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Chapter 1375 Jia Heng: This is indeed a fighter opportunity

North Korea, Wang Jingcheng

As the night passed, both sides spent the New Year's Eve of the 18th year of Chongping on guard against each other.

When dawn arrives, it is the first day of the first lunar month in the 19th year of Chongping.

At this moment, dark clouds can be seen above the sky, and it seems that a new snowstorm is brewing.

However, a large number of Han troops were in the camp under the city and had not yet launched an offensive. Apparently they wanted to spend these few days exclusively celebrating the New Year for the soldiers from both sides.

At this moment, Jia Heng was standing on an unknown hill, accompanied by several Jinyifu guards, holding a monocular telescope in his hand, looking at the reality and reality of the North Korean capital.

At this moment, the originally majestic and majestic Wangjing City was now full of holes and holes, and some gaps in the city walls were visible, all caused by the wars in the past few days.

As time passed, under the sharp sword-like brows, there was a hint of thoughtfulness in Jingran's cold eyes.

Mu Sheng put away his eyes from a distance and said, "Ziyu, how are you?"

Jia Heng said: "Let the North Korean side shoot arrows into Wang Jingcheng, tie a cloth strip, and say that if you surrender to me, the Han Dynasty, the past will be forgotten."

Under Mu Sheng's sword-browed eyebrows, his eyes could not help but light up, and he said: "It is a very clever strategy of Ziyu to use rumors to shake the morale of the Korean soldiers."

Mu Sheng said softly: "Is it possible to use explosives to dig a tunnel near Wangjing's city wall, put in explosives, and blow up the wall?"

Jia Heng nodded and said: "You can give it a try, but this is a strategy used by Obai, and Obai will be prepared."

It's not that Dahan can no longer use it after Oboi used it, it's just that it's more difficult to implement the strategy, and the results may not be as good as expected.

Mu Sheng asked: "Ziyu, do you want to imitate the Japanese country and completely bring Korea under its rule?"

There were no outsiders here, so Mu Sheng simply asked his doubts.

Jia Heng said: "What the young prince is saying is that since the Han Dynasty, the four counties of Liaodong have been the territory of Korea. In the future, maritime trade will flourish. If it is used to control the Japanese country, Korea will be indispensable."

He was really fed up with the East Asian monster houses of later generations killing each other.

Under Mu Sheng's sharp eyebrows, there was a look of shock in his eyes, and he exclaimed: "Zi Yu is really ambitious."

This kind of territorial ambition, if met with an emperor who is ambitious and ambitious to open up territories, will create a story of mutual success between the king and his ministers.

Jia Heng's eyes were bright and he said: "It's just to solve the problem once and for all for future generations."

Mu Sheng nodded and said loudly: "Actually, when my father was in Yunnan, he also thought about taking back his homeland in South Vietnam. However, the imperial court took this as a great achievement and resorted to military force."

Jia Heng was silent for a moment, then looked at Mu Sheng and said, "Prince Dongping County also thinks that we should regain South Vietnam and set up prefectures and counties for the use of the imperial court?"

This is a consensus on the general national policy discussed with the Duke of Dongping.

The so-called co-party refers to not only the consistency of political interests, but also the consistency of national policy tendencies.

The Mu family of Dongping County in Shizhen Yunnan obviously had the motivation to encourage the expansion into South Vietnam.

"Since the Qin Dynasty, South Vietnam has been my homeland in China. However, later officials regarded it as a smog-infested land and thought that if we abandoned it, my father would often resent it. The Han family's homeland would be lost to foreign countries, which would be our loss to China." Mu Mu

Sheng's face paused slightly and he said in a low voice.

Jia Heng said: "Yes, the civil servants only guarded one-third of an acre, but they didn't know that when we were in China, Chu State and even Lingnan were barbarian lands. If it weren't for the sages of the previous generation who overcame thorns and thorns and made rough roads, how could we have China?

Rich all over the world?"

It can be said that since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, Confucianism has gradually become endogenous and conservative, far inferior to the way in which a hundred schools of thought contended during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Therefore, if anyone who travels through time wants to completely transform China, they must also re-grasp the definition and development direction of culture.

Mu Shengdao: "What Ziyu said is true. When I was in the Japanese country, I saw that although the people of this country are small in size, they have a tough temperament. If things go on like this and become stronger, the Japanese rebellion like the Taizong Dynasty will inevitably happen again."

In the Taizong Dynasty of Chen Han, a situation similar to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea also occurred. In the Taizu Dynasty, Chen Han also experienced some harassment by Japanese pirates in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said: "So the barbarians should be turned into summer. Nowadays, people all over the Zhou Dynasty, like the Dutch barbarians, have developed large-scale trade on the sea. They have used the benefits of maritime trade to strengthen the country's power, and the country's power is booming."

Holland is now a sea coachman.

Mu Sheng nodded and said softly: "What Zi Yu said is true. Just as Zi Yu said before, if I, a big man, can support the people of the world with sea trade, I will no longer use people's gifts to squeeze people's power."

Jia Heng's face paused slightly, and he said: "It's a Confucian scholar, a scholar of law, cruel on the inside and tolerant on the outside, but that's all."

This set of culture can be said to be completely weak, and it is actually far inferior to the culture of the pre-Qin period.

The rise of the great powers of China was precisely because of the introduction of a certain theory that represented the cause of human liberation.

And one of the theories is to export revolution outwards.

In other words, once the edge is blunted, this culture will revive. It is not surprising that Confucius encountered...

The castrated Confucian culture itself incorporated the Five Arts of Legalism to fool the people, and was a ruling technique tailor-made for rulers like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

So the ruling elite class nourished and cultivated by this culture naturally tends to be conservative and closed.

That’s why the old people say, what do they know about capitalism?

This is the old man's consistent and profound understanding of the inheritance of his country's nationality and culture among the elite, and he later tried to focus on the cultural field, forget it.

Don't talk about state affairs.

Mu Sheng's face paused slightly, nodded, and said with deep sympathy: "What Zi Yu said is true."

Jia Heng said loudly: "It rises vigorously, and its demise is sudden. If I, a big man, want to escape from the situation of the rise and fall of chaos, then we can only expand outwards. The so-called way of heaven is to do more damage than to serve enough. The way of man is

, the loss is not enough to give more than enough.”

Under his thick eyebrows, Mu Sheng looked deeply, nodded, and said loudly: "What Zi Yu said is true."

At this moment, Jia Heng did not know that these words would be studied intensively by historians of later generations.

"On the Evolutionary Process of Reshaping China's Local Culture—Beginning with Wang Jing's Talks in North Korea Four Hundred Years Ago".

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said loudly: "Otherwise, after a hundred years, we will inevitably have people die and the government will cease, and we will have to worry about abandoning the newly developed land."

What you will do, only God knows.

Only with immortal culture and the same blood can the fire be passed down from generation to generation and the continuity of policies and ideas ensured. Therefore, the backward and conservative culture of Confucianism must be swept into the garbage dump of history.

The emperor is a leader in all aspects of religion, culture, and politics, and he should be annotator and interpreter of the Bible.

Mu Sheng looked at the young man in the python suit, with a hint of reverence in his resolute face.

"Zi Yu's words, if spread to Shenjing, will probably cause an uproar among the scholars, and Brother Jia will become the target of public criticism." Mu Sheng said softly with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Jia Heng nodded and said: "This is what civil servants are like. When they debate the scriptures, they all have different opinions and cannot agree on one thing. Today's Confucianism should also change the world."

It is said that no matter how great the achievements are, it is much more difficult to transform a person's mind than to destroy a person physically.

He is not as high as Jia Ziyu in talking about state governance.

Therefore, destroying Liaodong is only the first step. Reshaping the soul of China and preparing to stand tall among the nations in the future has a long and long road ahead.

Otherwise, if it is really just the eighteen provinces of Han Dynasty, it would be worse than the Manchu Qing Dynasty who conquered the Haitang Map.

Anyway, it will be handed over to future generations in the end, so it is better to give it to a vast territory.

Then, Jia Heng raised his eyes to look at Mu Sheng and said warmly: "Brother Mu, let's go back."

So far, there are some things related to the consistent Confucian culture.

Mu Sheng nodded, feeling that the young man had remembered something, so he didn't say anything else.

While Jia Heng was speaking, he didn't say much and walked towards the military tent.

The next two days were spent in a quiet confrontation between the two sides, and the Korean soldiers on guard in Wangjing City seemed to have gradually become accustomed to the Han army's inactivity.

However, Jia Heng did not urge troops in the past two days. Jin Yu, who was only escorting grain and fodder to the front line, came to Jia Heng's tent on the fifth day of the lunar month and asked to see Jia Heng.

"Jin Yizheng, it's been a hard journey." Jia Heng invited Jin Yu to sit down and said softly.

Jin Yu smiled and said: "I don't think it's hard, little old man. Duke Wei, why are you standing still during this period?"

Jia Heng's face paused slightly and he said in a clear voice: "It was the New Year's Day a few days ago. Besides, there were many casualties among the soldiers, so they also need to rest and recuperate."

Jin Yu nodded and said, "We need to rest. I don't know when Duke Wei will launch an army?"

Jia Heng said warmly: "Just wait for another two or three days. As the saying goes, attacking the city is the next best thing, but attacking the heart is the best thing."

Jin Yu said: "Why did Duke Wei say this?"

Jia Heng said: "Now the army is approaching. After these few days of siege, the Korean soldiers already know the strength of our offensive against the Han coalition. However, the Jurchen elite soldiers only have nearly 10,000 soldiers. They have also lost a lot during this period. It is

Keep up the pressure and wait until there is chaos inside and we can move in again."

Jin Yu nodded and said, "What Duke Wei Guo said makes sense."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Jin Yizheng, the siege of the city is inherently protracted and takes time."

Jin Yu said: "I'm not in a hurry. It's just that the Great Lord asked about this matter before, so I said this."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Then Jin Yizheng might as well advise the prince to wait patiently for a few more days before returning it to Wang Jing."

Jin Yu's heart trembled, he nodded, and said softly: "Don't worry, Lord Wei, I will write to you."

After Jia Heng said this, he didn't say anything else.

With a smile on his face, Jin Yu said: "Duke Wei, this time some wine and meat have been sent from China to reward your country's heavenly soldiers."

Jia Heng nodded and said loudly: "The marching director will take over later and distribute it to each battalion."

Jin Yu responded, then said goodbye and left.

Jia Heng didn't say much after that, and returned to another private military tent. When he raised his eyes, he saw Gu Ruoqing.

Gu Ruoqing wore a flying fish suit with exquisite embroidery and black and red brocade. The beauty wore a wingless crown with a mountain shape on her head. Her oval face was as fair as jade and she had a heroic appearance. She stared at the young man in the python suit and said warmly.

:"came back?"

Jia Heng nodded and said: "The weather has changed today, it seems like it will snow."

Gu Ruoqing said: "It's colder here in winter, and it should be summer when it warms up."

While Jia Heng was talking, he sat down and took a cup of tea from Gu Ruoqing.

Just as he sat down, Jia Heng's personal bodyguard Li Shu, deputy Qianhu Li Shu, reported outside: "Captain, I would like to ask the Commander to review the information about the spies in the city."

Jia Heng put down the blue and white porcelain tea cup in his hand, stood up, stared at Li Shu, and asked softly: "Intelligence in the city?"

Li Shu looked slightly startled and handed over a piece of paper in his hand.

Jia Heng took the paper and read it attentively, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

It is stated in it that the generals in the city have already decided to rebel, but the Qing army is patrolling and the defenses are very tight, so there is no opportunity to cause trouble. It is hoped that the Han army will step up its offensive in the next few days.

It can be said that as the spies were secretly launched, many Korean military generals were tempted and were ready to return to the arms of the Han Dynasty.

Gu Ruoqing's eyebrows were filled with concern and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Jia Heng smiled and said: "The internal forces are in place. In the past few days, we will prepare for a large-scale attack on the city."

Gu Ruoqing also had a hint of joy on her beautiful face, and said, "That's the best thing."

During this time, she watched the army attack the city, and she also felt that the battle was fierce and it would be a good thing if the city could be captured as soon as possible.

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Ruoqing, while you are here, I will convene the generals to discuss matters."

In fact, this is a key point, which means that North Korea's royal capital already has the fighter aircraft to break the city.

Gu Ruoqing's eyebrows were as curved as willow leaves. After thinking for a while, he said softly: "I will go with you."

She also wanted to be inseparable from him like her junior sister.

Jia Heng nodded, then without saying a word, accompanied by Gu Ruoqing, he quickly walked towards the military tent again.

At this moment, inside the tent of the Chinese army camp——

The Han generals and North Korean generals summoned by Jia Heng went to the Chinese army's tent one after another.

Jia Heng was sitting on the grand master's chair behind a lacquered wooden table with a stern expression. On the lacquered wooden table beside him, there were bamboo tubes with arrows placed on them.

Mu Sheng, on the other hand, had already taken his seat, with some speculations in his mind.

"I have met Duke Wei." A group of North Korean generals who entered the military tent saluted Jia Heng and said.

Jia Heng stared at the North Korean generals in the military tent and said: "Generals, there is no need to be polite. Please take your seats."

The Korean generals, headed by three Korean generals including Li Shang and Tian Siquan, thanked them and then sat down.

Jia Heng stared at the generals below and said: "Generals, you have been resting for some time. In the past few days, we are preparing engineering equipment. When we attack the city tomorrow, the entire army will be dispatched to attack the city from the west city. There must be no mistakes."

When all the generals present heard this, they all responded in unison.

Jia Heng nodded, and then ordered the generals to conduct combat missions.

When all the generals received their orders and dispersed, only Mu Sheng, the crown prince of Dongping County, was left. He looked at Jia Heng thoughtfully and asked, "Zi Yu, but there has been a new incident in the capital of the Joseon Dynasty?"

Jia Heng said: "The internal intelligence in the city has agreed to respond to the army. In the past two days, our army has stepped up its offensive and is waiting for changes in the city."

Mu Sheng asked: "Have you sent a messenger to agree on the method of raising troops?"

Jia Heng said: "This has not happened before. The Jurchen soldiers and horses in the city are heavily guarded. It is really inconvenient to exchange information. However, the North Korean soldiers and horses occupy the main force in the city. If it is just to receive the army into the city, it should not be difficult."

Mu Sheng nodded and said: "That's good, so as not to prevent Obai in the city from noticing anything."

Jia Heng said categorically: "The success or failure of the siege depends on this."

Once the North Korean issue is solved, he can return to Beijing as soon as possible. After returning to Beijing, there are still some matters to prepare for the war in Pingliao that need to be handled by him personally.

Mu Sheng said: "Ziyu, then I will mobilize the soldiers."

Jia Heng watched Mu Sheng leave, thinking about how to deal with the aftermath.

The morale of the military in North Korea has hit rock bottom, like a crumbling house that will surely collapse if it is given a kick.

Well, this is an ominous statement.

All in all, this is indeed a fighter jet.

At this moment, Gu Ruoqing's jade face, as crystal clear as snow, showed a look of concern, and said softly: "Everything has been settled."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Everything is ready. I hope nothing goes wrong this time."

Gu Ruoqing stared at the young man in the python suit, his face as cold as jade, showing a trace of infatuation.

Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. As time passes with Jia Heng, this quality older leftover woman's attachment to Jia Heng becomes stronger and stronger.

North Korea, Wang Jingcheng

As the siege troops of the Han army and the Korean side began to move one after another, the Manchu soldiers and Korean soldiers in Wangjing City also felt the tense atmosphere of an impending storm.

In the palace——

Obai sat behind Yitiaoban, and below were Obai's second brother Zhuo Butai and fourth brother Baha, as well as a group of North Korean generals.

In addition, there are the North Korean hypocrite Gui Sizhe and two political leaders.

With Wang Jingcheng seemingly as secure as a rock, these monarchs and ministers of the North Korean puppet dynasty also temporarily let go of their worries.

Baha said with a loud voice: "The Han army suddenly reorganized its troops and seemed to be planning a large-scale attack on the city."

Zhuo Butai frowned and said, "It's the same in Nancheng. It looks like Han Dog is brewing a big offensive."

Obai's face was majestic and resolute, and traces of anger appeared in his aggressive eyes. He said in a warm voice: "I have been resting for a few days, and I am preparing to go all out to take over my king's capital."

Baha nodded and said: "I think the Han court still wants to attack with Hongyi cannon this time. During this time, our men suffered a lot of casualties."

Ao Bai's face surged with sternness, and he said in a deep voice: "In the past few days, the armies have been carefully guarding the city, so that the Han army cannot get the chance to attack the city!"

Everyone loudly claimed that it was.

Baha said: "Our Hongyi cannon has been damaged a lot in the past few days."

Although the Jurchen side's Hongyi cannon had a far lower range than the Han army's Hongyi cannon, it still caused a lot of damage in the defense of the city and caused a lot of trouble to the Korean and Han soldiers.

However, after many days of high-intensity fire support and continuous bombardment, the blunderbuss tubes had been scrapped and could not be used.

Obei said: "When our Qing warriors marched across the border and defeated hundreds of thousands of Han troops, they also had no red barbarian cannons. Now that the Han army has the power of artillery and muskets, can't they fight this battle?"

Yabulan, the first general under Obai, nodded and said loudly: "What Shaobao said is that if the Han army wants to break the city, they will eventually climb onto the city."

Ao Bai looked at the Korean generals with calm eyes and said: "In the past few days, you all hope to hold on for a few more days. As long as we can block another wave of Han army's attacks, from what I can see, the Han army's will will definitely collapse.

, and our Qing soldiers and horses are winning battles in Haizhou and Gaizhou in Liaodong."

Of course, the reality is that the two acropolis have been driven into the land of Liaodong like two wedges.

When some North Korean generals heard this, their dark eyes flickered, and some strange expressions appeared on their faces.

Obviously he doesn't believe this.

Obei said: "The Han army came from afar and cannot last long. If we rested and did not attack before, the attack on the city was frustrated. In addition, the soldiers were homesick, which led to the morale of the army being depressed. As long as we resist for another two months, the Han army will definitely be defeated."

After hearing this, the North Korean generals present did not say anything to refute, but all agreed.

At this moment, a "rumbling" sound came from outside, startling the Jurchen generals and North Korean generals who were discussing matters.

Ao Bai stood up, his eyes were fierce, and he said loudly: "The Han soldiers and horses have launched an attack. You will follow my generals to climb the gate tower to defend the city."

All the generals and commanders responded to the order one after another, and then followed Obai and quickly walked out of the hall.

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