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Chapter 560 Jia Heng: The water that capsized the boat is the tears of the common people and cannot flow horizontally.

 You don’t know

government office, back hall

It was already noon. Jia Heng got up, called the soldiers outside, got a basin of cold water, washed his face, took a towel and wiped it before heading outside.

At this time, Xia Houying entered the wing hall, cupped her hands and said: "Master Jia, just now Tiqi came to report that the Jinyi sent to Qianhu Prince Zheng's Mansion escorted the Zheng and Wei vassals to the government office. On the way, Cai Guerrilla

We have already gone to Zheng Wei Fan's residence with Lord Meng."

After Liu Jixian deceived the Zheng and Wei vassals, who were frightened, frightened, angry and anxious, under the pretext of "intending to commit rebellion," Cai Quan summoned the Beijing cavalry to surround King Zheng's vassal residence.

Jia Heng nodded, handed the towel to the soldier beside him, and asked curiously: "Is His Highness Xianning awake now?"

While talking, I came under the eaves of the corridor.

It was midday, the sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining all over the earth. Jia Heng, who had just caught up on his sleep, suddenly felt clear-headed and refreshed.

At this time, Princess Xianning also got up from the wing room in the west cross courtyard. The girl changed into a brand new flying fish suit. After bathing, her face was paler and haggard than before, and her complexion was undoubtedly rosy, as white as snow, and her curves were

Under the curved willow leaves and slender eyebrows, the bright eyes sparkled, and he called with a clear smile: "Sir, you are also awake."

Jia Heng also chuckled, looked at the girl with beautiful features, and asked, "Are you hungry, Your Highness? The two vassal princes are here, and I asked the chef to prepare some wine and food, so we can use some together."

Princess Xianning nodded and said softly: "I also want to meet these two cousins."

Jia Heng said: "We will stabilize these two later and recover the arrears of taxes and grain first, and then talk about other things."

"Yes." Princess Xianning responded softly.

At this moment, Prince Zheng Cheng and Prince Wei Kang, accompanied by young servants and Chang Shi's retinue, arrived at Henan Mansion Office in a carriage.

Although this was not the first time they came to this government office, the two vassal princes felt heavy this time.

Prince Zheng Cheng took a deep breath, steeled himself, and sneered coldly in his heart: "If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?"

He is the emperor's cousin, and he has never thought of plotting rebellion in Henan Mansion. Even though there are some violations of regulations and arrogance, there is no trace of rebellion in the final analysis. No matter how many accusations are made against Jia Heng's son and he is framed in every possible way, no one is destined to believe him!

"Your Majesty, why do you think this is a bit unusual?" At this time, Sun Xun, the chief historian of the palace, frowned and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He always felt that something was wrong.

It is true that Lu Qingshan bought Luoyang Qianhusuo, but it was to cover up illegal activities, raise private soldiers, and hide armor soldiers. Where does this start?

At this moment, Prince Wei Kang also had a look of panic on his chubby round face, while Zhuo Xian'an, the chief historian of the palace, had a look of thought in his eyes.

At this moment, Liu Jixian said expressionlessly: "Two princes, please."

King Wei and Zheng had no choice but to get off the carriage, barely keeping calm, and followed Liu Jixian into the Henan government office.

However, as soon as I entered, I felt that the atmosphere of the government office was not right. There were guards in uniforms and soldiers from the Beijing camp everywhere, but no officials from the Henan Prefecture were seen.

Prince Zheng Cheng's face turned gloomy, and he thought he had changed the Henan government office into a military tent, so he was guarded by soldiers inside and outside, so there was no doubt that he was there.

The long history of Prince Wei Kang, Zhuo Xian'an frowned, and for some reason, he felt more and more foggy inside.

In fact, most people would never think that they would deceive the two princes just to "run the treasury". When the two princes returned, they suddenly found that their house had been stolen and the granary had been emptied.

In surprise, Prince Zheng Cheng and Prince Wei Kang followed Jin Yi Tiqi into the Yamen hall. They were suddenly stunned when they saw several tables of wine and food set up inside.

And a young man wearing a python suit with sharp eyes was looking at him with a half-smile, surrounded by several Jinyi guards wearing embroidered spring knives and flying fish suits.

Prince Zheng Cheng felt a sense of fear in his heart for no reason, and had to curse the emperor's eagle dog secretly, his old Chen family's dog, before he recovered.

Prince Zheng Cheng led Sun Xun, the chief historian of the palace, and asked: "Master Jia, why do you call me here?"

Prince Wei Kang looked worried and said impatiently: "Master Jia, we are the vassals of the country. According to the regulations, we should stay in the royal city to guard the ancestral temple and the country. Why did you call us here?"

Zhuo Xian'an, the chief historian of the King of Wei, frowned. The words "stay in the royal city" flashed through his mind. His heart tightened, but he couldn't figure it out after careful consideration.

"Two princes, calm down for a moment and sit down." Jia Heng glanced at King Zheng and King Wei. King Zheng was older, taller, with prominent brows, protruding cheekbones, and sharp eyes. King Wei

He has a relatively short and chubby figure and a chubby round face, and he is looking at him coldly at this moment.

Prince Zheng Cheng snorted coldly, said nothing, and sat down first. Next to him, Sun Xun, the chief historian of the palace, stood behind him and looked at Jia Heng with thoughtful eyes.

Prince Wei Kang also sat on the chair opposite to Prince Zheng Cheng's younger brother. There were no smile lines on his chubby face, and he looked at the young man with an unkind expression.

Jia Heng held a stack of books in his hand and smiled and said: "My Jinyi Mansion is stationed in Qianhu Luqingshan, Luoyang. I was originally ordered to protect the two princes. I didn't expect the two princes to collude with him and let him report to the court."

Cover up the rebellion of the two princes in the palace."

"Jia Heng, why have we ever conspired against others? You are guilty of false accusations and are framed!" Prince Wei Kang couldn't help it at first, the fat on his face jumped, and he reprimanded angrily.

Although Prince Zheng Cheng did not reprimand him angrily, he stared at the young man in python suit with a pair of selective and devouring eyes.

He also figured it out on the way here. If the emperor's minions wanted to frame him, he would risk his life to give him a good look!

Jia Heng said: "Then King Wei, how do you explain why you bribed thousands of households in Luoyang with brocade clothes, why you raised dead soldiers? Why you secretly hid armored soldiers, and what are your intentions?"

Prince Wei Kang said angrily: "I don't even know what you are talking about. I have never raised dead soldiers or hidden armored soldiers!"

Jia Heng winked at Liu Jixian. Immediately, Liu Jixian took out a book, opened it, looked at it, and recited: "On the fifth day of March in the sixth year of Chongping, Lu Qianhu met Zhuo Xian'an, the chief historian of Prince Wei, by chance at the Red Sleeve Restaurant.

The two of them went to the private room and had a very pleasant conversation, and sealed three thousand five hundred taels of silver to Lu Qianhu."

"On May 5, the sixth year of Chongping, Lu Qianhu went to Prince Wei's Mansion as a guest. He stayed overnight in Prince Wei's Mansion and had a great time drinking. King Wei gave Lu Qianhu two beauties as a gift."

"On the first day of the first lunar month in the eighth year of Chongping, Lu Qianhu was invited to Prince Wei's Mansion and was given five hundred taels of gold and two thousand pieces of silk."


One after another, one by one, they fell on the ears of Zheng and Wang, making the two kings' faces gloomy and uncertain, and Chang Shi next to him also looked fearful.

Jia Heng picked up the tea cup and said: "Two princes, what do you want to do by trying so hard to win over Lu Qianhu? To facilitate rebellion without being noticed by the court?"

Prince Wei Kang's face was ashen at this moment and he was speechless.

Prince Zheng Cheng's face was equally ugly. Although he was thinking of Prince Wei's Palace, who knew if he was from Prince Zheng's Palace?

No, there must be.

Jia Heng looked at the two men and said with a half-smile: "Henan has been hit by the disaster for a long time. The two princes went crazy to buy grain fields in the local counties, recruited the refugees as servants and servants, and made weapons and armor for them. There should be thousands of them now. Man, I wonder when the two princes are going to start an uprising?"

"You are such a mouthful!" Prince Zheng Cheng felt a chill in his heart and said, "We have a lot of people who have half of their bodies buried in the ground. How could we ever have any rebellious intentions? Jia Ziyu, don't bully others too much?"

Jia Heng said: "It doesn't matter how old you are in rebellion. Liu Bang, the great emperor of the Han Dynasty, can still be the emperor in his fifties. It's not known that the two princes are old men."

Prince Zheng Cheng, Prince Wei Kang: "..."

Princess Xianning was standing next to Xia Houying, and this cold beauty couldn't help but smile.

How could she not know that this was her husband trying to scare her two cousins?

Jia Heng said: "Two princes, I have to report to the Holy One the crime of raising dead soldiers and hiding armored soldiers secretly."

This kind of thing is always important or trivial. It is true that these two soldiers who raised dead men and privately hid armored soldiers, but they can also be defined as servants and guardians.

Prince Wei Kang said anxiously: "Those are not dead soldiers, they are just some housekeepers. What kind of dead soldiers are they?"

Prince Zheng Cheng's expression changed, and his heart felt dark. At this moment, he was completely controlled by this young man.

"Is that so? I have already reported it to the Holy Lord Juncai, but the Holy Lord is worried and angry about the Henan incident. Whether Long Yan will be furious and punish him severely, to be honest, I don't know." Jia Heng said this. He looked at Princess Xianning on the side and said: "Your Highness."

As soon as these words came out, the two kings Wei and Chen were startled. They both looked at the handsome Jin Yiwei in the flying fish suit, but they didn't pay attention just now.

At this time, Princess Xianning understood something and looked at the two princes and said: "Two princes, my father was extremely worried about the affairs in Henan. He even vomited blood and fainted when he heard the defeat report..."

At the end of the sentence, my voice became a little deeper.

It is said that the health of the emperor's dragon body is a major secret, but that time when he vomited blood and fainted, it attracted the attention of officials from both the government and the public, so there was no need to hide it.

Prince Zheng Cheng narrowed his eyes at this moment, and a biting chill ran down his back.

The emperor was shocked to hear the bad news that the dragon was ill. It can be said that it was the time when he was very suspicious of the vassals. If it was suddenly revealed that they were raising dead soldiers and hiding armor soldiers secretly, the emperor would be furious and the consequences would be disastrous!

Prince Wei Kang's expression paused, and he felt a little horrified.

After giving the two vassal kings time to digest the information, Jia Heng said coldly: "There is one more thing. The imperial court is currently suppressing the bandits, but the army is here, and the supplies of food and fodder for the army are insufficient. According to Henan Prefecture Yin, the two vassals of Zheng and Wei,

The taxes and grain owed to Henan Prefecture's treasury amount to millions of dan, and they should be returned now."

At this point, Prince Zheng Cheng's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he suddenly realized something in his heart.

After all, because of the rice grain, the conspiracy is false and the extortion is true?

But when I think about it again, I feel shuddering.

Nowadays, people work as swordsmen and I work as fish and meat. This Jiaheng took their pigtails. They couldn't help themselves. If they also reported the arrears of taxes and grain to the government treasury, I can't imagine what the angry emperor would do.


The two kings of Zhao and Zhou learned from their mistakes.

Prince Wei Kang's expression changed at this moment, and his mind was almost like that of Prince Zheng.

As for Zhuo Xian'an, the chief historian of Wei and Zheng, and Sun Xun, they took a deep breath.

This was obviously a trap that had been set long ago!

Prince Wei Kang said: "Master Jia, I am willing to agree to the proposal proposed by Meng Fuyin before and pay 300,000 stone and rice grains in advance to provide military supplies."

This is exactly what Meng Jinwen proposed before. Prince Wei Kang will contribute 300,000 dan and Prince Zheng Cheng will contribute 400,000 dan to overcome this difficulty first.

"It's too late." Jia Heng said coldly.

Now it is no longer a question of 20%, but the Wei and Zheng vassals have to make up for the arrears in grain taxes, and they have to accept the disposal of Emperor Chongping, either by reducing their titles or imprisoning them.

One has owed 1.5 million dan in total over the past few decades, and the other has owed 2 million dan in total over the past few decades. These must be paid up.

"Thirty percent!" Prince Wei Kang said quickly with a chill in his heart.

He immediately changed his words and said: "50%!"

Jia Heng glanced at Prince Wei Kang, who had an earthy face, and said: "The two princes will have lunch first. Now the governor of Henan is mobilizing tax collectors to recover the shortfall. How much rice is missing? Go get it yourself."

Prince Wei Kang: "???"

What does it mean to pick it up on your own? This is stealing their home base.

Prince Zheng Cheng's heart sank at this moment, and he suddenly understood and asked: "You lied to us!"

Did they fall for a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain!?

Jia Heng looked at Prince Zheng Cheng and said coldly: "Your Majesty, this is not a lie. Just by winning over thousands of wealthy families, deceiving the court, recruiting refugees, and hiding armored soldiers, it is enough to deprive you of titles and imprison you. Why, Your Majesty?"

Are you still going to die holding on to these extravagant wealth?"

Prince Zheng Cheng's face was red and white, and he felt like a deflated ball, slumped on the Taishi chair.

Jia Heng looked at the two vassal kings with a cold heart.

In fact, this is a matter of order. If he first calls for the payment of food and salary, and then mentions it after a dispute with him, it will have the meaning of threat and persecution, but it will easily arouse the resistance of the two feudal lords.

It may lead to bloodshed.

It would be inappropriate not to mention the serious consequences.

Now that the two vassal princes were in panic after Emperor Chongping fainted from vomiting blood due to the chaos of Henan people, spending money to protect themselves became the next best option.

This is the anchoring effect in psychology.

Princess Xianning looked at the dejected scene of the two vassal kings and blinked her eyes. For some reason, she always felt an indescribable shock.

It seemed that after she slept, her husband settled the two feudal princes.

It seemed that there was no need for her to go through her relatives on the Queen Mother's side to help negotiate peace in the middle.

Jia Heng glanced at Princess Xianning and said, "Your Highness, it's already noon. Let's sit down and have lunch."

As he said that, he turned to look at the two vassal princes who were slumped on pearwood chairs and lost their minds, and said: "It's already noon, so you two should use some together so that you can write a self-defense memorial to Shenjing later.


Prince Zheng Cheng snorted coldly and ignored it.

Prince Wei Kang was already hungry, so he calmed down his heartache and started having lunch.

Prince Zheng Cheng glanced at Princess Xianning who was using chopsticks to eat, and sighed in his heart.

Even the princess was sent to accompany the army to suppress the rebellion, which shows that the imperial court was shocked and angry at the fall of Kaifeng.

Prince Zheng's Mansion

Just half an hour after Prince Zheng Cheng, escorted by Jin Yitiqi, rode a carriage towards the Henan government office, the palace city, located at the foothills northwest of Luoyang City, was holding a sword at the door, waiting anxiously for Zheng Cheng.

When Prince Cheng returned, Li Dianjun's expression suddenly changed slightly. He turned around and asked the soldiers beside him, "What's the sound?"

At this time, the sound of iron hoofs trampling on the bluestone road and the galloping horses were deafening.

"Sir, these are the cavalry from the Beijing camp!" the soldier looked at the large number of cavalry in the distance with fear and said in shock.

As the cavalry from the capital camp entered Luoyang City in large numbers in the past few days, not only the people of Luoyang City, but also the personal guards of the Zheng and Wei vassals also saw the mighty and majestic appearance of the imperial cavalry.

Li Dianjun looked at the dark cavalry team and also took a breath of cold air.


With the chaotic sound of horses' hooves and the sound of swords and guns clashing with armor, Cai Quan, the guerrilla general of Guoyong camp, stopped his horse and shouted loudly: "Surround up and take over the palace city!"

"What do you want to do?" Li Dianjun's expression changed drastically and he stepped forward and asked.

"According to the orders of Commander-in-Chief, bandits have sneaked into Luoyang and may endanger the palace. We are going to take over the defense, so why not retreat quickly!" Cai Quan shouted coldly.

Li Dianjun looked at the shouting cavalrymen, struggling a little in his eyes, and feeling fearful in his heart. He stopped the soldiers behind him who were about to move, and said: "Let them take over the palace city!"

Not to mention that if we really want to start a war, we have few soldiers and others have many. The problem is that the prince is not here, and he cannot make the decision without authorization to fight against the imperial army.

At the same time, a similar situation occurred in the palace city of Prince Wei Kang's Mansion. The guarding army did not understand the situation at all, so they surrounded a large number of Beijing cavalry, handed over their weapons, and took over the palace city.

The concubines in the palace and the heirs of the Zheng and Wei dynasties all looked at this scene in horror.

Then, Henan Prefecture Yin Meng Jinwen and Henan Prefecture's Zhizhong and Tongpan led a large number of yamen and civil servants to begin stationed at the palace of the two vassals of Zheng and Wei. They read the official documents of Henan Prefecture to the two vassals and were ordered to inspect the treasury and recover the money.

Due to the arrears of money and grain, horse-drawn carriages came and went and began to carry money and grain.

When it was getting close to evening and the setting sun was shining, the yamen of Henan Prefecture, with the help of tens of thousands of soldiers from the Beijing camp, finally counted the rice grains in the treasury of Zheng and Wei vassals, gathered up the amount of arrears over the years, and transferred them to

Taicang and the official treasury serve as military supplies reserves for the Beijing camp to suppress civil unrest in Henan.

At this point, the huge amount of grain problem that troubled the Beijing army to suppress the bandits and feed the people was completely solved by Jia Heng's special agents and soldiers in less than a day, and 3.5 million shi of rice grain was recovered.

At this moment, the two vassal princes were escorted to the vassal mansion by a large number of Jinyi cavalry in the Henan Fufu Yamen. However, the palace guards, child servants, and servants were all disarmed, and the Beijing camp troops and horses took over the palace defense.

The guards of the palace strictly "controlled and protected" the two vassal princes, waiting for the imperial court's decree from Emperor Chongping.

In an octagonal pavilion with cornices, brackets and red tiles, two people stood side by side, talking in a low voice. It was Jia Heng and Princess Xianning.

"Sir, the food problem has been solved, why are you still frowning?" Princess Xianning looked at the tall and slender young man in a python suit beside her with her wonderful eyes.

She felt that today was like a dream. Under the arrangement of her husband, the food collection call that she thought would take several days was completed vigorously and resolutely.

Jia Heng said: "I just heard what Meng Fuyin said that the tax and grain recovered were only half of the storage of several granaries in the vassal residences of the two kings Zheng and Wei. Now the people of Henan have been repeatedly hit by natural disasters and are in dire straits. They can't even make ends meet."

, But the vassals were extremely extravagant and extravagant. No wonder the thieves rebelled against the flag tree. The people of Kaifeng Prefecture in Runing heard about it and responded. There were beacon fires all over the place, and it was difficult to control the situation. "

In the class history view of later generations, he was the executioner who suppressed the peasant army, a proper feudal reactionary force.

Princess Xianning felt something in her heart when she heard the excitement in these words. She couldn't help but paused. Her cold eyes were filled with soft waves, and her red lips parted lightly as she said, "Mr."

Jia Heng looked up at the dazzling sunset in the western sky, as gorgeous as clouds and brocade, and sighed: "The water that overturned the boat is the tears of the people. You won't know it until Hengliu..."

Rich families are full of wine and meat, and there are frozen bones on the road. Some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as cows and horses.

When Princess Xianning heard this, her heart was shocked. Her flawless face was stunned for a moment. She tasted these two sentences, and her autumn water shimmered. She looked at the young man softly, and saw that his face was probably because of the sunset.

The eyebrow peaks, as firm as swords, seem to be shadowy in the golden and red sun in the distance, standing majestic and high, as tall as a mountain.

Chunshan's bright eyes flashed under her dark eyebrows, and suddenly the pounding in her heart was almost uncontrollable.

Xia Houying, who was not far away, was standing proudly with her embroidered spring knife. After hearing this emotion, Yi Qingshuang's face was a little moved.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. With their extensive knowledge and knowledge, they have heard such sentences before, but this emotion can be seen as a feeling of compassion and a sigh of prosperity and failure.

Is this Wu Xun? No, this kind of magnanimity is believed by even the cabinet ministers.

This chapter has been completed!
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