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Chapter 375 Aunt Xue: Why not?

Not long after, Jia Heng and Jia Zheng entered the Daming Palace.

It is said that Jia Zheng rarely came to the inner study room of the Daming Palace, so he was in the solemn and solemn palace. When he saw the middle-aged emperor sitting behind the bill, his heart was shuddered and he did not dare to look more. He bowed his head and said:

"Your Excellency, Jia Zheng, a member of the Ministry of Works, pays homage to your Majesty. Long live, long live, long live."

Jia Heng also saluted with the following words: "My lord, General Yunhui, Jia Heng, pay homage to Your Majesty, long live long live, long live long live."

"Ziyu, Jia Qingpingsheng."

Emperor Chongping glanced over the two of them, and when he landed on Jia Heng's face, a smile appeared on his cold face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jia Heng and Jia Zheng stood up together and said.

Emperor Chongping looked at the young man wearing a python suit with a resolute face, and called out: Dai Quan, show your seats to your two beloved ministers."

Jia Heng took the lead and said, "I don't dare."

Jia Zheng's face showed a flattered look, and he said in a trembling voice: "How dare I sit down in front of the Holy Majesty?"

Emperor Chongping smiled and didn't say much else. Instead, he looked at Jia Heng and said, "Why did Ziyu and Jia Qing ask to see me?"

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I have something to report to the Holy One, and I respectfully ask for His Majesty's decision."

Emperor Chongping was startled for a moment, feeling vaguely that it was different from what he thought before, so he asked: "Ziyu, tell me."

Jia Heng told Zhen Yinglian's life experience, and after saying that Zhen Shiyin gave money to Jia Yucun and went to Beijing to take the exam, he continued: "That year, Yinglian was abducted, the Hulu Temple was blown up, and a fire burned Zhen's family to the ground.

In 2009, Jiayu Village passed the imperial examination and was selected to be a foreign class..."

The reason why he did not mention it directly was to insert Emperor Chongping into this narrative scene, to express his feelings about the impermanence of fate and the loneliness of Yinglian's life experience, and to feel compassion for him.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongping turned his face silent as expected and asked: "What happened next?"

He didn't believe that Jia Ziyu came here just to tell him a story, and there must be more to follow.

Jia Heng said: "After Jia Yucun came back to life, he was appointed as the prefect of Jinling. One day, he suddenly encountered a case. It turned out that a kidnapper was responsible for buying two families, and the kidnapped woman was Zhen Yinglian..."

Then there was a fight between two families over the purchase of a maidservant, which resulted in Feng Yuan's death. The details fell into the ears of the emperor.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongping said in a cold voice: "What kind of bastard case does Jia Yucun decide!"

Jia Heng allowed Emperor Chongping to finish his anger and said: "Your Majesty, later on Zhen Yinglian went through many twists and turns, and she was regarded as a sworn sister by Zhuo Jing. When I helped her find her life experience, I learned of the hidden secrets here. Because it involved relatives at home, I didn't dare to hide it.

, please also ask the Holy Lord Jun to make the decision."

At this time, Jia Zheng knelt down with a bang, kowtowed and said: "The sinner, Jia Zheng, failed to restrain my nephew, which resulted in beating someone's life. Please show me your guilt."

Emperor Chongping frowned, thought for a while, and glanced at Jia Heng.

After thinking about it, it has nothing to do with Jia Heng. How long has Jia Heng been in charge of the Jia family?

Jia Heng said: "Your Majesty, this matter was done by Jia Yucun to please Wang Ziteng, who was the governor of the Beijing Camp at the time. No one has ever taken the initiative to give instructions."

Emperor Chongping was silent for a moment, he had heard the reason.

In order to please the Jia family and Wang Ziteng, Jia Yucun was good at making opinions and providing convenience to the Xue family.

Such cases were encountered not only in Jinling but also in Shenjing when he was in charge of the Criminal Department.

This matter is a trivial matter, and it is not worthy of Jia Ziyu entering the palace to present it. However, because it involves relatives of the Jia family, if someone is deliberately playing tricks on him, he may criticize him and cause an uproar. In that case, he will need to be severely punished to calm it down.

public opinion.

In fact, after Jia Heng succeeded Wang Ziteng and took charge of the Beijing camp, it was no longer possible to wait for others to expose this matter as before.

Emperor Chongping thought about the key points and said: "Jia Qing, please get up first."

At this time, Jia Zheng still did not dare to get up, so he bowed his head and said: "The guilty minister has the responsibility of covering up and concealing himself. I hope the Holy One will punish him."

Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment, thinking about how to deal with the matter. If it was too serious, Jia Heng would definitely be complained by his relatives when he returned. This was an era where relatives secluded each other, but if it was too light, it would not be enough to quell future criticism.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: "This matter was arranged by Jia Yucun. He bent the law for personal gain and was dismissed from his official position. Xue Pan competed with Feng Yuan to buy a maid, and allowed his slaves to beat Feng Yuan to death, and then faked his death to escape. I miss him.

He is still young, and he is the only son in the family. He is sentenced to fifty with a cane, sentenced to three years in prison, and forced to do hard labor...Dai Quan, you will go to Dali Temple later to pass on my oral instructions and order the Prime Minister of Dali Temple to find the files, re-determine the case, and follow the instructions.


When Emperor Chongping was King Yong, he watched the government in the Ministry of Punishment and finally took charge of the Ministry of Punishment. He had a deep knowledge of the laws of the Han Dynasty and had solved many cases. Just after listening to the description of the case, he had a conclusion in his mind in a moment.

The laws of the Han Dynasty generally stipulated punishments, including beating the cane to death, and on top of exile, there were severe punishments such as being sent to the army as an alternative to the death penalty.

As for the prison sentence, it is different from three years of imprisonment, which can be sentenced to up to ten years. It is not that you are locked in a cell and wasted on food, but that you are punished with hard labor.

In fact, the "Laws of the Han Dynasty" underwent several major revisions during the Longzhi period. At the legislative and judicial levels, it has followed the principle of killing with caution and killing sparingly, and has been strictly applied to the death penalty of hanging and beheading.

For example, when Jia Zhen colluded with bandits, she was exiled to the south and was not considered dead.

As for Xue Pan's case, because it involved the death penalty of a kidnapper, the Jinling Prefecture must deliver the file to Dali Temple.

When Jia Zheng heard this, he bowed his head and said, "I thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Three years of apprenticeship, fifty rods, and hard labor... For Xue Pan, who is only fifteen years old, there is no death penalty for minors. If he causes death from intentional injury in later generations, the starting point of punishment is seven years, and fifty rods counts as

Part of the criminal liability was offset.

It's just a punishment of fifty with a stick, which can kill a person if he doesn't do well, but the emperor's instructions to his disciples for three years actually left him alive.

All in all, the emperor's judgment basically took into account emotion, reason, and law.

Emperor Chongping waved his hand and said: "Let's leave it like this for now."

After speaking, he looked at Jia Heng, his eyes a little gentler, and said: "Zi Yu is a general person."

This sentence is a double entendre, not only because of the previous refusal to marry the King of Chu, but also because of today's incident with Xue Pan.

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I don't dare to praise you as a saint. I think this case also has many disadvantages."

When Emperor Chongping heard this, his expression paused and he said, "Zi Yu can be more careful."

Jia Heng said: "Your Majesty, human beings, kidnappers, and abductors of women and children have caused countless families to suffer the pain of separation of their flesh and blood. I believe that kidnappers and human beings who abduct women and children should be severely punished, and I do not allow the government to purchase slaves for the purpose of buying and selling the abductors."


This is to restrict the registration of slave registration at the government level, so that the people who buy it will still be good citizens, and the escaped slaves will not be captured by the government.

"This proposal is feasible. We should not register slave status for those who are involuntarily enslaved." Emperor Chongping nodded, agreed, and then asked, "Does Zi Yu intend to abolish the slave status?"

Jia Heng said: "I have no such thoughts, it is just about the survival and abolition of the slave status. As far as I know, the debate lasted for more than a day. Since the founding of the country, the minister ordered Duke Zhao to once advise Taizu to abolish the slave status. Taizu was pleased

Accepted it and issued the "Abolition of Slavery Order", but during the reign of Emperor Taizong, slave deeds were also allowed to be recorded in the government... I think that at the beginning of the founding of the country, there were many people and few lands, and the gentry raised slaves, which eroded the basis of the court's taxation.

During Taizong's time, the world had been stable for many years, and the arable land was getting less and less. The rich gentry and merchants kept slaves for their own enjoyment, buying and selling. Instead of letting them trade privately and causing more troubles, the government would not recognize it, which led to today's situation.


This actually involves a serious issue: the survival and abolition of slave status.

Chen Han is now a slave, and the government does not prohibit the existence of slaves. The slave deed can even be registered with the government. This is a legal system established during the reign of Emperor Taizong, which can be regarded as partially codifying the provisions of the "Abolition of Slavery Order".

The sentence "historical documents have no practical significance" is truly applied vividly.

Even in the later years of Longzhi, some areas issued licenses and imposed heavy taxes on the establishment of people's banks, that is, intermediaries.

However, the laws of the Chen and Han dynasties were particularly heavy-handed in cracking down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children.

This means that you can go to other places and sell yourself, but you cannot kidnap or traffick.

The government's attitude towards people's behavior is also quite ambiguous, full of the meaning of rule of man. One moment it says it's legal, and suddenly it's illegal again.

Some officials acquiesce in the existence of human beings and impose heavy taxes on them; some officials hate it and resolutely ban it.

Emperor Chongping listened to Jia Heng's words, showed appreciation and said: "What Zi Yu said is right. To be honest, this is the reason that I gradually figured out when I was in the Ministry of Punishment."

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were fewer people and more land. The imperial court needed to expand the number of homesteaders, so it was natural to abolish slavery. However, as time passed after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the situation was completely different.

Jia Heng held up his hands and said he didn't dare.

Emperor Chongping's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, and he said in a deep voice: "When I was King Yong, I also proposed the abolition of slave status, and set up special laws and regulations to punish crimes such as abduction and bribery of women and children, but I soon discovered...


Speaking of this, Emperor Chongping sighed, and his tone gradually became a little more serious: "Every time there is a natural disaster, how many people sell their sons and daughters. If they are not sold to rich families to live in begging, they can only change their sons."

But eating it will lead to a human tragedy, so I will gradually stop thinking about it."

Not to mention far away, Ningrong's second house has a life-servant contract. If he is kicked out by Ningrong's second house and lives abroad, his livelihood will be difficult.

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I know that this matter is too difficult, so I didn't even think about it."

It is almost impossible to abolish slavery, because the largest purchasing groups are bureaucrats, landlords, and gentry, and the emperor is the largest landlord.

Emperor Chongping said: "If you are well-endowed and know etiquette, if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace, if you want to make the country strong and the people rich, and if the rivers are clear and the sea is clean, it will be logical to abolish the slave status."

Jia Heng said: "The Holy One has a far-sighted vision, and I admire him."

Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment and then said: "Ziyu, now that the New Year is approaching, it is inevitable that trafficking will not occur again during the New Year. Ziyu is the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, and he must repair and fulfill his responsibilities."

Jia Heng said: "I accept the order."

Jia Zheng on the side listened to the conversation between the monarch and his ministers, his head tightly lowered, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

Pan'er was sentenced to three years of hard labor, which was better than being exiled or even sentenced to death.

But when Jia Heng and Jia Zheng entered the palace to perform affairs, they were in Rongguo Mansion and Lixiang Courtyard.

In the side room, Aunt Xue and Baochai were talking.

Baochai looked at the five or six rosewood boxes on the table, which were filled with jewelry. He frowned and asked, "Mom, did you prepare all these jewelry?"

Aunt Xue smiled and said: "Isn't it a young year? I will go to see your sister-in-law later. As an elder, I can't go empty-handed. These few things can be considered as some thoughts for your sister-in-law Heng."

Baochai's almond-shaped eyes were condensed and she asked, "Did Mom get these jewelry from the shop?"

"Hey, how can you give something used by others to your sister-in-law? I bought it new from a shop and spent a lot of money. Look at the pearls and jade, the materials are all precious materials, and the workmanship

, are all fine craftsmanship, that is to say, you don’t like them.” A kind smile appeared on Aunt Xue’s fair face.

"I didn't like these." Baochai nodded and said in surprise: "Mom, why did you suddenly think of giving this as a gift?"

Aunt Xue smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Brother Heng has helped our family a lot. I was thinking about it. Brother Heng has nothing in his hands, so what should I give him? Besides, it's neither the New Year nor the holiday.

, everything seems ugly as a gift, so why not take advantage of the Chinese New Year to choose some expensive jewelry for Brother Heng’s daughter-in-law. If she likes it, she can wear it herself. If she doesn’t like it, she can give it to others, and it’s fine with me.

A lot of thoughts.”

At first, Jia Heng helped the Jia family and gave gifts immediately. It was not a new year or a holiday, so it seemed a little too deliberate.

Baochai Lirui's face showed recognition, and she said with a chuckle: "What mom said is that when relatives come and go, it's important to have them come and go. I was thinking that the people in the past helped a lot, so I should give some as well.

Gifts are just a token of your love."

She originally had this idea, but as a peer, she couldn't think of what kind of gift to give to Sister-in-law Heng in her name, and it was too expensive and inappropriate.

As for giving him things, there are differences between men and women. If you give him a sachet...you have to embroider three of them.

Aunt Xue smiled and said: "My dear, that's the reason. Later, I will also talk to your sister-in-law Heng. After the Chinese New Year, you are not too young anymore. Let your elder brother Heng arrange your marriage.

Take the trouble to get to know more princes, grandsons, and young men, and make peace with those of good character when you meet them."


What did she say?

Was it because of this incident?

It must have been that the king of Chu came to ask for marriage yesterday, which caught my mother's attention.

But...how can this be done?

Thinking of this, Baochai's thoughts became a little complicated, and he advised: "Mom, I didn't have such extravagant thoughts at first. Brother Heng also said yesterday that many of them are dangerous, and it is impossible to say that it will bring disaster to the family."

"My dear, that's your eldest sister. She is the daughter of Rongguo Mansion. Of course your elder brother Heng has to worry about it, but our family is not the same." After hearing this, Aunt Xue took Baochai's hand and sighed: "My dear,

Well, what's going on in our family? Your father is a cruel man. He left us three, and my mother has single-handedly brought you up and supported the family business all these years. How much hardship have you endured? How many sins have you suffered? I thought about you brothers and sisters.

Everything has a good result, but something went wrong again with your selection. What can I do as a mother? Even if you are not welcomed by others, I will find you a good family with this old face."

Aunt Xue gradually became emotional as she spoke, her eyes were reddish and her voice was deep.

In fact, if we follow the trajectory of the original work, Aunt Xue spread the word about the story from the very beginning.

Otherwise, without Aunt Xue's acquiescence, who would dare to spread rumors about a good relationship in private and ruin the good reputation of other people's daughters?

Baochai looked sad, sighed softly, took the handkerchief, handed it to Aunt Xue to wipe her tears, and said softly: "Mom, there is a time in life that must be there, but there is no time in life. Don't force it. Our family doesn't have that life."

, why bother yourself."

Aunt Xue grabbed Baochai's hand and said: "My dear, don't believe in fate. Yesterday, you also heard that your eldest sister's marriage has fallen on Brother Heng. Brother Heng is a wealthy man.

As long as he is willing to help, nothing is impossible. Your eldest sister will definitely find a good family. It will be easy for you to ask him to help you find a good family. "

When Baochai heard this, his face changed slightly and he said, "Mom... stop talking."

Aunt Xue said: "I have inquired about it. After the year, King Wei will follow Brother Heng to work in the Wucheng Army and Horse Department. Not to mention that he and the empress in the palace can still talk to each other. If Brother Heng makes peace,

You don’t have to go to the etiquette department to be selected."

As for the King of Chu, he definitely won't succeed. He just refused. She can't let her daughter agree. Who will she become in front of her sister?

But the King of Wei was just right, the main concubine didn't dare to expect it, and the side concubine was also fine.

Baochai listened to Aunt Xue's words, her cheeks were ashamed and anxious, and said: "Mom, how can this be done?"

If so, how should he miss her?

"Why can't it work?" Aunt Xue said.

At this moment, a raging voice came from outside, "Mom, what's wrong?"

At this time, Xue Pan, wearing a purple headscarf and shaking his big head, entered the side room with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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