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Chapter 333 Come, tie it up!


The east and west cities of Chang'an have been prosperous since ancient times. It is now the morning market. The streets are already bustling with people, and the vendors are shouting and hawking along the streets.

Jia Heng and Princess Xianning rode side by side, slowly drove their horses closer to Dongshi, dismounted, and handed the horses to the temporary stables where they were tied up.

Princess Xianning turned her head to look at the handsome young man beside her and said, "Mr. Jia, shall we go in now?"

Jia Heng nodded.

Sun Yun, who was in the front, stretched out his hand and introduced: "Sir, there are thirteen horse shops in Dongshi. I am familiar with the owners of those shops."

Because at the market, Jia Heng told Sun Yun before leaving that he and Princess Xianning should be treated as sons and misses.

Jia Heng said: "Lead the way."

Sun Yun walked forward and entered the first horse-buying shop. The owner was a tall and strong man. He was using scissors to trim the mane of a horse. He looked attentively and turned around to see.

Xiang Sun Yun greeted with a smile: "This is not Brother Sun, how come you have time to come to my place?"

Because Sun Yun had the background of Jinyang Princess Palace, he could speak a lot in official circles. Most of his fellow horse sellers respected Sun Yun.

Sun Yun smiled and said: "Old Li, bring two friends over to watch the horses."

The man surnamed Li put down the scissors in his hands, washed the handles in the basin nearby, picked up a towel and wiped his palms as big as cattail leaf fans, and said with a smile: "This is strange, I don't have a horse to sell myself."

,How do you lead people to my place?"

Sun Yundao said: "The guest asked for a precious horse from the Western Regions. This horse is rare. I haven't bought this product in a short time, so I came to your place to have a look."

Hearing this, the man surnamed Li took a look at Jia Heng and Princess Xianning. He knew at first glance that a young man and a woman were dressed as men. They were dressed in either rich or expensive clothes. They must be the young masters of some family in Beijing. They bought horses with a thousand pieces of gold.

He came to ride and said: "To be honest, Brother Sun, it's not a coincidence that you came here. Horses from the Western Regions are not easy to come by, and they are extremely expensive. There was a Dawan horse that was bought by someone two days ago, but you can

Go look elsewhere.”

Sun Yun smiled and had to leave.

Then I asked three or four more in succession.

There are no good horses from the Western Regions.

Princess Xianning thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Jia, why don't you buy a pony first?"

Jia Heng agreed.

Sun Yun said: "Young master, please come to the front first. We have a little pony in our store."

"That's fine."

As Jia Heng said this, he entered the stable, which was an open-air field. Horsemen carrying dustpans came and went, feeding and taking care of the horses in the stable.

Someone else was holding a brush and brushing the bristles.

Horses with black or maroon hair, full of body fat, look very impressive.

Sun Yun said: "Master, come this way, the foals are all here."

Jia Heng came closer and saw foals feeding in the stalls.

Sun Yun on the side explained Jia Heng's previous request, called a young horseman, and asked: "Is there a little mare with a docile temperament?"

The young stable boy pointed at two of them and said, "Master, these two colts are more docile."

Jia Heng looked around and saw two maroon horses. They looked full of energy and felt quite satisfied.

In fact, he didn't have anything to be picky about. The main reason was that he couldn't choose a horse with a strong temper. After all, it was for Tanchun and Xiangyun to ride.

Princess Xianning said: "Sir, I think these two horses are fine, but they may be a little short."

From Jia Heng's narration, there have been some speculations that he probably bought it for his younger brother and younger sister at home, but he doesn't know how old he is.

Jia Heng smiled and said: "Not short, this height is just right."

Whether it is Tanchun or Xiangyun, the body bones have not fully grown yet, so this kind of foal is more suitable.

Sun Yun said from the side: "Sir, this horse looks pretty good. Although it is not a superior breed, it is not too fast and its endurance is acceptable."

Jia Heng said: "As long as it's not a bad horse, it shouldn't be too fast. It's better to be tame."

Sun Yun responded with a smile, and then asked the stable boy about the horse's habits and daily food, etc., and the stable boy answered them one by one.

Sun Yun then said: "Sir, these two horses should be from the same female."

Jia Heng said: "Let's just stick to these two, and then look at the others."

Sun Yun responded with a smile and said, "Then keep these two for now."

Jia Heng and Princess Xianning came out of the horse stable again. Then, under the leadership of Sun Yun, they visited three or four more houses, but still did not find the horse they wanted for Princess Xianning.

Jia Heng also saw a lot of foals and ordered three in total.

Princess Xianning felt a little disappointed and said: "Sir, I'm afraid there are no Dawan horses in Dongshi. It's really not possible. The next best thing is to look for Yili horses."

Sun Yun said: "Miss, don't worry, look ahead, there are several more."

Jia Heng also advised: "A horse with blood and blood is something you can only meet but cannot seek."

Princess Xianning nodded, and while the three of them were talking, they entered another shop.

When the owner of the shop saw Sun Yun, he also came up to say hello and asked about his purpose. The owner smiled and said, "Brother Sun came just in time. Not long ago, he got a great horse from Dawan, a jade lion that shines at night, and he hasn't had time to take action yet."

Upon hearing this, Princess Xianning turned to look at Jia Heng. When she saw him smiling and nodding, her eyes couldn't help but show joy, and she stepped forward and was about to speak.

Suddenly, a voice with a slight chuckle sounded from outside, "Shopkeeper, wait a minute! I want the Night-Glow Jade Lion!"

While they were talking, a thin young man with a fair face and a mink fur cloak and a brocade robe came from outside. Accompanied by four or five entourages, he entered the shop.

Jia Heng frowned, followed the sound, and looked at the young master, um, I don't recognize him.

But Princess Xianning on the side frowned, looked at the young master with cold eyes, and said in an indifferent tone: "Second cousin?"

When the young master heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He turned to look at Princess Xianning. A look of surprise gradually appeared on his face. He forced a smile and said, "Sister Xianning, why are you here?"

The young man was none other than Chen Rui, the second son of King Zhongshun. He had just reached the age of a weak man, and he was also a flying eagle lackey in the capital, an idle playboy.

Because I heard that an extremely rare Dawan horse appeared in the horse market, I brought my entourage over to take a look.

Jia Heng did not recognize the son of King Zhongshun, and the son of King Zhongshun also did not recognize Jia Heng.

Princess Xianning's face was cold and cold. She glanced at Chen Rui and said: "The day after tomorrow is my third brother's son. I bought a good horse as a gift. I have fallen in love with this beautiful Dawan horse and plan to buy it. My cousin will not agree with me."

Let’s fight?”

Chen Rui chuckled lightly and said: "What my sister said, this kind of good horse is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The one with the highest price will get it, so how can I give it up so easily? Besides, Dawan's good horse has a violent temper, and the third brother has a noble status and can be said to be worth a thousand pieces of gold.

If you don't ride well and get hit, it's no joke."

If King Wei were here, he might be a little wary, but the person in front of him is just the daughter of Concubine Duanrong, and there is nothing to be humble about.

In fact, they both belong to the Chen-Han royal family. Although Princess Xianning is a princess, it is difficult to say that she uses her status as a princess to oppress the second son of Prince Zhongshun.

Because this is more like a quarrel between uncles, brothers and sisters. It is not a conflict between the younger generation and the elders. It is impossible to show one's identity at every turn and punish in the name of disrespect.

Even when Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty had a quarrel with the Prince of Wu, they all killed the Prince of Wu Liu Xian with a chessboard, without talking about the monarch and his ministers.

Princess Xianning frowned and said in a cold voice: "As for first come, first served, we are the first to come. If my cousin wants to buy the horse, he has to wait until we see if we want the horse before we can make any calculations."

Chen Rui smiled and said, "Sister, isn't that right? You didn't go in to see the horse. We arrived almost at the same time. Besides, my brother heard about it from his servants, so he came here to buy it with a lot of money.


As he said that, he stared at the shopkeeper closely, smiled and said: "This boss, do you think so?"

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, but at this moment, a middle-aged Chang Sui behind Chen Rui snorted coldly: "This is the young prince of Prince Zhongshun."

The shopkeeper's face changed. In fact, judging from the young master's dress, he knew that he was either rich or noble.

Unexpectedly, he is a member of the Zhongshun Prince's Palace.

So this daughter who disguises herself as a man, as befits her brother and sister, must be a daughter of the clan.

This... is not easy to offend anyone.

The shopkeeper was also a shrewd person, with a flattering smile on his face, and said: "This sweaty horse is very rare. I only saw one in the horse market every few months. Our shop also spent a lot of troubles to get it."

A horse, these two noble men have really good eyesight."

Chen Rui frowned and asked, "Who are you planning to sell to?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "It is not easy to raise Dawan horses. If you two nobles buy horses, you will need someone to take care of them."

Na Chang Sui Shen shouted and asked: "Who are you planning to sell this Dawanma to?"

The shopkeeper looked confused, his mouth moved, but there was no sound. Under the intense gaze, he smiled again.

Looks like Chief Ma.JPG.

Therefore, the atmosphere remained stagnant for a while.

At this time, Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "Master, since we are here first, we can take care of the horses first, and we don't need to worry about these other people."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jia Heng.

Princess Xianning also cast a pair of crystal eyes on Jia Heng, her lips moved, but she stopped talking.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man often took a step forward with an angry look on his face and asked.

Chen Rui sneered and said: "Sister Xianning, you are such a guard who doesn't understand etiquette. How can I wait for my brother and sister to speak while he has the right to speak?"

However, he mistook Jia Heng, who was tall and tall and had a heroic temperament, as a follower of Princess Xianning, thinking he was a palace guard or the like.

According to what Chen Rui and others thought, how could a noble person like Princess Xianning go to the market without a bodyguard?

Princess Xianning frowned, looked at Jia Heng aside, feeling helpless, and said, "Sir, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing after leaving the palace."

Jia Heng looked solemn, bowed his hand towards Princess Xianning, and said solemnly: "In the sacred city, the emperor's daughter was bullied by rats. It is the fault of a humble minister."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked and looked at each other.

When Chen Rui and Na Chang Sui heard this, their expressions changed slightly, but in a moment they returned to normal, secretly thinking, if they are palace guards, maybe they are still just junior military attachés?

However, the young man with a stern face turned his icy gaze over and said loudly: "My officer, I would like to remind the commander of the Army and Horse Department of the Five Cities. In the east and west cities, the sales in the market should be carried out on a first-come, first-served basis."

"I thought I was some kind of cat and dog, a little commander of the troops of the five cities..." Chen Rui sneered and said sarcastically, but gradually realized that something was wrong.

The command of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, why does this sound familiar? Who is in charge of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division recently?


Chen Rui's face darkened and he looked at the young man opposite, fear welling up in his eyes.

It's him!

The father at home is eager to get rid of Jia Heng's son!

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "You are so brave. I am a dignified official of the imperial court, and I have been ordered by the Holy One to supervise the public security of Shenjing. How can I allow you to speak filthy words and despise the majesty of the imperial court!"

He said to Sun Yun on the side: "Take this token and ask the soldiers stationed nearby to call up a small flag immediately!"

In the East City, there are about 200 inspectors sent by the Patrol Division of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division to station at the patrol station to hunt down thieves.

Sun Yun's expression changed, he stepped forward to receive the token, and quickly left the horse shop to find the Inspector of the Patrol Division.

Chen Rui's face changed slightly, he was a little panicked, and he asked urgently: "Jia Yunhui, you... what are you going to do?"

The faces of the four boys behind him also showed panic.

After a while, "Hulala..."

Accompanied by the rapid footsteps, soldiers from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division of the General Banner came, led by a hundred households. When they saw that it was Jia Heng, he trotted forward, cupped his hands and said: "I am under the command of Dongcheng Commander.

Qiao Zhengnian, a hundred households, has met your Excellency."

At this time, Chen Rui was obviously panicked, his face was ugly, and he said coldly: "Jia Yunhui, what crime have I committed? Are you going to take me?"

The soldiers did not recognize Chen Rui's identity and shouted: "The officers and soldiers have their own reasons for targeting you!"

Jia Heng's expression paused, he took a deep look at the soldier, and said in a deep voice: "Insulting the imperial officials, disrupting market transactions, provoking quarrels and provoking trouble, according to the public security regulations..."

He turned to look at Qiao Zhengnian and said, "Qiao Baihu, you are the chief of the patrol department here. How should we deal with them according to the public security regulations?"

Seeing the interesting scene where the boy suddenly got stuck, Princess Xianning's bright eyes under Liu Ye's slender eyebrows blinked, and her originally depressed mood became a little brighter.

Jia Heng looked calm.

This public security regulation was originally drawn up under his instruction by the military and judicial officers of the five cities and the civil servants who were proficient in legal studies. He remembered some of the crimes. Who can remember the specific provisions?

Na Qiao Zhengnian said loudly: "According to Article 32 of the Public Security Regulations, those who insult the imperial court in Beijing will be detained for seven days and paid five taels of silver; Article 18, those who disrupt market transactions will be imprisoned for three days; Article 21

According to the article, "picking quarrels and provoking troubles will be detained for seven days. A total of fourteen days will be detained, with a payment of five taels of silver and three days of corvee."

Jia Heng said: "Detain him according to the regulations."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Rui and others coldly.

"You are so presumptuous! I am a general who governs the country, and I have a first-class official position. Which of you dares to attack me?" Chen Rui's expression suddenly changed and he shouted in a deep voice.

According to the Chen Han Dian system, after the emperor's brother is re-titled to the second-character prince, his son will be the crown prince and can inherit the second-character prince title, and the other sons will be county princes.

However, when the father was still alive, most of the titles were not granted at once. It was impossible for King Zhongshun to give the title to several concubines before he passed away. Without this reason, the titles were usually given gradually by the generals who controlled the country first and the generals who assisted the country.


And the person who can be granted the title of General of the State is still the second son, just like the general concubine, who is usually demoted to the rank of General of the State.

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "The prince breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Don't say that you are a concubine of the royal family. Even if you are the prince of the royal family, if you violate the laws of the imperial court today, you will have to go to jail! Come on, tie me up!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and all the soldiers from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division swarmed forward, pushed Chen Rui and the servants to the ground, and tied them up with ropes.

Jia Heng said: "Gagged, and detained in the prison of Dongcheng Bingma Division!"

"I obey." Qiao Baihu bowed his hands and said respectfully, "I have resigned from my humble position."

With that said, he escorted a few people away.

After Jia Heng finished doing this, he looked at Princess Xianning and said warmly: "Let's go in and see the horses."

Princess Xianning's clear eyes sparkled, and she said worriedly: "Sir, will this be okay? If it's from the palace..."

Jia Heng said: "What can happen? I can lock him up for half a month without delaying his return for the New Year."

If Prince Zhongshun sent someone to fish him out, he would have something to say.

It can be said that this means that county officials are not as good as current officials.

This chapter has been completed!
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