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Chapter 1405 Jia Heng: No matter how hard you resist, you can’t defend Ningyuan.

Chapter 1405 Jia Heng: ...No matter how stubborn we are, we will not be able to defend Ningyuan City.

Beiping Mansion, in the government hall——

At this moment, the generals of the Beijing Camp and the Peking Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department were all gathered together. The whole hall was extremely silent, and you could hear the drop of a needle.

Pairs of eyes, either serious or adoring, were cast on the young man's face.

Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, also sat on a pear-backed chair, among the generals, looking up eagerly.

Under Jia Heng's sword-browed eyebrows, his clear eyes flashed with incomparable majesty, and he asked: "Marquis Shi, the Jurchen soldiers and horses are in Ningyuan City in Liaodong right now. Where is my forward army now?"

Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, looked solemn, his eyes flashed, and he cupped his hands and said: "Duke Wei, Cao Bianjiao, deputy commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, has led 30,000 troops to Gaotaibao to confront the enemy in Ningyuan City."

Jia Heng said loudly: "After my army, we should first conquer Ningyuan City. The Jurchens have deployed two lines of defense in Shengjing, one is Ningyuan and the other is Songjin. After our Han army breaks through this city, we will then join the enemy in hunting."

On the Songjin line, as long as the female main force is defeated, our Han army will be able to annihilate Liaodong in one fell swoop."

Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, nodded and complimented, "What Duke Wei Guo said is true."

After the discussion with the generals was over, Jia Heng, accompanied by Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, had a feast to welcome the wind.

At this moment, all the generals drank together and exchanged cups. After a while, their ears were full of wine.

Shi Ding and the generals from the Beiping Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department supported the generals from the Beijing camp and headed to the camp located south of Beiping Fucheng.

In the study -

Behind a wood, stone, and mica screen hangs a map depicting mountains, rivers, and cities. It can be seen that there are various blue lines drawn on it, which are the topographic maps of North Korea and Liaodong. The canines on the map are intertwined, showing that there is constant competition.

Jia Heng sat behind a lacquered wood strip-shaped handsome desk. Under his sword-shaped eyebrows, his clear eyes were sharp and his face was as dark as water, thinking about the strategy of using troops.

Chen Xiao stepped forward slowly, a fragrant fragrance floated over, and said, "Is there any good strategy?"

Jia Heng's eyes paused slightly under his sharp eyebrows, and he said: "The Jurchens stationed their troops and horses at the Songjin line. This place is not far from Shanhaiguan, and the defensive pressure of transporting heavy grain and fodder is not very great."

Chen Xiao said softly: "This time the Hongyi artillery has been pulled to Beiping Mansion. If we use artillery and blunderbuss to attack Ningyuan City, Ningyuan City can be destroyed in an instant."

This is Chen Xiao's confidence in the firearms industry of the Han Dynasty. As the Han court's weapons supervisor improved the process of manufacturing cannons, the red cannons undoubtedly became much lighter.

Jia Heng's eyes were deep under his sharp eyebrows, and he said: "But Jurchens are good at turning the tables in difficult battles, so we have to guard against them."

The so-called way of using troops should be cautious and do not dare to be arrogant in the slightest.

Although you look like you are a dragon rider now, you look like you are losing, but on the real battlefield, the fighter planes are changing rapidly.

Chen Xiao nodded and said: "According to reports from secret spies, the Jurchens have stationed about 90,000 troops in Jinzhou, and have added about 30,000 troops to Ningyuan City."

Jia Heng turned around, stared at the map of mountains and rivers, and said: "In the direction of Ningyuan City, there is Qiantun and Gaotaibao. Cao Bianjiao, deputy general of Shanhaiguan Pass, has been stationed in Qiantun. After a few days, the army will rest.

After that, they will join him at the High Tower."

From Shanhaiguan to Ningyuan City and even Jinzhou City, it is actually not that far.

Chen Xiao said: "First send a vanguard army over to meet Cao Bianjiao."

Jia Heng nodded, his eyes paused slightly, and he said loudly: "That's exactly what I meant."

After thinking for a while, he ordered the Jinyi palace guards outside and said, "Come here, call Marquis Zhongqin to come over."


The guard of the Jinyi Mansion didn't say much, turned around and left the hall.

After a while, Zhongqin Hou Xie Zaiyi entered the hall, cupped his fists and said, "I have seen Jieshuai."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Brother Xie, no need to be more polite."

As he said that, under Xie Zaiyi's doubtful eyes, he said: "Xie Hou, will you lead Guo Yong camp's soldiers and horses to Gaotai Fort early tomorrow morning to join up with Cao Bianjiao and threaten Ningyuan City?"

Hearing this, Xie Zaiyi raised his hands and said, "Commander Jie, I have 20,000 troops under my command, do you want to attack directly?"

"Move the camera." Jia Heng said thoughtfully: "Our army will fight the enemy in Songjin. We should go to Ningyuan City first. Once our army arrives, we can attack with the whole army. Xie Hou will first go to explore the enemy's strength."

Xie Zaiyi thought about the words "camera moves", looked slightly solemn, and said decisively: "Don't worry, Duke Wei, the general will definitely go all out to control the enemy's raids to the south."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Xie Hou is the leader of the three armies. After leading the troops to Ningyuan this time, we can send out scouts to conduct reconnaissance. When the army arrives, if the fighter plane is suitable, we can quickly surround the enemy's rear and defeat the enemy invaders in one fell swoop."

Under Xie Zaiyi's thick eyebrows, his aggressive eyes paused slightly, and he cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Duke Wei, the general has this intention now."

It can be said that Xie Zaiyi was originally a general who used his troops and strategies to be unconventional and unconstrained by ordinary things.

Jia Heng's eyes showed admiration and said: "I leave everything to Xie Hou."

Xie Zaiyi bowed his hand and said yes, then quickly left the study and went to summon the generals and mobilize the soldiers.

Jia Heng looked at Chen Xiao standing aside, patted one shoulder, and called out: "Xiaoxiao, over here, come over and give me a squeeze on your shoulder."

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes at Jia Heng, snorted softly, and said, "My shoulders are still sore right now, please help me squeeze them."

However, I still felt sorry for Jia Heng, so I came behind Jia Heng and gently squeezed the young man's shoulders.

Jia Heng's calm face showed a hint of contentment, and he said happily and inexplicably: "The allocation of troops should be almost done."

This kind of thing would have been impossible to pull off originally, but now the Han's military strength can completely push it through.

"Is there any news from the capital?" Jia Heng asked with a cold, sharp look under his sword-shaped eyebrows.

Chen Xiao's face, as white as snow, looked tired from all the work, and he said loudly: "There hasn't been much news recently, but I asked Qu Lang and Liu Jixian to pay attention."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "The capital wants to monitor Chen Yuan's movements."

Chen Xiao said: "Senior sister is always sending me news via flying pigeons."

Jia Heng said: "This journey has been very tiring. Take a shower, change clothes, and take a nap. I will go to inspect the defense of Beiping City later."

After a while, the guards in Jinyi entered the hall, looked at the young man in python suit, cupped his fists and said: "Commander, the hot water is ready."

Jia Heng said: "Let's go over and wait for me to take a bath."

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes at the young man in the python suit. With a hint of embarrassment in his eyes, he immediately followed Jia Heng towards the side room.

After Jia Heng finished bathing, accompanied by Chen Xiao, he inspected the defense in Beiping Fucheng.

At this moment, on the towering city wall with a circumference of several miles, soldiers in black iron armor were holding crossbows.

Accompanied by the generals of the Beiping Prefecture, Jia Heng inspected the defense facilities and the military readiness of the military camps.

After so many years, especially after the rectification of Li Zan, the Minister of War, and Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, the Beiping Prefecture has become an elite force in the defense line of the northern border towns.

Ningyuan City

This city, where the great victory of Ningyuan occurred in parallel time and space history, stands quietly and majesticly on the vast land of Liaodong.

At this moment, in the wilderness five miles away from Ningyuan City, one can see fiery red flags embroidered with auspicious clouds waving in the wind, as bright as fire, while the white tents are like white clouds on the blue sky.


At this moment, Shanhaiguan Deputy Commander-in-Chief Cao Bianjiao was riding on a horse, holding a monocular telescope in his hand and looking at Ningyuan City a few miles away.

In the field of view of the camera, on the crenellations of the low city wall, tall and fierce-looking Jurchen soldiers wearing indigo-blue bronze armor with bubble nails can almost be seen. The beads of sweat on their faces are as big as soybeans.

Lieutenant General Guo Yan paused slightly and said, "Headquarters, the Jurchens have increased their troops again."

Cao Bianjiao said loudly: "No matter how many more troops and horses you send, it will be useless. Our thirty thousand troops and horses are enough to stop the enemy's return."

Since the last time the deputy commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan led his elite cavalry to defeat the troops with blue flags led by the Jurchen Prince Zheng Jierhalang, not only the generals' self-confidence has doubled, but even the ordinary soldiers feel their self-confidence has doubled.

Guo Yan said: "Nowadays, the offensive and defensive forces are really different. I remember when the general was serving as a soldier in Shanhaiguan, he could only hide in the tower and fortress when facing the captive cavalry heading south, and could not move at all."

This lieutenant of Cao Bianjiao was only in his early forties. In his early years, he witnessed how the Han border gates allowed enemy invaders to roam freely, while the Han soldiers had no power to fight back.

Cao Bianjiao nodded, his face paused slightly, and he said loudly: "Duke Wei has defeated the enemy invaders in several battles in a row. He has severely damaged the Jurchens' arrogance, and is now in the great situation."

His stern gaze seemed to pass through heavy smoke and clouds, and fell on the towering city, and said in a deep voice: "In the battle to destroy the country, we have made great contributions and are famous in history. Just now, how lucky are you and me?"

Lieutenant General Guo Yan nodded and said, "What the Lord Commander said is true."

If this battle results in a great victory that will destroy the country, he will be awarded a title for his merits, which will indeed be a grand event celebrated by the whole world.

This actually reflects the confident mentality of the Han generals at this moment. After several great victories, the entire Han Dynasty is filled with a positive and optimistic atmosphere.

Under Cao Bianjiao's thick eyebrows, his eyes were piercing and he said in a deep voice: "Go back first."

At this moment, a soldier wearing red armor and a black cloak gripped the horse's reins tightly, "drove" the horse all the way, and said loudly: "Commander Cao, the commander-in-chief's military order!"

A look of surprise appeared on Cao Bianjiao's face.

Then, he took a newspaper from the soldier and read it attentively. After a while, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes under his thick eyebrows. He met Guo Yan's gaze and said loudly: "The commander-in-chief has sent me thank you."

Hou led the vanguard troops and horses to rush for reinforcements."

Guo Yan said with excitement in his tone: "Then it would be best for our army to station troops and horses here."

"Build the barracks and prepare to receive the army." Cao Bianjiao's voice was quite firm and he said in a deep voice.

Once hundreds of thousands of troops arrived, it was not easy to just eat, drink, and prepare food and feed.

On the other side, Ningyuan City——

On the towering city gate, there are vermilion beams and pillars, blue bricks and black tiles, and Jurchen warriors armed with weapons and guards can be seen all around.

The commander-in-chief of the Xianglan Banner stationed in the city is also Ji'erharang's nephew Ai Duli, and the deputy commander-in-chief Gu Ermahong stood on the top of the city, looking at the Han army in the distance, with a solemn look in their eyes.


With the decline of the Jurchen princes and nobles, the Jurchens were somewhat in decline, and the younger generation of Jurchens also began to make their debut and move towards the big stage of history.

"What a coward. In the more than ten years since my Qing Dynasty, when have I ever been so cowardly?" Gu Ermahong said with a look of humiliation under his thick eyebrows, and his voice was somewhat indignant.

Ai Duli sighed, with a look of despair on his face under his thick eyebrows, and said loudly: "The country's power is sluggish, its military power is crumbling, our Qing Dynasty is no longer what it used to be."

Gu Ermahong said: "The Han people should be on the road, with a force of 150,000 soldiers from Beijing. They want to destroy our country in one fell swoop."

There was a coldness in Ai Duli's eyes, and he said: "You have forgotten the frontier troops in Peiping and the troops in Shanhaiguan. Together, these are estimated to be two to three hundred thousand troops. This is the number we have had since the founding of the Qing Dynasty."

, no less than the critical battle of Sarhu."

Hearing this, Gu Ermahong frowned, with a worried look in his eyes, and said, "What did the regent say?"

"What else can you say? Let us lead the army and hold on. Reinforcements are on the way." Adu Li said with a worried look on his face, his face ashen.

When Gu Ermahong on the side heard this, there was also a somewhat dignified look in his eyes.

Under his thick eyebrows, Eduli took a deep look at the military tent and said solemnly: "Secure this city first and wait for the regent's military order before it is too late."

With that said, the two quickly walked down the city wall and headed to the government hall.

While he was looking at the map in the Yamen Hall with a frown on his face, suddenly a guard's voice came from outside and said, "Prince Zheng is here."

The two people who were drinking tea and thinking hard looked at each other, with a hint of joy on their faces.

Prince Zheng is here, and he has a backbone.

Even though Prince Zheng Jierhalang suffered two defeats against the Han Dynasty, he was one of the few princes who could stand alone in the Qing Dynasty where talents were withering.

While they were talking, the two of them strode out of the government hall. They saw a middle-aged man riding a tall horse coming up the street in the distance. He was also wearing blue cannon nail armor. His resolute and majestic face was full of determination and bravery.


"Uncle." Aldoli quickly stepped forward and saluted Prince Zheng with clasped fists.

Jierhalang approached and asked impatiently: "How is the situation? Has the Han army increased its troops again?"

"The Han army seems to have recently reinforced a cavalry army and is rushing towards Ningyuan City." Ai Duli said.

"Cavalry?" Jierhalang was surprised and asked, "But the Han court's troops from Beijing are here?"

Ai Duli's face remained worried, and he said in a deep voice: "It should be."

"Follow me to the top of the city." Jierhalang said with a solemn look on his face.

With that said, accompanied by his personal guards and retinue, he climbed up the city wall in a mighty manner and observed the movements of the Han army.

On the other side, after two days of rest, Jia Heng led the Beijing army and also left Beiping Mansion and headed for Gaotaibao.

Finally, in the late summer of the 19th year of Chongping, we arrived at the castle, near the foot of Ningyuan City. The journey was unhurried and steady.

Previously, this castle was also a military fortress used by the Jurchens to station troops and defend Jinzhou City. After being caught off guard and defeated by Cao Bianjiao's cavalry, it has now undoubtedly become a place for the Han army to station troops.

On the towering city wall, you can see a forest of flags, making the sound of hunting, and the long halberds flashing with a faint cold light.

At this moment, Shanhaiguan Deputy Commander-in-Chief Cao Bianjiao led a group of military generals to welcome him out of the fort. He stared at the young man in the python suit and said, "I have met Duke Wei."

Jia Heng nodded, with a look of admiration in his eyes under his sharp eyebrows, and said with a smile: "General Cao, long time no see."

Cao Bianjiao couldn't help but show a hint of reverence in his sharp and majestic tiger eyes. He clasped his fists and said, "After seeing each other for so many years, Mr. Wei is still as charming as ever."

Jia Heng smiled, sat upright on the saddle, suddenly turned over and dismounted, threw the reins in his hands to the Jinyi guards on the side, and praised: "General Cao's army defeated Jierhalang's soldiers and horses before, he is brave and good at fighting.

It can be said that my big man defeated the Jurchens for the first time on the frontal cavalry battlefield, which is of great significance."

Cao Bianjiao showed humility on his face and said, "Duke Wei has given you too much praise."

Being so praised by the idol he admired before him, Cao Bianjiao felt a little bit happy, but he just wanted to maintain his calm and majestic image on the surface, so he didn't show much of it.

Jia Heng nodded and said loudly: "Okay, this is not the place to talk. Let the army enter the city."

He is the supreme commander-in-chief since he arrived, and there is no way he can talk about being anti-customer.

Cao Bianjiao also reacted immediately and quickly extended his hand to invite you, saying: "Duke Wei, please."

Then, Jia Heng led a group of personal guards and generals into a fort two feet high and entered the government hall of the city.

Jia Heng sat down, his eyes paused slightly, and he asked with a surprised expression: "General Cao, why didn't you see Xie Hou just now?"

Cao Bianjiao said: "Returning to defend the Duke, Xiehou has camped outside Ningyuan City to monitor the enemy soldiers and horses in the city. He has sent military intelligence over the past few days."

When Jia Heng heard this, he smiled and said: "Xiehou has always been unparalleled in courage, bravery and good at fighting. There are few people in the world who can match him."

This was also what I had previously ordered to Xie Zaiyi, which was to capture the fighter plane and move the camera.

Jia Heng stared at Cao Bianjiao and asked, "What are the recent movements of the Jurchen Tatar soldiers and horses in Ningyuan City?"

Cao Bianjiao raised his eyes and looked at Jia Heng. His voice was clear and crisp, and he said: "Returning to defend the country, the Jurchen soldiers and horses in Ningyuan City are still unable to retreat."

After Jia Heng heard this, he asked, "Have you ever found out how many troops there are in the city?"

Cao Bianjiao frowned and looked worried, and said: "Duke Wei, there are approximately Xianglan Banner and Eight Mongolian Banners in the city. The Eight Banners of the Han Army have more than 30,000 soldiers and horses. However, because they are defending the isolated city, it is difficult to capture the city with the same force."

Jia Heng nodded, thought for a moment, and said decisively: "Ignore it, the Jurchens have more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, and they will not be able to defend Ningyuan City no matter how stubborn they are."

Cao Bianjiao said: "The general also thinks so. Once our army arrives, it will only be a matter of time before Ningyuan City is destroyed."

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said: "In the past few days, the army has sent a team of sentinel cavalry in a radius of a hundred miles to guard against Jurchen cavalry attacking our army's food routes."

Hundreds of thousands of troops marched from Shanhaiguan to Gaotaipu. The military supply line was relatively long, and cavalry troops were required to protect them along the way.

Cao Bianjiao nodded in agreement.

After that, all the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp were stationed in Gaotaibao.


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