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Chapter 567 Queen Song: Even Ran'er has this kind of favor

 Not as good as

Kaifeng Mansion, the main hall of the government office is brightly lit and the figures are longing.

Gao Yue entered the hall with heavy steps. Several brothers who had escaped from Sishui Pass beside him were in a state of embarrassment. Everyone was injured. There was also a smell of blood hunting that filled the entire government hall, making Gao Yue's subordinates who came up to greet them,

Seeing this, everyone's expression changed slightly, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Brother." When Zhan Weiyong saw the dejected people, his heart sank, and he asked anxiously: "What... what happened?"

At this time, Shao Yingchen also entered the hall, and saw Gao Yue sitting on a chair, his head slightly lowered, his shirt was stained with blood, and his bun was spread out, looking like an eggplant beaten by frost, he frowned, but already

Guessing some reasons, I sighed secretly.

When Gao Yue heard the sigh, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Shao Yingchen with a pair of red pupils. The seven-foot-tall man had tears in his eyes and sighed: "Mr. Shao, I regret not listening to my words."

If he hadn't thought of repeating his old tricks and coming up with some unexpected strategies, he wouldn't have had such a big defeat.

Three thousand brothers, some of whom were old brothers who had followed him from the northwest to Hubei to fight for many years, were destroyed by him like this!

At this moment, the brothers Zhan Weiyong also brought back from Gao Yue choked with sobs when they heard Gao Yue's voice, and a heavy haze fell on their hearts.

And as Gao Yue's choking voice sounded, some brothers also let out whimpering sounds.

When Shao Yingchen saw this, he sighed and didn't know where to start.

Hearing this, Gao Yue stood up suddenly, walked a few steps quickly, stretched out his hands to hold Shao Yingchen's hands tightly, and asked: "Sir, what should you teach me now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Shao Yingchen.

"General, the only solution now is to... withdraw from Kaifeng Mansion." Shao Yingchen said in a low voice while facing everyone's gaze.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Li Zimin, who was next to Gao Yue, shouted first, saying: "Then the blood of our brothers was shed in vain? I, Lao Li, want to avenge my brothers!"

Gao Yue also froze on the spot, his face gloomy and uncertain, and he was speechless for a long time.

Shao Yingchen said worriedly: "General, heroes from all walks of life are gathered in Kaifeng Mansion, and there is a mixture of fish and dragons. Our army has just suffered a big defeat, with a loss of three thousand. We cannot hide the news of this defeat. I am afraid that it will be spread in Kaifeng Mansion tomorrow."

Everyone knows that at that time, the general's prestige will be greatly damaged, and if he wants to command the heroes as before, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Of the 4,000 people Gao Yue brought to Kaifeng, most of them were lost. There were only more than 1,000 people, which was obviously not enough to control the city of Kaifeng where heroes from all walks of life gathered.

There are more than a dozen groups in Kaifeng Mansion, large and small, among which four groups are the most powerful.

These four groups were headed by Luo Jinzhong, Wang Sishun, He Guosheng, and Li Yanqing, each with one or two thousand bandits under their command. It was Gao Yue who set up the banner of "Following Heaven and Promoting Righteousness, Opposing the Han and Restoring the Ming Dynasty."

The bandit leaders who arrived after hearing the news originally had subordinates, but they quickly expanded their manpower by killing officials and rebelling, releasing prisoners, and gathering and surrendering.

Gao Yue frowned into the word "Chuan" and asked with a solemn expression: "Mr.'s words are not unreasonable. Some people in the city were not very convinced of me being the leader."

Originally, he led more than four thousand people with complete weapons and horses. He was a strong soldier. In addition, he defeated the Kaifeng Mansion first, so he nominally had the authority to give orders to these people. Now that they are so damaged, can these people still survive?

Follow his orders?

Most likely it won't be possible.

Shao Yingchen said in a deep voice: "General, this time the imperial court was well prepared at Sishui Pass and ambushed our army with light cavalry. It can be seen that the news of the fall of Kaifeng Mansion has reached Shenjing, attracting the imperial army to attack. The only plan is now.

It is better to avoid the sharp edge and rely on my opinion. The general might as well abandon the city of Kaifeng, select the brave men who are willing to follow us from the heroic volunteers who responded, go to Runing Mansion first, and then plan to attack the south of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. I don't know.

What do you think, General?"

In the past few days in Kaifeng Mansion, he had seen through that the heroes gathered here could only be used to consume the power of the imperial court and should not be used to conspire against major events.

This is also the reason why Shao Yingchen has a higher opinion of Gao Yue than others. Although Gao Yue's men also have some gangster tendencies that are difficult to change, thieves also have their own ways, and the things that harm nature and justice are still individual, unlike the lawless "rebels" who gather during these times.

But it happened to overthrow the Han Dynasty, and it was impossible to do without these people.

As soon as Shao Yingchen said this, Li Zimin looked livid and said: "Brother, once we leave, what will the heroes in the world think of us? We just raised the uprising flag, and because we suffered a defeat, we are afraid of the court.

Are you there? Do you want to avenge Lao Ba?"

Among the brothers, Li Zimin ranked third, and the eighth brother was Wei Song who died after being cut off from the throne.

Li Zimin said angrily, looking at Wei Bochuan, Lai Haiyuan and the pale Ma Liang, and shouted angrily: "Fifth brother, sixth brother, seventh brother, can we swallow the tone you are talking about?"

Wei Bochuan frowned and shouted loudly: "Brother, we still have tens of thousands of people in Kaifeng. How can we escape if we have to fight with the imperial court?"

Lai Haiyuan also said angrily: "Yes, brother, brothers have been hiding here and there for so many years. It's hard to make such a big noise and gather so many people. It's time to fight. There are also those good brothers before. They

What a miserable death."

Although several people did not accuse Gao Yue of being "reckless" because of their brotherhood, their attitude of seeking revenge made Gao Yue's heart sink.

Ordinarily, in this situation, it is undoubtedly a wise move to evacuate Kaifeng Mansion. It would be best for Gao Yue to say, "My brother is suffering, it hurts me." Then he spits out a mouthful of blood, faints, and then saves people's hearts while vomiting blood.

Fainted and evacuated the remaining troops from Kaifeng Fucheng.

But Gao Yue didn't have this kind of acting talent, but his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, his gut felt like a knife, veins were jumping on his forehead, and his heart was filled with shame and aggrievement, cowardice and anger.

Shao Yingchen looked at this scene, his brows furrowed, his face gloomy, but he said nothing.

Take Wu Yong next to Song Jiang, a hateful villain. For the sake of his brother Gongming, Wu Yong would have done it, but it was a pity that Shao Yingchen did not.

Gao Yue looked around at the brothers with his tiger eyes, and said solemnly: "Okay! You and I, brothers, will fight here with the court."

When Shao Yingchen heard this, his heart trembled, he opened his mouth, and seeing the angry crowd, he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Just as he was sighing in his heart, Gao Yue turned to look at himself with complicated eyes.

"Mr. Shao, Gao has let you down." Gao Yue suddenly said.

From the very beginning, the wise man persuaded him not to stay in Kaifeng Mansion. After Kaifeng City was conquered, he led the gathered heroes and martyrs back to Runing to attack Huainan. All told, it was because of his greed that he was too greedy.

He wanted to lead the light cavalry to attack Luoyang, and he just fell into this kind of fields. Now he is asked to withdraw from Kaifeng, and he insists on going his own way.

But people are in the world, and they can't help themselves.

"What did the general say?" Shao Yingchen calmed down and persuaded: "Although there is a small defeat now, tens of thousands of righteous people have gathered here to participate in the grand event of resisting the imperial court. If everyone is united and works together in the same boat, there may be a chance to turn defeat into victory.

, please general, please don’t lose heart, there is still something that can be done.”

After a second thought, I also somewhat understood what Gao Yue was thinking. Leaving like this was not only a matter of reputation, but also a matter of people's hearts.

He had just suffered a huge defeat, and many of his brothers died tragically. However, he left Kaifeng Mansion without saying a word. As soon as such timid behavior occurred, the hearts of his men were broken. In addition, there was also the problem of reputation. After his reputation was improved,

Even if the troops are dispersed, as long as there are still core brothers, there is still the possibility of recruiting troops in the future. If the reputation becomes bad, the foundation for establishing oneself will be gone.

Gao Yue said, looked at Li Zimin and others, and said: "Brothers, go and have a good rest first, cheer up, and wait for the decisive battle with the imperial court. Brother Ma Liang also quickly hired a doctor for diagnosis and treatment."

Li Zimin, Wei Bochuan, Lai Haiyuan, and Ma Liang clasped their fists and said yes.

Wait for several brothers to leave the Yamen Hall.

Gao Yue looked at Mr. Shao and said: "Sir, I intend to lead the troops and fight to the death with the imperial court, but the people of Kaifeng Mansion are unsettled. I would like to ask you, sir, to give me some advice to calm people's hearts."

Now that he has just been defeated, he may not be able to command the heroes in Kaifeng Mansion.

Mr. Shao pondered for a moment and said in a low voice: "Generals should be inspired by great righteousness and rewarded with wealth. Now that all brothers have suffered losses in resisting the imperial court, tomorrow we should set up a mourning hall, raise mourning soldiers, and unite people's hearts!"

When Gao Yue heard this, his heart was shaken, and he understood somewhat what Shao Yingchen said.

It means making great arrangements for the funeral affairs of three thousand brothers, raising mourning soldiers, and then attacking the imperial court. If you suppress them in the name of justice, you will be defeated and there will be a chance to make a comeback.

Gao Yue looked at Shao Yingchen and said, "Sir, Kaifeng is in danger now. I am fighting with the imperial army here, but I still can't worry about it, sir."

Even if his men were defeated, he would still have the confidence to lead a group of brothers to escape the siege of the imperial court and go to Runing. However, it would be inconvenient to take Mr. Shao with him, and Mr. Shao would be his opportunity to establish a great cause in the future.

With that said, he looked at Zhan Weiyong aside and said: "Fourth brother, you have always been cautious and steady. You escort your husband to Runing. If things go wrong here, I will lead my brother back to Runing."

In Luoshan County, Runing Prefecture, Ma Liu and the second-in-command Zhang Sheng, who often did logistics and military supplies, led two thousand core bandits and more than 10,000 people to stay behind.

Zhan Wei asked in a shocked voice: "Brother, what do you mean?"

Shao Yingchen's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Gao Yue in surprise and uncertainty.

Gao Yue looked at Shao Yingchen aggressively and said in a low tone: "Sir, it is not safe to stay in Kaifeng. Please leave the place of right and wrong first. If I win the decisive battle with the imperial court, I will invite you to come over and conspire together."

It's a big deal, if everything fails, I'll meet you again, sir."

This was his previous decision. He led the remaining soldiers to gather the rebels from all walks of life to fight to the death with the imperial court, while Mr. Shao fled first. Even if he failed, he still had time to make a comeback.

Anyway, so many years have passed.

Without raising the question of how Yue would deploy his men, he would have to fight to the death with the officers and soldiers.

Shenjing City, palace garden, early morning

The golden morning light fell on the roof of the side hall of the Daming Palace, and the glazed tiles reflected the golden light. In the study room of the Daming Palace, a thin figure emerged from the Taishi chair, and the morning light from the east window was reflected on the high table beside it.

and on the bookshelf.

Emperor Chongping held the memorial in his hand, read it, and put it aside with a gloomy expression on his face.

The middle-aged emperor only rested for two days and his condition was slightly better. Regardless of the advice of the imperial physician and Empress Song, he got up at dawn and went to the Daming Palace to handle government affairs.

Dai Quan stood behind the beam with his hands down, opened his mouth, and swallowed back his words of persuasion. It would be better for him to talk less and do more these days.

Emperor Chongping said in a cold voice: "What are the two vassals of Wei and Zheng doing? They buy thousands of households in fine clothes, privately store armor and soldiers, and hoard food and fodder. What is this? Rebellion?"

This is a memorial jointly signed by Meng Jinwen and Jia Heng, Yin of Henan Prefecture. It was urgently delivered to Shenjing with a price of 600 yuan. It not only recorded in detail the recovery of rice grains from Zheng and Wei vassals, but also impeached the two vassals from occupying grain fields in Henan Prefecture.

, the descendants of the feudal lord trampled the laws of the country, and the evil slaves oppressed the good.

At the same time, in the secret report of Jinyi Mansion attached by Jia Heng, the deeds of the two men in bribery of Luoyang Jinyi Thousand Households were reported to resist Jinyi's surveillance.

"Dai Quan, send someone to deliver these memorials to Chonghua Palace." Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly.

Zheng and Wei are the nephews of the emperor. Now they are running rampant and illegal in the local area. He naturally has to deal with them, but he cannot ignore the harmony between the emperor and the Tian family in the eyes of outsiders.

Dai Quan responded quickly: "I obey the order."

He stepped forward to collect the memorial, and then ordered the eunuch to go to Chonghua Palace to deliver the memorial.

Emperor Chongping picked up the memorial and reviewed it again. However, he continued to read the memorial and threw it aside. Then his face surged with anger. His rosy cheeks, which had been resting for a few days, became as cold as iron again.

At this moment, the calls of the palace maids and the eunuchs came from outside. Empress Song walked in from the outside. She was dressed in light yellow palace clothes. She walked gracefully and said softly: "Your Majesty, it's time. It's time to use it."

It’s breakfast.”

Seeing her husband burying his head in writing and eating late at night, Empress Song condensed her beautiful eyes and sighed quietly in her heart.

How can this go on?

But His Majesty has always been stubborn. She tried to persuade her many times but still didn't listen.

Seeing the arrival of Empress Song, Emperor Chongping held the memorial in his hand and said angrily: "Zitong, I only dealt with a few censors. Now the people with clear knowledge and knowledge have come together to advise me not to be punished for my words. This Wang Shu,

You are so old and confused, yet you still come to me to persuade me to control my anger?"

Yesterday, Emperor Chongping asked Dai Quan to supervise Xu Lu, the censor of Zuodu, to strictly rectify the capital procuratorate, and to jail Gong Yanming, the censor of Yunnan Province, for his crimes.

Unexpectedly, today seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest. The imperial censors of the Imperial Academy and the Qingliu of the Hanlin Academy all wrote memorials, admonishing Emperor Chongping to open up a wide range of speeches, and officials who spoke to the Imperial Academy should not be punished for their words. Even some of the six ministers and nine ministers

Officials, such as Wang Shu, the Minister of Dali Temple, also wrote to advise Chongping Emperor to take care of the dragon body and not to offend others out of anger.

And this just added fuel to the fire, making Emperor Chongping even more angry.

In fact, the clear stream of science and education is more like a self-defeating move by everyone in the science and education. After all, the previous impeachment memorials of Jia Heng were piled up in the General Affairs Department, and everyone had a share in many of the officials.

No one can say that he is alone, so will the emperor's dissatisfaction with the Metropolitan Procuratorate extend to himself?

Seeing that Emperor Chongping looked wrong, Empress Song came closer, took Emperor Chongping's hand, and asked softly: "Your Majesty, please calm down. What do the cabinet ministers think about this matter?"

If the cabinet ministers also agree to rectify the law and investigate and deal with the censors related to the previous impeachment memorial, then the matter will be much easier to handle. This is also a strategy often used by Emperor Chongping in the past.

Emperor Chongping put down the memorial, left the desk, and said in a cold voice: "In a moment, I will summon several cabinet ministers and Xu Qing from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and others to discuss the government affairs."

With that said, as Empress Song walked towards Dong Nuan Pavilion, Dai Quan quickly led a group of internal eunuchs to follow and serve the emperor with meals.

Empress Song followed her lightly and said softly: "Your Majesty has just recovered some vitality. You should take good care of yourself recently and don't be too angry about these things. Before Zi Yu left the capital, he said, Your Majesty still

To take care of the dragon's body, these are all small things."

"How can you not work hard?" Emperor Chongping sighed, and while cleaning his hands, he said: "The thieves are becoming more powerful every day, and I have been idle in the past two days. I have accumulated a lot of memorials, some of which are not urgent.

, but Mr. Li Ge’s memorial to the north requires money, food, armor, and personnel orders for the affairs of Northern Xinjiang. The Cabinet and the Military Aircraft Department are waiting for approval."

After hearing this, Empress Song sighed softly and served Emperor Chongping with red dates and glutinous rice porridge. This was a meal prescription prescribed by the imperial doctor to replenish Emperor Chongping's vitality.

"Your Majesty, if the matter is not too important, just let the cabinet and military aircraft handle it. Your Majesty, you should take care of your health recently. When things happen in Henan and Ziyu comes back, it won't be too late to make plans again." Empress Song thought for a while,

With a slight smile on his face, he persuaded softly.

She has discovered in the past few days that if she mentions Jia Ziyu, her husband will lose all his irritability and become calm.

Thinking about this, my mind can't help but be a little complicated. This kind of favor is even worse than Ran'er.

When Empress Song mentioned Jia Heng, Emperor Chongping's expression softened and he said warmly: "It will probably take some time for Ziyu to come back. The chaos in Henan will not be settled for two or three months. It is good to calm him down after the war."

People, there is no need for the imperial court to send money and food to Henan. If Ziyu is at the military aircraft station and helps make plans, I can also save a lot of worry about matters in the north."

After falling ill this time, he has decided to leave some trivial matters to the cabinet and the military aircraft department. Otherwise, if there are really some problems, how can he be willing to do so.

However, most of the military ministers in the court were empty-handed and had no knowledge of military matters. If something like the Henan thing happened before that delayed the war opportunity again, and they asked Ziyu to take care of them, they would be afraid of the disaster of collapse.

Empress Song held the spoon in her slender hands and said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I think with Ziyu's ability, the sound of victory will come soon."

At this moment, the sharp voice of the prisoner outside the palace sounded: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, the eldest princess of Jinyang, the eighth prince, and Princess Qinghe are here to visit your majesty."

It turned out that Emperor Chongping started running to the Daming Palace just after he recovered. Empress Dowager Feng knew about this. Just when Concubine Rong and Princess Jinyang went to Changle Palace to pay their respects, she asked them to persuade Emperor Chongping.

Emperor Chongping put down the chopsticks in his hands and looked up.

While talking, Concubine Duanrong led the eighth prince and the eldest princess of Jinyang, Chen Li and Li Chanyue, into the East Nuan Pavilion of the side hall.

"Your Majesty, sister." Concubine Duanrong led the eighth prince Chen Ze to the side to greet her.

Chen Ze called to Emperor Chongping: "My son, I have met my father and the emperor and my mother."

"Brother Emperor, Sister-in-law Emperor, why are you having breakfast at this time?" Princess Jinyang took Li Chanyue's little hand and asked in greeting.

The beauty is wearing a light red palace dress today, with a slender waist and a high bun, and a bun like a cloud. However, the exquisite makeup that she used to be luxurious and graceful in the past is light today, but it still cannot hide her beautiful and beautiful appearance. At this moment, she is narrow and clear.

There was a hint of concern in his phoenix eyes.

Li Chanyue called her uncle and aunt, her eyes gloomy and her demeanor quiet.

After everyone paid their respects, they sat down on the embroidered pier that Dai Quan and several eunuchs had moved.

"Brother Imperial, I have only rested for a few days. Why did you come to the Daming Palace to read the memorial again? You forget to eat and sleep, so you have to pay attention to rest." The eldest princess of Jinyang frowned and said in a clear voice, then turned to look at

He asked Empress Song: "Why didn't the emperor's sister-in-law give me any advice?"

"I just said that it was just a little better, but then, alas..." Queen Song sighed softly.

This Jinyang...didn't she try to persuade him? But His Majesty wouldn't listen or speak, and sometimes became cold-faced. What could she do?

At this time, Chen Ze raised his fair face, took Emperor Chongping's arm, and said crisply: "Father, take care of yourself and take good care of yourself."

In front of his youngest son, Emperor Chongping's eyes were clearly warm and he said: "My father is very aware of his health."

Imperial Concubine Duanrong frowned and said, "Ze'er, come here, your father is still having breakfast."

"Yes, concubine." Chen Ze responded softly, and then came to the side of Concubine Duanrong.

"Brother, I heard that Jia Ziyu in Henan Province reported a good news yesterday. I wonder what you said?" Princess Jinyang looked at Emperor Chongping and said with concern.

Emperor Chongping did not hide anything, and his tone was slightly brisk, saying: "The urgent memorial sent from the General Administration Department this morning detailed the affairs of the Zheng and Wei vassals. Ziyu recovered the arrears of taxes and grain, and Henan

There is no shortage of rice and grain to quell the chaos now, and the next step is to wait for the tens of thousands of troops from the Beijing camp he has trained for me, so that they can wipe out the bandits."

When the eldest princess of Jinyang heard this, her phoenix eyes were slightly lowered, and a thought flashed in her heart.

Sure enough, she said how the emperor's brother rewarded Ning and Rong's two houses yesterday. It turned out to be good news from Henan.

When Li Chanyue heard this, her eyes were dazed for a moment, and thoughts appeared on her pretty face.

I don’t know how he and his cousin are doing now.

Ever since that day when the man said he was going to Henan with his cousin to quell the chaos, there was always a hint of irritability lingering in her heart... In the past few days, she was very annoyed anyway.

It was probably because her cousin was not at home and she was a little bored by herself.

"The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass have gone first. Now that we have rice and food, half of the difficulties have been solved." Princess Jinyang said softly and comforted: "Brother, the emperor should relax, okay, my sister is not the same."

Having said this, Brother Huang should eat first."

Emperor Chongping said: "The chaos in Henan is not bad. Ziyu used to live there, but now we are in the north. There are many affairs, including court affairs. People are asking for money and food everywhere. You should also pay more attention to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

The eldest princess of Jinyang said softly: "Recently, the treasury has been full of grain, gold and silver."

Emperor Chongping nodded and stopped talking.

The treasury has never been full, only the more the better. As clans of Wei and Zheng, the country is in trouble now, and money is used everywhere, so they should do their part for the country.

Emperor Chongping was eating while the others were talking.

By the time Emperor Chongping had finished his breakfast, he was just about to get up and go to Hanyuan Hall to summon the courtiers.

At this time, I suddenly saw an eunuch wandering outside the palace, not daring to come in and frowning.

Seeing this, Dai Quan hurriedly went to inquire. After a while, he turned back and said: "Your Majesty, there is a letter from Jia Ziyu's flying pigeon sent by Jinyi Mansion."

This chapter has been completed!
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