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Chapter 244 Kind Reminder

 With these thoughts together, I began to wonder if the young man opposite had ulterior motives.

Princess Jinyang looked at Jia Heng with her shining eyes, but remained silent.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment, then realized the misgivings of the beauty opposite him, and asked, "Your Highness, do you think something is wrong?"

"If I remember correctly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is now controlled by Old Prince Zhongshun, and these shops will be sold at a discount and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Princess Jinyang said softly, with a faint look in her eyes, "

Now that I am taking over some business, I am afraid that it will cause displeasure to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Some words, even if they were suspicions, were difficult to say directly, but she just wanted to know whether the boy opposite had this intention?

Jia Heng put down the tea cup, and his cold gaze from under his sword-shaped eyebrows suddenly fell on the beauty's flawless face, and he said in a clear voice: "I know Prince Zhongshun a little, but he has a small mind, and His Highness is worried about holding a grudge against him.

It's human nature... I just didn't think things through."

Since His Highness Jinyang already suspects that he is killing someone with a borrowed knife, any excuse he makes will seem pale.

Because he originally had the intention of using the eldest princess of Jinyang to fight against King Zhongshun, but this was not to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but to try to become an ally.

But this cannot be said directly, because it is too explicit and can only be a test. This is similar to the relationship between men and women. You can neither pour beans into others, nor be secretive. The amount of information given must be just right.

Therefore, what he said was a bit of sincere justification, but also a bit of retreat in order to advance, and a bit of temptation.

It is true that I have nothing to do with King Zhongshun, and I have a low opinion of him. Your Highness is worried about being resented by him, so let's forget about it.

The test is, I still said some negative comments about the old prince in front of His Highness. Getting close to people starts by saying "bad things" about others.

Who doesn’t speak behind others’ backs, and who doesn’t speak behind others’ backs?

"The fact that the eldest princess of Jinyang does not call her the king's brother can explain some problems, and judging from her daily words and deeds, she does not seem to be someone who is willing to be lonely." Jia Heng thought.

When the eldest princess of Jinyang heard Jia Heng's words, her heart moved slightly and she raised her head. Her charming, flower-like jade face became even brighter and more charming because of the reflection of the sunset. She was silent for a long while and said slowly:

"Since I have just promised you, I have no reason to regret it."

Jia Heng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Thank you for your trust, Your Highness."

The eldest princess of Jinyang smiled softly and said in a delicate voice: "The old prince was young and vigorous in his early years. He and your Jia family Daishan and Daihua Ergong had some festivals, but those are all old things.

Now that you have great trust in my brother, you don’t need to be too afraid."

These words are even more intimate.

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said: "I'm afraid that tigers are not harmful to people, but tigers are harmful to people's hearts... The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop."

Lianxue: "..."

She pursed her lips and realized that these words were clearly hers.

Jinyang's eldest princess blinked her bright eyes under Liu Ye's slender eyebrows and looked at Jia Heng quietly.

Jia Heng sighed and said: "Although we are ministers in the same palace and share the worries of the Holy One, we are not in harmony. Some are conflicts of temperament, some are political differences, and some are...interests, grudges, you

There is me in the middle, and you are in the middle of me. Most of the troubles in the world will happen here. Xiang Envoy and the court are united and we will overcome the difficulties together. Why worry about the uncertainty of the Eastern captives?"

This statement certainly shows the pattern, otherwise the previous person who said "bad things" about others would be dishonest in the end.

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked at the helplessness on the face of the young man opposite Qing Jun, her face paused slightly, and her thoughts were complicated.

Lianxue's bright eyes moved, and she thought to herself that in the ups and downs of the official world, one mistake could lead to the destruction of the entire family.

Jia Heng said: "It is difficult to achieve good things and easy to do bad things. If you want to do things, you not only face the difficulties of being a director, but also face constraints from above and below, and criticism from colleagues..."

Speaking of this, Jia Heng smiled to himself, looked at Princess Jinyang, and said, "You shouldn't say this to Your Highness."

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked at the "wry smile" on the boy's young face and comforted him: "It's okay, I like to hear it."

Jia Heng, Lianxue: "..."

The eldest princess of Jinyang also felt that these words had some meaning. She seemed to go back and add a sentence, and said with a chuckle: "I usually don't see many people coming here. Now the country is troubled. As the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty, I don't

It’s nice to stay out of it.”

Jia Heng said: "Her Royal Highness has the world in mind and cares about the country and the people, which is admirable."

There is a saying that compared to the princesses of the Han and Tang Dynasties, the eldest princess of Jinyang did have a very good reputation. She did not interfere in government affairs and did not support her reputation.

Reading, writing poetry, discussing history, and at most holding a literary salon, is like an elegant and intellectual woman, all she needs is a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"It is only because of Tianhuang's noble status that she is given the opportunity to be independent." Jia Heng thought.

The eldest princess of Jinyang, Yu Rong, paused, smiled and said: "Zi Yu, come with me to the attic to talk about the business and the structure of the shop. We must discuss it."

She always felt that talking about these things in this flower hall was a bit leaky, even though there were no servants inside or outside.

"Your Highness, please." Jia Heng nodded and agreed.

The two of them and Lianxue left the flower hall and headed towards the attic. It was not the embroidered building in the back garden, but the three-story attic that Jia Heng entered when he first entered the mansion.

The second floor is divided into several pavilions with screens. The floor is covered with wool carpets, and the furniture is quite exquisite and luxurious.

"There aren't many people coming here in this palace. Over there... there is a bamboo forest and a small lake, which is quite quiet and interesting. I took a nap here in the afternoon a few days ago. The weather has turned cold recently, so it is not good to take a nap here.

"The eldest princess of Jinyang pointed to the lakes and mountains in the distance to introduce. The beautiful woman smiled gracefully and her beautiful eyes looked forward to it.

Then in a tea room next to the Xuan window, he and Jia Heng sat across from each other on a small table.

Jia Heng looked at the bamboo forest in the distance and said: "Wang Mojie sat alone in the secluded bamboo forest under the clouds, playing the piano and whistling loudly. In the hot summer, it is very interesting to live here alone."

This is the home of the princes. They move here to escape the heat in the summer and move to another house in the winter.

Here, Lianxue was about to lift the teapot, but was stopped by Princess Jinyang with a smile. She lifted up a teapot, Ningshuang Hao wrist, took the teacup, lowered her body slightly and poured a cup for Jia Heng herself.

The hot air rises up, accompanied by the aroma of tea.

The beauty lowered her body, and you could see a string of pearls and gemstone necklace hanging on her beautiful neck. The gemstone necklace was like the tip of an iceberg, only a part of it was visible, and the rest was hidden deeply. When she stood up, the pearl necklace was reflected in the sunset with a touch of whiteness.

The radiant light bounces up and down, dazzling people's eyes.

Jia Heng looked away and suppressed the sudden thoughts in his heart.

Princess Jinyang’s beautiful eyes twinkled, and she said with a bright smile: “Drink tea.”

He and Jia Heng chatted casually about home affairs, which seemed to be a kind of cordiality and familiarity between friends.

Jia Heng nodded, looked at the tea leaves floating in the teacup, raised his eyes to Princess Jinyang, and said, "Thank you very much."

He took the tea cup, the warmth came from his fingertips, and said softly: "This place is quiet and quiet, the bamboo forest is rustling in the summer, and taking a nap in the afternoon is a comfortable and peaceful thing."

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked happy and said in a delicate voice: "It's okay in summer. After autumn, it rained a few times, so it was a bit cold here. I caught a cold last month, so I asked the doctor to prescribe medicine."


Jia Heng listened to the beauty's greetings and said: "Since the beginning of autumn, the days are hot and the nights are cold, so Your Highness should pay more attention to your body and be ready to add two more clothes at all times."

Instead of drinking more hot water, put on more clothes.

Lianxue listened to the two people's conversation and thought to herself, didn't these two people come here to talk about business?

The eldest princess of Jinyang felt the concern in the young man's soft voice, looked at the warm eyes, smiled lightly, but just said "hmm".

This feeling of being cared for...

Jia Heng raised his eyes to look at Princess Jinyang, took a sip, and said: "Some time ago, I should have taken some time to come here and walk around, discuss history with His Highness, and relieve my boredom, but there were too many things and I was tied up.


"You are busy with the errands assigned by the imperial brother now, so you have no time." Princess Jinyang Yurong paused slightly and said with a smile: "Now that you have free time, it will be the same again."

Jia Heng said: "I'll be busy again in a few days."

Princess Jinyang: "..."

Jia Heng said: "The Holy Father has sent a new mission, and the decree will be issued the day after tomorrow."

"What's the errand?" Princess Jinyang asked subconsciously. She suddenly woke up. For some reason, her cheeks felt a little warm. Fortunately, the beauty's skin was white and rosy, so it didn't look strange at all. She chuckled, picked up the tea cup, and

He said softly: "If it's inconvenient, there's no need to say it."

"Your Highness is not an outsider, he just went out to the capital to suppress the three auxiliary bandits in the capital." Jia Heng said.

The two of them were talking casually at the moment, talking whatever came to their mind.

When the eldest princess of Jinyang heard this, her face changed slightly and she said in surprise: "Are you going to clear out the bandits again?"

Jia Heng said: "In recent years, thieves have been swarming and causing trouble in various places. In addition to Cuihua Mountain, there are also counties in Weinan and Huayin..."

The eldest princess of Jinyang was silent for a moment, raised her eyes to look at the young man opposite, and whispered softly: "There are fierce wars and dangers outside, you have to be careful. There is an old saying, a son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall, even if you keep your wits about you

There is a plan, but there is no need to take risks in everything. Beijing and Li have recently said that you like to take risks. That time in Cuihua Mountain, you took hundreds of people to the deep mountains and old forests. It was a good thing to win, but what if...and

Not long ago, the Sanhe Gang came to our door and took action in Ningguo Mansion. I heard that many people died?"

Jia Heng smiled and listened quietly, feeling a warm current flowing through his heart.

He felt that the eldest princess of Jinyang was... quite lovely.

This earnest exhortation is quite similar to that of a wife to her husband, which is somewhat offensive, but like mother and son... forget it, let's not make random comparisons.

Of course, Princess Jinyang is his recommender, and he is Princess Jinyang's disciple, and they rode in the same car together before and went to the palace to meet the saint. With such caring words, even if they get closer, but thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to matter.


But this beauty seemed to be a little suffocated by Jia Heng's smile and said nothing, or maybe the "eyes" she looked at the little girl made her feel strange and she stopped talking.

The eldest princess of Jinyang couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and anger in her heart, but her voice was a bit colder, and she said: "I kindly remind you, but you don't listen... that's all."

"His Royal Highness's talented words are written in the heart." Jia Heng said, simply repeating what Princess Jinyang said before. Thanks to his excellent memory, he almost said it word for word, and then sighed,

Said: "Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. Although they are known as dangerous tactics, they are not what I want. It's just that the enemy was strong and I was weak several times, so I had to do this."

Princess Jinyang's beautiful face paused slightly, her heart trembled slightly, and she felt a little uncomfortable. "Every word is in my heart" was lingering in her heart. She lost her mind for a moment and said softly: "It's good that you have something in mind."

He picked up the tea cup and lowered his eyelashes, but he didn't know where to start. He clearly sensed something was wrong.

Fortunately, this silence did not last long, and the offensive and defensive momentum was different.

Jia Heng asked casually: "Your Highness, why haven't you seen the little princess?"

The eldest princess of Jinyang held the tea cup with her slender hands, put her two pink lips on the porcelain bowl, took a sip, sighed quietly, and said: "Chanyue has been away from home all day, and she is in the palace with her at the moment.

Cousin Huang, she must be naughty together, my home is also quiet and cold, she has no peers of her own age to naughty with, and she doesn’t like to stay at home, but she should be back now."

These words are somewhat meaningful. The house is quiet and cold, perhaps just like the beautiful woman's state of mind.

Jia Heng nodded and cast his warm eyes on Princess Jinyang.

The beauty in palace clothes was looked at by the eyes of the young man opposite her, but she was somewhat at a loss.

She didn't know what was going on. Maybe it was the gossip she had just done that made her feel more casual unconsciously.

Jia Heng said: "Your Highness, the Princess, can usually find a troupe to sing and perform operas."

The characteristic of the princes and nobles in this era was to have a theater troupe and listen to the plays in their mansions.

For example, Qi Guan of Prince Zhongshun's palace.

The eldest princess of Jinyang said: "I don't like the noisiness very much, so I sing with Chan Yue twice a year. On weekdays, I look for story books and read while drinking tea."

Jia Heng said warmly: "I feel the same way. I'm not a big fan of drama. But when is the birth date of Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Princess Jinyang: "..."

Lingxue was standing by, feeling strange in her heart.

Just ask Her Royal Highness, right?

But he took over the topic and said: "Your Highness's son was born on the eleventh day of the winter lunar month, and the little princess's son was born on the first day of the sixth lunar month."

The winter month is November.

The eldest princess of Jinyang said angrily: "You are the only one who talks too much."

Jia Heng nodded and remembered it, Singles' Day and Children's Day. Well, it's easy to remember.

The eldest princess of Jinyang changed the topic and said: "But there are no good story books on the market now, but some of your recent deeds in Beijing, with twists and turns, are even more exciting than the story books."

Jia Heng said: "Let's talk to His Highness when we have time."

The beauty said softly: "There are many rumors in the capital that are unclear. I was about to ask you, the person involved, how about talking to me at the dinner later?"

Jia Heng said: "That's fine."

As the eldest princess of Jinyang spoke, she turned to look at Lianxue and said softly: "Lianxue, go and tell the chef to prepare some food and drinks."

"Yes, Your Highness." Lianxue Yingying bowed and went down to the attic.

After Lianxue left, there were only two people in the attic for a while. At that time, the sun was setting in the west, and the light in the attic was somewhat dim.

Jia Heng put down the teacup, looked at the beauty in palace clothes opposite, and said in a clear voice: "Your Highness, the Sanhe Gang operates a total of fifty-five businesses. In addition to the gambling house that has decided to close down, there are also more than forty shops.

My idea is that His Highness is planning to build a business, incorporate these shops, and divide the profits into seventy-three percent, that is, Your Highness will get 30%, and the remaining 70% will be transferred to the internal funds. Of course, if His Highness feels that the proportion is inappropriate, we can discuss it again.


70% is divided into 70%, 70% belongs to the emperor, and 30% is given to Princess Jinyang. Anything less is bullying an honest person.

Hearing this, the eldest princess of Jinyang, with a faint jade face, said in a clear voice: "It is also to share the worries of the emperor brother, whether it is divided or not, in fact, I don't care much."

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said: "You can't let Your Highness handle this in vain. There is no such reason."

This chapter has been completed!
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