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Chapter 156 Go to Yingtianmen!

 Ningguo Mansion

Jia Heng was chatting with Jia Mu and several others.

It has to be said that the cooperation of Jia Mu and Sister Feng pushed the atmosphere in the inner hall to a climax more than once.

The laughter and laughter continued, and it was almost noon before I knew it.

Baoyu stood in the corridor, listening to the noise coming from the inner room, pacing back and forth, feeling somewhat itchy and unbearable.

As for Jia She, he had already asked his servants to prepare tables and chairs in the front yard and was drinking tea.

While talking, Jia's mother saw Jia Heng's kind face and said, "Brother Heng, it's not too early now. If we want to check the accounts..."

However, before Jia Mu finished speaking, she saw a woman running outside and entering the hall.

Everyone was shocked.

"Uncle Heng, Cai Qianhu asked for a meeting outside the hall, saying that your cousin was beaten by someone, and now everyone is in the front hall." The woman said anxiously.

When he said one sentence, everyone's expression changed.

When Jia Heng heard the words, he stood up suddenly, his eyes were as gloomy as water, and he looked at Jia Mu. The cold and stern aura that was as dignified as a mountain was almost like a big stone pressing on everyone's hearts.

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "Old lady, I'm sorry."

Jia Mu swallowed back the last part of her words, and said with a worried look on her face: "Brother Heng, go and have a look quickly. Yuanyang, you can also go and have a look. Girl Feng, please go and invite the imperial doctor to come.

Brother Heng, cousin Heng, take a look."

Qin Keqing also stood up and walked to Jia Heng's side and said, "Husband, don't be anxious first."

Jia Heng nodded, then without saying much, walked towards the front hall.

I saw Cai Quan and Qu Lang talking in the flower hall in the front yard. Dong Qian was sitting on a chair next to him. Dong Qian's military uniform was a bit messy and there were bruises on his face. However, he looked good and was talking in a low voice.

Jia Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he went to Cuihua Mountain, he ordered Cai Quan to quietly follow his cousin with two of his confidants armed with crossbows, just to be on guard against Jia She and Qiu Liang's insidious moves.

But even if it was a false alarm, the anger in his heart was still burning.

His cousin accompanied him, but he didn't get promoted even half a rank, didn't make a fortune, and ended up getting a beating?

Everyone who was sitting originally stood up one after another when they saw Jia Heng coming to the hall.

"Brother Heng." Cai Quan said with a wry smile: "It's all my fault. One of the two brothers I sent to follow him went to have lunch, but only one followed secretly. He rushed out a little late, causing Brother Dong to suffer some injuries.


Dong Qian waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't care about Brother Cai. Brother Cai's people have been secretly following me. Five or six people from the other side were surrounding me. I was not paying attention for a moment and received two punches in the face. Others

It’s not a big deal.”

It turned out that he had just got off duty from Dongcheng at noon and was leading his horse home for dinner. As soon as he turned into a street corner, he was blocked by five or six green-skinned scoundrels with fierce faces and evil smiles.

Jia Heng looked at Cai Quan and said, "Who is it? Have you found out?"

"I was about to tell my brother that my men shot three of them to death with crossbows!" Cai Quan stared and said, "As for the origin, I haven't found out."

Jia Heng shouted solemnly: "Well done! Attacking the public servants brazenly is tantamount to rebellion, and you will be shot without mercy!"

After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Didn't anyone from Jingzhao Yamen intervene?"

Once someone dies and someone reports the crime, the official from Jingzhao Yamen will definitely go over to check.

"The blame lies here. Because I wanted to take Brother Dong to see the doctor, I left the place first. When I came back with the people, I looked at the corpses again. All the blood stains were gone." Cai Quan frowned angrily.

Said: "Now there is no point even going to Jingzhao Yamen to report the crime."

Jia Heng frowned and said with a sneer: "Who said it's useless?"

Yesterday, because of Fan Yi's incident, all the ministers in the cabinet were in an uproar. He Juncheng, the cabinet minister and the Minister of Rites, together with the Jingzhao Yamen, and the three parties of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were strictly investigating the matter to get to the bottom of it.

Originally, he just wanted to set a fire and watch the civil servants swarm in, but looking at the current situation, it was no longer possible to just sit back and watch.

With He Juncheng's urinary nature of calming people down, it is probably better to suppress it and control the impact.

Qu Lang looked solemn and said: "Master Jia, there is a mixed bag in Dongcheng, the Sanhe Gang, the Little Knife Club, the King Kong Gang... I can't think of any of these gangs to plot against Brother Dong, but these... Sir, don't take a fancy to these gangs.

The table is not allowed, but the background is not shallow, and the hands and eyes are open to the sky, so it is not easy to move arbitrarily."

When Jia Heng heard this, his heart moved slightly and he said, "Qu Baihu, can you elaborate on it?"

This man from a wealthy family knows a lot about one-third of an acre in Shenjing.

Qu Lang pondered for a moment and said: "Sir, in that area of ​​​​the East City, there are all kinds of religions and nine streams, including brothels, gambling houses, selling women and children, and other side businesses. These people are engaged in unethical business and inquire about official figures.

, I heard from my humble position... I just heard that some people are so bold that they even bribe their colleagues in the Jinyiwei Mansion."

Cai Quan frowned and said, "I've heard of those gangs in Dongcheng."

Facing the inquiring glances of several people, Cai Quan said nonchalantly: "Some generals and colleges in the capital camp go there to have fun, and the prices there are fair...Brother, I heard what they said, but I have never been there!"

The last sentence is even somewhat decisive.

Jia Heng slowly retracted the suspicious gaze that fell on Cai Quan's face, then looked at Qu Lang, and said in a deep voice: "Qu Baihu, this Dongcheng is so chaotic, doesn't anyone care about it?"

It has almost become a sore in Shenjing City, oozing pus all the time and emitting a foul odor.

How can the emperor tolerate this!

Qu Lang explained: "Speaking of it, it was also the mess left by the former commander of Jingzhao Yin and the Wucheng Army and Horses Division. At that time, the two families were at loggerheads because they were competing for the power to arrest people for public security in Jingzhao. The former Jingzhao Yin

Sun Liangchen was dismissed from his post because of corruption and cunning, and his family was raided. The military commander Zhou Song was also exiled to the Nine Borders because of his lack of discipline, dereliction of duty and violation of the law. At that time, this was a major dispute between the government and the government, and it was our governor who controlled the capital.

It was run by the general, Qiu Duwei, because of his merits, he was promoted from being in charge of punishing thousands of households to being a governor, and now he is highly regarded by the Holy One."

Jia Heng's eyes deepened. This was the second time he heard Captain Qiu's name.

Qu Lang continued: "Then Mr. Xu was transferred. As for the post of military commander of the five cities, it was temporarily vacant. Even if Xu Mansion Yin was upright and constrained, he could not hold back the Dongcheng group for a while.

Because many refugees came to Shenjing to seek life and had no place to stay, they could only live in Dongcheng to make a living."

Jia Heng frowned and said, "I don't think so."

It's just that Xu Lugang has not been in charge of Jingzhao for a long time, and he has not yet straightened out his superiors and subordinates. In addition, Jingzhao Yamen is weak and weak, so it is difficult to applaud.

Dong Qian listened to Qu Lang's words and hesitated for a moment, then said: "Brother Heng, if you don't forget it, you won't be hurt anyway."

Cai Quan moved his lips and wanted to give some advice, but after a second thought, he felt something was wrong. After all, it was not him who was being beaten, and he could not say anything to calm the situation.

He glanced at Jia Heng and saw that Jia Heng's face was gloomy. He thought for a moment and said, "Brother Heng, why don't you ask for help from that person, the factory guard who can control the internal police factory?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky, naturally not referring to the emperor, but to the Prime Minister of the Daming Palace.

Jia Heng waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "It is appalling that such thugs are allowed to cause trouble at the feet of the Emperor! I have been greatly favored by the Emperor and have been conferred the title of General Yunhui.

Que, if we don’t purge those people for the sake of the emperor, how can we stand between heaven and earth!”

If someone else had said this, and in another context, it might have been a bit far-fetched and inconsistent, but Jia Heng had just been conferred a title, which was the moment when the emperor's grace was so great that he burst into tears of gratitude.

Say a few words of loyalty and brilliance such as "Your Majesty will be kind to you, and I will kill you with a sword." No one will feel strange. Instead, they will feel that Jia Ziyu always knows kindness and has a generous temperament.

Not to mention, a royal guard was added to direct the affairs.

When Cai Quan heard this, he was shocked and said in confusion: "General Yunhui?"

Dong Qian also looked at Jia Heng in surprise, a little unbelievable.

Cai Quan had just brought Dong Qian with him. Not long after he sat down, he naturally didn't know that Jia Heng had been knighted by imperial edict.

Old Jinyi like Qu Lang is not a familiar person, and he has no reason to show off with other people's affairs.

Jia Heng cupped his hands in the direction of the Daming Palace and said with emotion: "The imperial edict just issued, the Holy Emperor's grace is so great that he is awarded the third-class Yunhui General. The king's father's eyes are earnest, how can he allow this young man to run rampant under his nose?


Some of the Dongcheng gangs may be the black gloves of the powerful, helping the powerful in Beijing to do things that are inconvenient for them to do.

But so what!

Others have bullied you to the point of being bullied, and if you continue to look forward and backward, others will only take advantage of you.

Besides, you can't even protect the people around you. Once the people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, even Cai Quan's eyes looked slightly different.

In fact, since he was awarded the title of Third-Class Yunhui General, he has become qualified to form a small-scale political force centered on himself.

This sounds very mysterious, but it is the difference between famous instruments and clouds and mud.

Even if a white man is the emperor's guest, chatting and laughing with the emperor happily, and is proud of being a prince in white clothes, it is impossible for you to gather a group of political forces around you.

But once you are knighted as a general and ranked as a martial artist, you can fly your own banner in the court.

Not to mention the influence he exerted on the emperor.

Of course, his political power may be relatively weak and even a little shabby at the moment, but his title and title will gradually exert its power.

"The only thing you need to worry about is that you don't have to work too much, get a real job, delay the imperial examination, and finally be awarded by the emperor with the same background as a Jinshi. It feels a bit like a gold-plated academic degree."

Qu Lang's resolute face was silent for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "Sir, I might as well ask my Jin Yiwei to find out which gang is behind this."

Hearing this, Jia Heng raised his eyes to look at Qu Lang, his gaze on the young man became more meaningful, and he solemnly said: "Then there will be hundreds of households in Laoqu."

Previously, I thought that this Baihu was more dull than the smooth and sophisticated Zhao Yi, but I didn't expect that he was also a thoughtful person who was clumsy in words but quick in deeds.

Also, if you can get into hundreds of households in a place like Jinyi Mansion, which eats people without spitting out their bones, there is no simple thing.

"Speaking of it, this is also the beauty of famous weapons." Jia Heng suddenly had some clarity in his heart.

Although he had previously commanded the affairs of the Jinyiwei, he only had an additional title. His appointment of the Jinyiwei was actually unfair.

But now a title, coupled with the title of Commander of the Jinyiwei, will give people a strong hint that one day the emperor will let him take charge of the Jinyiwei.

There are people who are willing to show kindness and get closer.

"It's really hard to resign from the position of Jinyiwei. Even if you leave a title, you can still exert a little influence." Jia Heng put away some of the distracting thoughts in his mind and faced the man whose cheeks were flushed due to excitement.

Cai Quan said: "Brother Cai, go find a stretcher!"


"The bed plank is fine. I'll carry my brother and the brother from the Beijing camp, and let's beat the drum and complain!" Jia Heng said in a deep voice with a stern face.

There are no corpses or blood stains, so what can we do about those people?

I will give you a free heart and beat you... do you still need a reason?

Cai Quan responded loudly: "Okay, I will prepare the bed board and go to Jingzhao Yamen now!"

"Go to Jingzhao Yamen, go to Yingtianmen!" Jia Heng's eyes were gloomy and he said coldly, "Come here, go to my old house in Liutiao'er Hutong, Ningrong Street, call Mr. Fan, and let's play the drum together!


Upon hearing this, Cai Quan's pupils shrank sharply, his voice trembled, and he felt his breathing was stagnant, and said: "Brother Heng, that is the palace gate..."

Even Qu Lang's eyes were fierce and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Is this going to... break the sky!?

But then I thought about it, maybe with the holy family and reputation of this young powerful man, beating the drum would really shock the scholars, the public sentiment would be fierce, and the Jianghu gangs in Dongcheng would be punished by both humans and gods!

Jia Heng took a deep breath and looked coldly.

Since some people don't abide by political rules, let's turn the table over and stop everyone playing!

First, a national examination candidate was beaten and maimed, and then an official from the Military and Horse Department of the Five Cities was beaten. What are they going to do?

Rebellion by killing officials?

He has reason to suspect that one day, these people will break into the Daming Palace to kill the king!

"Brother, do you feel a little dizzy now?" Jia Heng looked at Dong Qian with a cold face and asked.

Dong Qian was stunned for a moment, his mind suddenly dawned, he frowned, held his head and said: "My head is a little dizzy, my chest hurts a little, I can't breathe..."

Just at this time, two boys carried the wooden board over, and Jia Heng said, "Then lie down."

Qu Lang cupped his hands and said, "Master Jia, let me go check it out first."

Jia Heng stepped forward and patted Qu Lang on the shoulder, saying in a deep voice: "If the emperor asks, Qu Baihu should respond accordingly."

When Qu Lang heard this, his heart was shaken. He felt a surge of energy and blood rushing to his cheeks. His voice trembled a little without realizing it, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir..."

"Go quickly, Qu Baihu, the time left for your investigation is one hour at most." Jia Heng's eyes were gentle and he cut off Qu Lang's words.

There are many people with mixed opinions, so some things should not be said out loud.

Qu Lang didn't say much. He took a deep look at Jia Heng, clasped his fists, called out to a few guards, turned around and left. After leaving the main hall, he almost ran at full speed. He wanted to immediately activate his spies and spies as soon as possible.

Investigate the matter.

As long as Mr. Jia says during the performance, "Qilang, a hundred households in Jinyiwei, knows the details very well, and the Holy One can ask questions..."

When Qu Lang returned, Jia Heng did not delay. He sealed Cheng Yi to the two accountants and sent them back for the time being. Then he took Cai Quan, carried the removed bed board, and carried Dong Qian with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Go straight to Yingtianmen.

This chapter has been completed!
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