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Chapter 175 There is no enemy under the sword?!

But Jia Heng, who was going to the Jingzhao Yamen, divided the soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Si into two teams. The first team was led by himself and left Yanfufang where the Wucheng Bingma Si Yamen was located and went straight to Jingzhao.


As for the other team, Shen Yan delayed their departure for half an hour and took another route.

Jia Heng was now sitting on his horse, pressing the bridle and walking. There was a wild goose feather knife hanging on the saddle, and behind him was a prison cart with a team of 150 retinues.

In the corner of the prison car, there is a huddled prisoner in a dirty prison uniform with disheveled hair. In fact, it is made of a stuffed scarecrow. Because the hair covers the head, at a glance, you almost think it is a real person...

The prison car stood high on the shaft and rolled over the streets paved with bluestones. Because it was nearly noon, under Jia Heng's instruction, he deliberately found a road that was rarely used by people, and held up the "avoidance" flag with the soldiers.

Although the cards were displayed, some people still stopped to watch along the way.

"Sir, you can reach Jingzhao Yamen just after turning this corner." Shi Xueyi, a soldier from the Five Cities Military and Horse Department, who was walking side by side, half a horse's head behind Jia Heng, said in a low voice.

When Jia Heng heard this, his face was solemn, and he patrolled the inns and shops on both sides of the street with a pair of sharp eyes, catching suspicious signs, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, please be vigilant and don't be careless."

He faintly smelled an unusual smell, which was a mysterious and mysterious intuition he developed while performing secret missions in the jungle when he was a border guard in his previous life.

After walking another twenty steps, Jia Heng's heart suddenly moved and he suddenly turned his gaze towards the southeast corner.

I saw that it was a two-story restaurant with a banner with the word "wine" hanging on it. In the teahouses set up on both sides, there were a few strong men with fierce faces and twinkling eyes.

Jia Heng narrowed his eyes, his heart sank, he waved his hand, suddenly drew out his sword, and shouted: "Get off your horse and draw your sword to warn!"

Following the order, the soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division suddenly made a "crack" sound, drew their waist knives, formed a formation of three to five, and looked coldly into the distance.

And just at this moment, a thunderous shout sounded in the distance: "Brothers, rush out with your mask on!"

"Pa bang bang..."

A string of firecrackers was suddenly thrown from the window on the second floor of the restaurant, and landed on the array of Jia Heng and the soldiers of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division. There was only a crackling sound. Suddenly, the horses were frightened and neighed endlessly, and the surrounding crowd was also in chaos.

, a scene of noisy and noisy.


A dozen or so big men from the Sanhe Gang, covered with scarves and shouting, rushed out of the streets and crowds and attacked the soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division.

As they approached, the two sides engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Some of the twenty or thirty big men actually took out their crossbows and fired at the prisoners in the prison van.


Arrows rained down for a while, hitting the prisoners in the prison cart, making a stabbing sound, which was the sound of arrows hitting withered grass.

Even though the voices were noisy and difficult to distinguish, there was not even a groan of pain coming from the prison car, which was very strange.

"No, I fell into a trap!"

A deputy hall leader headed by the Sanhe Gang put down his crossbow, shrank his eyes, and said in shock.

As the Three Kingdoms dialects became popular in Shenjing, one of the most classic lines in the Three Kingdoms was also interpreted in various ways by the storytellers in Shenjing City, and the members of the Sanhe Gang, who were involved in gangs and gangs, also expressed it more or less in their words.

Less affected.

"The wind is so tight, it's so tight..." The deputy hall master raised his sword and shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, I heard a cold snort, "The crime of robbing the prison car will not be pardoned, and you will not be punished without mercy!"

It was Jia Heng who shouted loudly, which resounded throughout the long street.

Jia Heng was already holding a wild goose feather knife, dismounted from his horse, and started slashing towards the Sanhe Gang.

Streams of knife-wielding light flashed through the air, frosty rainbows shone coldly, and accompanied by screams, the servants of the Sanhe Gang fell to the ground, with blood gurgling from their necks like a fountain.

Jia Heng's face was filled with murderous intent, and he killed two thieves with a knife. Such bravery and courage naturally attracted the attention of the Sanhe Gang.

The three big men glanced at each other, and suddenly, three swords stabbed at him diagonally. They teased, chopped, or stabbed Jia Heng from the left, right, and front.

Seeing this, Jia Heng sneered and borrowed the Yanling saber from Wucheng Soldiers and Horses in his hand. He walked with the saber, ducked to the side, and suddenly swept from bottom to top. There was a clanging sound, and three swords flew out two times.


Jia Heng flipped his wrist and slashed with his horizontal arm. The blade brought up a gust of cold wind and swept it towards the necks of the two Sanhe gangsters who looked fiercely.


The sword light and blood shadow suddenly appeared. A member of the Sanhe Gang first covered his throat and groaned in pain. His eyes, half of his face covered, seemed to be full of disbelief, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

The other Sanhe gang member shrank his eyes and seemed to move back, but it was too late, and the sharp blade slid across his neck.


The trachea was cut, making it difficult to breathe. The Sanhe Gang members collapsed on the ground with painful expressions on their faces and made a "whoosh" sound from their mouths. After a while, they fell to the ground and died before their eyes.

The other person's heart was filled with fear, his eyes showed fear, and he ran away in a flash.

However, he saw the young man opposite him sneer, take a few quick steps, and slash towards him.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the Sanhe Gang members felt their arms go numb, and the long knives in their hands flew away uncontrollably. They staggered a few times, but saw the light of the knives flashing horizontally, and felt a pain in their necks. They became completely conscious.

Plunged into darkness.


A slender young man in a brightly colored flying fish suit. Under a wingless black hat with a mountain shape, his clear and stern face was as dark as water. He held a steel knife in his hand and killed three people in a row. Blood flowed down his cheeks.

The blade flows down.

This scene of chopping melons and vegetables not only made the remaining members of the Sanhe Gang shrink in size and feel fear in their hearts, but also made the inner factory guards who were secretly watching and preparing to take action to protect them feel frightened.

As for some bold onlookers, they even screamed in surprise, with faces filled with fear.

Who is this person? There is no enemy under the sword?!

This is... within five steps, everyone will be wiped out!

It's no wonder that everyone felt so amazing, it was actually Jia Heng who killed several people with his sword in succession, his momentum was so invincible, and when faced with the siege of three people, he still showed no signs of stagnating in his killing momentum.

Originally wearing a flying fish suit among a group of soldiers, a little green among thousands of flowers, and the hearty feeling of mercury pouring down the ground, the visual impact was really too strong.

It seems that even if three or five more people come, it will be difficult to block his attack!

Such a heroic posture is really eye-catching.

Jia Heng stepped forward with his sword in hand, took a few steps quickly, looked coldly in his eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "Kill them all!"

The Sanhe Gang, under the siege of the soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, gradually declined and began to break out in all directions.

Several of them protected a big man who looked like a leader and tried to break out of the siege, but they were tightly surrounded by soldiers from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division.

However, several people were obviously brave and brave, causing some casualties to the officers and soldiers.

Jia Heng looked at this scene coldly and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Department suddenly moved out of the way like a tide, and three bandits, back to back and covered in blood, appeared in front of Jia Heng's eyes.

"Dog Officer! Come on..." The bandit headed by the Sanhe Gang was a deputy Tang leader named Yan Shao. His body was soaked in blood, but his eyes were wide open and he was roaring, making his face tremble.

The man waved the steel knife in his hand and shouted at Jia Heng.

Jia Heng sneered and shouted: "Come here, get your hands on the crossbow!"

Everyone: "..."

At this time, a small school from the Wucheng Army and Horses Division took out their hand crossbows and aimed at the three bandits.

"Those rebellious officials and thieves who try to rob the prison van will all be shot and killed, and no one will be spared alive!" Jia Heng gave the order in a deep voice with an indifferent look on his face.

We should shoot these Sanhe gang members in the street to shock them with killing and bloodshed. As for capturing them alive and interrogating them for confession?

This is no longer necessary.

Moreover, even if they were to be captured alive, they would still need to be imprisoned, and there would not be enough manpower.

Just listen to the sound of "whoosh" piercing the air, and not long after, the three bandits were shot into hedgehogs, and they sat paralyzed on the ground one after another, with blood flowing downwards along the arrow wounds.

"Shi Baihu, first place the injured and injured brothers properly, then collect the bodies of these traitors and traitors and put them on the prison cart. Let a team of people wash the blood on the ground with water. We will go to Jingzhao Yamen immediately!"

Jia Heng's face was calm. After giving these instructions, he returned the sword to its sheath and got on his horse, his face still cold.

This scene fell into the eyes of some brave onlookers in the restaurants on both sides, and they all felt horrified and trembled.

This General Yunhui was so cruel that all twenty people were slaughtered in the street!

"The prison car is not a real prisoner, but a scarecrow!" Some sharp-eyed diners above the restaurant exclaimed in shock.

Immediately it caused some people to exclaim.

On Jia Heng's side, a group of soldiers were left behind to find water to wash away the blood stains on the bluestone road, leading the mighty army of the Five Cities.

And the details of the fight with the bandits on Long Street are spreading to the entire Shenjing City at an alarming speed.

In particular, Jia Heng's use of fake prisoners in a prison car to lure and kill bandits is even talked about by some people. His heroic deeds of killing several bandits in a row against one against three have also been passed down by word of mouth. In line with the author of Jia Heng's Three Kingdoms version,

Identity swept through the entire Shenjing City like a strong wind.

Being resourceful, able to predict the enemy's opportunities first, and possessing both civil and military skills... Such comments are also spoken by the people of Shenjing City.

Only a few censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate complained about Jia Heng's method of ordering soldiers from five cities to use crossbows to kill the bandits, saying that he was too murderous and could not practice mercy.

But he was soon severely refuted by some fellow scholars. The thieves ambushed officials and robbed prison cars in broad daylight. The gangsters were violent and arrogant. They used thunderous means to suppress the gangs and demonstrate the court's laws. What can I say?

Too murderous?

The officers of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division who were injured or killed, who told them that they were too murderous?

Now that the thieves have been deterred, they will no longer dare to act unscrupulously!

There are still people who want to defend it. How noble and upright is Jia Ziyu’s appearance in the "Cijue Watch"?

His reputation as a loving, filial, and virtuous member of the Jia family has spread far and wide, both at home and abroad. He led the army to suppress the bandits the day before yesterday, and his resoluteness and decisiveness have already been seen. Now he is in charge of the five-city army and horse administration, and he is about to restore a bright future to the sacred city of Jing!

In short, although Jia Heng's cruel methods have caused some criticism, they are difficult to form the mainstream of scientific public opinion.

As for Jia Heng, over here, a group of prisoners have been escorted into the Jingzhao Yamen.

At that time, outside the gate, government officials and soldiers were on guard along the street. Xu Lu, the governor, and Yu De, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, were also waiting outside the middle gate. Both of them looked worried and solemn. Apparently, they learned about Jia Heng's story from the soldiers.

News that the team leading the prison van was hijacked.

When Jia Heng saw the two men, he dismounted, handed the reins to the soldiers beside him, and came quickly.

"Two adults, why did you come out to greet us?" Jia Heng asked, cupping his hands.

However, I didn't want to be carried by the breeze carrying a heavy, oppressive smell of blood.

When Yu De smelled the blood, he frowned, put on a smile on his face, and said, "Master Xu and your subordinates heard that General Jia was ambushed on the way to escort the prisoners, and they were worried, so they came out to take a look."

Jia Heng nodded to Yu De and looked at Xu Lu, whose expression remained unchanged and his eyes had a cold light.

Xu Luchong nodded to Jia Heng and said in a deep voice: "Zi Yu has worked hard on this trip to escort the prisoners. I didn't expect these thieves to be so audacious and commit evil again and again! It's time to attack and kill the officials in broad daylight.

How arrogant!"

Jia Heng said: "If God wants to destroy them, they must first make them crazy. Their violent behavior will only make the people of Shenjing feel the same hatred and blame them. We just follow the public opinion and punish them!"

Xu Lu nodded, his eyes flickering, and suddenly asked: "Ziyu, did you ever leave him alive?"

Because of the two contacts, the Jingzhao governor also gradually began to recognize Jia Heng's seemingly cruel but effective methods and regarded them as his strength.

Jia Heng muttered: "Master Xu, all of them have been shot dead by the subordinates. There are the corpses of the bandits on the prison car behind. I think this incident can also severely scare the bandits!"

"Shoot them all?" Yu De lost his voice as he said, his face stern, and he thought to himself, no wonder there is such a strong smell of hunting blood.

Xu Lu nodded when he heard this and said: "Zi Yu's move is very satisfying! It's just the case of interrogating Fan Yi and Liu You, but also requires confessions and signatures from the Sanhe Gang. Nothing can happen to these people again."

The subtext is that killing them on the spot was okay, but the members of the Sanhe Gang who were originally involved in the case of Fan Yi and Liu You, as well as the witnesses who were there to give testimonies, could not all be killed.

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Sir Xu, I'm sorry to hear you wake up."

Yu Dedao: "Liu You has been escorted by Cai Qianhu, the deputy of the Beijing Camp. Now in the Yamen Hall, Mr. Jia can bring the rest of the prisoners over for questioning."

Jia Heng said: "You two adults will go into the office first, and I will go and pick up the prisoners escorted by Shen Yan."

When Yu De and Xu Lu heard this, they were both stunned. They had just thought that the prisoner escorted by Jia Heng had been attacked, and they had repelled the bandits and returned. Why, the prisoner was not escorted with the car?

At this moment, several prison vans also pulled scarecrows whose prison uniforms were shot to tatters, so close that they could see each other.

Xu Lu's expression changed and he said in surprise: "This..."

His lips moved, and his cold eyes looked at Jia Heng in surprise and uncertainty.

This son, this son has a conspiracy...

Yu De's expression also changed slightly. Looking at the young man in brocade clothes, he felt a little shocked.

Jia Heng explained: "Last night these bandits attacked and killed me once. Today I must have thought that I would take it lightly and not take precautions, but I made the wrong calculation."

This chapter has been completed!
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