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Chapter 211: Beijing battalion transfer troops

Facing everyone's gaze, the woman said: "Old lady, Uncle Heng has gone to attend to official duties in a hurry."

Jia She breathed a sigh of relief, but snorted coldly: "The old lady was so frightened, but she still went to handle her official business, how obsessed with officialdom!"

Jia Mu sighed and said, "If Brother Heng doesn't do some work outside, how can we have a happy life?"

"Mom, it's too dangerous for him to be an official." Jia She said angrily: "It has made my family frightened, and now even more thieves have rushed to the house. I think I am also an official, and I have been there for more than ten years."

Years ago, why haven’t we encountered this kind of thing before?”

If Jia Heng is here, he may say that you will never encounter such a thing, but you will be implicated and have your home raided.

"Wealth is sought in danger..." Mother Jia sighed again and glanced at Jia She. In front of so many people, it was hard for her to say, what kind of official do you want to be?

However, I also felt some gratitude in my heart. Brother Heng, a commoner from the side branch, really resembles his ancestors. He is so capable of tossing. On the other hand, other disciples...

Thinking like this, Jia Mu suddenly woke up and said urgently: "Where is Lian'er? Has Lian'er been rescued?"

The woman said: "Second Master Lian was also rescued. Second Mistress sent someone to pick him up at the corner gate, but the few servants who came in said something. The back courtyard was opened, so we had to find the doctor quickly."

This mother-in-law has never heard of the joke "back court", so she doesn't shy away from it.

For example, the younger girls and the daughter-in-law all looked confused and didn't know why. They just thought Jia Lian was injured, but they had no doubts.

As for the older daughter-in-law, Mrs. Xing's expression changed, and then she looked confused.

Second Sister You and Third Sister You looked at each other and secretly spat. These two inexperienced young ladies had heard such dirty talk due to the influence of their surrounding environment.

Mrs. Wang's expression changed slightly, her eyes tightened, and she sighed in her heart.

It is not uncommon for some sons of noble princes and wealthy families to raise prostitutes and have a preference for male behavior.

It even turned out that she had vaguely heard about Lian'er and several handsome young men under her, Xing'er, but from the looks of it, Lian'er seemed to have been...

For some reason, four words suddenly appeared in Mrs. Wang's mind... karma?

Thinking of this, my heart was shocked and I twisted the beads.

As for Jia She, who is older and has "rich" experience, his face has changed drastically, his heart is filled with anger, his lips are trembling, and he feels a sense of shame and humiliation.


"Where are the Lian people now?"

Jia Mu's face also changed suddenly, and her heart was filled with irritability and nausea, and she asked urgently: "Where's Feng Girl?"

At this moment, Ping'er ran all the way into Huifangyuan, panting, and said softly: "Old lady, the second grandma took the second master back to Xifu, saying that the second master was fine, just a little frightened, the old lady

My wife and I should have a meal and listen to a play."

When everyone heard this, most of them looked puzzled.

He thought to himself, why did he say that he was injured and call a doctor one moment, and then said that he was fine and just frightened.

Jia Mu's face changed, her heart was like a mirror, she forced herself to smile and said: "Let's all sit down and eat first. Brother Heng, my wife, let the troupe below also sing a play. We, let's be lively.


She turned a blind eye to the men in the West Mansion who were masculine and kept promiscuous children, but this was being exploited... she must not let it go public.

When everyone heard this, they looked puzzled and thought to themselves, the old lady was in a hurry just now, why is she acting so calmly now?

There are some shrewd people like Daiyu and Tanchun who looked at each other with a bit of doubt in their hearts.

"It seems that it's Brother Lian's injury... What is the back garden? Across the river, the flowers in the back garden are still singing?" A trace of doubt appeared in Tan Chun's Yingmei eyebrows.

Daiyu also frowned, her eyebrows shone, her starry eyes twinkled, and she thought to herself, "I have only heard of the Heavenly Court, the Earthly Pavilion, and the Back Court. Let's go back and look for medical books."

At this time, the leader of the theater troupe approached. He was an old man with gray hair. He said with a smile: "What kind of play does the old lady want to hear?"

"What's going on?" Jia Mu asked.

"Back to the old lady, there are "Return of the Soul", "The Injustice of Dou E", "The Case of the Beauty", and "The Purple Hairpin". I wonder which one the old lady wants to listen to?" the class leader asked with a smile.

Jia Mu said casually: "The Purple Hairpin Story will do."

The band leader responded and went to prepare. After a while, gongs, drums and trumpets sounded, and opera was sung.

Not long after, someone put food on the table and everyone gathered around the table to eat while listening to the play.

But it was said that the courtyard across the Xifu where Sister Feng was located was quiet, and the maids and servants had already dispersed in the courtyard.

In the wing room, Sister Feng's beautiful face was as pale as paper, with slightly red eye circles. Her expression was filled with hatred and distress as she looked at Jia Lian, who was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, moaning and clenching her pink fists tightly.

, I almost broke a mouthful of silver teeth!

Now she just knocks out her teeth and swallows the blood mixed with it into her stomach! Her elbows are bent and hidden in her sleeves!

"Grandma, the doctor will be here soon!" At this time, Zhou Rui's family entered the hall and looked at Mr. Lian who was lying on the bed with a somewhat complicated look.

The second master has suffered a great crime.

Sister Feng held back her tears. There was a bit of coldness in Danfeng's eyes, and she said in a clear voice: "Let's just say that the second master has been a little surprised. If anyone dares to speak out, I will beat him out! In addition, seal a few hundred taels of silver and give it to that person."

Two official servants, please don't go out and talk nonsense."

Two detectives from the Jinyi Mansion drove a carriage to deliver Jia Lian.

Zhou Rui's family said: "But the boy from Dongfu just came over to help..."

Sister Feng: "..."

"You have to keep their mouths shut even if you give me money! Who dares to yell, my brother Xunheng... ugh..."

When Sister Feng said this, she felt sad. The tears in her red eyes could no longer be held back. They almost burst out of her eyes and slid silently down her white face.

Why is her life so miserable!

Seeing this, Zhou Rui's family looked a little sad, and moved their lips, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but Sister Feng wiped her tears and said, "Go quickly, don't let the news leak out."

Apart from the mother-in-law who reported the news, only the two young men from Dongfu, the mother-in-law beside Sister Feng, and Xing'er who came back together, Long'er knew.

At this moment, Jia Lian turned his pale face and said feebly: "Good Feng'er, please don't let it go. Use more money to seal it."

Thinking of these two days, it was like a nightmare. He had always been like this to others, how could it be the other way around?

I was hunting geese all day long and the geese pecked me blind!

And that Brother Heng, he has suffered a disaster!

Sister Feng Danfeng had tears streaming down her eyes silently, she sneered, looked at Jia Lian on the bed, and angrily said, "You still know how to save face?"

When Jia Lian heard this, he became a little angry and said angrily: "What are you talking about? If it weren't for Brother Heng, how could I have ended up in this situation?"

As he said that, he struggled for a while, and suddenly his handsome face, which was white and rosy, frowned in pain and let out a "hiss". Damn it, he probably had to get out of bed for a few days.

"You still have the nerve to blame others! If you didn't go to Dongcheng to find a promiscuous woman, would you fall into the hands of others? If there was no one, would you be able to come back now?" Sister Feng raised her eyebrows, her eyes stood upright, and she scolded.

Jia Lian was irritated by the scolding and said angrily: "You know what I have suffered in the past two days? I scolded me as soon as I came back. You are the only one in the family. Why don't you go with them? I wonder if you are looking at the majesty of others. I can't explain.

I have already been in love with you..."

The couple was scolding each other now, and they had no inhibitions.

When Sister Feng heard this, her delicate body trembled and her face turned pale. She came forward crying and scolding, sat on the bed, lay on the bedside, patted Jia Lian's back up and down, and cried: "Thunder strikes the brain like a ghost."

The heartless seed of the corpse, who has been stealing and playing with each other all day long, doing such a shameless job, now someone has done it, and he has the nerve to throw dirty water on my head! If I have even a hair relationship with this person

, let me be like you, a shameless dirty seed!"

Jia Lian lost his temper after being scolded, so he simply lifted the quilt, covered his head, blocked his ears with his hands, and hid his handsome peach-blossom face under the pillow.

He knows better than anyone in his heart that his wife is stronger than anyone else, otherwise he would not steal someone's wife. He is still a little afraid of the karma and retribution of gods and Buddhas.

...Gu Hui

Jingying·Nancheng Daying

The governor of Guoyong camp, Tongzhi Che Zheng, was gathering generals in the military tent to handle official duties. He was in his early forties, with a Chinese character face and a thick beard under his chin.

Since Niu Jizong, the governor of Guoyong camp, was dismissed from his position as governor, and he closed his door to think about things, his original sense of existence was weak, and Che Zheng, who worked nine to five, began to work hard.

In the past two days, generals have been summoned almost every day, either to discuss rectification of military discipline or to strengthen training.

Che Zheng was sitting on the handsome chair, with a majestic face, and shouted: "Everyone, when Niu Jizong was the governor, the military discipline of the camps was loose, and it was common to play with prostitutes. There is no trace of the strong soldiers in the Beijing camp!"

When the generals heard this, they all looked at each other in confusion, looked up at Cha Zheng above them, and thought to themselves: "Previously, when Governor Niu was here, I didn't see you being so concerned about military discipline?"

The governor-general, Lu He, and the other governor-general, Xia Mu, looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Now that you are so eager, do you think it will be your turn to take over the position of governor?

You know that military discipline has deteriorated to this extent. Don't you have no responsibility at all?

In fact, the current Guoyong camp, which is said to have 20,000 people, actually only has 12,000 to 12,000 people, and the phenomenon of short quota is also very serious.

This was a common phenomenon in the Chen-Han 12th Regiment Camp.

"My lord, Tongzhi, wants to rectify military discipline. I, Old Lu, am in charge of correcting military discipline. I agree with both hands. But where should we start?" Lu He smiled and said with twinkling eyes.

He was responsible for commanding people, training, and dispatching. It is said that the lack of military discipline in the past was related to his inaction. Well, no, it was all due to the fact that Governor Niu was "incompetent in running the army"!

At this time, a young general, who was clearly a Qianhu from the robes of a sixth-grade military attache, was named Wu Da. He cupped his hands and said, "Sir, the deputy Qianhu Cai Quan, who is under my humble command, has not been on duty all day long.

He was also transferred from the primary school to interrogate this person in a humble position, but he was reprimanded by this person. This person has no superiority, and he asked Lord Che to severely punish him under military law."

Che Zheng's face was silent, he looked at the young general and said, "Cai Quan, didn't he just make a meritorious service? The Ministry of War is still talking about his merits, maybe he is a guerrilla general."

Following Jia Heng's success in sending troops to suppress the bandits, Cai Quan decided to confer the rank of guerrilla general to the Qing officials department.

The Beijing camp uses thousands households as the basic tactical training unit, with guerrilla generals and staff generals at the top, with no fixed quota. Taking the Guoyong camp as an example, it is divided into three battalions: the five armies, the Shenji camp, and the Shenshu camp.

There are a total of five generals and seven guerrillas. These generals and guerrillas can all take orders from the commander-in-chief and lead troops in battle when there is a war.

Lu He said: "Master Che, even if Cai Quan is praised for his merits, he can't use his troops for personal use, right?"

Che Zheng nodded and said: "What Lu Qianshi said is not unreasonable, but what is Cai Quan doing with the soldiers in the capital camp? Does Lu Qianshi know the details of the troops he leads?"

Seeing that Che Zheng was not fooled, Lu He added: "I heard that I follow that Commander Jia every day, Master Che. This is unreasonable."

Che Zheng frowned and said: "Jia Yunhui? This matter is indeed unreasonable, but he is now leading the emperor's mission..."

"It's true that he is leading the imperial mission, but he is only in charge of the troops of the five cities. How can he have the right to dispatch the troops in the capital camp? The general will remember that without an imperial decree and the Ministry of War to coordinate, no soldier in the capital camp can be mobilized. This

I don’t know the importance of the commander. Is it your duty to direct the military department?" Lu He said.

All the generals in the military tent immediately agreed.

Che Zheng looked indifferent and said nothing.

His benefactor had told him that Jia Heng's holy family was in full swing and could not be competed with at the moment, but Lu He clearly set up a fire and wanted to roast him!

Che Zheng pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "What Lu Qianshi said is true! It's just that I don't pay attention to the details. Why not Lu Qianshi also drafted a memorial, signed by me, and will be delivered to the Ministry of War tomorrow?

Li Butang?"

Lu He: "..."

Just when the generals in the military tent fell into a strange silence and embarrassment.

Suddenly, a deep shout came from outside the military tent.

"Guo Yongying's Commander-in-Chief Tongzhi Che Zheng, where is Commander-in-Chief Qian Shi Lu He? There is an edict!"

All the generals in the military tent were stunned.

The Qianhu named Wu frowned, looked at each other and said, "Lao Guo, why does this voice sound familiar?"

"Cai Quan!"

The two said in unison.

After hearing that there was an order, Che Zheng, who was sitting behind the handsome case, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly left the handsome chair and said: "Go out and see what's going on!"

As for who dares to falsely spread the imperial edict, there is no need to think about it, it is simply impossible.

At this moment, in the military tent, because Cai Quan, a veteran of the Beijing camp, was there, although the camp was obviously much stronger than the last time, they still marched straight in without even using the Emperor's Sword.

Jia Heng frowned secretly and said to himself that although the military discipline of Guoyong Camp had improved, the actual rules of entry and exit of the military camp were still somewhat confusing.

Of course, he also took advantage of this convenience.

Jia Heng put aside his thoughts and looked at the few people who came out of the dark military tent.

Che Zheng was stunned for a moment, then when he saw the commoner boy opposite him, he cupped his hands and said, "It turns out to be Jia Yunhui."

The expression on the face of the governor general Lu He changed, and he felt guilty for a moment, but when he saw that the two of them were empty-handed and did not say anything about the imperial edict, Jia Heng was also in plain clothes, so he frowned and said, "Cai Quan, you dare to falsely pass on the imperial edict?"

He reprimanded Cai Quan.

After Cai Quan hugged his thigh, his tail was raised to the sky. He didn't take him seriously as a superior. I heard that this guy made a lot of money in Cuihua Mountain, and all his soldiers fell into the hands of dozens of taels.

There are hundreds of taels of money, but none of them come to pay filial piety.

He was trying to disrupt his guerrilla campaign, so he just persuaded Lao Che to ignore this matter. He did not need to submit it to the cabinet at all, so that several officials in the Ministry of War could see it. This comment was "impetuous and needs to be investigated".

We can suppress the guerrilla generals who have been appointed to thousands of households.

Cai Quan smiled and said: "Master Lu, who dares to falsely preach the imperial edict!"

Jia Heng nodded, did not waste any more nonsense, took out the Emperor's Sword, and shouted: "Shang Fang's sword is here, everyone in the Guoyong camp will listen to the order!"

The generals were stunned and didn't react for a long time. Che Zheng looked at the sword in the golden dragon scabbard, which had been silent in his memory for a long time. His expression changed, he lifted up his shirt, knelt down and said: "The last general, Che Zheng,

Listen carefully to the oracle!"

The expressions of the generals and generals behind him changed and they knelt down one after another. However, the governor Qianshi Lu He and several thousand households changed their expressions and stood still.

"Master Lu, the Emperor's Sword is here, as if the Holy One is here in person, why do you want to despise the Holy One?" Cai Quan's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice.

"General Lu He, please listen to the holy edict." A look of fear appeared on Lu He's face, his body trembled, and he knelt down as well, and people behind him also knelt down.

"Guo Yong's camp heard the order. The Sanhe Gang is committing murder and chaos in Dongcheng. I have been ordered by the emperor to order Guo Yong's camp to mobilize 3,000 people from the Shenshu Camp, three from the Fifth Army Camp, and one thousand from the Shenji Camp to rush to Dongcheng.

Stop violence and put an end to chaos!”

The Shenshu Camp is a cavalry camp, the Fifth Army Camp is an infantry camp, and the Shenji Camp is a firecrackers camp.

After Jia Heng finished speaking, he looked down at the generals whose expressions changed drastically and said, "You generals still don't accept the order?"

Before he came, he had asked Cai Quan about the basic situation of Guoyong Camp. The original establishment of 20,000 people was actually only 12,000 to 12,000, and the number of combatable soldiers was only 5,000 or 6,000. He is now equivalent to

Empty it.

It was a good opportunity to take a look at the soldiers in the Beijing camp and pave the way for future rectification.

At this moment, Che Zheng and the generals in the capital camp behind him heard the order and responded in unison: "General, I will obey the imperial edict."

"Comrade Che, I must mobilize the best this time! I will lead the cavalry to the east city first and search for everyone from the Sanhe Gang. You will then seal the city gates and prohibit entry and exit without delay!" Jia Heng said solemnly.

For a gang like the Sanhe Gang that has already taken the form of a Cao Gang, with a core gang of four to five hundred people, excluding Jinyi Mansion, it is not an exaggeration to mobilize 6,000 people from the Beijing camp!

Jia Heng waited to mobilize troops, and with the cooperation of Cai Quan, a local snake, he quickly mobilized three thousand elite cavalry from Shenshu Camp. However, this was all the maneuvering power of Guoyong Camp.

Heading towards the east city of Shenjing in a mighty manner.

This chapter has been completed!
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