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a little emotion

 A paper full of nonsense and a handful of bitter tears.

It is said that the author is crazy, who can understand the meaning?

Some readers should actually watch the 1987 version of the TV series. The interpretation of the characters in Red Mansions by the older generation of TV series is very exciting.

Needless to say, many people's understanding of Red Mansions is fragmented, and their understanding of its characters only comes from some second-hand channels.

Including me a long time ago.

In the eyes of some people, the twelve golden hairpins are divided into three, six or nine grades. Popular heroines like Xue Lin are epic treasures. Second Sister You and Third Sister You are just bitches who don’t know how to love themselves. Bitch, Sichun

On the other hand, the next best thing is Qin Keqing, a peerless beauty who can only call her uncle.

It's not that everyone has a different understanding of the work, but using this method of determining the quality of goods, the Twelve Hairpins in the Red Mansion are divided into three, six, and nine grades.

This superficial and narrow understanding imprisons the minds of some people, and is contrary to the spiritual power that this masterpiece, Dream of Red Mansions, is intended to convey.

In fact, with Cao Gong's writing power, You Er and You San could have been written as characters like Xue Lin.

As a digression, Lin Daiyu's temperament also arouses displeasure among some readers, as does Baochai's temperament.

When the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" hit the airwaves, some scholars beat each other up.

In a word, the tragedy of Cao Gongyong and the You sisters was, in fact, the tragic fate of Xue and Lin.

In other words, the tragedy of the fate of Jin Chai in Red Mansions is to complete the indictment of the worldly affairs of the Jia family and other dandy men. Therefore, it was written with literary and artistic qualities, and it was written into people's hearts.

It is undeniable that the second sister and the third sister are pitiful people who must be hateful if we look at them with our current eyes, but their fate is the result of the times and their personal personalities.

The plot interaction between the protagonist and the two of them, which I personally set up to be fun, is not just about recruiting girls.

The cool thing is that modern people’s values ​​​​have corrected and impacted the original characters, and I think this kind of values ​​​​is something that everyone has by default.

If it were just a matter of simply recruiting girls, writing would not be so difficult.

I will just make the third sister very cute. Don’t doubt the writing skills of an experienced harem writer who can control more than two-digit female characters.

Because of the success of this book, I have actually been suppressing my animal nature. (laughs...)

I see that many readers may have never understood a masterpiece like Red Mansions, and they also lack the most basic feelings and empathy for some characters. Of course, I can understand that current reading is short and fast. If many readers are

I didn’t read these classics when I was in middle school, and I rarely read them when I grow up.

The author grew up reading classical literature such as Guwen Guanzhi, Shi Ji, Zizhi Tongjian, etc., and also read modern literature, such as Wang Zengqi, Zhao Shuli...

I also read foreign literature, including British Dickens, Maupassant...

Traditional literature likes to use the ups and downs of characters in the tide of the times to express the author's thoughts and emotions, as well as his criticism and reflection on social phenomena, and to convey values.

For example, the ordinary world has inspired and warmed a generation.

A Dream of Red Mansions is no exception.

Personally, I feel that my interpretations of the characters in Red Mansions are all plots that I wrote more strenuously and carefully, because I wanted to restore the personalities of these characters to the greatest extent possible.

For example, I wrote about my first meeting with Daiyu and Tanchun in the previous article. Before I wrote it, I told the readers that I would have a hard time writing it.

In fact, it was really difficult to write, but I think I did my best.

Sometimes, it is revised repeatedly.

As for the plot of Sister You San, I originally wrote the protagonist to reprimand her, but I later deleted it. I felt that writing a protagonist who stood on a moral ground suddenly made me feel sick to my stomach.

Really, when I saw the scene where Sanjie You wiped her neck in the 1987 version, even a grown man like me felt a sore nose.

It can only be said that the older generation of TV drama makers are very powerful, and their understanding of the original works is enterprise-level.

But that doesn't mean that I approve of the bad life style of the You sisters.

But I don’t want to stand on the dry shore of morality and make rash judgments.

Instead, we should stand in a higher dimension, examine, think, and correct.

This is the beauty of reason and the glory of humanity that people like you and me who have received modern higher education should possess.

I think this is what Mr. Cao wants to pass on to us readers, and I think I got it.

And I think the conveyance of the protagonist's values ​​is also a refreshing point in itself. This is something that can resonate emotionally with everyone who has been educated in modern values.

Just like Baoyu's veil was pierced before, why do you feel so happy? It's because we share the same values.

Now when I write about Second Sister You and Third Sister You, it is still the same, a dimensionality reduction attack on the level of values.

Otherwise, how should I write it?

Let's deduce that if we follow the ideas of some readers, the protagonist will put on colored glasses towards these two women who "do not know how to keep themselves clean", either to avoid the plague or to reprimand them.

You just covet wealth!

Why don't you resist?

Jia Zhen forces you, so you have the attitude of wiping your neck and swallowing your gold.

There is a saying that it is difficult for gods to live in peace...

Not to mention, this is simply inferior to Jia Lian...

The image of a sanctimonious and beastly creature is ready to emerge.

Sorry, I already threw up.

Therefore, you cannot write it like this...

Of course some people say, can't you just stop writing about them?

Isn’t the highlight of The Twelve Beauties in Red Mansions lies in the changes in their fate and outlook on life?

Isn’t this the greatest source of happiness for you readers?

In fact, I originally wrote the dialogue between the protagonist and Sanjie You. I actually wrote it, but I still deleted it because I smelled the rancid smell...

Then, I decided to change the way of pretending to be a coward...

As for Sister You Sanjie's so-called offense, it may make some people feel uncomfortable. They feel that it goes against the character of the protagonist who hates the sky, the earth, and the air. They feel that meeting a girl is a disadvantage?

Actually no, if the protagonist directly attacked him, I think it would be a bit out of character.

If you were the protagonist and you were a second-generation human being, would you give ordinary insights to the little girl?

Neither will you.

You won't have any verbal conflicts with them, and you will feel inferior.

Moreover, strong people also have the capital of tolerance.

So far, let’s see who the protagonist has been fighting against? They are all the masters and evil slaves of the Jia family.

Is there a little girl? Did you find any? There is no one.

Even though I personally don't like Xiren very much, the protagonist has never been against him.

For Qingwen, the protagonist corrects her values, and for the third sister, he still does the same.

It's just that everyone subconsciously thinks that Qingwen is of high value and the third sister is of low value.

In fact, these are colored glasses.

It can be said that the protagonist's personality, structure and demeanor are consistent.

Moreover, in the end, the protagonist warned and educated the third sister.

The third sister didn't push her nose or face, she still knew what was good.

If he really didn't know what was going on, the protagonist's big-eared cock would have been beaten long ago.

Although the little girl did make some noises and committed evil acts with beauty, the character itself still needs to be deeply portrayed.

I just don’t want to pour beans out of a bamboo tube all at once, making the protagonist’s words and deeds full of too much preaching.

It can be said that I tried my best not to cut into the character background of Sanjie You.

How is it written in the original work?

Third Sister You said that she and Third Sister "we sisters are as good as gold and jade, but we have been tainted by these two worldly treasures, so we can be considered incompetent."

This is pride.

Third Sister You looked at herself and felt pity for herself: "People always see our ladies taking a breath, so I wonder what they are worried about?"

This is inferiority complex.

After Jia Lian secretly married the second sister You, he tried to bring the third sister and Jia Zhen together.

Sanjie You saw through Zhen and Lian's conspiracy, so she pointed at Jia Lian and angrily scolded him: "You don't have to talk to me, you're a fool. I'm eating noodles under the clear water. I've seen it. I've seen the Son of Man come on stage with a movie."

, at least don’t break this layer of paper... I also know that your wife is too difficult to deal with, and now she has kidnapped my sister to be the second house, and the stolen gong cannot be beaten. I also want to meet Grandma Feng, see

She has several heads and several hands. As long as we can make peace with each other, if there is something that makes it difficult for others, I have the ability to take out your two bezoars and dog treasures, and I will not fight for my life with that shrew again.

She’s Grandma You Sangu!”

This is spicy.

There is also her view on marriage. She "should only go with the person who is happy with her". Otherwise, no matter how rich she is, she will be richer than Shi Chong.

, "I can't get into my heart, and my whole life has been in vain."

So, this is the background of her character. It can be said that I reproduced it almost perfectly and grasped it accurately.

The reason why I didn’t write about other events is because I didn’t want to cram too much into it all at once.

Besides, isn’t that what fan creations are like? It’s assumed that everyone knows a little about Sanjie You’s character.

Really, don’t look at Sister Feng’s pornographic accent, which is a bit of my personal bad taste, and in most cases it is written with narration instead of the protagonist’s psychological activities. This book is very important to the female protagonist.

It's actually quite prudent.

Otherwise, if an experienced driver like me really wants to race... please prepare tissues.

In fact, it’s really easy to write a show-off and slap in the face, which can be more than 2,000 words in one hour.

On the contrary, these are really labor-intensive.

You can tell me not to write it, but Red Mansions is almost meaningless.

Many people think that my previous work on the renunciation list and classical Chinese essays took me a lot of time?

Wrong, you can pick it up at your fingertips and finish it in ten minutes. Even my book on the harem has many opinions from classical Chinese strategists.

This is the writing skills infiltrated by reading less classics and history (akimbo...)

In fact, the description of the original characters is very laborious.

But precisely because I have feelings for the book Dream of Red Mansions, I put too much effort into the portrayal of some of the original characters, but sometimes the feedback is mixed, not proportional to the results, and I am also very frustrated and irritable.

Later, there is also a collision of values.

For example, I also arranged for Miaoyu, who disliked the working people Grandma Liu, to educate her.

Alas, in fact, Grandma Liu has a heart of gold, that is, she is older...

In short, I hope that I can pass on something to everyone while taking into account the refreshing writing. Even if you go to watch the TV series or read the original Red Mansions because of this, it would be good to appreciate the touching charm of the classic from a God's perspective.


Because the online article is from a first-person perspective, everyone brings in the protagonist, but it lacks the charming impact of reading traditional literature from a God's perspective.

For example, life, the ordinary world, these are all tragedies. Who dares to write like this in an online article?

Whoever writes about it will fall ill, and whoever writes about it will fall into the street.

However, how many online articles can compare with the literary value of these two books?

Speaking of characterization, fifty years later, there will still be people who remember Sun Shaoan, Sun Shaoping, Tian Xiaoxia, Tian Runye, Tian Fujun, Wang Manyin in the ordinary world... Really, I have been reading this book for more than ten years.

Well, I read the book in junior high school, and I know the TV series was filmed, but I haven’t watched it.

I still remember the characters in it vividly, including all the family treasures. Yes, there is also Hao Hongmei who likes Shaoping, haha...

But, does anyone remember Jia Heng?

Who is Jia Heng? Is it Jia Yan? Oh, oh, it’s a cool novel about pretending to be funny, well, it was quite fun when I read it. Plot? Characters? I can’t remember.

So, the situation is like this...

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