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Chapter 166 Recorded

 At the Wucheng Military and Horse Department, in the courtyard of the government office, Liu You was shocked when he heard Fan Juren's name, and saw a familiar face approaching him, it was Fan Juren.

"Liu You, do you still remember Fan?"

Looking at Liu You who was pushed to the ground, Fan Yi showed a touch of joy on his face and shouted.

Liu You had a look of shock in his eyes and said, "You..."

Fan Yi said coldly: "Back then, at the township party meeting, a certain family just had a few quarrels with you, but you harbored a grudge and sought revenge on others."

"You're talking nonsense, it's not me!" Liu You's heart sank, but he knew the stakes, so he just gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

"When your Excellency interrogates me, I will find out everything." Fan Yi said bitterly.

At this time, Jia Heng also looked at Qiu Liang and said, "Qiu Liang, Liu You is colluding with the Sanhe Gang. If you know the reason, you can quickly recruit them."

Qiu Liang sneered and said: "Master Jia, Qiu doesn't know anything about the Sanhe Gang. As for Liu You, he is just a civil servant in the government office. Who does he associate with? How did Qiu know? Master Jia, Qiu has been dismissed from his post and is waiting to be joined.

, Now it’s time to go home and wait for the edict. Mr. Jia, you have finished announcing your edict. Qiu will leave now!”

Jia Heng chuckled and said, "Qiu Liang, do you think you can get away with it just by asking questions?"

"Why, Master Jia still wants to detain Qiu?" Qiu Liang stood up slowly, shook the dust off his official robe, and a trace of resentment appeared on his rough face.

Today's humiliation, as long as he, Qiu Liang, doesn't die, he will definitely pay back a hundredfold!

"Still want to go home?" Jia Heng chuckled and said: "Qiu Liang, you have been dismissed from your post and have no official position. Now you are implicated in the case of a national examination candidate who was beaten and maimed. You need to assist in the investigation. Come on.

Please invite Master Qiu to a quiet residence and entertain him well."

"You, Qiu, are an official of the imperial court. After Wu Xun, if there is no special decree from the emperor, how dare you!" Qiu Liang's face changed drastically and he said angrily.

Jia Heng called Cai Quan and whispered: "Find a dark house, let him stay well, don't talk to him, lock him up for two days first..."

After Qiu Liang was dismissed from his post, he became a prisoner. As he said, he could not interrogate the animal without an order, but it did not mean that he could not detain it for a short period of time.

First, shut up in a "little dark room" for a few days.

Although Cai Quan had doubts about whether this method would work, seeing Jia Heng's calm expression, he suppressed his doubts and called two soldiers from the Beijing camp to hold Qiu Liang down.

Qiu Liang looked at Jia Heng angrily, and said bitterly in his heart: "Jia Heng, you wait for Qiu!"

He will only sit in jail for a few days, and when he comes out, he will settle the score with this dirty kid!

Cai Quan pressed Qiu Liang and walked towards the cell of the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division.

After Qiu Liang left, Jia Heng glanced at the officials of the Five Cities Military and Horse Department, and said calmly: "Everyone, Qiu Liang has been dismissed from his post. If you ask, you can get up first."

The five-city army generals and civil servants who were originally kneeling stood up one after another and looked at the young man in brocade clothes with respect and fear. Some of them were very thoughtful.

His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Take Liu You to prison. I will interrogate this beast later!" Jia Heng ordered, and then looked at the generals of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division, looking at six or seven wearing the robes of sixth- and seventh-grade military attachés.

The generals were patrolling.

There are four commanders, Sifan, in charge of the four cities of the five cities, each in charge of the southeast, northwest and four cities, with separate government offices. As for the middle city, it is under the personal jurisdiction of Qiu Liang. Each has one commander, the sixth rank, and four deputy commanders, each the seventh rank. The subordinates are in charge.

There are more than a thousand people, so they all wear the robes of sixth-grade military officers, which is almost the same grade as the thousand households in the capital camp.

At this moment, in the government office, it was obvious that the commanders from several cities were at the government office and did not come to the general office.

Jia Heng said: "Everyone, I, Jia Heng, have been ordered by the emperor to appoint the Wucheng Army and Horse Department to investigate the case of Fan Juren being beaten and maimed by the Dongcheng gang. You are also old men in the Wucheng Army and Horse Department. If you know anything about it,

If you are serious, you can report it to my official, the Holy Master has clear rewards and punishments, and promotion to a higher rank is a matter of course."

After the big stick, you need to give sweet dates.

Several commanders in military attaché robes looked at each other, quite interested.

Jia Heng asked again: "Who is the meritorious officer? You can go to the government office and get the list of generals and generals of the five-city army and horse division. I will check the generals and generals later."

Because the five divisions were unified, the general affairs of the government office were under the control of Qiu Liang. The division office also followed the example of the government office and set up some officials to assist the two officials, such as chief secretary Liu You, Gong Cao, Fa Cao and Cang Cao, a total of four people, who were called powerful officials.

The clerks, clerks, and assistants under his command are low-level civil servants.

At this time, an old man wearing a light green round-collared official robe and a black veil on his head bowed and said: "Sir, I have a humble position as Meng Chang, and I am the meritorious official of the Si Yamen."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Meng Gongcao, go to the general officer and get the school roster."

After that, I have to mention something about the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, and I have to get familiar with the people under my command. As for the others, don't be busy for now. It's better to be quiet than to move.

With that said, Jia Heng entered the official hall first and sat behind the paperwork.

It has to be said that Qiu Liang was on duty in the yamen and assigned most of the tasks to his four deputy commanders.

After waiting for the merit, Cao Mengchang brought the list of the schools to the generals. Jia Heng looked through it and got to know the current situation of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division.

Although the Chen Han Dynasty followed the Ming system and established a five-city army and horse department, the five departments were integrated into one. The five-city army and horse department commanded envoys, and they all commanded envoys in the same place. Their rank was determined to be the third rank, and they were often filled with military honors. This buried the

The hidden danger of fighting between government officials and government officials has been eliminated.

Today, there are about six to seven thousand people in the Military and Horse Division, and there are also some helpers who are not part of the establishment. They are in charge of the huge Shenjing City, and the security and security force is somewhat stretched.

"To straighten things out, it's just about reducing the punishment. If you know how to handle people well, you can first meet the commanders of these four cities to observe their conduct, especially the commander of Dongcheng Huo Jun." Jia Heng was thinking about it, then looked at the meritorious officer and asked

Said: "Can Huo Jun, the commander of Dongcheng, come to the office?"

Meng Changzheng felt uneasy. After hearing this, he said: "Back to Mr. Jia, Commander Huo is no longer in the office at the moment, but tomorrow is the time when he should be on duty."

The commanders of the four cities were divided into cities, and they only went to the Si Yazhong once every three days to report on various matters.

Jia Heng frowned and said, "Go and call him over. I have something to ask him."

Jianghu gangs are raging in Dongcheng. As the commander of Dongcheng, Huo Jun, even if he has no connection with them, will know the details and summon them for questioning.

Just observe his loyalty, treachery, virtue and foolishness.

"My cousin is often on duty in the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, so he must know a lot about the affairs of the Division. Let's discuss it after we go back tonight." Jia Heng thought.

Because Dong Qian was injured, he had been asked to go back and rest first, so he did not come this time.

"It's a good idea not to come. It's just a good time to ask questions first and then confirm, so as not to take him aside and fall into the eyes of his former colleagues in the Military and Horse Department, so he will be on guard."

When Jia Heng thought about this, he first clicked on the four deputy commanders in Zhongcheng according to the roster.

These four deputy commanders are each responsible for their own affairs, including catching theft, banning fires, clearing canals, and patrolling the streets.

In the back office hall, Jia Heng had someone prepare a table, brew a few pots of tea, and asked Cai Quan to keep the soldiers from the Beijing camp on guard outside.

Then, he first called the four deputy commanders under Qiu Liang's command and asked them one by one in the back office of the official hall.

The content of the questions was also carefully considered by Jia Heng, and he mainly started from talking about home affairs.

That is to say, first check some files to confirm and understand the basic situation. In which year did you enter the Yamen? How many years have you been on official service? How many people are in your family?

How old is the child?

Then, he changed the subject, calmed down his appearance, and got to the point with an opening statement: "I am the third-ranked General Yunhui of the imperial court. I was ordered by the emperor to appoint the Military and Horse Division of the five cities and was given the power of peace and security. I will ask the following questions

You have to answer your questions truthfully. You have to be truthful and don’t tell the truth. If you lie or conceal anything, you will be responsible for the consequences. This conversation is strictly confidential. If there is any leakage, you will be severely punished!"

The next questions are as follows:

First, how do you view your boss Qiu Liang’s daily behavior?

Everyone in the capital says that Commander Qiu is domineering. You are a direct subordinate. Do you think this is true?

The imperial edict said that Qiu Liang was derelict in his duties. What do you think? What, you also think that the Holy Spirit is a sage. Can you give a few examples of Qiu Liang's dereliction of duty and incompetence in daily life?

What don’t you know? Then you are a direct subordinate, so you shouldn’t know, right? Do you not know, or do you dare not say?

If it's the latter, don't have any scruples. You can just say it bluntly: Qiu Liang was dismissed from his post and will be held responsible for the beating and maiming of his son.

This kind of evaluation of your boss does not depend on the answer you give, but on the change in your expression when you respond.

After all the nice things to say, you still dare to hide it? Then record it in the record.

Secondly, how do you feel about the public security in Dongcheng? Do you know anything about Jianghu gangs? What are the strategies to eradicate them?

This is a matter of looking at his talent.

Third, are you satisfied with the current salary? Do you have any suggestions for the Military and Horse Division?

This is to see his courage.

The last question is also the most fatal...

Fourth, do you have anything to ask me?

This is the question that most impresses his courage and talent. As expected, as soon as this question came out, the three deputy conductors who came in one after another were stunned for a moment. They were like college students who had just left campus going for an interview. They racked their brains and looked at each other with smiling eyes.

Next, my head was in a daze, and I casually asked my lord, are you from the Jia clan? Have you ever had anything to talk about, such as marriage or anything like that?

Jia Heng answered every question with a smile on his face.

Then, let Fan Yi take a pen and paper to record the brief conversation.

Fan Yi looked at the pile of records in her hand and felt her hands were sore, but her heart was slightly shaken.

This kind of question and answer seems simple, but it is advanced layer by layer and the essence of the conversation is obtained.

The three deputy commanders were careless at first, but later they had to become more serious. They came out one after another, sweating profusely, feeling that every problem was hidden in a hidden problem. They were tired of dealing with it and exhausted their energy.

In particular, there is someone named Fan Juren who is taking the record. Will this be used as evidence in court in the future to settle accounts later?

The more I think about it, the more I am afraid.

Before I knew it, this interview was already in the evening.

Fan Yi took a stack of questioning manuscripts, her eyes were full of admiration. With her mind, she knew the beauty of recording, and said: "Sir,

They have all been sorted and filed, and I see that the three of them are evasive and inaccurate, and they are probably Qiu Liang's accomplices!"

Jia Heng put down the teacup, smiled and said: "Mr. Fan just put it on record. Don't judge these three people prematurely. We will take it back in the evening."

I'll call my cousin and let's study it slowly. If he is indeed part of Qiu Liang's party and is colluding with him, we must clean up the evil."

The advantage of writing is that it is thorough, complete, and can be preserved.

But people in this era generally do not engage in "recording" unless they go to court to ask questions.

I don’t have much experience in organizing conversations and isolation reviews.

Although these are inconspicuous, they are all work processes that are summed up by an organization of later generations, day in and day out, and are a masterpiece of psychology.

Several disciplinary inspection cadres either smile or look at you seriously, and you feel guilty unconsciously.

Moreover, if he only relied on his impressions to go back and ask his cousin, he would easily miss key points, but if he recorded the words, compared them one by one, and combined them with his impressions and comments based on his expression, it would be more accurate.

"The writing is in black and white, even if it is used to punish Zang Fu in the future, it will be dignified and irreproachable."

Jia Heng put away his thoughts and saw that there was still some time. Finally, he called a deputy commander named Shen Yan, who was in charge of patrolling the streets in Zhongcheng.

The deputy commander, about thirty years old, quite tall, with a long and thin face, wearing the official uniform of a seventh-grade general, stepped into the wing. Behind a lacquered wooden table, he saw the man who had just delivered the order.

A young man in brocade clothes was sitting behind a dark banner, with several soldiers from the Beijing camp behind him and on the left and right.

"I have met Mr. Jia in my humble position." Shen Yan's heart trembled and he said with fists in his hands.

He had just heard from his colleagues that this gentleman was not a good person, and some of the questions he asked were so profound that people didn't know how to respond.

But...he also had other plans.

"Deputy Commander Shen, please take a seat." Jia Heng pointed to the chair behind the desk.

"I don't dare to sit down in front of the adults because of my humble position."

"Commander Shen, don't be nervous. Qiu Liang was derelict in his duties and was dismissed by the Holy Emperor. You are subordinates and can only act according to orders. As long as it does not violate the laws of the country, I will not pay any attention to the past. We are just sitting down to chat casually." ." Jia Heng said, smiled and said with relief.

Shen Yan heard this, but he didn't dare to take the casual chat seriously and responded.

"Deputy Commander Shen, sit down." Jia Heng greeted again.

Shen Yan couldn't help but refuse again, so he sat on a stool, facing each other across a desk, looking a little uncomfortable.

Jia Heng ordered Cai Quan on the side to hand him a cup of fragrant tea and said, "In what year did Commander Shen join the Five Cities Army and Horses Division?"

"Returning to Mr. Jia, I joined the company at the age of seventeen. At that time, my father asked an elder in the company to give the then commander three hundred taels of silver, and then he joined the company as an official."

When Jia Heng heard this, his expression paused, he took a deep look at Shen Yan, smiled, and said, "Commander Shen is an honest man."

It's not unusual for Si Yamen to enter through the back door, but if he can speak frankly, this person is somewhat interesting.

"Master Jia is a well-known young hero in the sacred city of Beijing. He is very perceptive. Even though he is in a humble position, Master Jia is in charge of Jinyi. If you ask a little, you can understand the truth." Shen Yan looked solemn and said loudly.

Hearing this, Jia Heng put down the tea cup and cast his aggressive eyes on Shen Yan's face, staring at him until he lowered his head slightly and chuckled suddenly.

He said: "Deputy Commander Shen, if you have something to say to me, you might as well say so. There are all my confidants in this room, so you can speak freely."

As soon as these words came out, Cai Quan's cheeks flushed behind him, while Fan Yi, who was writing the notes after the case, also had a slight movement in his face and a twinkle in his eye.

Hearing this, Shen Yan suddenly left his seat and stood up, clasping his fists and saying: "Master Jia, I am reporting to you the details regarding Liu You's collusion with the leader of the Sanhe Gang!"

Wealth and honor were sought in danger, and this young powerful man was in the limelight, resigning from his title, suppressing bandits, and writing about the Three Kingdoms... He seemed to be a new banner of the sacred city.

Look at Cai Quan, the sixth-grade military attache behind him. It is said that he was only a small school in Beijing before, but how prosperous he is now!

Shen Yan has been depressed and frustrated for more than ten years. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, he will regret it.

When Jia Heng heard this, his expression was gloomy and his eyes were deep.

This was the first person who approached him after he was knighted, but when he thought about it, he didn't find it strange that the third-class General Yunhui, the leader of the Jia clan,

These titles are enough to attract some low-ranking fifth- and sixth-grade officials who have no connections.

Not to mention, he is now Shen Yan's immediate boss in charge of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division.

Just listen to his words and watch his actions.

This chapter has been completed!
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