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Chapter four hundred and eighty-fourth Shenjing Earthquake

 Time flies by like water, and before you know it, several days have passed.

Jia Heng also learned from Qin Keqing that Pan Bingyi, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, had made some small moves against his father-in-law Qin Ye. At the same time, Qi Guan'er also continued to deliver news from Prince Zhongshun's palace.

With eyes wide open in the capital city, the capital inspection turmoil is surging. The six departments, temple supervisors and hall officials have completed their examinations, and the consultation papers and interview books issued by the Metropolitan Inspectorate and the Ministry of Personnel Affairs have gradually been collected to the Metropolitan Inspectorate and the Ministry of Personnel Examination Department for the consideration of the Ministry and Academy.


Jia Heng traveled between Jinyi Mansion, the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, and the Beijing Camp. From time to time he went to Jinyang Princess Mansion to see Li'er and... Yuanchun.

As for Mrs. Wang's marriage in Yuanchun, it seems that the prince's departure from the capital has gradually ceased. It is unknown whether another plot is brewing.

February 12th is Daiyu’s birthday.

On this day, early in the morning, it was Jia Heng's turn to sit in charge of the military aircraft office. He entered the palace garden at dawn and went to the military aircraft check-in room in the west pavilion of Wuying Palace to read the official documents submitted by the provinces.

Not far away, several military aircraft drivers were sitting behind the desk, busy with their duties.

At noon, Dai Quan called Jia Heng to the Daming Palace to see Emperor Chongping.

In the side hall of the Daming Palace, Emperor Chongping, wearing a yellow dragon robe, was hunched over his desk at the back, reviewing the memorials submitted by the General Secretary of the various provinces, which contained the votes and opinions of the cabinet ministers.

"I am here to see you, Your Majesty." Jia Heng walked into the palace and said with his hands raised toward the dignified middle-aged emperor.

Seeing Jia Heng enter the palace, Emperor Chongping put down the vermilion imperial pen in his hand, looked at Dai Quan aside, and said with a gentle expression: "Look at your seat."

Dai Quan took the order and then ordered the two young eunuchs to move the embroidery pier.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jia Heng thanked him and sat down.

Emperor Chongping asked: "Jia Qing, how old is Li Ge?"

Every time Li Zan visited a place, there was a local post station to report to Beijing, but this kind of news still had a lag and was not as fast as the information from Jinyi Mansion.

Jia Heng said: "Back to your Majesty, the day before yesterday, the pigeons from the north delivered a message. Li Ge's motorcade has arrived in Zhuozhou. I think Li Ge will be able to reach Beiping in the next day or two."

Emperor Chongping nodded and said: "The sooner I sit in Peiping, the sooner I can feel at ease."

Then, he picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and said: "Recently, in the capital inspection, the six ministries and government agencies have frequently criticized each other, and the atmosphere is full of chaos."

At the end, the emperor's tone was obviously not very good.

Jia Heng said: "I think that the capital inspection should not be moved too far and delay the time."

The Beijing inspection plan is often delayed for more than half a year, sometimes affecting the country's normal government affairs.

Emperor Chongping smiled and said: "I also plan to have the capital inspect..."

While he was speaking, Emperor Chongping suddenly felt dizzy, and the teacup on the table fell to the ground. He couldn't help but reach out and press the mahogany desk to steady himself.

"No, this is an earthquake."

Jia Heng was shocked, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up quickly, rushed towards Emperor Chongping who was behind the mahogany table, and said urgently: "Your Majesty, the ground is shaking, we can't stay here for long, follow me to the outside of the palace."


Dai Quan, who was standing beside him with his hands down, was also swaying from side to side, with a look of fear on his face.

Emperor Chongping also reacted and was dragged by Jia Heng's arm out of the inner study of the side hall of the Daming Palace.

Fortunately, the distance from the inner study room to the outside of the hall is not far. Generally speaking, when an earthquake occurs from a tremor to a real earthquake, there are still precious seconds to escape.

However, as soon as Jia Heng took Emperor Chongping out of the palace, he saw that the side hall of the Daming Palace was shaking violently, and the tiles under the eaves fell "clattering", and for a while it was as dense as rain.

Jia Heng had no choice but to protect Emperor Chongping and move towards the square.

At this moment, "Whoosh..."

Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky. It was clearly a piece of blue brick falling down and hitting Emperor Chongping.

In a hurry, Jia Heng pushed Emperor Chongping away and said, "Your Majesty, be careful."

With a "bang" sound, the brick fell and hit Jia Heng on the shoulder. Jia Heng couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

"Ziyu." Emperor Chongping was startled when he heard this voice. He turned his eyes and looked around, his expression suddenly changed, and he happened to see this scene.

At this moment, groups of eunuchs and palace maids poured out from the halls, towers and pavilions of the Daming Palace, with hurried expressions on their faces, and gathered towards the square in front of the palace.

"Your Majesty." Jia Heng also pulled Emperor Chongping to the square.

Emperor Chongping turned around and looked at the swaying palace with bricks and tiles falling down, his expression gloomy.

Earthquakes and other disasters, were God warning him?

Has he done something immoral?

Jia Heng whispered: "Your Majesty, although there is no danger of earth-shaking earthquakes this time, we need to be careful of aftershocks."

Ancient palace buildings used brackets and tenon structures, so they had excellent earthquake resistance. Although he did not have measuring tools for this earthquake, it should not be a major earthquake. There was no collapse of the palace in the Daming Palace, so there should be no

Large casualties.

Of course, it is also possible that Shenjing City was not the epicenter of the earthquake. As for where the source of the earthquake was, I think there should be local reports soon.

Speaking of which, natural disasters have occurred frequently in recent years, and Chang'an is located near the earthquake zone of later generations.

Emperor Chongping nodded, looked at the earth-colored Dai Quan, and said in a deep voice: "Look around the harem. If there is any palace that has collapsed, report it quickly. If there are any casualties, treat them as soon as possible."

Dai Quan quickly led several eunuchs and guards and left as ordered.

But at this moment, before Dai Quan could go to the harem, he saw a large number of imprisoners and palace maids in the direction of the harem, surrounded by a graceful and graceful beauty with a graceful and graceful appearance, who came hurriedly with a panicked expression.

It was Empress Song, who was worried about the emperor's safety and came immediately.

Seeing from a distance that Emperor Chongping was safe and sound under the protection of a group of internal prisoners and guards, he breathed a sigh of relief and called out: "Your Majesty."

When Emperor Chongping saw Empress Song, he quickly asked: "Zitong, are there any buildings over there in Kunning Palace that have collapsed? Are there any casualties?"

"Your Majesty, some broken tiles fell in the southwest corner of Kunning Palace, injuring several slaves." Empress Song came close, her face was as white as the sun, and she said softly.

Emperor Chongping asked again: "Where is Chonghua Palace?"

"My concubine has sent someone to see her, but she hasn't come to report yet." Empress Song said softly.

Then, after a while,

Emperor Chongping composed himself, turned to look at Jia Heng aside, his eyes fell on Jia Heng's dusty shoulders, and asked with concern: "Zi Yu, are your shoulders okay?"

Just now he saw this young man working so hard...

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I'm fine." Jia Heng subconsciously cupped his hands, but his brows furrowed as he felt the injury.

This naturally fell into the eyes of Emperor Chongping, who also frowned.

Empress Song frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, who is Ziyu?"

"During the earthquake just now, Ziyu was hit by a brick falling from the palace while trying to save me," Emperor Chongping said in a complicated tone.

"Then we have to ask the imperial doctor to come over and take a look." Queen Song heard this, her heart was slightly shaken, and she said quickly.

Emperor Chongping nodded and called out: "Come here, please call the imperial doctor quickly..."

Then, before he finished speaking, an internal eunuch trotted over from a distance, out of breath, and said: "Your Majesty, the emperor of Chonghua Palace has fainted and his personnel are unknown!"

As soon as these words came out, it was no less impressive than the earthquake just now. Everyone took a breath of cold air and looked surprised.

Queen Song's jade face was also filled with surprise, and she whispered: "Your Majesty."

"When someone comes, the Imperial Guard will lock the palace gate immediately. Zi Yu and Zi Tong will follow me to Chonghua Palace." Emperor Chongping's expression changed, and after a moment, he quickly ordered.

If something big happened to the emperor, it would be a big deal.

"I obey the order." Jia Heng responded without saying much.

Then, as Emperor Chongping left for Zhonghua Palace, Queen Song also led a group of eunuchs and maids in a mighty manner towards Zhonghua Palace.

At the same time, with the earthquake, the entire Shenjing City fell into temporary chaos. In fact, not every house has the excellent earthquake-proof and fire-proof functions that Daming Palace prepared at the beginning of its design.

Many old houses collapsed in Shenjing City, injuring some people, while the Wucheng Army and the Jingzhao Mansion sent people to rescue the injured and clear the rubble.

But as time passed, the officials from the five palaces, six ministries, and temples in the capital who had recovered from the earthquake couldn't help but look at the palace and garden, asking about the safety of the emperor and the people in the palace.

When Emperor Chongping ordered the palace gates to be sealed, various speculations spread like wildfire.

Chonghua Palace

In the open space in front of the palace, large pieces of broken tiles and bricks were scattered, making it a mess. The two side halls that hugged the palace on the left and right also collapsed.

As for the palace gate, many palace maids in colorful embroidered clothes, concubines, and even powerful men had gathered in front of the palace gate. The eunuchs groaned in pain, and the scene was in chaos.

"Your Majesty has arrived." Jia Heng shouted.

Seeing the emperor arriving, His Majesty Dan in front of the palace said, "Hulala..." A group of palace maids and eunuchs knelt down, not daring to raise their heads.

Emperor Chongping and Empress Song, surrounded by Jia Heng and the guards in golden robes who came to protect them, approached the front of the palace, looked up at the main hall that had not collapsed, and asked: "Where is the emperor?"

At this time, a middle-aged prisoner in the crowd who was kneeling on the ground hesitated and said: "Still sleeping in the palace... Manager Xu has already gone in to check."

It turns out that when the earthquake occurred, the Supreme Emperor was doting on his maids. Originally, all the internal guards and maids were waiting outside, waiting to be summoned to serve after the incident. Unexpectedly, there was an earthquake suddenly, and the tiles fell down, injuring many people.


Xu Guan, the eunuch in charge of the Chonghua Palace, had already led the eunuchs in to rescue the emperor when the earthquake occurred. After the aftershocks stopped, he first helped to dress the concubine and the emperor. The concubine was okay and was crying at the moment.

, and the emperor... fainted.

Emperor Chongping's face was gloomy, and he felt both angry and ashamed.

Sleeping peacefully, this is a nice way of saying it, but he doesn't know what it really means, which is to show off one's prostitution in the daytime and pamper one's concubines.

It's still broad daylight...how unbecoming!

Jia Heng's expression turned strange, and he thought to himself, "It's really an old man who spends no time hoeing."

"Get out of your way, I'll go in and take a look." Emperor Chongping looked at the crowd of internal prisoners and the palace maids surrounding the wall of people, and said in a low voice.

At this moment, just as the palace maids were walking around the inner prison, the closed vermilion palace door slowly opened.

Xu Guan, the eunuch in charge of Chonghua Palace, led two eunuchs in brown robes out. He raised his eyes and saw Emperor Chongping. He saw panic on his old, furrowed cheeks. He knelt down and cried: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Your Majesty...

Passed out."

Emperor Chongping swayed, and Empress Song and Jia Heng quickly supported the emperor's arms from the side.

"Physician, please call the physician quickly."

An urgent voice sounded from under the eaves.

Immediately, an internal prison officer took the order and trotted towards the Taiyuan Hospital in the front hall.

"Ziyu, Zitong, you guys go in with me." Emperor Chongping said in a deep voice with an iron face.

Jia Heng hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, are you..."

If he saw something unbearable later, wouldn't he have violated a taboo?

However, this is also a strong signal. After the previous "rescue" incident in the study room of the Daming Palace, the emperor already regarded him as a relative.

"It's okay, follow me in." Emperor Chongping said in a low voice.

Xu Guan just went in and was cleaning up the mess, so the inside wouldn't be too ugly.

Then, with the support of Jia Heng and the guidance of the eunuch in charge, Emperor Chongping strode into the palace.

At this moment, in this luxuriously decorated palace, bronze tripods, jade vessels, and high chairs were already staggering on the carpet in the aftermath of the earthquake. They turned around the beams and pillars covered by yellow curtains and walked around a fallen bamboo and wooden rack.

Two large screens of palace ladies are looking at the dragon couch covered with bright yellow silk cloth. The curtains are raised, and several eunuchs are surrounding the Supreme Emperor. Not far away, a woman with disheveled clothes and messy hair is kneeling on the ground.

, shoulders trembling.

As for the Supreme Emperor, he was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and didn't know who was going on.

It's not an unsightly sight, it's obviously been cleaned up.

Seeing the face lying on the dragon bed, Emperor Chongping's expression changed. He came closer and asked the eunuch, "How is the emperor's condition?"

"I've strangled someone and I'm still fainting." The prison prisoner's face turned pale with fear.

At this time, Empress Song led the female officials and stood in the distance with her phoenix eyes upside down. She looked coldly at the disheveled young woman beside her and said, "What are you still doing here? Why don't you go down."

Hearing this, the young concubine felt as if she had been granted amnesty. She lifted up her charming face with pear blossoms in the rain, said thanks, got up and left the palace.

While he was talking, the surprised voice of the eunuch came from outside the palace: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the imperial physician is here."

In a moment, amid a series of hurried footsteps, five or six doctors from the imperial hospital rushed into the hall and entered the inner room one after another.

"I have met Your Majesty." A group of imperial doctors knelt down and paid homage to the middle-aged emperor in front of the bed.

Emperor Chongping said urgently: "Without courtesy, come here to diagnose and treat the emperor."

Several imperial doctors got up quickly and gathered around the emperor. They were taking pulses and checking their eyelids. After a while, the doctors of the imperial hospital were busy applying acupuncture.


Seeing this scene, Jia Heng couldn't help but feel strange in his heart, but his face didn't show anything.

He thought to himself, "The emperor will not die just like that, right? However, this life can be considered to be tough. He was so "shocked" that the bed fell down and the house collapsed... and his son and daughter-in-law saw this ugly scene..."

Thinking of this, I thought to myself that this idea was a bit disrespectful. I couldn't help but take a peek at Queen Song's face with my peripheral vision, but I saw that there was also something strange about Queen Song's face, which was full of peach and plum blossoms and had a beautiful face.


Empress Song seemed to be aware of it. The clear phoenix eyes under Liu Ye's eyebrows turned, and her eyes were as clear as jade, and she couldn't help but glance at Jia Heng.

As a result, the two people's eyes met, and they both read something strange in each other's eyes.

Jia Heng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly lowered his gaze and put on a facelift.

The Empress of Song Dynasty frowned, and there were faint ripples in the lake in her heart.

He secretly thought, this Jia Ziyu is so brave, he dares to ridicule the emperor, and even... peek at her?

Just for a moment, she pursed her lips, which was a bit unnatural. Wasn't she just mocking?

I think Jia Ziyu also saw it...

But on the Emperor's side, after a lot of busy work, the unknown old man on the bed let out a long cough, and his breathing gradually became evener, but his eyes were closed tightly.

A group of internal prisoners gathered around and called to the emperor, but they still didn't wake up.

Imperial Physician Li hurriedly stopped calling from the inner prison and said: "Don't call me by force, as it will harm the emperor's dragon body."

Emperor Chongping asked quickly: "How is it?"

Imperial Physician Li turned to look at Emperor Chongping, bowed and reported back: "Your Majesty, the Emperor suffered from palpitations and fainting due to the earthquake. It is not serious. He will be fine after a few days of rest. However, the Emperor has grown up after all, so he should exercise restraint... After this

For one thing, you need to take good care of yourself and take good care of yourself." Although the words of the imperial doctor later are taboo, the meaning is very clear, it is still abstinence.

In fact, after all this trouble, Emperor Longzhi's physical condition began to decline.

Emperor Chongping's expression changed. He suppressed some of the cluttered thoughts in his heart and said in a deep voice, "You guys can just prescribe some medicine."

Several imperial doctors began to take out paper and prescribe medicines.

Emperor Chongping was silent for a moment and then said: "Mr. Li, Jia Ziyu also suffered some injuries on his shoulder just now. You can help take a look at it later."

Doctor Li just put down his pen, glanced at Jia Heng, and said: "I obey the order."

Jia Heng said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, I only suffered some minor injuries, nothing serious."

"You are a military commander. Although you have a good foundation, you should not be careless." Emperor Chongping cast his gentle eyes on Jia Heng and warned him.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty for your grace." Jia Heng bowed his hands in thanks.

Then, Emperor Chongping and Empress Song came to the main hall and sat down on chairs outside.

After a while, Empress Dowager Feng, Concubine Duanrong, Princess Xianning, and Wu Guiren and other harem concubines also came to visit the Supreme Emperor from Changle Palace, Shuyu Palace... with the support of the maids.

"Emperor, how is your father?" Empress Dowager Feng asked Emperor Chongping as soon as she entered the palace with the support of the palace maid.

Princess Xianning, who was next to Concubine Duanrong, nodded when she saw Jia Heng, exchanged glances with her, and also turned her concerned gaze to her father.

Emperor Chongping looked solemn and said: "Father has just been rescued and is no longer seriously injured."

As for other things, it’s hard to say much.

Even if as time passes, some secrets about the palace will be spread in the palace, at least they cannot be acknowledged by the emperor.

While everyone was talking, Dai Quan came from outside, came to Emperor Chongping, knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, hundreds of officials are holding the gate at Anshun Gate, begging for the blessing of the Holy Lord."

"Tell them that I have nothing to do. I will call the cabinet's great scholar, the six ministers, the minister of Dali Temple, and the censor of Zuodu to Hanyuan Hall to discuss the matter." Emperor Chongping stood up, said in a deep voice, and then looked at Jia Heng aside.

, said: "Ziyu, you will also come with me. The matter of post-earthquake pensions cannot be separated from the Wucheng Army and Horses Division."

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I obey the order."

Emperor Chongping then looked at Empress Song and Empress Dowager Feng, who were standing aside, and said, "Queen Mother, on my father's side, I'll just trouble you."

Empress Dowager Feng nodded and said: "The emperor is going to take care of the important affairs of the country."

Emperor Chongping said no more and went to Hanyuan Hall with Jia Heng, Dai Quan and others.

This chapter has been completed!
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