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Chapter 589 Mr. Cai, is he thirsty?

 Palace Garden, evening

The brocade-like sunset dyed the sky red in the western sky, and the golden sunset fell on the palaces and pavilions, as if covered with a layer of golden gauze.

The eldest princess of Jinyang held Li Chanyue's hand and boarded a beautifully decorated carriage. Surrounded by the royal guards, the palace maids and female officials, she left the palace gate. The wheels of the carriage ran over the bluestone road, making a rattling sound.

Hidden, the shadow of the car stretched extremely long in the afterglow of the setting sun. The curtains in the carriage were lowered, blocking out the noise outside.

In the carriage, Li Chanyue was sitting on the side of the carriage with a dignified posture, her two small hands folded in front of her, holding a handkerchief, her head slightly lowered, and silent.


Li Chanyue heard the slightly cold call in her ears, and her heart skipped a beat. She raised her eyes to look at the eldest princess of Jinyang, who had a face as quiet as frost. Her eyes quickly lowered and landed on the pearl necklace on the eldest princess of Jinyang's chest.

On the way up, he timidly called out: "Mother."

"Are you satisfied?" Princess Jinyang's beautiful eyes, with a clear and bright forehead, had a hidden secret, staring closely at Li Chanyue, and asked suddenly.

Li Chanyue's pretty face was slightly dull, her heart was trembling slightly, and she said in a weak voice: "Mother, I...I didn't mean it."

She was also worried that her mother would be snatched away, so she came up with a plan to divert the trouble away from her.

I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Princess Jinyang's beautiful eyebrows curved, with a hint of complexity on her hibiscus jade face, and she said, "Now your imperial uncle is determined to marry your cousin to Jia Ziyu."

Li Chanyue murmured: "What else can we do? Why not just follow what my mother said..."

At the end of the sentence, Fang felt ashamed and her voice was too weak to be heard.

She didn't know what to do, but maybe it wasn't impossible according to what her mother said.

The eldest princess of Jinyang narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at Li Chanyue. She was stunned for a long time, snorted softly, and said with a smile: "What you think is quite beautiful."

Li Chanyue: "..."

What's the meaning?

Didn’t my mother actively promote this matter in front of my uncle in the palace?

And when did she think about it?

"After going around and around, you're back again, right?" The eldest princess of Jinyang narrowed her beautiful eyes and said softly: "What I told you at the beginning was just for you. It turned out that it was fine, and there was nothing to do with your cousin.

My son, I’m fine now. Do you really think everything will be fine if your uncle doesn’t object? How much credit does he have to make to marry both the princess and the princess home?”

Li Chanyue felt a little depressed after being told off, and whispered: "Mother, I..."

"Now you are just trapping yourself, harming others and yourself." The eldest princess of Jinyang glanced at Li Chanyue and sighed softly: "However, if you don't like him, then I won't make it difficult for you and will arrange a marriage for you later."

Li Chanyue panicked subconsciously and said quickly: "Mother, no, I..."

"What are you?" Princess Jinyang frowned and said softly.

She felt that Chan Yue was a little weird. She said she wasn't thinking about it, but she often mentioned it during this period. But she said she was thinking about it, but she was coy and didn't know what she was thinking about.

It’s hard to figure out what a little girl of this age is thinking.

Li Chanyue bit her lips and said in a trembling voice: "I just think that my cousin and I are a little older, and it would be too scary to suddenly marry an unknown person one day like Sister Nanyang did.

Well, since my cousin thinks Mr. Jia is good, and Mr. Jia has a connection with our family, he can be considered familiar with him."

She actually didn't know. Anyway, she just felt lonely these days and couldn't think of anything to do. She didn't know whether it was because her cousin left Beijing, or because... she used to tease her cousin a lot, and she felt that Xiao Jia

There seems to be something different about Mr.

The problem is, Mr. Jia doesn’t even want to see her.

The eldest princess of Jinyang looked at her daughter, a hint of understanding flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she said faintly: "I understand, you like the excitement of sisters and sisters being together."

Li Chanyue: "..."

What do you mean, what does it mean that she likes the excitement of her sisters?


The eldest princess of Jinyang said: "What is it? At one moment, I am worried that your cousin will abandon you, and at another moment, I am worried that your mother will not want you. You are not a child anymore. You have to grow up and get married. You will be married in one or two years. How can you still be like this?

Just like children, we talk and laugh, and we will never be apart for the rest of our lives?"

"Mother, don't be angry, it's my fault." Li Chanyue panicked when she was told that, she quickly took the hand of the eldest princess of Jinyang, leaned her head in her arms, and followed the way she did when she was a child, holding the little

He cupped his head against Princess Jinyang's heart and said softly: "Mother, don't be angry with me, okay."

The eldest princess of Jinyang felt a little uncomfortable being hugged, her jade cheeks were slightly red, she held the little princess's shoulders and said angrily: "You are so grown up, but you still act like a child every day."

"No matter how old you are, you are still a child in front of your mother." Li Chanyue said softly.

"Everyone knows that the matchmaker has had stretch marks and is still a child?" Princess Jinyang pinched Li Chanyue's cheek, hugged her daughter, and said softly: "Then what do you think?"

Li Chanyue frowned and said, "I just rely on my mother to make the decision."

"Is it up to me to make the decision?" Princess Jinyang said softly: "Why aren't you worried about me being snatched away now?"

Who is snatching her away now, and who is Chan Yue going to follow?

Li Chanyue was exposed to the central issue, her pretty face turned crimson, and she said shyly: "Why are you talking about this?"

The eldest princess of Jinyang said: "My mother is just leaving a place for you now. Whether you can grasp it in the end depends on other people's wishes. Moreover, you yourself must be aware of such things."

Li Chanyue hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Mother, I... I actually haven't thought about it yet."

She didn't know what she thought about Mr. Xiao Jia.

Princess Jinyang sighed quietly.

She felt that her daughter might not understand the meaning of getting married at all. It seemed that she had never taught her about it at all, nor asked her grandma to mention it to her. Chanyue had just gotten hairpins, and she had never liked anyone before.

So in Chan Yue's heart, it was probably just like before, they got married, and everyone could still live happily together. She didn't have to get married, and she could play with Xian Ning every day.

"Then think about it slowly, and think that the position in Rongguo Mansion has also been taken away." Princess Jinyang said softly.

Li Chanyue: "..."

Princess Jinyang sighed again.

The reaction was slow, and when she finally figured it out, there was probably no place for her in both Rong and Ning's houses.

Kaifeng Mansion, in the evening, Jia Heng came out of the front office of the Kaifeng Mansion Governor's Office and came to the back hall.

After entering the city in the daytime, Jia Heng ordered civil servants to verify the results of the suppression of bandits in Kaifeng City, and on the other hand met with relevant gentry in the city.

In front of Jia Heng, the head coach of the capital camp, the gentry in the city made blood and tearful accusations against Gao Yue and his gang of thieves for all the atrocities they committed during their occupation of Kaifeng City.

Jia Heng patiently listened to the gentry's cries and comforted him with a few words. During lunch, in front of all the gentry, he said a few words about the traitors and bandits who had to bear blood debts and wanted to be handed over to the judicial department for interrogation afterwards, and they were determined in detail.

The plan to commit crime is followed by the assessment of the results.

"Sir, we're done." Princess Xianning stared at the young man who walked around the screen and entered the back room of the study. She quickly put down her brush and stood up from the Taishi's chair behind the desk to greet him.

In the backyard, the girl changed into a long sky-blue palace dress. Her hair was like a waterfall of green silk tied into a flying fairy bun. Her appearance was beautiful and graceful, but there was a layer of pure and charming beauty between her eyebrows.


Jia Heng nodded, looked at the girl opposite, and asked softly: "How much information have you written about Kaifeng Mansion?"

After entering Kaifeng Prefecture, Jia Heng arranged something for Princess Xianning, which was to sort out the information on the household registration of Kaifeng Prefecture and write a summary, or summary.

If you want to govern a place, you cannot know your household registration, money and food.

Seeing Princess Xianning's beautiful face, she was delighted. Qingyue's voice was pleasant and sweet, and she said, "I have sorted it out. Sir, please take a look."

With that said, he led Jia Heng to the bookcase.

"You've been copying all afternoon, are you tired?" Jia Heng looked at the beautiful girl, came closer, took Princess Xianning's jade hand, and asked in a warm voice, feeling that her hand was slender and soft.

Her own catkins fell into the gentle palm of her sweetheart. Princess Xianning's icy muscles and jade bones were like the jade face of blooming snow lotus. She suddenly saw two blushes quietly floating on her cheeks. The white was slightly red, bright and moving, and her eyebrows were lowered.

In the meantime, he said softly: "Sir, I'm not tired."

"I wanted to rub your shoulders, but since you're not tired, let's forget it." Looking at the rather shy girl, Jia Heng said softly.

Princess Xianning: "..."

Qingzhi was teasing herself again. Under her gloomy eyebrows, her bright eyes as bright as stars showed a hint of shyness and anger. Her voice, as clear as melting ice and snow, was already trembling slightly, and she said in a delicate voice: "Then sir...here...

Let me rub my shoulders, they are a little sore right now."

Jia Heng was startled for a moment, his eyes lingering on Princess Xianning's shoulder.

Just a shoulder rub?

He was afraid that if he rubbed it, it would spread to other places.

But he was also delighted by the sudden shyness in the pretty girl's eyes. He gently hugged Princess Xianning and whispered, "The princess applied medicinal wine to me last time, so I will reciprocate the favor."

The girl was held in Jia Heng's arms. Listening to the gentle words in her ears, her heart felt both shy and sweet. Her beautiful face was as dizzy as flowers, trees and snow. She said in a trembling voice: "No sir, no need."

Excellent service."

Jia Heng said softly: "Actually, I have served you before. Why don't you serve His Highness?"

Princess Xianning: "???"

Turning her pretty face away, she stared blankly into the young man's clear eyes. Their eyes met, and her pink lips twitched. Just as she was about to speak, she saw that familiar shadow approaching unhurriedly, looking a little more like chasing prey than the first time.

The hurriedness became slow and even a bit calm this time, so that Princess Xianning felt the warm breath that was gradually approaching.

Princess Xianning couldn't help but gently close her bright eyes, her eyelashes were curved and trembling, her heart almost rose to her throat, she was both shy and expectant.

Sir... he's going to kiss her again.

Guo felt that his lips softened, and he felt a warm and warm breath coming closer, and then Guancheng was pulled away.

The familiar feeling of falling into the clouds and being dizzy came back again, no, it was stronger than before and even more difficult to control.

Jia Heng tasted the fragrance of lotus flowers in June, but the beauty in his arms seemed to have never seen such a battle before. She let him do whatever he wanted, helpless, and finally collapsed in his arms.

After a while, Jia Heng hugged the soft-bodied Princess Xianning and said warmly: "Your Highness helped you organize the documents and saved me a lot of time. I have no way to repay you, so I can only do this."

Princess Xianning's eyebrows were slightly lowered, her cherry lips were shining, and she said "Hmm" softly. The golden and red sunset shined through the window and shone on her dizzy cheeks, making her look even more beautiful and charming. She let the young man hug her.

He leaned on his waist and smelled his hair and neck.

Sir, do you mean to take this as a reward? Then she will...

Also, Mr. Cai... is he thirsty?

Thinking of this, the girl's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks felt extremely hot, she pursed her lips, but she felt a little thirsty.

"Your Highness, I'm going to take a look at the summaries you made." Jia Heng said softly, sitting on the Grand Master's chair behind the desk, his face calmed down, he picked up the book and looked at it intently.

Princess Xianning suppressed the shame and joy in her heart, picked up the teapot, poured a cup for Jia Heng, handed it over and said, "Sir, have some tea."

Jia Heng nodded, took the tea cup, took a sip, and flipped through the book.

Princess Xianning's calligraphy is delicate and elegant, with sharp and precise strokes. Her choice of words and sentences between the lines also shows her writing skills.

"Sir, the population of Kaifeng Prefecture exceeds one million. Since it fell into the hands of bandits, many tragedies have occurred. How do you plan to appease the people in the future?" Princess Xianning calmed down her previous shyness, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Said softly.

Jia Heng said: "First deal with some criminals and quell the public's anger. The other important thing is civil affairs. If you want to govern the place, you have to read the household registration, money and food information. It is best to find the magistrates of the counties under their jurisdiction to inquire about the civil affairs, etc.

Once things are settled, I plan to inspect all the counties under the jurisdiction of Kaifeng Prefecture and submit a detailed memorial to the Holy One."

The county magistrate of Dahan is in charge of civil affairs, household registration, money and grain expenditure.

Princess Xianning said softly: "The officials of Kaifeng Prefecture are still in Weishi County and Qi County at the moment. They have to wait until tomorrow to come here. However, my uncle was previously the magistrate of Xiangfu County. I will just ask him when he comes."

Jia Heng nodded and said softly: "I have sent people to invite you. I think all the officials will come back to Kaifeng Fucheng tomorrow."

Princess Xianning thought for a while and said softly: "Sir, don't be too worried. When my father heard the news about the pacification of Kaifeng Mansion, he will probably send capable ministers and officials to deal with the civil affairs."

"The officials sent by the imperial court may not be helpful." Jia Heng shook his head and said.

The governor is a province's frontier. If he appoints the right person, he can benefit the people of the area. However, the previous governor of Henan, Zhou Dezhen, was obviously not qualified for the job.

Princess Xianning's beautiful face showed a thoughtful look, and she said softly: "Sir, do you want to stay here to govern?"

What should she do if her husband stays here?

"As a military general, I cannot supervise political affairs here, and the Holy Emperor will not let me stay any longer. Once the rebellion is over and the follow-up pension and aftermath matters are completed, it is time for us to return to the court." Jia Heng explained.

Before he leaves, the emperor will probably ask him about the candidate for governor of Henan, but he currently has no suitable candidate to serve as governor of Henan.

Jia Zheng had just been transferred to the General Affairs Department. He had no experience in local governance and his level was not suitable.

Lin Ruhai is suitable, but he is still patrolling the salt in Southern Province, and even if the salt patrol is successful, it would be better to be transferred to the center.

Shi Ding's words are also feasible. Previously, he had been seeking to be appointed as a high-ranking official in a province. If Shi Ding is allowed to sit in Henan and slowly penetrate his power into Henan, the four major families will originally be in the same spirit.

The reason is not lacking. The chaos in the south of Henan had not lasted long, and bandits often appeared in the Central Plains. Wu Xun, who had an understanding of internal affairs, was urgently needed to serve as a feudal minister and patrol the local area.

Seeing Jia Heng thinking, Princess Xianning did not interrupt and said softly: "Sir."

At this moment, Liu Jixian, a man from a thousand households in fine clothes outside, said loudly: "Sir, Qu Zhenfu is back."

Hearing this, Jia Heng put down the book, looked at Princess Xianning and said, "Your Highness, please wait here for now. I'll go out to meet her."

"Then go ahead, sir. When it gets dark later, I'll ask the cook to prepare dinner for you." Princess Xianning said softly, watching Jia Heng leave.

When there was only one person left in the study, the girl pursed her lips and felt the attack between her lips and teeth, and her cheeks were as hot as fire.

Jia Heng came to the front hall. Qu Lang had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Jia Heng, he quickly stood up and said: "I have seen the governor in this humble position."

Jia Heng looked at Qu Lang and said, "Thank you for your hard work. This time the city of Kaifeng was destroyed, Qu Zhenfu should be the first to do so."

"It is my duty to do so, so I dare not take credit. The Commander-in-Chief has given me too much credit," Qu Lang said, not daring to do so.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and asked: "I heard from Liu Jixian that you found a clue that Bai Lian rebelled against the party."

Mentioning this matter, Qu Lang's face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Commander, according to the soldiers beside Gao Yue, Bailian in the city rebelled against the party and colluded with the bandits to provide him with information about our forces in the capital."

Jia Heng frowned, thinking about the pros and cons, and asked, "It's not surprising that Bai Lian rebels against the party and has many spies in Beijing. Have you ever found any clues?"

Qu Lang looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, Bailian rebels against the party in Kaifeng, Luoyang and other prefectures have branch offices, and they are all over the place. Even the prefectures of Kaifeng now have informants. Today, Beizhi is mainly busy catching

We arrested traitors and arrested more than a dozen."

Hearing this, Jia Heng looked deeply and asked, "Have you been interrogated? Did you tell me what happened?"

"There are no core disciples, but it can be known that the White Lotus Sect is very concerned about the rebellion in the Central Plains, and actively works for Gao Yue to provide intelligence. From the mouths of those rebels, we learned that the White Lotus Saint is active in Shenjing."

Qu Lang said in a low voice.

"White Lotus Saint?" Jia Heng frowned and muttered again. For some reason, he suddenly remembered that the assassin in a bamboo hat who was assassinated by King Zhongshun last year seemed to be a woman.

Qu Lang said in a deep voice: "Sir, the White Lotus Sect is in Lu Di, and that is their home base. I have sent detectives in Jinyi to hide their identities and follow the clues to find out the details of the White Lotus Sect."

Jia Heng nodded and praised: "Well done."

As he said that, he turned to look at Liu Jixian who was standing aside and asked, "Have you sent the military report to Shandong Admiral Lu Qi?"

Liu Jixian said: "When I returned to the governor, after having lunch, I ordered my horse to go to Caozhou. If I encounter Lu Qi's men, I will inform Lu Qi as soon as possible."

"There are also a lot of bandits in Shandong. After Henan takes a short break, the Beijing camp will send cavalry troops to Lu Province to clear out the bandits, big and small, entrenched in the mountains and forests." Jia Heng said solemnly.

In fact, it is just a temporary solution at the moment. As long as the harsh government continues unabated, thieves and bandits will continue to exist.

Thinking of this, he also ordered: "Get on your horse and go to Runing Prefecture to find out. After the matter there is settled, the infantry will be divided into several prefectures, and the cavalry will be sent to Kaifeng Prefecture to discuss the reconstruction of the Henan Dusi Guards Station and

Clean up all provinces."

In the past few days, whether it was Shan Ming in Juyang, Xie Zaiyi in Runing Prefecture, or Kang Shaowei in Huaiqing on the north bank of the Yellow River, they were all clearing out the bandits in Henan.

As for rebuilding the Henan capital's garrison, after the previous battle, the Henan capital was completely destroyed. Afterwards, he wanted to leave a general and recommend him as the commander of the Henan capital to rebuild the local army.

Written by Liu Jixian.

"In addition, let Qi Jianhui of Luoyang City speed up his march so that the infantry can be allocated to guard important areas. The cavalry will soon go south to Huguang to wipe out the bandits and eliminate all evil." Jia Heng said in a deep voice.

According to Emperor Chongping's order, he was also in charge of the military affairs of these provinces, and he could deal with the suppression of bandits first and then report them, so that he could do things expediently.

Seeing that Jia Heng no longer had any orders, Liu Jixian clasped his fists to accept the order and went about his business.

While Ningguo Mansion was receiving congratulations from the Zhen family sisters, in the backyard of Rongguo Mansion, a woman in Jingchai and sarong left Rongguo Mansion and returned to a courtyard on Ningrong Street to hide for a while.

Heading towards the west of the city in the afternoon.

In a manor with deep gardens in the west of the city purchased by a merchant surnamed Wan, there is a study shrouded in a bamboo forest in the southwest corner.

The young man with deep eyes, high cheekbones, and a hooked nose had a gloomy face, his eyes were uncertain, and he said angrily: "The chaos in Henan will be decided in an instant. This Jia Ziyu is really hateful!"

"Sir, the lady is here." At this moment, an old servant came into the room and whispered.

The young man suppressed the anger on his face and said in a low voice: "Let her come in."

Not long after, a slender woman wearing a navy blue dress, with a face as beautiful as snow without any makeup, and cold eyes as sharp as a sword, looked at the young man opposite without saying a word.

"You actually know how to come back." The young man said coldly.

The woman's beautiful eyebrows furrowed, but she did not respond, but sat on a pearwood chair not far away.

The young man's face was gloomy and he said: "Do you know? It's all over in Henan."

"Gao Yue and others acted in a hurry and did not wait for the right time. It is not surprising that they were defeated like this." The woman said coldly.

"It's not surprising!" The young man suppressed the irritability in his heart and said coldly: "You are at Jia's house, why didn't you say that the Beijing camp was already prepared?"

"It's inconvenient. There are Jinyi all around Jia's house. I'm taking risks when I come out to see you now." The woman looked indifferent, pondered for a moment, frowned and said: "Besides, I sent you a message last time about the cavalry from the Beijing camp.

There are signs of preparation for war, but you don’t take it to heart.”

"You..." The young man looked gloomy and was speechless for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he said coldly: "You wasted time at Jia's house, but what did you find out?"

"We have some clues, and we can be sure that the Jia family is related to what happened back then." The woman's face was cold, and if you pay attention, you can hear some fluctuations in her calm voice.

"Stop checking these things. When Jia Heng comes back, you look for an opportunity to kill him. This person is an important minister. He wiped out Gao Yue and others so easily. If we want to achieve great things, we must not keep this person!" Eagle Hook!

The young man with a cold nose said coldly.

The woman looked calm and said, "No, no young men under eighteen in the Jia family can move now."

"You don't think Jia Heng does, do you?" The young man's pupils narrowed slightly and he said coldly: "The age doesn't match up!"

"Age? Who knows if it's fake or wrong by one or two years? Can you tell?" the woman said calmly.

She had several suspects in her mind. Since they were sent to the Yangsheng Hall, it might be the pair of siblings from the Qin family, or it might be Jia Heng who was transferred, or it might be someone inconspicuous in the clan.

The concubine, true and false, false and true, is inseparable from the Jia family anyway.

Otherwise, why would the writing on the psychic jade be the eight words "Don't lose, don't forget, immortality and longevity"?

This is someone who, while laying out doubts about the story, also left a clue for the few insiders like her to investigate the truth.

The young man said angrily: "Who knows whether the baby is a boy or a girl? If it was a girl, your work will be in vain now."

"I have to give it a try," the woman said coldly.

The young man said coldly: "What should we do about Jia Heng? The Beijing camp is now fully capable of fighting. How can we cause trouble in the future?"

"If he is the person we are looking for, and now he is in charge of the capital, isn't it a good thing? Maybe we can get revenge and clear our reputation without betraying our royal bloodline." The young woman said softly and coldly.

"Absolutely impossible!" said the young man.

Not to mention the problem that it is not the case, even if Jia Heng is really the crown prince’s heir, he cannot be!

This great man's country belongs to him.

"We have to investigate. It's too early to say this now." The woman said expressionlessly.

The young man said angrily: "Still investigating? Is it because I was waiting for you to investigate some grandson, and I wasted the opportunity? Otherwise, the Central Plains would be in chaos. What a great opportunity?"

The woman's gaze under her sword-shaped eyebrows was as sharp as a sword. She looked at the hook-nosed young man as if she were looking at an idiot, and sneered: "You don't really think that by responding to Henan, you can expect great things, do you?"

Before the young man could speak, he said coldly: "Gao Yue and his group were wiped out by tens of thousands of cavalry troops from the Beijing camp without even a splash. Even with our people, they couldn't accomplish anything. They were nothing more than a splash."

It’s just that the imperial court spent more effort. To say the least, even if both sides suffer losses, it will only destroy the country in the end, and I don’t know who will benefit from it.”

The young man's face was full of anger, and he snorted coldly. He had to admit that there was a certain truth.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited until now.

"Finding the grandson, then contacting those old subordinates who are interested in the prince is the right way." The woman said coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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