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Chapter 399 Wind, frost, rain and snow, probably so

 Yongyefang, Tangqiao Hutong, Li Zhai

Under the guidance of the concierge, Jia Heng stepped into the residence of Li Zan, the great scholar of Wuyingdian Palace and the Minister of War.

This mansion is quite old, and some green paint can be seen peeling off from the corridors on both sides, and traces of moss covering the rocks on the rockery can also be seen.

"Ziyu." After passing the Yimen, I saw Li Zan, wearing a slate blue round-neck gown and smiling, waiting for him under the eaves of the flower hall. In addition, there were several officials from the Ministry of War standing on the left and right.

There are Shi Jie, the left minister of the Ministry of War, Zhong Hangmin, the newly appointed minister of Qing Dynasty, Shi Shu, the official minister of the Ministry of War, and Zou Jing, the former right minister of the Ministry of War.

Zou Jing, with the title of Minister of War, will accompany Li Zan to Peiping, where he will serve as the deputy envoy of the Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department, assisting in military affairs and assisting in the management of military aircraft.

"Mr. Ge." Jia Heng straightened his face and calmed down his expression. He called from a distance, stepped forward and bowed his hands.

Li Zan twirled his beard with his hand, a gentle smile on his thin, long-bearded face, and said: "I just saw Ziyu paying my respects, and I was still wondering. Ziyu hasn't been visiting relatives these days, so why did he think of me in his spare time?"

Apparently, the Minister of War, who was about to leave Beijing, was very happy to see Jia Heng come to visit him.

Jia Heng also had a smile on his face and said: "Mr. Ge will go to Youyan tomorrow and will be serving as a minister. I want to give him a gift."

Li Zan nodded and said with a smile: "Ziyu is interested."

Everyone exchanged pleasantries and led Jia Heng into the flower hall. The two parties sat down separately, and servants served tea.

Jia Heng put down the tea cup, raised his eyes to look at Li Zan, and asked, "Can Mr. Ge enter the palace to meet the Holy Emperor?"

The smile on Li Zan's face disappeared and he said solemnly: "I will go to the palace to say goodbye in the afternoon. The servants in the palace are packing their luggage. This trip to the north requires me to carry a lot of maps, books, and local chronicles with me for reference."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Old Ge, go here, screen the vassal Youyan, face the front of the barbarians, you should be the pillar of the country, and the government and the public will look forward to it."

When Li Zan heard this, he sighed and said: "With a weak body of seven feet, we have to defend the north with all our strength. If we want to send our troops north, I'm afraid we will need young heroes like Zi Yu. After the army is successfully organized, the Sixth Army

Heading on."

Jia Heng looked resolute and said in a deep voice: "The military force of the troops in the Beijing camp has initially settled. After that, they will conduct training and conquest for more than half a year. If they build slaves this autumn, and if they go south to plunder in the past years, Heng will definitely do it."

When the troops go north, they will compete with one of them."

Li Zan pondered for a moment and said: "Ziyu, there is no need to be anxious. I went to Peking to plan defense to buy time for the court. As Ziyu said in "Pinglu Ce", the time is mine."

Jia Heng said: "This is not a decisive battle with the enemy. The main point is to defend the garrison and test the combat capabilities of the new soldiers. Otherwise, if you train soldiers and horses for three to five years and then fight with the enemy, you will not be able to train the troops."

A thousand-mile horse cannot be trained in the courtyard. If the time comes, he will definitely send troops to fight against the enemy.

In fact, if there is an invasion of the Eastern Han Dynasty this autumn, officials in both the government and the public will certainly be urging him to join the army. Therefore, he needs to prepare for a rainy day.

"Wait until tomorrow to go to the Ordnance Supervision to find a skilled craftsman, and let the detectives from Jinyi Mansion escort you to the land of Haojing to learn the art of firearms."

Jia Heng thought about it.

Li Zan smiled and said, "It's good that Ziyu knows what's going on."

Turning to Hang Min, he joked: "Ziyu's ability in military training is obvious to both the government and the public, so we have to wait and see."

Hang Min, Shi Jie, and Zou Jing all chuckled.

During the martial arts performance at Anshunmen earlier, everyone was excited to see the new look of the new army.

Li Zan pondered for a moment and asked: "The Holy Emperor wanted to set up a military aircraft office to support military affairs. Ziyu is among the staff. Do you have any ideas for the candidates for the officials?"

Because Jia Heng was the proposer of the Military Aircraft Department, Emperor Chongping was bound to listen to Jia Heng's opinions on the selection of military personnel for the Military Aircraft Department.

Jia Heng said: "I'm still thinking about this matter. I'm afraid it still depends on the Sacred Heart's will. Who does Mr. Ge think can join the military?"

Such a new organization, with its uncertain status, should be able to dissuade some people.

But there are also some smart people who realize that they are famous and want to join the military aircraft.

After all, the earliest cabinet was just a secretarial agency.

Li Zan's face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Since I am on duty for the military aircraft, I should choose someone who knows the military to prevent any delay in military affairs. I will recommend the candidate to the Holy One when I meet the Holy One in the afternoon."

"What Mr. Ge said is true." Jia Heng nodded and agreed.

It involves personnel matters, so it is not appropriate to continue this topic.

He must be the Minister of Military and Aircraft, so the Ministry of War may have another one, Shi Jie, the Minister of War. As for the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, the two kings of Nan'an and Beijing will probably also serve as Minister of Military and Aircraft, as a way of balancing, so it's still

If one person is missing, I wonder who the emperor will choose.

Of course, this is a trial run now, and in the early stage it was just a consulting organization, so this kind of customization has not yet taken shape.

Li Zan thought for a moment and then warned: "Zi Yu, there are many bandits in many provinces now, especially in Henan. Bandits have become more and more serious recently and are invading local areas. If the Beijing camp wants to hone its troops, it can go to the Central Plains to suppress bandits and train its troops."

Jia Heng said: "Mr. Ge, I also have this idea. First, I want to suppress the bandits so that the soldiers can show their strength, and then I can move northward."

Mentioning the local bandits' rebellion, Shi Jie looked solemn and said in a low voice: "Yesterday, the Henan Dusi sent an urgent military message, saying that the bandits entrenched in Jigong Mountain had broken through Luoshan County and opened warehouses to release grain in two or three days.

The officers and soldiers of Runing Prefecture arrived and then retreated to the mountains."

When Jia Heng heard this, his face gradually became more solemn and he said, "Have you ever reported this matter to the Holy One?"

Shi Jie said worriedly: "The general's sentiments along with the memorial have been sent to the palace by the General Affairs Department, and the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion has selected generals and is ready to go to Runing Mansion to supervise military affairs."

At this time, Xinyang County was under the Runing Prefecture, which was in the south of Henan, and further south was Hubei Province. Bandits and bandits were entrenched at the junction of the two provinces, using the terrain to deal with the government and the army.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said: "Sir Shi, the local bandits are causing chaos, and the Ministry of War will discuss with the Fifth Army Governor's Office to deal with it. How are the specific responsibilities divided?"

In the past few years, Chen Han's weather has been abnormal, his youth has been poor, and coupled with the exploitation of corrupt officials in the local government, many soldiers have turned into bandits and gathered in the mountains and forests. The officers and soldiers have not been able to suppress and arrest the bandits, and the local bandit chaos has occurred one after another, and the central court officials are almost numb.


Shi Jie explained: "The Five Army Governor's Mansion manages the Dusi and Wei Mansion of the world. They dispatch generals, and the Ministry of War issues transfer orders."

The Ministry of War is composed of civilian officials, and it is impossible to send officials to local areas to supervise and suppress bandits. Everything still has to be coordinated by the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army selected by the governor.

Jia Heng frowned and asked, "Master Shi, you want to dispatch troops from the capital camp to southern Henan to suppress arrests?"

Shi Jie sighed: "Let's see first. If the suppression is not effective, the lower officials will report to the emperor and send troops from the capital camp out of Shaanxi and into Henan. At that time, Ziyu will be asked to assist."

A few people were talking, and it was noon before they knew it. Li Zan ordered the kitchen to prepare a banquet for several people.

After the luncheon, Jia Heng discussed with Li Zan and others the military arrangements in the north, then left Li's house and returned to Ningguo Mansion.

It was almost midnight, and as soon as I arrived at the mansion, I vaguely heard the sound of opera coming from the direction of Tianxiang Tower in Huifang Garden.

Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. To celebrate Jia Heng's promotion to the nobility, the theater troupe of Rong Ning's Second Mansion has set up a stage in the open space in front of Tianxiang Tower. Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue, Feng Wan, and Chai Dai have also been invited.

Tianxianglou Gaole.

Jia Heng walked into the inner hall and met Qingwen. He nodded to her and asked, "Why didn't you go to the opera?"

Qingwen originally had a lively personality. Although she read and became literate, her lively personality did not change much.

Qingwen chuckled and said: "It's quite boring to hear it every day. I thought it was time for the young master to come back. By the way, young master, the two girls from the You family came over at noon, and now they are at Tianxiang Tower."

Jia Heng nodded, thought for a while, and then asked: "Who is in Tianxiang Tower right now?"

Qingwen said: "The old lady from Xifu, the eldest lady, the second wife, Grandma Zhu, Second Grandma Lian, the eldest girl, the second girl, the third girl, Miss Lin, the aunt Xue family and Miss Bao."

Jia Heng listened to the list of girls, grandmothers, and wives, and couldn't help laughing and said: "You are telling me the name of the dish."

Qingwen said softly: "Master, don't you go and take a look?"

Jia Heng said: "I'm a little tired and don't want to go. Besides, they won't feel comfortable if I go."

Sometimes it's like this, dealing with all kinds of people, which is really exhausting. Suddenly I remembered that Qingwen didn't mention Xichun just now, and asked: "Didn't the fourth sister come over?"

Qingwen was startled for a moment and explained: "Fourth girl, I don't usually go much. Today I said I was feeling unwell, so I didn't come."

Xichun was not very interested in daily activities in the east and west houses. It was fine at first, but now that she has Miaoyu as her companion, she is increasingly isolated from others.

Jia Heng's expression paused and he said, "I'll go see her."

Thinking of that cold-hearted and arrogant little loli, it might be a good idea to have a chat with her.

The courtyard where Xichun lived was a square house, with dwarf pine trees planted under the green wall. Even though it was the first month of the year before the spring breeze, the pine branches were still lush and lush. Looking from a distance, the green color was like smoke and mist.

Xichun is wearing a pink floral satin wind-fur cloak, an apricot yellow magnolia embroidered satin wind-fur round collar robe, and a beige horse skirt embroidered with folded branches and flowers. She is holding a handful of hay in her small hands, squatting under the eaves of the corridor.

In front of the bamboo cage in the corner, rabbits were being fed, and they looked at a pair of white rabbits eating in the cage, with a look of joy on their pretty little faces.

Miaoyu was sitting on a bamboo and rattan chair under the eaves of the corridor. She was wearing a Miaochang bun on her head, a moon-white coat with plain sleeves, a long vest trimmed with paddy field green satin, and an autumn-colored silk ribbon tied around her waist.

She wears a white silk skirt painted in light ink, because she has a slim figure and graceful curves.

At this moment, I am holding a Buddhist scripture in my hand. The golden sunset light falls down in the evening, like a golden veil covering it. The little girl feeding rabbits beside me is moving and still, one is white and the other is pink, like a quiet and pleasant picture.


This female nun with her hair in practice has no makeup on her face and a comfortable expression. She is flipping through the Buddhist scriptures in her palm. The yellowed paper is slightly rough to the touch, rubbing her delicate skin and making a soft rustling sound.

On the small table next to me, a steaming teacup was steaming.

"Girl, the uncle is here." At this moment, Caiping came from outside and said with a smile on his face.

Xichun, who was feeding the rabbit, felt a rush of joy in his heart.

Lifting up the pretty face the size of a palm, he glanced at the clear eyes under Liu Ye's slender eyebrows, and saw a tall, slender young man with a calm face walking slowly and leisurely under the corridor.

When Miaoyu heard this, she was also stunned for a moment. She put the Buddhist scriptures in her hands on her knees, raised her eyes and looked at the corridor. Her eyes were fixed on the young man in the python suit, and she frowned.

Well, since the last time she was at a disadvantage against Jia Heng, Miaoyu was like a person who felt that she didn't perform well at that time after a quarrel, so she secretly reviewed the game, and she still wanted to regain her position in the bottom of her heart.

At that time, Jia Heng came closer, looked at Xichun who had already gotten up, and asked: "Where is my sister feeding the rabbits?"

Xichun clapped her little hands and brushed away the grass clippings. There was a slight joy between Zhili's eyebrows. She nodded and called out in a calm tone: "Brother Heng."

Jia Heng glanced at them and said with a smile: "This pair of rabbits are much fatter than when they were delivered."

At this time, Ru Hua smiled and said: "Uncle, my girl has nothing to do, so she feeds these rabbits. She likes them very much."

Hearing this, Xichun pursed her pink lips and glared at the painting. For a moment, she caught a glance and quickly lowered her eyes, as if playing hide and seek.

Jia Heng looked at Xichun and said softly: "We can't let them eat all the time, otherwise they will get sick."

"Yeah." Xichun responded.

Jia Heng said, turned to look at Miaoyu who was sitting on a wicker chair and asked, "Master Tai is here too?"

When Miaoyu heard the title of "Master Tai", she felt irritated in her heart. She immediately suppressed it, put down the Buddhist scriptures, stood up, put her palms together, and said the Buddha's name. With a beautiful and white jade face, she saw Zhuang

With a look of respect: "I have seen Mr. Jia before, poor nun."

Jia Heng looked Miaoyu up and down and said, "Master Miaoyu is eating fast in the backyard, chanting Buddha's name, meditating and enlightening, and her ears and eyes are very clear even if she doesn't think so."

Miaoyu raised her head, and saw a sharp light in the depths of her crystal clear eyes, and said quietly: "The bustling world, even if you don't pay attention, the noisy sounds will penetrate into people's ears, disturbing people's peace."

How could she not hear about the promotion of the person in front of her when she was here in Xichun?

Jia Heng said "hmm" and looked at Miaoyu, who was dressed in a dress that was neither monk, Taoist nor vulgar, and said slowly: "Miss Miaoyu, maybe it's not the wind that's moving, nor the flags that are moving, but the heartbeat, which is unknown."

Miaoyu's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and her white cheeks felt slightly warm.

This bastard... was playing tricks on her again.

Xichun saw the two people getting together and starting to quarrel, and said softly: "Brother Heng, you are still talking in the room."

Jia Heng nodded and followed Xichun into the side room.

At this time, Miaoyu hesitated, took the Buddhist scriptures, and followed in.

Jia Heng sat next to the small table and chatted with Xichun.

He turned around and looked at the surrounding furnishings, and stopped in front of the pictures hanging on the wall. Under the pine trees, he saw white rabbits, one big and one small, gathering together to nibble on a tuft of grass in the cracks between the stones.

Jia Heng looked thoughtful, turned to look at Xichun, and asked, "Is this painted by my sister?"

Xichun's eyes fell on the pair of rabbits and said softly: "I have nothing to do, just painting for fun."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "The painting is good. The vegetation grows between the narrow rocks and is prosperous. The rabbit is as white as jade, lively and lively. One is green and the other is white. Is this what the fourth sister means?"

I am an innocent person, don't let you lead me into a bad one? This is actually a form of mental mysophobia.

Hearing this, Xichun's heart rippled, and she softly said "hmm".

Jia Heng did not continue the topic and asked: "Tianxiang Tower invited a theater troupe, why didn't my sister go to play?"

Xichun shook his head gently and said, "I don't really like hearing the sound of drums and gongs. I think it's a bit noisy."

Different from the past, this arrogant little loli has opened her heart a little bit.

Jia Heng was silent for a moment, glanced at Miaoyu, and frowned: "The bells in the morning and the drums in the evening, and the wooden fish chanting sutras... may not be noisy."

Miaoyu: "..."

What does it matter to her?

Jia Heng said: "Actually, I don't really listen to dramas either."

Xichun stared at Jia Heng, clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves, and said: "I heard that Brother Heng wrote the second part of the Three Kingdoms. I actually read the first part..."

Jia Heng said: "It's in my study. I'll show it to my sister later."

At this moment, Miaoyu turned around and ordered the girl to prepare tea, and then after a while, she said: "Uncle Heng, drink tea."

With that said, he took two tea cups and handed them to Jia Heng and Xichun.

Jia Heng took the jade cup, sniffed the tea soup, took a sip and put it aside.

Miaoyu glanced at the young man opposite and asked casually: "What do you think of this tea, Uncle Heng?"

"It's sweet and refreshing, just right to quench your thirst." Jia Heng paused and said slowly.

Miaoyu was silent for a moment and asked: "Uncle Heng, does he know what kind of water he boils with?"

Jia Heng was too lazy to guess for a long time, and said casually: "Girl Miaoyu is fond of wind, frost, rain and snow, that's probably the case."

Miaoyu: "???"

Wind, frost, rain and snow, I really can't say it wrong for a while, but why is there a sense of sarcasm in the words?

Is it what she likes? Mostly like that?

After thinking for a while, he said in a cold tone: "This was four years ago, when I was living in Panxiang Temple in Xuan Tomb. I collected the snow on the plum blossoms and cooked them. I saved them and was reluctant to eat them."

Xichun looked at the two bickering people, her eyebrows turned into crescent moons, and she said softly: "Brother Heng, I asked Master Miaoyu for this tea before, but she was not willing to let me eat it."

Miaoyu said: "It turns out that if you drink it before it is time to open the vat, it will affect the taste of the tea soup."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "The white clouds are in the sky, the bright moon is on the ground, burning incense and cooking tea, reading verses and translating scriptures, all the worldly thoughts are donated, and the worldly mind is gone. Master Miaoyu is too much a scholar from outside the country, and he is not like me."

No one in the secular world can compare.”

Miaoyu's face was slightly stagnant, and she was reading the meaningful words. Then she looked at the young man, her eyes were shining, and her thoughts were inexplicable.

After Jia Heng finished speaking, he ignored Miaoyu, looked at Xichun, and asked, "Is my sister eating well recently?"

Xichun replied: "It's all in order. Brother Laoheng is worried about me."

Jia Heng took a sip of the tea soup and said: "I will attend a play in the next few days. If my sister has free time, she can go to Tianxiang Tower for a walk. Living in the courtyard for a long time and walking around in a small space is not good for the health."

He really didn't see Xichun out playing much in the past few days. He thought it was because he liked to be quiet.


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