." Jia Heng said with a smile.

Xia Houying blinked and looked at Jia Heng, seemingly speechless.

What does it mean to come up with it as soon as you think about it?

Why didn't she figure it out?

Jia Heng smiled softly and said: "No matter how you come up with it, it will be useful."

Xia Houying was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then said quietly: "That group of thieves also robbed His Highness's goods last time. Your Highness was too angry last time. It's not a pity for those goods. Gyeonggi San

In the auxiliary land, thieves and bandits plundered merchants."

Jia Heng said: "Then I am venting my anger for Her Royal Highness. However, there have been years of disasters and the rise of thieves and thieves. The government and army can hardly control it, and it is not a long-term solution."

Thieves and thieves have long caused trouble to local areas, especially Sanfu in Gyeonggi Province, seriously damaging the prestige of the central government.

After hearing this, Xia Houying was silent for a moment and said, "What Mr. Jia said is true."

Perhaps after the chat just now, the originally cold and indifferent atmosphere became more relaxed.

Xia Houying walked forward and said: "In the past few years, the weather has been unusually tight. In June last year, snowflakes fell in Henan Province. Some people thought that some shocking injustice happened somewhere, and the celestial warning was issued.

The Holy Emperor and the cabinet issued an edict instructing the governor of Henan and the Yamen of Zhensi to sort out the jails and redress the unjust cases."

Feudal society pays attention to the connection between heaven and man. In the past two years, natural disasters have gradually become more frequent in Chen and Han Dynasties. Some young people even took the opportunity to slander Emperor Chongping because of his lack of virtue.

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said: "Yao had nine years of water, so he could still be an emperor; Tang had seven years of drought, but he could not be a king.

If there is a sudden change, just stock up on corn, prepare for hunger and famine, and respond proactively. There is no need to make prophecies or far-fetched predictions."

There was no smooth sailing in that generation. The key was to work hard to deal with natural disasters and reduce the occurrence of man-made disasters.

If people eat each other, it will be recorded in the history books.

Xia Houying's eyes moved slightly and she said softly: "Mr. Jia's words are quite insightful."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "This is what the predecessors said. I just think it makes sense and I regard it as a guideline."

Feeling the young man's gentle chatter and Zhuolun's grace, Xiahou Ying's frosty jade face was startled for a moment, nodded, and said: "Xiahou has learned a lesson."

Jia Heng asked casually: "Where is Commander Xiahou from?"

Xia Houying said: "My ancestral home is Jingzhao. My father has been hereditary as the Jinyi Guard for thousands of households. After me, I was highly regarded by the Holy Emperor and His Highness and was promoted to Jinyi to command the general affairs. However, it was a false title and did not receive any specific Jinyi ministry."

Jia Heng said warmly: "It turns out that he is a native of Jingzhao, but it is rare for a woman to be an official in Jinyiwei. Commander Xiahou must have suffered a lot to be able to be where he is today."

Xia Houying's beautiful face paused slightly, her eyes glanced at Jia Heng, and she said calmly: "It's just a coincidence."

Seeing that he seemed unwilling to tell more about his family life, Jia Heng was not in a position to ask further questions, so the two of them quietly walked towards the Princess Jinyang's mansion again.

This chapter has been completed!
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