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Chapter 462 Mrs. Wang: It seems that the pain has eased a lot?

 Changle Palace

Jia's mother was dressed in a royal make-up. She was favored because of her old age and frailty. She was accompanied by her maids Yuanyang and Hubo, who helped her into the palace.

Yuanyang stood on top of Lord Dan, looked up at the plaque hanging in the square of the palace, and his eyes flashed.

I thought to myself, this is the imperial palace, the most noble and noble place in the world.

Jia Mu followed the palace maids into the majestic and magnificent palace. Except for New Year's Eve, Shangyuan and other festivals, Jia Mu actually didn't go to see Empress Dowager Feng very often. Without him, no one would submit to others unless otherwise.

What you want.

"My wife, Mrs. Jia Shi of Rongguo, pays homage to the Queen Mother. She is a thousand years old." Jia Mu was introduced into the palace and saluted Empress Dowager Feng who was on the Shou Luan bed, surrounded by a group of married women.

Empress Dowager Feng looked at the silver-haired Mother Jia with her slender eyes. Perhaps it was the emotion she had just expressed with Mrs. Zheng Guo about the passing of time that aroused some kind of compassion. She had a gentle expression on her face, stretched out her hand to support her, and said with a smile.

"Mrs. Rong Guo, please get up. Xian Ning will help me, give me a seat, and come forward to talk."

Princess Chen Zhi of Xianning responded, stood up Yingying, and came forward to help Jia Mu.

However, Jia Mu did not stand up. Instead, she bowed her head and said with a choked voice: "The sinful woman has sinned so deeply that she dare not stand up in front of the Queen Mother."

As soon as these words came out, Queen Mother Feng was surprised and asked: "Why did Mrs. Rong Guo say this?"

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked at the old woman with silver hair. She was graceful and beautiful, with a look of beauty on her face.

She had certainly heard about what happened yesterday. King Zhongshun impeached Jia She and even wanted to implicate Jia Heng, but in the end the emperor did not allow him to do so.

"The sinful woman's son is pardoned, and her grandson Lian has violated the national law. The sinful woman knows that she has no way to teach her son, so she still asks the Queen Mother to punish her." Jia Mu said with choked sobs, almost crying.

Mother Jia almost didn't sleep last night. Her eldest son's entire family had been wiped out. She was in a dilemma as to whether she could keep her title. It's understandable that she felt anxious.

After hearing this, Empress Dowager Feng was startled for a moment, looked at Empress Song, and asked: "Queen, I am in the deep palace and I don't know what happened in the previous dynasty. Did the Rongguo Mansion commit any serious crime?"

It is not uncommon in the history of the Qing Dynasty for such national dignitaries to break the law and order their wives to go to the palace to plead for mercy. The harem often tolerated the situation due to human feelings.

Again, this is not a modern society where everyone is equal before the law. Even if it is a modern society, what can it do?

When a condemned prisoner enters prison, he can still find a manhole cover and have his sentence commuted for meritorious service...

What, are you not convinced?

Empress Song turned her face like a begonia stamen and said softly: "Queen Mother, I heard only a few words, saying that King Zhongshun impeached Jia She for smuggling across the border and confessed."

After hearing this, Empress Dowager Feng felt somewhat clear in her mind and asked, "This violated the criminal law. How did the emperor deal with it?"

"Your Majesty has handed over to Yousi Tuiju. I don't know the details of the specific follow-up measures." Empress Song said softly.

Empress Dowager Feng was silent for a moment, turned to look at Jia Mu, and said: "Mrs. Rong Guo, the emperor always had the final say in matters in the previous dynasty. Now that there is an interrogation committee, there are laws to follow. This is how we discuss it."

It’s expensive and there should be no worries about life and death.”

In the Eight Councils system, the laws of the Han Dynasty were elaborated in a special chapter, but the Ten Evils were not included. Smuggling and smuggling obviously did not involve the Ten Evils.

Jia's mother cried: "The sinful woman dare not ask for mercy outside the law. She is only a member of the Rongguo family. No one offers incense. The sinful woman is over seventy years old and has only a few years to live. The only thing she worries about is that there will be no incense to offer in the future."

The ancestors of Rongguo, now the eldest son and eldest grandson are not filial, but only the second wife can be called filial."

It has to be said that Jia Mu's policy was quite brilliant. Empress Dowager Feng gave her the grace to continue the incense, and the emperor approved it, which was in line with filial piety.

Empress Dowager Feng was silent for a while, understood the meaning, and said softly: "The day before yesterday, I was reading the storybook, and it said something like this, Those who rule the world with filial piety... what comes next? In short, they are constantly making people popular. This statement makes sense.


After all, as I get older, I can’t remember clearly what happens next.

Princess Xianning raised her face as cold as snow, her phoenix eyes were clear and clear, and her voice was as calm as a spring flowing with jade: "Emperor Grandma, those who govern the world with filial piety do not harm others' relatives, and those who govern the world with benevolence do not

"The Sacrifice of Jue Ren" is a script written by Jia Heng, the leader of the Ning Kingdom."

Jia Mu: "..."

His figure couldn't help but swayed. Is there something about Brother Heng here?

The lower mandarin duck quickly stretched out his hand to support Jia Mu's arm, lowered his oval face, and sighed secretly.

The eldest princess of Jinyang picked up the tea cup, with a trace of amusement in her eyes under her beautiful eyebrows.

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Ever since he became emperor, the emperor has governed the world with benevolence and filial piety. He will never harm anyone's relatives or sacrifice others. Don't worry, Mrs. Rongguo, just get up first."

After all, it’s a bit unsightly to still kneel down at such an advanced age.

Empress Song's red lips parted slightly, and she said softly: "Mother, there are two branches of the Rongguo lineage. In addition to the eldest house, there is also a second house. Cutting off the incense will not be a problem."

Since Duke Rong Guo was granted the title of a country, according to the Zhou etiquette system, the survival of the title was the symbol of the continuous inheritance of the ancestral temple's sacrificial incense, so what the Queen of Song Dynasty said was right and wrong.

Of course, Empress Song was speaking for her husband, and she was worried that Empress Dowager Feng would listen to Jia Mu's one-sided words and act rashly in favor.

At this moment, Jia's mother stood up with the support of Princess Xianning and Yuanyang. She seemed not to have heard the words of Queen Song, and said to herself: "Empress Dowager, the second son of the sinful woman, Jia Zheng, has another son named Jia Zheng.

Baoyu, who is only twelve years old and has a pure and good nature, can be enshrined to the ancestors of the Rongguo and please be kind to the Queen Mother."

Although sacrifices often appear together, sacrifices are occasional prayers to gods, while sacrifices are regular offerings in ancestral temples. The so-called: "The person who sacrifices is the heir, which means that he will continue to prosper."

Mrs. Zheng Guotai looked at the old woman and thought to herself, it is really not easy for her children and grandchildren at such a young age.

The Princess of Leshan County looked at Jia Mu, holding her handkerchief, feeling equally sad in her heart.

In fact, the two families go out together during the holidays.

Empress Dowager Feng asked in surprise: "Baoyu, is that the one born with jade in his mouth?"

At the beginning, Baoyu was born with a jade in his head, which was quite miraculous. No one in Shenjing City knew about it. Even the Empress Dowager Feng had heard of its name.

Jia's mother was refreshed and secretly had hope. She quickly said: "The Queen Mother is Baoyu. Now the unfilial son of the second wife, Jia Zheng, is now a member of the Ministry of Industry. Baoyu is the son of a man. It is appropriate for him to enshrine the incense of the Rongguo."

Naturally, Jia Lan was not mentioned at this time. In Jia Mu's view... Jia Lan was too young, still a child, and Baoyu was already older and knew how to tease maids.

Empress Dowager Feng did not follow the trend, but said to Empress Song beside her: "Incense sacrifices must not disrupt the order of elders and younger ones."

Empress Song was overjoyed, because she seemed to have heard some implicit meaning, what is the order of eldest son and youngster? She is the empress whose mother honors the world, and the son she gives birth to will naturally be regarded as the crown prince.

The eldest princess of Jinyang listened quietly. For some reason, she just felt funny in her heart. A faint smile appeared on her beautiful and unprovoked face, and she said: "What the queen mother said is true. It's just that the incense is passed down. It can be given and received in private."

, the title is a national treasure, we are talking to ourselves here, after all, it is the imperial brother who makes the decision."

Queen Song: "???"

Jinyang, what does it mean?

Queen Mother Feng nodded, looked at her daughter, and said, "This is what Li'er said."

When Jia Mu heard this, she felt anxious. She couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at the person who spoke, and saw that it was the eldest princess of Jinyang.

He thought secretly, this princess is so ignorant, why is she meddling in other people's business here?

Empress Dowager Feng turned to look at Jia Mu and said comfortingly: "Mrs. Rongguo, since this case is still under interrogation, we should first see what the emperor wants. If someone comes, go to the front hall and ask."

When the old man comes over, you can't really ignore him. It seems that the Tian family is too mean, but you still need to consider how far you can help him.

Li'er also reminded her, so she shouldn't interfere too much.

Empress Dowager Feng had survived as an ordinary palace concubine in the past. Although her temperament could be described as tough and tolerant, how could she make Emperor Chongping displeased with the affairs of the Rongguo Mansion?

Neither relatives nor friends...

Not long after, while Jia Mu was waiting anxiously, the nanny left and came back again, saluting and saying: "Your Majesty."

"What does the Daming Palace stand for?" Queen Mother Feng asked.

Mammy said: "The Queen Mother, Your Majesty told the eunuch that the cabinet has drafted a decree."

"Oh?" Queen Mother Feng paused and said, "How to deal with it?"

"General Shenwei seized the title and was exiled to Guizhou with his son," said the nanny.

Empress Dowager Feng nodded and said: "I have not been tortured. Mrs. Rong Guo, the emperor is still tolerant and kind."

Jia's mother was surprised and happy, while Yuanyang's eyes flashed, and she didn't know if she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Mainly because Jia Heng said before that Jia She was dead and Jia Lian was going to be exiled... Jia's mother really believed it.

Later, the problem prince Teng also said this. Jia Mu almost concluded that Jia She was dead. As for Jia Lian, she couldn't keep it, so she could only keep her title.

Jia Mu thought, "From now on, if there is a royal wedding or funeral, there will be a day of amnesty for the whole world."

After all, he is old and has experienced a lot. Not only does the new emperor ascend the throne, but also the queen mother or the emperor dies, and he may be pardoned and come back.

The nanny suddenly said: "By the way, I also said that I would not be pardoned in case of death."

Jia Mu: "..."

Empress Dowager Feng did not pay attention to this and asked: "Did you mention who will inherit the title? Offering incense?"

Grandma shook her head and said, "I didn't mention this."

Empress Dowager Feng turned to look at Jia Mu and said: "Mrs. Rong Guo, I think this is the method of negotiating nobles. The title is worth the death penalty. In this case, the title is nothing to discuss."

In the laws of the Han Dynasty, eight discussions were clearly recorded, but as for "official duties", they had long been abandoned.

Generally speaking, those with a rank of nobility, those with a rank of three or above for civil servants, a rank above two for casual officials, and a rank one for nobility, all enjoy reduced sentences, and Jia She enjoys precisely this "preferential" policy.

Jia Mu was about to cry but had no tears at the moment, and felt only a sense of sadness in her heart.

So, the title is gone after all?

"Now that the title is gone, who will offer the incense?" Jia Mu suppressed her emotions and cried.

The nanny said: "Your Majesty's wish is that Jia Heng of Ningguo Mansion, as the clan leader, can carry the incense."

When Jia Mu heard this, her complexion changed slightly, and her heart was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Secretly, what’s the point of this?

"Is this Jia Heng the general who led the army on the first day of the new year?" Queen Mother Feng asked curiously.

Hearing this, the eldest princess of Jinyang pursed her lips and said secretly, I am still your old son-in-law.

Empress Song explained: "Mother, this Jia Heng is the head of the Jia family, and now he has a first-class baron. It makes sense for him to offer sacrifices to the ancestors of the Jia family."

When Jia Mu heard this, she felt a mixed feeling.

The title is gone. It is impossible to let Baoyu inherit it based on the idea of ​​sacrificing incense. Now it is over, it is all over!

A hundred years later, how could she have the face to meet the two Dukes of Rongguo?

In fact, if Jia Heng worships incense and inherits any title, I'm afraid Jia's mother will be the first to disagree, and all good things will be your turn in Dongfu?

But now that the title is equivalent to the death penalty, Jia Heng sacrifices incense. Because he has an official title, he is the clan leader, and Rong Ning and his two ancestors sacrifice together, it is a burden.

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Mrs. Rongguo, a family of martial arts, is best established by military merit. If Rongguo has children who join the army, the title will be more than a first-class general. Then isn't Jia Heng now a first-class man?"

But Jia Mu couldn't say a word. She was so lost that she had to lower her head and respond repeatedly.

To put it lightly, how could Baoyu join the army?

Not everyone belongs to Brother Heng.

Now that the title of Dafang is gone and Zheng'er is "unemployed" in the mansion, Rongguo Mansion... this is a defeat at her hands.

Yuanyang listened, feeling a little heavy in his heart. As long as there was a man like Uncle Heng working outside, he wouldn't be in such a dilemma.

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked at the stunned Jia Mu and secretly shook her head, but she didn't have much sympathy.

Seeing this scene, Princess Xianning was filled with emotion. Without her husband, the Jia family would probably be in decline.

Rongguo Mansion, Rongqing Hall

It was past noon and Mrs. Wang had finished her lunch and came to Rongqing Hall to wait. She was inevitably anxious and looked restlessly at the dark sky outside.

In addition, there are Mrs. Xing, Feng Wan, Aunt Xue, Chai Dai, Xiang Yun, Yuan Chun, Tan Chun and others.

In fact, ever since Jia's mother, a first-class lady of the Rong Kingdom, went to the palace to seek grace, whether it was the issue of title or the life and death of Jia She and his son, it had affected the hearts of everyone in the entire Rong Kingdom.

At this time, Wang Yi's visiting daughter-in-law looked at Mrs. Wang and said comfortingly: "Auntie, don't worry. Since the old lady has gone to see the Queen Mother, with her reputation as an old lady, not to mention it is certain, she is 100% certain."

Yuan Chun changed into a scarlet skirt and sat on the embroidered pier beside Mrs. Wang. This made the gentle and graceful girl, who was twenty years old and had a plump face, a bit more delicate and bright. She listened silently to the conversation,

He picked up the tea cup and drank the tea without saying a word.

Her original intention was to go back to the eldest princess's house today, but the house was in a mess, her mother wouldn't let her leave, and her brother Heng didn't say anything.

Mrs. Wang looked at the absent-minded Yuanchun and asked, "Girl, Baoyu's scar is better now."

"The scar has formed, and I look much better." Yuanchun recovered his thoughts and replied softly.

Wang Yi's daughter-in-law looked at Yuan Chun and said with emotion: "Aunt, you said that my cousin's appearance is not even a bit better than my own. It's really a pity."

Although these words put one's posture very lowly, but coupled with the "good news" that Wang Yi's daughter was selected as the talented person of the King of Wei, it was a bit "Versailles".

Mrs. Wang forced a smile, her heart was filled with panic for a moment, she shook her head and said, "It's the big girl who doesn't have this fate."

Yuan Chun frowned, his eyes filled with anger.

Speaking of which, she is now also a talented person in the eldest princess's house.

Baochai's moist apricot eyes moved slightly, and she also glanced at Wang Yi's wife, her cousin-in-law.

At this moment, a woman came from outside, entered the Rongqing Hall, and said: "Madam, the old lady is back."

Everyone was shocked.

Then, not long after he finished speaking, Jia Mu had already opened the curtain and entered the house, her face expressionless and silent.

Mrs. Wang opened her mouth, but now she became reserved.

Instead, Mrs. Xing spoke eagerly: "Old lady, what did the palace say?"

Jia Mu murmured in a low voice: "The title is lost, lost..."

Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue: "..."

Seeing this scene, Sister Feng, who had been silent from beginning to end, suddenly felt a sense of joy in her heart because she didn't know the outcome.

The title, the title, how could it fall to Baoyu now?

It’s better to be gone!

Yuanchun looked at Yuanyang and asked, "What did the palace say?"

Facing the gazes one after another, Yuanyang sighed: "The eldest master and the second master Lian were both exiled to Guizhou. I heard the Queen Mother said that the title was used to offset the death penalty of the eldest master, so the title in the mansion was gone."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang's face kept changing. The hands hidden in her sleeves clenched the Buddhist beads tightly, and all her calculations turned into running water. She almost blurted out: "Brother Heng also has Baoyu. Didn't his uncle say that the master...


As he said this, Xinghuo lost his words.

When Mrs. Xing heard this, her face changed slightly and she said angrily: "What are you talking about? Do you really wish that Lian'er and I would lose his life?"

Mrs. Wang opened her mouth and said: "I, I don't..."

"Old lady, now I have managed to save my life. In the future, when there is an amnesty or when I come back, I can still earn the title if I lose it. But if I lose my life, I have nothing. However, some people are willing to do it for the title..." Mrs. Xing said coldly.


"The palace said that after their father and son were exiled, they were not pardoned and would never come back." Mother Jia interrupted Mrs. Xing and closed her eyes tightly, tears flowing silently on her old cheeks.

Sister Feng's heart ached as if struck by thunder, and she also closed her eyes.

In Rongqing Hall, it was like falling into a deathly silence.

After a while, a nun from the Wang family came in with a sullen face. She walked up to Wang Yi's wife and whispered: "Madam, Uncle Yi sent someone over and said that a female official has come to Kunning Palace. Please tell Mrs.

Go back quickly."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the old woman. Jia Mu was wiping her tears with a handkerchief. From the corner of the handkerchief, she opened her old eyes with blurred eyes and stared at the old woman.

Aunt Xue had a look of envy in her eyes. Speaking of which, her family's treasured girl was originally waiting to be selected for the palace, but in the end she failed to do so because she didn't want a junior from her mother's family to get her way and play a trick of fate.

Baochai secretly shook his head, his face was elegant, looking at the strange atmosphere of Rongqing Hall, a sentence suddenly came to his mind, some people were happy and some were sad.

Wang Yi's wife frowned. At this time, the Jia family was experiencing bad luck. This Mrs. Li was very ignorant. It was really inappropriate to say this.

Wang Yi's wife whispered: "Tell the uncle first that I will go back later and let him just prepare the dowry for the girl."

The wife of the Wang family probably felt that Wang Yi's wife was too embarrassed to look like this, so she said with a bitter face: "Madam, the girl was not selected. The female official of Kunning Palace gave some royal gifts. The uncle asked her to go back to receive the female official.

Woolen cloth."

Because she was not selected at the last level, Empress Song was very particular and gave her a lot of silks and jades, and sent a female official of the sixth rank to explain the reasons, such as Wang Zi being too young, and so on.

Wang Yi’s wife: “???”

Aunt Xue, Baochai: "..."

Mother Jia put down the handkerchief covering her face, paused slightly, and continued to wipe her tears.

Mrs. Wang's face changed suddenly, and the hand holding the beads suddenly relaxed. Well, I don't know why, but it seemed that the pain... had eased a lot?

But it was said that Jia Heng returned to the military aircraft check-in room and sat there until noon. The eunuch sent by Emperor Chongping gave him the royal meal, which everyone used individually and continued to distribute and handle military affairs.

Since the establishment of the Hebei Economic Strategy and Appeasement Department, Li Zan, Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhenbei, the logistics, military supplies, and personnel scheduling surrounding this former enemy command organization have been placed on the desk of the Military Aircraft Department. There is an urgent need to give disposal opinions and then hand them over to the emperor for review.


This undoubtedly greatly reduced the burden on Emperor Chongping, and also prevented the cabinet and officials from passing the buck and leaking secrets when "the court was discussing side affairs." At the same time, the requirements for the capabilities of the military ministers also increased sharply.

When it was almost dusk, Jia Heng did not stay in the duty room like Shi Jie, the Minister of War, who came around without fighting. Instead, he said goodbye to Emperor Chongping, left the palace and went home to rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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