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Chapter 347 The head of the Jia family

After listening to what Jia Heng said, Li Zan nodded and agreed: "This is what I intend to do, to suppress the bandits and test the effectiveness of the army's reorganization. The soldiers and horses they have trained are not for showing off."

When Jia Heng saw Li Zan's promise, he felt relieved.

My biggest experience these days is that with the help of civil servants, things go much smoother.

Li Zan turned to look at Jia Heng and said: "Zi Yu, spring is coming soon. I also need to prepare various matters for the Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department. I need you to take care of the rectification of the capital camp."

Jia Heng frowned, feeling slightly confused, and asked, "What does Mr. Ge mean by this?"

Li Zan said: "I cannot stay in Beijing for a long time. The generals have recently returned to Beijing to report on their duties. I have to discuss defense with the generals, prepare for the coming year, and reorganize affairs in Beijing. Fortunately, we have made a good start.

, the rest is to proceed step by step and proceed steadily."

Because Li Zan will leave Peiping after the new year, he will be inseparable from the affairs in Beijing camp.

When Jia Heng heard this, his heart suddenly dawned, and he said solemnly: "Don't worry, Mr. Ge, I will do my best to live up to the expectations of the Holy Master and Mr. Ge."

Li Zan nodded, with recognition and affirmation on his face, and said: "Zi Yu is diligent in his work. I will tell you that you will hold the emperor's sword and be responsible for the rectification and training of the Beijing camp."

As for Jia Heng’s youth? I’m so suspicious.

On the contrary, precisely because Jia Heng was young, had no meritorious achievements, and had a shallow foundation, his superiors and subordinates could only obey his abilities and respect his power, rather than be grateful for his kindness and look forward to his virtues.

If no one wants it, who will follow?

This is also the reason why Emperor Chongping used Jia Heng mostly, but ministers like Li Zan were not suspicious of him.

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your concern."

A faint smile appeared on Li Zan's face and he said: "But we still need to see the effectiveness of the martial arts performance. Otherwise, even if this pavilion strongly recommends it to the Holy Emperor, it will inevitably be criticized by the government and the public."

After all, Jia Heng is still a bit too young. Now he only assists in military affairs and can be said to be a staff officer. But after Li Zan left, he took charge of the military affairs of the Beijing camp. Although he did not have the name of Jiedushi, he was actually, almost de facto, the commander of the Beijing camp.

As Jiedushi, there are always people who will question him for his lack of hair on his lips and his inability to do things well.

Jia Heng looked solemn and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ge."

After that, after discussing all the affairs of the regiment and camp, Jia Heng stayed in Jieshuai camp for a while, and then led his retinue back to Guoyong camp to handle military affairs.

Entering the camp in the south of the city, he dismounted from his horse, handed the reins to the soldiers, and led the people into the camp. He looked up and saw a chief flag officer, leading dozens of soldiers, holding knives on guard.

Seeing Jia Heng and a large number of horsemen coming with flags and banners, Fan Yang's young face showed excitement. He walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and saluted, "I have met the commander-in-chief."

The black cloak behind Jia Heng was rustling in the wind. He pressed the sword on his waist, his cold eyes flashed, he looked up and down at this young general who was fifteen or sixteen years old, with the beginning of heroic spirit between his eyebrows, and asked: "Jia Fang?


It was none other than Jia Fang, one of the children of the Jia clan who were sent to the capital camp by Jia Heng for training.

At the beginning, Jia Qian, Jia Chen, Jia Qiong, Jia Lin, who were born in Yu Dynasty, and Jia Chang, Jia Ling, Jia Yun, Jia Fang, Jia Qin, who were born in Cao Dynasty, were training with the new recruit camp of Guoyong Camp.


Later, except for Jia Juan and Jia Chen, whose bodies were too weak to fight with swords and unable to continue training, they were transferred to civilian positions in the military such as Ying Qian Shu. Others such as Jia Qiong, Jia Lin, Jia Chang, Jia Ling, and Jia

Yun, Jia Fang and Jia Qin all persisted.

It is impossible for the children of the Jia clan to start as big-headed soldiers. When the chaos was settled the day before yesterday, Guo Yong camp was awarded officers on a large scale. The worst was also a small flag officer among the new barracks, and Jia Fang was considered the best among them.

, when chasing the rebels of Liwei camp, he killed the second level on horseback, and was promoted to the general flag at the age of sixteen.

He is a good cavalry prospect that Jia Heng asked Xie Zaiyi to pay attention to.

In fact, once you become an official, even if you only command a dozen people, and you taste the taste of power, you will never go back to your ordinary days.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the common people of the Jia clan no longer feared joining the army, but became happy with it.

Seeing Jia Heng recognize him at a glance, Jia Fang was overjoyed, with eagerness in her eyes, she cupped her fists and said, "Commander-General, this is Jia Fang, a low-ranking officer."

Jia Heng looked warm and his tone was much gentler, and asked: "Are you on duty today?"

Jia Fang hurriedly said: "Today, the guard army is deploying new barracks for garrison rotation, which coincides with the humble duty."

Jia Heng's army guard was Xie Zaiyi, who had just been transferred from Dongcheng to the capital camp. He was a fifth-rank guerrilla general and temporarily led 2,000 people to suppress the entire army and correct moral conduct.

Jia Heng looked at Jia Fang, patted the young man on the shoulder, and encouraged: "The army is in short supply of young generals who are brave enough to serve. Please hone your martial arts skills."

Jia Fang's cheeks turned red due to excitement, and her emotions showed up in her address, saying: "Thank you... Uncle Heng for your cultivation."

Hearing the name Uncle Heng, Jia Heng couldn't help but think of Uncle Dong. He frowned slightly, but without saying anything else, he got off his horse, handed the reins to the soldiers on the side, and walked towards the Chinese army barracks.

The minds of young people still need to be tempered.

Seeing Jia Heng's calm expression, Jia Fang's heart skipped a beat, and she secretly regretted that she had said the wrong thing in the heat of the moment. In the military, officials should be commensurate with their official positions.

Jia Heng entered the Chinese army barracks. At this time, several generals who were discussing matters and the marching chief Song Yuan hurriedly came out to greet him.

After Jia Heng sat down at the commander's desk, he looked at the generals and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

They huffed and puffed and sat on the chairs on both sides.

Jia Heng said: "How far has the training of the various departments reached?"

Song Yuandao: "Commander, this is the training outline for this month. Please take a look at it."

With that said, he took the brown paper from a clerk and handed it over.

Jia Heng took it and looked at it carefully. The training regulations were recorded on it.

This is also the work habit that Jia Heng brought to Guoyong Camp and even Jingying Camp. It is in line with the principle of doing things in advance and failing in advance.

Jia Heng put down the paper in his hand, looked at Shan Ming, the general on the side, and asked in a deep voice: "Are there any riding and archery drills in the Shenshu camps recently?"

Shan Ming said: "We have carried out riding and shooting drills according to the drill method taught by Xie Guoyi, but the riding and shooting method cannot be mastered in one day."

Jia Heng frowned and said in a deep voice: "During the time of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Taizong, our Han army was still able to chase the enemy to the north. However, after more than thirty years, our descendants are no longer as good as their predecessors. The snow has been melting for many days.

The cavalry generals will undergo a half-month training in Chang'an County, and you will write down the specific march route and submit it to the Ministry of War."

Shan Ming said respectfully: "I will obey your orders."

Guoyong camp is divided into three battalions: Wujun (infantry), Shenji (fire gun soldiers), Shenshu (cavalry), and the four new army battalions of twenty temporary battalions trained by Jia Heng, but in reality

The four major battalions of the New Army also occupied the troop establishment of the three major battalions, in order to obtain pay from the imperial court.

Jia Heng turned to look at Cai Quan on the side and said: "Choose five hundred elite soldiers from the guard army, inspect the lawlessness along the road, and judge and practice."

Cai Quan cupped his hands and responded: "I will obey your orders."

Jia Heng looked at General Xiao Lin and General Du Feng again, assigning tasks one by one.

Unknowingly, at noon, Jia Heng asked several generals to go about their military affairs. Jia Heng also prepared to have some lunch in the military camp and went to the barracks below to express his condolences to the soldiers.

"Commander Commander, Commander-in-Chief Qi Jianhui, Commander-in-Chief of Fenwu Camp, and guerrilla general Xie Jing, came to visit Commander-in-Chief." At this moment, a young general came in from outside, it was Jia Fang, cupping his fists and reported.

Jia Heng looked indifferent and said: "Let the two generals come in."

Not long after, Qi Jianhui, the commander-in-chief of Fenwu Camp, and Xie Jing, the guerrilla general, entered the barracks under the guidance of their own soldiers.

"The last general Qi Jianhui and the guerrilla general Xie Jing have met General Yunhui." As soon as the two generals entered the barracks, they clasped their fists and saluted.

Jia Heng said: "Two generals, please get up quickly. Why do you want me to be here?"

Qi Jianhui smiled and said: "General Yunhui, it's almost noon. We are preparing a small banquet at Jixiang Restaurant in the south of the city. General Yunhui has some free time, so he might as well go into the city to have a few drinks. Several military colleagues from Fenwu camp are also here.


When Jia Heng heard this, his heart moved slightly.

Secretly, the two of them had invited him a few days ago, but of course they were put off by his initial decision about the Liwei camp incident. In this way, it doesn't seem like they heard that Li Zan was in the Chinese army barracks today.

words in.

Perhaps he was worried that Jia Heng would decline again, so Xie Jing hurriedly smiled and said: "Everyone in the Fenwu camp admires Yun Hui's reputation. They are about to see Yun Hui's famous general up close and ask for a lesson in the art of military service."

Qi Jianhui said: "In the past few days, I know that Yunhui is busy with military affairs, so I have not interfered with each other. Today, I took advantage of noon to have a small gathering with Yunhui."

Jia Heng glanced at Qi and Xie, thought about it for a moment, and found it hard to refuse.

Moreover, the Fenwu Camp had been reorganized, and there was no need to worry about encountering any difficulties involving bribery for convenience, so I agreed.

Qi Jianhui and Xie Jing looked happy when they heard this.

Qi Jianhui asked: "It's getting late, should Yunhui set off now?"

"Don't be impatient." Jia Heng said, looking at Cai Quan and the guerrilla general Xie Zaiyi who had just transferred to the capital camp, and said: "General Cai, General Xie, let's go meet the brothers from Fenwu Camp."

Although the emperor has no doubts, he still has to be conscious at all times to show that he is aboveboard, even if drinking with his colleagues does not actually have much substantive meaning.

Cai Quan smiled and said: "The general is worried about where his next meal will be."

Cai Quan, Xie Zaiyi and other two generals responded.

As they talked, they took their followers and rode to the nearest Jixiang Restaurant in the south of the city.

Jixiang Restaurant

Jia Heng led his soldiers, led by Qi Jianhui and Xie Jing, into the box on the second floor.

As Qi Jianhui said, there were four generals sitting in the box. When they saw Jia Heng coming in, they all stood up to greet him.

After exchanging a few words, Jia Heng also roughly understood the identities of several people.

The commander-in-chief of Fenwuying, Shi Yuanzhong, the generals Dang Yi, Ge Jingfu, and a guerrilla general Geng Jian, the senior general of Fenwuying, came for a little while.

Jia Heng looked at a few people and secretly thought that Qi Jianhui had a strong foundation in Fenwu Camp. As far as he knew, Cao Xin, the current governor of Fenwu Camp, a veteran who was over fifty years old, had been a subordinate of the Marquis of Xiangyang back then.

In fact, meritorious sons such as those from the Xiangyang Hou Qi family can be quickly promoted with meritorious service and the blessing of the halo of military honors. At the same time, many of their fathers and grandfathers' old subordinates will come to join them.

As for the Jia family of Rongning Second Mansion, they are no less generous. In the past few days, Jia Heng has had many old subordinates of Jia Daihua come to contact him. Some of them are offering their services, some are clinging to them, and some are asking Jia Heng for recovery.

I owe the bank an open balance.

Jia Heng said: "All the generals are sitting here. Except in the commander's barracks, I have never had the opportunity to meet several generals before. Today, General Qi invites me to come and have a drink and chat with several generals. I am honored to do so."

, since it’s a private banquet, you might as well be more casual.”

Although Jia Heng may not have the highest title here, he has the highest official position and the most authority. As soon as he entered the room, he seemed to be a guest.

The generals didn't even dare to talk.

Qi Jianhui smiled and complimented: "General Yunhui runs the army vigorously and resolutely. He has the style of Sun Wu and the posture of Wei Huo. Now he is reorganizing the Beijing camp and giving the 12th regiment camp a completely new look. The last general, General Shi, and General Dang are looking forward to it."

It’s been a long time since I talked to Yunhui.”

Shi Yuanzhong smiled and said: "The disciples of General Yunhui are certainly very comparable to others."

The other generals expressed their compliments one after another.

Jia Heng smiled lightly and said, "We are just serving the imperial court together and helping each other in the same boat."

Everyone was chatting, enjoying wine and food, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

Shi Yuanzhong, the governor of Fenwu Camp, raised his wine cup, looked at the young man opposite, and said: "In the past ten years, the military discipline of the Beijing camp has been weakened, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, and the generals are timid. This time, the imperial court is reorganizing the army.

General Yunhui is running around in the midst of the accumulated shortcomings. At the end of the day, I will give you a toast to General Yunhui."

Jia Heng drank a glass of wine, then looked at Shi Yuanzhong, smiled and said: "General Shi's words of talent are ridiculous. If it weren't for the Holy Spirit's strong determination to organize the army, the support of the cabinet and the Ministry of War, and the general knowledge of the regiment and camp generals,

It’s hard for me to achieve anything with just my own efforts.”

Qi Jianhui said: "Yun Hui is so noble and upright that I will always admire him."

All the generals praised him one after another.

A few people ate wine and chatted. This kind of social interaction was originally about form over content. It was almost late, and everyone was drunk until they went to the restaurant.

Just as I was going downstairs, suddenly there was a quarrel.

Jia Heng was talking to Qi Jianhui in the corridor at the moment, and when he heard the voice, he went there because of his prestige.

I saw Geng Jian, the guerrilla general of Fenwu Camp, arguing with a young man on the first floor. The young man was wearing a plain round-collar brocade robe and exquisite clothes. He had obviously eaten too much wine. He was supported by two young men.

, covering his face and yelling at the guerrilla general Geng Jian.

Listening to the quarrel, it seemed that the guerrilla general Geng Jian had bumped into the staggering young man.

Qi Jianhui's face darkened, feeling that he was losing face, and said: "Yunhui, wait a moment, I will take a look at it later."

While he was talking, he came down the stairs and looked towards the young master. He was about to give a deep shout when he recognized him, "Brother Chen Xian, why are you here?"

The person who came was no one else, but Chen Yejun, a member of the clan. He was the direct grandson of Emperor Longzhi's younger brother, and he was now attacking the general of the country.

Prince - Prince - General of Zhenguo, Chen Yejun's father is the Prince of Renhe.

Chen Yejun opened his sleepy and drunken eyes, looked at Qi Jianhui, and said: "Brother Qi Shi, you came just in time, your man bumped into me."

Qi Jianhui was dumbfounded. Looking at Chen Yejun, who was drunk and with obvious bruises on his face, he said: "Brother Chen Xian, I apologize to you on behalf of this brother."

While several people were talking, several people walked out of the wing on the first floor.

"Brother Chen." The young man wearing a red arrow-sleeved warrior uniform and a sword hanging on his waist asked, "What's going on? Why did the quarrel start?"

Jia Heng frowned. Hearing that the voice was familiar, he couldn't help but look away in awe of the reputation. He saw a few young gentlemen and four or five servants.

Among them, Feng Ziying is the leader, and there are three people beside him, one is 17 or 18 years old, one is 15 or 16 years old, and the other is 11 or 12 years old.

Seeing the face of the Mid-Autumn Festival full moon, Jia Heng couldn't help but frown, "Baoyu?"

Seeing Feng Ziying coming over, Chen Yejun waved his hand and said: "Brother Feng Xian, I was knocked down just now. Nothing happened."

"Is it serious?" Feng Ziying asked quickly.

Chen Yejun said it was okay.

Because of Qi Jianhui's appearance, Chen Yejun was obviously relieved.

Only then did Feng Ziying have time to look at Qi Jianhui and others. Just as she was about to talk, she suddenly looked stunned and said in surprise: "Brother, why are you here?"

With that said, he walked towards the stairs, intending to approach and salute.

In fact, in terms of age, Feng Ziying is actually older than Jia Heng, but Feng Ziying considers herself a younger brother and calls Jia Heng an elder brother. Even Shenwu General Feng Tang didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Jia Heng listened to the call, nodded to Feng Ziying, came down the stairs, and said: "Let's have a meal here. How did Ziying come to Nancheng?"

Feng Ziying's father, Shenwu General Feng Tang, is now serving as the guard general in the Chinese army camp presided over by Li Zan.

"A good team has come to the Liyuan in Nancheng. Let's take a look with a few friends. It's not noon, so let's have dinner here." Feng Ziying smiled, explained, turned to look at Baoyu aside, and said with a smile: "Brother

, Baoyu is also here."

It turns out that Baoyu's uncle's family members were having a funeral yesterday after the first seven days.

It happened that Feng Ziying also went to the funeral. Seeing that Baoyu was in a gloomy mood, he made an appointment to relax in the city today. Baoyu came to Nancheng accompanied by his servant Mingyan.

Qi Guan'er from Prince Zhongshun, who had a good relationship with Feng Ziying, suggested to Feng Ziying that a good group had come to Nancheng Liyuan and they could go and listen to music. Feng Ziying, Wei Ruolan, Chen Yejun and others happily went there. It was noon.


Baoyu raised her eyes and saw the stern young man, and her heart couldn't help but tremble. She stepped forward, bowed and said, "I've met Brother Heng."

Jia Heng looked at Baoyu, said "hmm" calmly, and asked: "Did you tell the old lady before you came out?"

Baoyu whispered: "I went back to the old lady. I heard that I was with the Feng family brother. The old lady asked me to go back early and didn't say anything."

Jia Heng didn't say anything anymore. He just asked casually, but his attitude was unconsciously like that of an elder.

Then, he turned his attention to the young man in red robe aside, and saw that the young man was also looking at him with a pair of curious eyes.

Feng Ziying smiled and invited her, "Brother, why don't you have a few drinks."

"I have something to do later, so just drink and don't get too drunk," Jia Heng said.

Feng Ziying didn't want to force the invitation, and said with a smile: "It's cold, so I just drank two cups. Brother, don't tell your father."

Jia Heng nodded, glanced at Chen Yejun, and then said to Qi Jianhui: "Since there is a misunderstanding, General Qi will lead General Geng back to the camp first."

"Yes." Qi Jianhui responded and greeted Shi Yuanzhong and other generals.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yejun squinted his drunken eyes and carefully looked at the handsome young man opposite him. When he caught a glimpse of the python uniform and official robe he was wearing under his cloak, his heart skipped a beat, and even his drunkenness dissipated.

Even he is not qualified to wear this kind of python suit.

Jia Heng looked at Feng Ziying, smiled and said: "Ziying, I still have something to do, so let's go ahead and drink together some other time."

Feng Ziying smiled and said: "I'll give it to my brother."

With that said, surrounded by a group of generals, he headed out.

Jiang Yuhan looked at the disappearing figures of several people, with a smile on his face, and asked curiously: "Brother Wei, who is this?"

In fact, he had some guesses, but he was still a little unsure.

Wei Ruolan's eyes were dark and she said in a complicated tone: "Who else could it be? The head of the Jia family, General Yunhui."

Wei Ruolan's father, Runan Hou Weiqi, was the governor of the Yong camp and served in the Beijing camp. After returning, he frequently mentioned Jia Heng to Wei Ruolan.

"It turns out it's him, no wonder..." Jiang Yuhan murmured.

Baoyu listened to the surprise of the head of the Jia family and Qi Guan'er. His full moon face paused, and he couldn't help but feel irritated.

Chen Yejun's drunkenness had dissipated a little now, and his eyes were inexplicable, and he said: "This guy is not easy to mess with. Brother Chen Rui, who took Uncle Zhongshun to death not long ago, is now helping the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division to patrol and sweep the streets.


Jiang Yuhan answered: "In two days, the young prince should go back."

After a while, Feng Ziying came back and smiled at the people who had different thoughts: "Brothers, you have been waiting for a long time. Let's go, let's continue drinking."

However, after this incident, the interest of several people was obviously lowered for some reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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