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Chapter 437

 Daming Palace, Hanyuan Hall

Just when Jia Heng and everyone else were digesting the personnel changes in the cabinet, they saw only one person coming out of the palace, holding an ivory and jade wat.

Han Huang, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, came out of the office, raised his hands and said: "I have begun to report to the Holy Majesty, and the capital will inspect the grand plan. Since the Capital Inspectorate has consulted with the Ministry of Personnel, it has been initially planned to be scheduled for the eighteenth day of the first lunar month. I respectfully request the Holy Announcement."

"Dahan Huidian" records: "For example, the affairs of the capital inspection are presided over by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Henan Province, and the Kao Gong Department of the Ministry of Finance."

That is to say, it was presided over by the Ministry of Personnel, supervised by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the two sides of the Ministry and Academy were called the right-hand man by the people of the time.

The specific method is: first, language test, and second, consultation.

This is the so-called "gathering public opinion in the country and gathering public thoughts in the court officials".

Consultation is a questionnaire survey. The Ministry of Civil Affairs will issue a questionnaire with the list of officials, that is, a visit book, to the officials in Beijing. Therefore, the Beijing Inspectorate was written in Chen Shuzhong, with the name "Quan Libu Consultation, Jundu Procuratorate"

It starts with "Consultation".

As for the evaluation language, it is the evaluation of the cabinet ministers and other subordinate officials by the officials of the central government office in Beijing, and the cabinet bachelors, which are generally sentences such as "This officer is diligent and hard-working, and has excellent grades...".

Of course, during this period, because officials in the capital were worried about being deposed, they would criticize each other, write exposés, and even impeach the censor in charge. There were endless retaliations.

Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment and said: "The decree is drawn up on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month. Officials below the fifth rank in the capital will be promoted to senior officials in the Yamen Hall, together with the Ministry of Personnel, the Metropolitan Inspectorate, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. They will be examined in court and above the fourth rank.

, Shangshu self-reported..."

Emperor Chongping finished his words while all the ministers were digesting his words.

Xu Lu came out of the class and said: "I have this memorial."

Emperor Chongping looked at Xu Lu in surprise and asked, "Xu Qing, what can you say?"

Xu Lu said in a deep voice: "I have heard that his body is upright and he does not obey orders. His body is not upright and he does not obey orders. The Imperial Inspection Court belongs to the department. Since he is under inspection, the officials who are being consulted should be

We should not limit ourselves to the imperial censorship, but prevent the same yamen from getting too close to each other and the criticism from different yamen becoming fierce."

Emperor Chongping thought about it, nodded, and said: "Xu Qing's proposal is acceptable."

Jia Heng's face paused and he thought.

It is said that this Zuodu censor had not lived much for a year. He was reading information in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and looking for annual memorials from the General Affairs Department, intending to rectify the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Xu Lu suddenly looked at Jia Heng, and then bowed to Emperor Chongping: "In addition, I thought that since Jinyi Mansion's spies are all over the capital, we can gather information for the ministry's consideration."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole court was in an uproar and the discussion was boiling.

Good on you, Xu Deqing! Are you colluding with the emperor's minions to attack the group of officials?

Zhao Yi, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, looked solemn and went out to retort: ​​"Your Majesty, if the Jingchao is not building a big prison, why should Jinyi intervene? To disrupt the political system?"

At this moment, all the ministers in the palace came out to report the matter one after another, and all the civil and military officials in the court agreed and seconded the proposal.

Emperor Chongping asked in a deep voice: "Jia Qing, why do you want to be the governor of Jinyi?"

At this moment, Jia Heng could clearly feel the gazes coming at him, which made him feel like thorns on his back. His face straightened, and he said loudly: "I think there is no precedent. Kuang Jinyi's arrest power is only to suppress the rebellious ministers and traitors.

You know it's illegal, but you have all the masters presiding over the capital inspection, so where can you get the brocade clothes?"

It is not easy for him to participate in such offending work. Although it will lead to the unlimited expansion of Jinyi Mansion's authority, it will inevitably be hated by all officials. The foundation is unstable and it is not suitable to have many political enemies.

Moreover, Xu Lu would not be buried with him for such an act of martyrdom.

It is said that at the beginning of Emperor Chongping's accession to the throne, there was a large prison. However, as Emperor Chongping gradually took control of the situation, Chen Han's Jinyi Mansion became harmless to humans and animals again in recent years.

Looking at the ministers below, Emperor Chongping looked calm. No one knew what the emperor was thinking. He pondered for a long time and said: "The six offices outside Jinyi are also being reorganized to cope with the war with the captives. Even if there is nothing wrong with it,

I can’t find any free time.”

This statement can be regarded as rejecting Xu Lu's proposal.

Xu Lu didn't insist. In other words, he proposed it just as a test. It was not only to test the emperor's will, but also to test the young man's ambition. If he had a desire to be authoritarian, he would definitely agree, and then it would be a life-or-death risk.


The ministers also secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, but when they thought of the curtain rising in Beijing, a thick layer of gloom fell over their hearts.

It can be said that the city of Shenjing is bound to be turbulent, and there will be attacks, criticisms, and impeachments one after another for at least half a year. I don’t know how many people will take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Seeing that everything had been agreed upon, Emperor Chongping said in a deep voice: "The ministers have dispersed, and Baolinghou Shi Nai, the minister of military aircraft and the cabinet's bachelors have stayed behind to discuss military affairs together."

It was already half noon at this time, and the officials slowly exited Hanyuan Hall.

And the news that Jingcha started on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month spread like a hurricane throughout the entire Shenjing City.

After the ministers dispersed, only five military aircraft and a few ministers were left in the palace. The five ministers in the cabinet suddenly became much cleaner.

Emperor Chongping turned his attention to Jia Heng again and asked: "Jia Qing, how are the troops in the capital camp being organized?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Shi Ding, but also the princes of the two major princes of Dongping and Xining all looked at the young man.

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the preliminary training of the Twelve Regiment Camps has been completed, and we will recruit soldiers again."

Emperor Chongping immediately looked at Shi Jie, the Minister of War, and asked: "Do you have any plans for the reduction of generals in the border army?"

Shi Jie cupped his hands and said: "Go back to your Majesty and draft the preliminary plan for eliminating the border troops. I will make several copies and ask your Majesty to read it and for your colleagues to review it."

With that said, with the help of two junior eunuchs, he took out the transcribed specific strategies from his briefcase and distributed them.

Emperor Chongping's eyes lit up and he said: "Yan Qing, Jia Qing, you all have a look."

Jia Heng also took the document and lowered his eyes to read it. It must be said that Chen Han's military department still had experts.

First of all, check the border, count the vacancies, use real troops and pay them, and eliminate the old and weak who take up the vacancies.

Secondly, after learning from the lessons of the mutiny in Beijing, the Ministry of War adopted a more prudent strategy. It only counted the number of troops, reduced pay, and ignored past corruption. This was because it was worried that border generals would take risks.

Finally, the King of Beijing and the King of Nan'an County were sent to suppress and appease him. Because there were many generals, only two of them could suppress him.

"In the original book of Red Mansions, Nan'an, Beijing and others frequently go out to inspect the border, and they are obviously rectifying the border army. However, these border generals are just greedy and do not have heavy troops to suppress them. If they are replaced, they may not be willing to stop." Jia Heng's eyes were low.

Hanging down, thinking.

He always felt that things couldn't be so easy.

At this time, Yang Guochang's face was ashen and defeated, and he opened his lips. After all, he said that the generals on the border had supported their own troops and could not move without permission, so he swallowed it back.

Now, he has lost the right to speak in military affairs, and no one believes what he says whether it is good or bad.

"Only when they fail can we get a chance to turn around." Yang Guochang thought.

Emperor Chongping first looked at Jia Heng and asked, "Jia Qing, what do you think?"

Jia Heng thought for a while and said: "I think that safety should be the most important thing. The border army is different from the Beijing camp. The border generals lack restraint and are close to the enemy. They are quite different from the Beijing camp."

This is actually a correct nonsense, but Jia Heng can only do this. Now that Emperor Chongping is full of ambition, he can't say much else, otherwise he will not trust Nan'an, Beijing and others, which will easily lead to unwarranted disputes.

Is it really like the Taoist priest who said to Hai Rui that in the civil and military dynasties, there is only one person who is a capable, virtuous and loyal minister?

The Prince of Nan'an County smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Hu Congjing, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, and Wu Teng, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia Province, were generals under the old minister. When the old minister and Baolinghou go, they will be persuaded to check the vacancies and carry out actual military operations."

Pay policy."

Shi Nai, the Marquis of Baoling, raised his hand at the right moment and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to go to the towns of Guyuan and Yansui to inspect the troops and rectify military affairs."

Wang Shuirong of Beijing also said enthusiastically: "Datong, the second town of Xuanfu, Xiao Wang is willing to go."

These two places did not have the posts of Trilateral Governor and Xuanda Governor as in the previous Ming Dynasty, but the governors of Hedong, Hexi, Ningxia, Shanxi and other places were civil servants.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Chongping felt a little happy. After the reorganization of the Beijing camp, he felt that there were countless things to do, and he suddenly had a breaking point. The Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, which was originally not very respectful, also found a breakthrough and refreshed the situation.

The administration of officials is in full swing.

It is proceeding in an orderly manner as Jia Heng said before.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but take another look at Jia Heng, nodded and said: "The Ministry of Household Affairs will also have to complete the payment and banknotes recently and escort them to the border. Qi Qing, you must make no mistakes in handling this matter."

Because Yang Guochang was in charge of the rectification of salt affairs, the matter of paying for the border army was completely left to Qi Kun.

Qi Kun's face was calm, he cupped his hands and said: "I will obey the orders of the Holy One."

Seeing this scene, Jia Heng was not as optimistic as Emperor Chongping.

Beijing and Nan'an may make these generals restrain their greed and stop asking the court for money and food openly, but the military decline cannot be restored in half, and maybe even...

Because the desire is hard to satisfy, will it weaken the defense force of the border army?

You must know that these generals are already rotten.

Most of them were military landowners, enslaved private soldiers, and were probably in cahoots with the barbarians.

Without a great victory to lay the foundation, and to make a major change in the frontier army, relying solely on the persuasive words of a few people in Nan'an and Beijing will be of limited use.

Seeing that everything was finalized, Emperor Chongping ordered the military pilots Hang Min and Shi Shu to draw up an order: Baolinghou Shi Nai, Nan'an County Prince, and Beijing Prince were sent as imperial envoys to Liubian Town to supervise military affairs.

The matter was agreed, and it was almost noon. Emperor Chongping called the imperial kitchen to give a banquet to several cabinet ministers and military aircraft. In the afternoon, Jia Hengfang and a group of cabinet ministers left the Daming Palace.

Just as he stepped out of the Daming Palace, a clear voice came from behind Jia Heng.

"Jia Ziyu, stay."

Jia Heng looked at Wang Shuirong of Beijing, looking slightly surprised, and asked: "Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?"

Shui Rong smiled and said: "The little queen will go to the north to check the border tomorrow. Ziyu is free tomorrow. How many drinks can he have at the palace?"

Jia Heng pondered for a moment, then looked at the princes of Nan'an County, or Xining, and Dongping families not far behind him, and said: "It's really an unlucky thing. In the past few days, the subordinates have to deal with military affairs, and I'm afraid they won't be able to get away.

Let’s talk again when the prince comes back from checking the border.”

It is impossible not to have contact with the Beijing and Nan'an families, but there is no need now. We will wait until these two people come back from their border inspections before making any calculations.

There was no sign of rejection on Shui Xiu's face, he smiled and said, "Then Xiao Wang is looking forward to that day."

Jia Heng nodded and said: "If there is nothing else, I have important matters to attend to, so I will go back first."

Shui Rong said politely: "Na Ziyu, walk slowly."

As he watched Jia Heng leave, Prince Nan'an came up from behind and said, "Good nephew."

Shui Rong shook his head and said, "Jia Ziyu didn't agree. He will wait until he comes back from the investigation to talk about it."

The old prince of Nan'an County looked deeply and said in a low voice: "After all, this person was personally selected by the Holy Lord, and there is a gap in our hearts after all."

Liu Fang, who was recommended by the King of Beijing to join the military aircraft, sneered and said, "The prince seems to think highly of him."

Shui Rong frowned and said, "Jia Ziyu is still capable."

On the other side, Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, was walking along the palace road with his brother Baoling Marquis, looking happy and relaxed.

Shi Ding asked: "Brother, how do you like watching Jia Ziyu?"

Shi Nai was in his early forties, his hair was already gray, he was energetic, and his eyes were sharp. Thinking of the young man just now, he smiled and said: "You are young, you are already in a high position, you are a handsome young man, and there are successors to the Jia family, no matter who you are."

Why, my Shi family is related to the Jia family by marriage, which is different from Nan'an and others."

This was said in a somewhat homogeneous way.

After Shi Nai finished speaking, he glanced at Shi Ding and warned: "Now that you have the position of military aircraft driver, you will always accompany the driver. You need to do your job well. Your Majesty has the heart to reform the official administration. When the Beijing inspection plan is settled, the local

If the governor finds a missing child, he may not be allowed to go out."

Shi Ding's tone was not without envy, and he said: "Brother, I'm afraid that when I go out to the outside world, I still need to see Jia Ziyu's advice. Just now, I will consult the Holy Master on all matters. How trustworthy."

Shi Nai said in a deep voice: "It is easy to be favored by a saint for a moment, but it is difficult to be favored by a saint for ten years. We, as martial artists, have to make meritorious deeds on the battlefield in the end in order to remain standing."

Shi Ding nodded in agreement and said, "Brother, what you said is very true."

But he said that Jia Heng left the palace gate and went to Jinyi Mansion.

The Beijing investigation has officially kicked off, but we don't know how much trouble it will cause. People in Jinyi Mansion need to keep an eye on it, not to intervene, but to control the intelligence in real time.

Jinyi Mansion, in the official hall

The high-ranking military attachés of Jinyi Mansion, from the capital commander and magistrate Ji Yingtian to the following, several thousand households and deputy thousand households, more than a dozen people were all gathered together.

Jia Heng had just sat down and was being visited by a group of subordinates. He took out the instructions given by Emperor Chongping on the Jinyi Mansion the day before yesterday and said in a deep voice: "This governor has informed your Majesty that the outer six institutes will be restructured and will be fully responsible for central China, Liaodong, and North China.

The intelligence collection in the six regions of South China, Northwest China, and Southwest China will be reassigned in the next few days. In addition, Qulang, a member of Qianhu, will be promoted to be the envoy of North Town."

The faces of the thousands of households below were mostly shocked, and there was a strange feeling in their hearts, especially when they looked at Qu Lang, they were filled with jealousy.

How long did it take before he was promoted to governor?

Qu Lang, the new governor of Jinyi Mansion, had flushed cheeks and was in agitated mood.

In official circles, any promotion can only be considered settled when the news is finally confirmed.

After letting several anxious Qianhus disperse, Jia Heng led Qu Lang to the study, sat down behind the mahogany desk, picked up the teapot, poured himself tea, and whispered in a low voice: "The envoy of Quzhen, Beijing.

All intelligence matters are investigated by Jin Yi. Recently, there has been a wave of surveillance in Beijing, so people are keeping a close eye on them to prevent trouble."

There was still some uncontrollable excitement on Qu Lang's face. Hearing this, his face straightened and he cupped his hands and said, "I will obey my order."

Jia Heng picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and asked, "Is there any movement on that matter?"

This was something he asked almost every once in a while. If King Zhongshun didn't continue, he always felt that it would be difficult to speak in front of Li'er.

Qu Lang said: "Captain, Luo Chengwang, a doctor in the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who was previously under the watchful eye of his humble position, is indeed famous. This person has an account book in his hand. It is said that it is the details of the profits of the imperial mausoleum. It contains the list of officials involved in the case and evidence.

, hidden in the palace of Prince Zhongshun."

Jia Heng frowned, put down the teacup in his hand, and asked, "Are the clues reliable?"

Because in the past, the matter involved work, the officials of the two households and the Jinyi Mansion did not dare to use random methods, but could only find out through other covert means.

Qu Lang lowered his voice and recounted what happened: "This Luo Chengwang has a mistress..."

Jia Heng's eyes flashed and he secretly thought, "The mistress is fighting against corruption?"

After listening to Qu Lang's narration, Jia Heng pondered for a moment and warned: "Don't alarm Luo Chengwang for the time being. We have to find a way to get the account books."

Now all the officials in the capital are in panic. If the corruption case of King Zhongshun and the official Huangling of the Household and Work Ministries is revealed, I am afraid that some of the officials who were originally in danger will feel like they have seen the smell of blood.

Like a shark, biting like crazy.

King Zhongshun will shed his skin even if he doesn’t die!

Qu Lang whispered: "That woman was so scared that she didn't dare to speak out."

Jia Heng's eyes were dark and he said: "Don't be careless. We have to find a way to get this account book. With this thing, it will be easier to handle."

Qu Lang said: "Sir, Prince Zhongshun's palace is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for our people to sneak in."

Jia Heng frowned and asked, "Where is Qi Guan'er? He hasn't been found yet?"

Qu Lang whispered: "Brothers went to Red Sandalwood Castle, but the building was empty. Brothers are still searching, and people from the Zhongshun Palace are also looking for this person."

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "Find this person as soon as possible. If you can't find it, try to find a way from other places to find the account books."

This chapter has been completed!
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