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Chapter two hundred and forty-ninth, do not dare to take credit

 After describing the suppression of bandits in various provinces, everyone still turned their attention to side matters and discussed them one after another.

Jia Heng then asked: "I wonder how big my Han navy is?"

Hang Min showed thoughts on his face, and then said: "I, the Han Dynasty, attacked the former Ming Dynasty and reorganized the navy when I arrived at Taizong. But now the warships are not repaired. There are only more than 800 patrol ships and more than 400 warships. The main ships are

Mainly Fuchuan, Louchuan, Mongolia, and Fighting Ships all have different styles."

"Is there a treasure ship?" Jia Heng asked, frowning.

His idea was to build an invincible fleet and sail from Tianjin along the Bohai Bay to Shengjing, the capital of the slave kingdom. However, even an inland sea like the calm Bohai Bay has complex hydrology.

And a treasure ship that is forty-four feet long and eighteen feet wide and can sail to the South Sea is undoubtedly the best choice.

Hang Min said: "As far as I know, during the Hongzhi period of the former Ming Dynasty, Liu Daxia, the Minister of War, burned "Zheng He's Mission to Water", and the picture of the treasure ship in it was a torch. There were no treasure ships after that."

As he spoke, he asked in surprise: "Is Ziyu planning to defeat the enemy with water?"

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said: "The shipbuilding skills of Donglu are not as good as those of our great men. Xiang Envoy can carry thousands of troops with treasure ships to harass the enemy's rear, which may change the decline of the enemy's attack and our defense."

If you want to maintain a stalemate with the Donglu, you must mobilize the strength of the whole country.

"How can this... a thousand-mile attack be carried out?" Wailang, a member of the staff department, looked shocked, exchanging glances with several officials on the side, and said, "It's a bit too whimsical."

He originally thought they were wild enough, but the young powerful man in front of him was even more whimsical.

However, Hang Min's eyes lit up and he said: "If there is a treasure ship, it may be able to walk on the sea as flat as the ground, and carry a hundred thousand naval troops to intimidate the enemy's capital. This is undoubtedly a winning strategy."

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "It's just that at the moment, the boats are not prepared, the navy is not skilled, the hydrology is unclear, and the military supply is not sustainable... this matter needs to be planned slowly."

Hearing this, Hang Min thought deeply and said: "Although it is difficult, it is also a good strategy. Zhou Lingshi, you collect some details about our Han provincial guards, harbor navy, and boats, and let Ziyu decide and plan."

The other two heads of the Ministry of War also looked at him with admiration and secretly said that they are people who are well versed in military affairs and can come up with strategies. However, the ones who are aware of the difficulties and solve them are the ones who are talented in managing affairs.

Jia Heng stayed at the office for a while. At noon, he smiled and said, "Everyone, let's have dinner at Jixianglou."

Jia Heng was so popular in the Ministry of War's official position, which was also a big factor, and he made bold moves.

Of course, if you want to play with these civil servants, the key is identity recognition. Now, except for his fame and fame, Jia Heng's other conditions are high.

Hang Min smiled and said: "Let's go together."

Not to mention that Jia Heng and several people from the Ministry of War's Qing Li Division went to have dinner.

However, it was said that Liu Fang left the Yamen of the Ministry of War and, with the encouragement of Qi Jianhui and Sun Shaozu, left looking at the former Military Governor's Mansion, which was two stone's throw away.

The official hall of the former Army Governor's Mansion was crowded with people. Military attachés wearing official uniforms of all levels came and went in a hurry. Because it was noon, there were many groups of three or five going to have a meal together.

The former military commander, Beijing Wang Shuirong, and the rear military commander, Nan'an County Prince Yan Ye, were sitting under the window in the side hall. They were playing chess, with several people surrounding them.

They were Hou Xiaokang, the commander-in-chief of the rear army, Qian Shi, and the commander-in-chief of the former army, Qian Shi. Shi Guangzhu, the first-class general of the Zhenguo Gong and the grandson of Duke Jian, was also watching with his hands behind his back, and Ma Shang, the third-class general of Weiyuan, was holding his hand on the side.


From time to time, there was light laughter. At first glance, it seemed that there was a bit of a gentle and playful attitude.

King Shuirong of Beijing is obviously not as good at chess as Yan Ye, King of Nan'an County. He is struggling to hold on as he has been deprived of a "rook" and a "cannon".

At this moment, noises were heard from outside. Not long after, a clerk entered the side hall. His voice was a bit frightened, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Liu Tongzhi is back."

King Beijing didn't notice anything strange and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not stop now."

Yan Ye, who was about sixty years old and with gray hair, heard this and smiled heartily: "My dear nephew, don't bother me. I'm almost going to win this game."

The handsome face of King Beijing also showed a smile, and he said: "Uncle, my nephew, I just have to admit defeat in this game."

Yan Ye smiled, and a loud bell-like voice sounded, saying: "How can we abandon our son and admit defeat? Even if we surrender, we will definitely kill every soldier. We are not at the end of the road yet."

King Beijing smiled and said softly: "Then let this game of chess stay here for now, and we can continue playing it later."

Yan Ye agreed with a smile.

Little did they know that the conversation between the two had the eerie tone of a prophecy. According to "A Dream of Red Mansions", the prince of Nan'an County finally fought to the death of one soldier before being captured by the enemy.

However, while the two were talking, Liu Fang, Qi Jianhui, and Sun Shaozu, who was reluctant to leave behind and followed closely, also entered the official hall.

King Beijing raised Xiuyi's face and looked closely. Seeing the bruises on Liu Fang's face, he was shocked and asked: "Brother Liu Shi, what's going on? What's the matter with the injury on his face?"

The Prince of Nan'an County also suppressed the smile on his face, and his tiger eyes under his thick eyebrows were a bit frightened and angry, and asked: "Nephew Liu Xian, what is going on?"

But he was bullied by people from the Ministry of War Yamen due to misunderstanding.

Liu Fang said angrily: "My lord, my old lord, the Ministry of War and Jia Heng's son have bullied me too much!"

With that said, he told the story about how he went to the Ministry of War to do business and was injured by Jia Heng.

There is no doubt that they are all narrated from their own standpoint.

"Jia Heng's son has no elders in his eyes, and no old relatives like me in his heart. I argued with him for a few words, and he tripped me to the ground. I was careless and didn't move out of the way, so I fell!"

When Qi Jianhui heard Liu Fang's words of "cutting off the head and tail" and "avoiding the important and taking the easy", his eyes flashed and his lips moved, wanting to add something, but Sun Shaozu on the side gave him a wild wink.

"What a thief! When a villain succeeds, he becomes domineering and rampant!"

The first thing the Prince of Nan'an did was to curse loudly. This Prince was always fiery in nature, but as he got older, his temper became somewhat calmer and his behavior became much more prudent.

I was tolerant of Jia Heng before. Although Jia Heng was only alienated from the Four Kings and Eight Gongs group at that time, he had not yet taken advantage of them.

Now he is riding on their heads!

Four kings and eight princes, the same spirit connects the branches.

Sun Shaozu on the side paused when he heard this. For some reason, he felt a little strange when he heard the words of Prince Nan'an.

Wang Shuirong of Beijing also had a frown on his face and a handsome face with a frosty look on his face. Even though he was as gentle and gentle as Shuirong, he was also a little unhappy when he suddenly heard about this incident.

Liu Fang said angrily: "Your Majesty, he was lucky enough to be promoted to the third rank of general by virtue of his small achievements. Now he raises his tail to the sky. He doesn't care about us and other relatives and friends. Now he only wants to lick the buttocks of civil servants."


Shi Guangzhu echoed: "What's going on with these lucky people, Brother Enhou? How can we let these little people become the leader of the Jia clan in a dignified way?"

"Jia Heng's son is very arrogant. Brother Enhou told me last time he had a drink. He is now in the East and West. With his status as the clan leader, he can scold whomever he wants and punish whomever he wants. All his excuses are high-sounding.

Yes, even Baoyu, who was born with a jade in his mouth, was reprimanded like a grandson." First-class general Shi Guangzhu said with a frown.

When Shui Rong heard this, a trace of doubt appeared on his handsome face, and he said, "I have also heard of the man who was born with jade in his mouth, and they all say that he is a talented and intelligent person, as precious as jade."

Shi Guangzhu chuckled lightly and said sarcastically: "As precious as jade? I heard that the leader of the Jia clan scolded him for being ruthless and unreasonable, and as stubborn as a stone."

The grandson of Ma Kui, the ruler of the country, appeared to attack the third-rank Weiyuan general Ma Shang. He raised his eyebrows and said: "Didn't the Wang family just gain the trust of the Holy Emperor and see it come to great use when they return to the capital? How dare this Jia Heng do?"

When Wang Ziteng was mentioned, everyone in the hall looked unhappy.

King Beijing sighed, looked at Prince Nan'an, and said, "Your Majesty, what do you say now?"

The Prince of Nan'an County also suppressed his anger at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "Let the old lady of the Liu family go to Xifu first to discuss the matter. As for Jia Yunhui, since he is the leader of the clan, it will be the end of the year soon, and relatives will come and go. I will wait.

It's better not to have any contact with each other. The last time I was conferred a title, I accepted the gift. Now it seems that they are determined to draw a clear line with us."

King Beijing nodded and said: "That's it for now. By the way, brother Wang Ziteng will return from the north soon. We need to discuss and understand the rules for rectifying the capital camp."

The prince of Nan'an County said: "This matter is reasonable. At the time of Chonghua Palace a month ago, it was imperative to rectify the Beijing camp. But how to rectify it must not be meddleed by civil servants who are not familiar with military affairs. Otherwise, how could the north be defeated?"

?Isn’t it just the mess caused by these civil servants who can only talk on paper!”

At the end of the story, Prince Nan'an was also a little angry.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have waited for our ancestors to go through life and death, become famous and maintain peace in northern Xinjiang for decades, and then look at it now, damn, why has the country become like this!" Hou Xiaokang said one after another, just cursing her.


Everyone agreed one after another.

Liu Fang said angrily: "Civil officials harmed the country. If it weren't for Emperor Xinzhong's civil servants who only knew how to talk, how could Liaodong be lost! How could Jiannu become powerful?"

The Prince of Nan'an County frowned and quickly stopped Liu Fang's "accusation" and said: "Nephew Liu, the Emperor was also temporarily deceived by incompetent people like Tan Jin."

Qi Jianhui listened quietly and sighed in his heart.

At that time, not all the four princes and eight princes said that Liaodong could not be defended, nor would Tan Jin, the Minister of War, and other leading war factions, persuade the Supreme Emperor to send troops to Liaodong.

As they talked, King Beijing also noticed Qi Jianhui and greeted with a smile: "Brother Qi, long time no see."

Qi Jianhui clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, I am coming from Yunnan, and I am about to go to the Ministry of War to follow up my orders, but I don't know that so many things have happened in Beijing in just three months.

Shui Rong smiled and said: "Brother Qi has come back just in time. There will be a lot of reorganization in the capital camp in the near future. I have heard about your contribution in Yunnan. Now the emperor is trying to strengthen his troops and will strengthen his troops. I and I

The old prince will recommend to the Holy One tomorrow that you will take over the post of Commander-in-Chief of Fenwu Camp."

When Qi Jianhui heard this, his eyes moved slightly, but there was not much joy on his face. He raised his hands and said, "Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

He was already a second-class man before, and his official position was Tongzhi, the governor of Fenwu Camp. He went to Yunnan to make some achievements. No matter how he adjusted, he still had a place in the Beijing camp.

Then King Beijing said, looking at the burly Sun Shaozu again, and asked curiously: "Who is this strong man?"

When Sun Shaozu saw King Beijing looking at him, he was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the young Sun Shaozu is hereditary commander of Datong Prefecture in Shanxi Province. His grandfather was originally a general of Duke Rong Guo. When he reached the humble position, he took over the command.

I haven't received a serious job, and now I'm waiting for a vacancy in the Ministry of War. Please ask the prince to support you."

When King Beijing saw that he was so majestic in stature but so flattering, most of his original good impression dissipated, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart. He said: "The Beijing Camp will be reorganized after the New Year, and it is the time when the military men serve. How many of you do you think?"

Just run to the military headquarters."

After saying that, he looked at Qi Jianhui and said with a smile: "Brother Qi, let's have lunch together later."

When Sun Shaozu saw that King Beijing's attitude had turned cold, he didn't know what was wrong, so he had no choice but to say yes. When he saw several people, he showed no intention of inviting him, so he had to say goodbye and leave.

After leaving the Fifth Army Governor's Office, he led the horse and walked on the street, his face suddenly darkened, and his wolf-like eyes flickered faintly.

"Damn it, this pretty boy doesn't know a hero!"

Sun Shaozu felt resentful in his heart, cursed a few times secretly, and touched the greeting card in his arms, "That's all, I'll go to Rongguo Mansion later to ask, spend more money, and settle down in the capital first."

His grandson's family ran a pawnshop business in Shanxi. They were rich and had a lot of money. He didn't believe that he couldn't make a career in this sacred city. At worst, he would have to spend more than a hundred kilograms to find a concubine from a high-ranking family.

Lift the lintel.

Not to mention how Sun Shaozu speculated in order to make a fortune in Shenjing.

However, it was said that after Jia Heng led several people from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to have lunch, they returned to the Yamen of the Ministry of War. In the evening, they finally met Li Zan, the Grand Scholar of Wuyingdian and the Secretary of the Ministry of War, who had returned from the palace.

In the side hall of the Department of Administration, the two of them drank tea and talked, and Jia Heng handed over the charter for the establishment of the Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department that he had drafted earlier.

Li Zan took the book and flipped through it. Many of them were discussed in the past few days. There were not many questions. He raised his head and said with gentle eyes: "Follow the rules. Ziyu has also worked hard during this time."

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I don't dare to talk about hard work in front of Mr. Ge."

Li Zan smiled and said: "Tomorrow the imperial edict will be issued. You will send people to capture Kanhe and lead the Guo Yong camp to arrest the thieves in the counties of Sanfu. The Ministry of War will also write a letter to the local prefectures and counties to cooperate. You

With the sword of Shang Fang in my hand, I should be able to control the armies and the local states and counties without any hindrance."

Jia Heng nodded, with a solemn expression, and said, "I have something to do with the local government's suppression of bandits the day before yesterday. If you have any questions, please ask the elder for advice?"

Li Zan was surprised and said with a smile: "Oh?"

Jia Heng recounted what he had previously said with Zhong Hangmin and others.

When Li Zan heard this, his face gradually became serious and he said: "I have been negligent. I will discuss it with the local governor and the county and county officials."

After saying this, he called Zou Jing, the right minister of the Ministry of War, to come over and asked him to draft a letter with the clerk, and then send it to all provinces.

Seeing this, Jia Heng showed admiration on his face and said: "I admire Mr. Ge for his vigorous and resolute behavior."

Not everyone will correct it immediately when someone else points out an omission.

Li Zan waved his hand and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Originally, I wanted to wipe out all the bandits in the local prefectures and counties at the beginning of the new year and before everything was renewed, but now it seems that it was a bit too hasty."

Jia Heng sighed and said: "I have discussed with Langzhong Hang that the border situation is difficult now, and the money that needs to be filled at the border is like a bottomless pit. Therefore, the local states and counties impose excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes. The people are in dire straits, and the bandits are only afraid of temporary difficulties."


When Li Zan heard this, he also had a sad face and said: "How could the cabinet not know this? Nowadays, everyone from top to bottom is tightening their belts and living a life, saying that the counties in Hebei were plundered by the Eastern invaders, and all aspects needed pensions and relief. If it hadn't been for Dongcheng just won

With this amount of income, the national treasury may still have to fight famine, but thanks to you, this matter has solved the cabinet's urgent need."

Jia Heng said loudly: "Don't dare to take credit for things that are your duty."

Li Zan looked at Jia Heng with admiration and thought to himself, he is really a young man who is neither arrogant nor impetuous. The country is very lucky to have such military honors.

He smiled and said: "The Secretary of General Affairs sent a memorandum from the Yangzhou Salt Institute, proposing that the salt affairs of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River should be rectified to increase tax revenue. The cabinet also has such an idea, but there is no plan for how to eliminate the disadvantages, such as

The salt tax can collect five to six million taels every year, and everyone can take a breather."

What he said was a bit shocking.

Who are we?

Heavy tax areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Huguang have long complained about Chen Han's "transfer payments."

When Jia Heng heard this, his heart was filled with a haze.

Is it so easy to rectify the salt affairs? Needless to say, once you start, it will be bloody.

This chapter has been completed!
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