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Chapter 591 Jia Heng: Therefore, Your Highness is better off for the sake of your daughter.

 Kaifeng Fucheng

As the imperial edict was issued, Jiaheng was given the title of Minister of the Ministry of War and assigned to the governor, and all the officials in the governor's office were greatly shocked, following the tall and tall young man in butterfly robes who re-entered the official hall.

In fact, even if the Emperor's Sword is present in person, it cannot be used at any time.

Especially among civil servants, the more they are used to exercise power, the worse the perception of civil servants will be.

As time goes by, the reputation of military generals being domineering will spread in the officialdom of the scholarly community.

Moreover, even though Emperor Chongping originally granted Jia Ban control over the military affairs of the five provinces, he did not grant all relevant political powers to Jia Ban. This was a subconscious reservation of a mature emperor.

Names and instruments cannot be faked from others.

As for Jia Heng's status as an imperial envoy, he was just an imperial envoy responsible for the suppression of bandits. For example, the imperial envoy who supervised the salt inspection was not likely to ignore the special duties because a commoner blocked the road and complained about injustice, and became a judge.

Of course, when an imperial envoy passes through the border, local officials will definitely treat him with great respect and treat him like an angel.

Nowadays, the governor-general's military and political affairs can be regarded as legitimate. Although the governor-general position assigned to Jiaban at this moment is a temporary assignment, he can still intervene in river affairs to a certain extent.

Jia Heng glanced at Jiang Yuanwu, the earth-colored right-hand political advisor, with a cold look, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the common people are enslaved by thieves and bandits, and they follow the thieves because the people have difficulty in making a living due to the drought and the emperor.

Secondly, officials in prefectures and counties are committing lawlessness, and it is difficult for the people to redress their grievances! From now on, the Desi Division dispatched officials from the Department of Justice, escorted by soldiers from the Beijing Camp, to patrol the prefectures and counties, accept complaints of grievances from people in counties and townships, and inspect lawlessness.

At the same time, the officials of the Quan Division were unjust to the common people who had turned themselves into thieves. They cooperated with the government officials to record the incidents, open cases for investigation, and investigate the crimes of the criminals who oppressed the common people. The law will be investigated for thirty years! "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Deputy Envoy Liao Mingxian and Xue Liangyi, the Inspector of Jin Affairs, changed, and they already had a premonition that a bloody storm was brewing.

This is an iron-fisted minister who has just wiped out the bandits and is in the heart of the emperor!

Jia Heng took in the changes in everyone's expressions and said in a deep voice: "Any official who is a daughter-in-law, and the officials protect each other, I will never condone the adoption of a daughter-in-law!"

To govern the Central Plains, he planned to start from two directions

First, drought relief, combined with money and grain relief, and statistics on household registration and disaster damage, can solve the people's livelihood problems to a certain extent.

The second is judicial litigation to identify wrongdoers.

Unfair justice is the greatest social injustice. When people cannot resort to justice, they will no longer trust the government. Then when thieves and bandits join forces, people will naturally respond to them. At this point, it is necessary to deal with thieves and bandits

With the clues provided by Mr. Ding, we have thoroughly investigated corruption and illegal deeds at the county and township levels in Kaifeng Prefecture and even the entire Central Plains.

Conduct a thorough cleanup of the gentry and village tyrants who have been entrenched in counties and villages for a long time, confiscate their ill-gotten wealth to the government, and return all their fields to the oppressed people.

They compiled their crimes into a record of evildoers and announced them to the world.

In the end, batches will be killed and batches will be shut down, and the physical purification of grassroots officials and gentry will be achieved. Then, the honest and upright officials who are unwilling to join in the corruption will naturally be selected and move to the corresponding positions to fill the quota.

This is to punish the country and use heavy codes!

As for the squire and village tyrant, will he take risks? Tens of thousands of troops from the imperial court are here to suppress them. These are not just decorations...

Will he complain to the court through various channels? No, because dead people will not complain!

What is a feudal official?

The high official in the border areas is clearly misusing evil policies, openly trying to save people's lives, openly deceiving superiors and concealing inferiors, and manifesting authority and misfortune. They dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

It's not just that ordinary people have no energy, but when the iron fist hits, everyone is equal, and the government is even more ruthless when it comes to punishing their own people!

Why can evil officials be so unscrupulous and even rise to prominence, but honest officials are so scrupulous that they can hardly move forward?

Because good people are too shameless, good people are not despicable enough, and good people are not ruthless enough!

He is a dignified minister, and he uses judicial and prison litigation to establish lawful and well-founded evidence. He vigorously investigates local lawlessness, and then uses peace and order to bring justice to the people and governs the province with an iron fist. Who dares to rebel?

Yes, who is the biggest accomplice in provoking the civil uprising.

The fact that the provincial government's governance was broken by the civil uprising can only explain a problem. It is rotten from top to bottom. The administration needs to be severely rectified. Since the problem cannot be solved, then the people who caused the problem must be solved.

Only after great chaos can there be great order.

And he also has this confidence: he has just succeeded in quelling the rebellion, he is favored by the Sacred Heart, and the governor-general and military administration is so powerful that now even the cabinet must avoid his sharp edge.

In addition, Xianning was asked to help write diaries about purging officials and appeasing the people, as well as evil reports on related judicial cases, and delivered them to Emperor Piao Ping by express delivery, so that the emperor could feel in person what kind of dire straits the people were enduring and why.

Be rebellious and follow the thief.

If the people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?

He then wrote a summary of the rectification of the administration of officials. There were no ignorant people in the court. At that time, upright officials would be inspired to follow them. Although the number was not large enough, it was a new force, which just made up for his weak foundation and weak power.

Jia Heng suppressed his thoughts and looked at Song Xuan, a young man of twenty-six or seventeen years old with a long figure. He said in a deep voice: "Song Magistrate, you are the magistrate of Xiangfu County.

Knowing this very well, he immediately organized civil servants to interrogate the people who had turned themselves into thieves and asked them why.

If the report is meritorious and verified, the sentence of hard labor can be reduced. The above-mentioned clues will be recorded in a book and discussed in detail. This matter will be handled as a top priority. After the matter is completed, I will recommend Song Magistrate to Kaifeng Prefecture.

Having a relative of the state take charge of this matter can, to some extent, share the criticism from the court.

In fact, apart from the fact that the officials were unhappy with this matter, the people would only applaud and applaud it, and the original Mr. Ding was determined to actively report it in order to reduce his sentence.

As for whether it is possible to completely eliminate officials? As long as the soil that breeds flies is still there, it is impossible to completely eliminate flies. However, only a few flies can be killed by swatting them.

Song Xuan's face moved slightly, he cupped his hands and said, "I would like to obey your orders.

Uncle Song Xiaoguo, after getting along with Jia Ban these two days, was deeply impressed by the vigorous and resolute actions of the young man in front of him. Jia Ban turned to look at the two feudal divisions and several county magistrates under the jurisdiction of Kaifeng Prefecture.

There are two political counselors in the vassal, the left political counselor Liu Anxing died together with the chief envoy Sun Long, and currently there is only the right political counselor Jiang Yuanwu, and there are three counselors, including the governor of food, the governor of registration, and the governor of various branches.

The desk department is headed by Liao Mingkun, the deputy envoy for inspection, and there are two people who oversee gold matters below.

Kaifeng Prefecture Yin and related officials such as Zhizhong and Tongpan were kidnapped and killed by bandits after the city was broken...

As for the capital, not to mention all the people, even if there are survivors, because they have the responsibility of guarding the land, they will be questioned for their crimes, sent to the capital, and severely punished according to the law.

Jia Heng said: "Everyone, there is chaos in the Central Plains. The bandits are shouting and people are gathering in all directions. It can be seen that local corrupt officials and evil gentry are arrogant and oppressing the people. It will not stop until the people's resentment boils and public opinion becomes fierce. Today, I can

What should we do if we suppress and arrest the bandits again tomorrow and the common people rise up again to respond?"

All the officials present looked at him with doubts and doubts, and their hearts were filled with unspeakable horror. They were already shocked by the courage that this young minister revealed in just a few words.

Feng Lian narrowed his eyes slightly and thought secretly, this is to redefine the longitude and latitude and rebuild the world.

That is what this young man who wears the Emperor's Sword and is the favorite minister of the Holy Emperor can do.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Jia Heng glanced at Jiang Yuanwu and said in a deep voice: "Jiang will hand over the affairs at hand, and I will send someone else to take charge of the river affairs."

Jiang Yuanwu's expression changed slightly, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom of his heart. He did not dare to refuse, so he could only cup his hands and say, "Yes, sir."

At this time, it was different from the fact that Jiaban had only been supervising the army as the commander of the Jingying Festival. After all, he was now the governor-general's military and political control platform, and both the Fan and Quan divisions were members of the governor.

Jia Heng looked at Jiao Jingxing, Magistrate of Weishi County, and said: "Mr. Jiao County, please immediately send people to make statistics, verify, and register the drought situation in Xiazhou County, Kaifeng Prefecture. At the same time, register and register the surnames of the people who have no food and clothing."


Jiao Jingxing's heart was shaken, and he raised his hands and accepted the order.

Jia Heng then assigned tasks to the three counselors, and then sent away the officials from the feudal table and the two departments. He said to Liu Jixian: "Notice is opened."

Those who fail to do so will be severely punished!" Investigate the lawlessness,

The dredging of the river will begin in Kaifeng Prefecture. After the pilot is completed, it will be implemented throughout the province. After everyone left, Jia Heng looked at Feng Lian and said solemnly: "Mr. Feng, I wonder how the recruitment of military doctors is going?"

Previously in Luoyang, Jia Heng asked Feng Lian to help find doctors, purchase medicinal materials, and help diagnose and treat injured soldiers in the Beijing camp. Feng Lian smiled and said, "Thirty-seven people have been hired with a lot of money, and now they have all entered the city.

Under the arrangements of the generals in the capital camp, we helped the soldiers and civilians in Kaifeng City diagnose and treat external injuries."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Mr. Feng really helped me a lot."

As he spoke, he looked at Feng Lian with burning eyes and said softly: "Feng Gong is in the prime of his life and is in the prime of life. Why doesn't he come out to relieve the imperial court?"

From this purchase of military supplies and other supplies, we can see that Feng Lian has good organizational skills.

Feng Lian sighed and said, "I am old and frail, with little moral ability and little talent. I cannot bear the heavy responsibility. Besides, I still have an old mother at home who needs to be taken care of."

Why didn't he want to be re-appointed? He only had the title of civil servant, and he was a relative. The man in Shenjing City didn't have much trust, and was even far inferior to the young man in front of him.

In fact, even relatives like Song Xuan were not as trusted by Emperor Chongping as Jia Heng. It can be said that there was no comparison at all.

Jia Heng pondered for a moment and said: "Nowadays, there is no one to supervise the river affairs. If Feng Gong does not give up, he can be conquered by me and supervise the river affairs. He can use the officials to dredge the branch canals along the Bianhe River. For example, both sides of the Bianhe River are fertile fields.

, it can also benefit the people of the Central Plains."

According to his estimation, he would stay here for two or three months at most before returning to Beijing. During this period, he would need to start various undertakings...

After that, he recommended Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, to be the governor of the people.

Government, continue his various measures here, so that this land in the Central Plains can be temporarily brought under the devil's control.

There is no need to doubt whether Marquis Zhongjing will listen to him. When he transfers Shi Ding, who is obsessed with the position of feudal official, Shi Ding has no choice but to listen to his arrangements if he wants to secure his position.

The four major families are connected by the same spirit. Even Wang Ziteng, from the beginning to the end, only thought about himself as the person in charge, and never thought about letting the four major families fall apart and kill each other.

As for Feng Lian, if he wants to govern the Wei and Zheng dynasties, he still needs the help of the Feng family.

Feng Lian hesitated for a moment, as if hesitant.

Jia Heng smiled and said: "I hope Mr. Feng will not refuse. If the river control is successful, I will ask the Holy Master for credit for Mr. Feng." Feng Lian smiled bitterly and said: "Then I would rather obey your orders than to be respectful.

"Actually, I'm still a little excited.

Jia Heng nodded and said: "In order to repair the river, in addition to the punishment of hard labor for the bandits, I plan to use the work as relief, and use the first-time men as labor labor, and no longer distribute corvee labor to ordinary people."

As for where the money for the work-for-relief program comes from, it is from the hands of corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry.

By cracking down on illegal activities at the bully level, and then confiscating land, houses, and property, the underlying purpose of clearing land and inhibiting land annexation is achieved.

This is all talk but no action, imitating the ruthless officials of the Han Dynasty who cut off the strong and powerful. Of course, these are the small bosses, and the big bosses are still the Wei and Zheng vassals. These two Qing dynasties will bring great governance to the Central Plains, but they need to borrow strength.

The previous recovery of arrears of grain taxes was only the first step, and the reduction of clan salaries and the inventory of annexed fields were the second step. Feng Lian nodded, accepting the errand, and then went to work with a few scribes.


After Jia Ban finished handling the affairs of the front office, he returned to the back hall with a silent expression. It was just around noon, and the girl with a slim and graceful figure was already preparing vegetables in the wing of the back house.

When she saw the young man in butterfly clothes who had entered the wing, Princess Xianning was happy. She put down the chopsticks in her hands and asked in surprise: "Sir, have you finished your work?"

Jia Heng nodded and raised his eyes to look at Princess Xianning. Xianning wore a plain white and pink dress today, which was a bit more cool than usual, such as green and sky blue. She was quite cute and playful, but jade

The face is clear and bright, and at this point, the elegant temperament almost penetrates into the charm of the eyebrows and eyes.

Her hair is pulled up into a fairy bun, her earlobes are decorated with earrings, her face is covered with snow, and she is coated with a light amount of brain fat. The lips under her nose are like peach blossoms, and under her smooth and delicate chin, her neck is sculpted with icy muscles and jade bones.

Clear water.

A woman likes her appearance. Xianning no longer looks bare-faced in the past two days.

They all put on light makeup.

"Sir, I heard from Xiahou that there is an imperial decree from the emperor?" Princess Xianning also looked at the young man opposite, and saw the young man looking at her, her heart was full of joy, and she said happily.

In the past few days, after discussing in the front office, Jia Ban would often return to the backyard to talk and eat with Princess Xianning, just like lovers.

Jia Heng nodded and said: "Your Majesty has given me the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, granted me the military and political power of the Governor, and allowed me to regulate this place."

While he was talking, he came closer and said with a smile: "The food cooked by His Highness today is quite rich, and His Highness's craftsmanship is getting better and better."…

Thanks to Concubine Duanrong's good education, Xianning is not only good at singing and dancing, but also good at cooking. Princess Xianning's bright eyes were filled with smoke, and she chuckled: "Sir, go wash your hands quickly."

Jia Ban agreed and came to the washstand nearby.

Princess Xianning said softly: "Sir, do you want to stay here to comfort me?" "Probably not. I will stay here for two or three months at most. After all the affairs are initially settled, the Holy Father should call me back. In fact, I am here."

We can't do much, so we can only make a start and find someone reliable to take over later." Jia Heng stopped washing his hands, picked up the hand towel on the side and wiped them, and said warmly.

It is impossible for a military minister like him to stay away from the political center for a long time.

So, if you want to intervene in local government affairs, you can only control personnel and general direction.

To put it bluntly, there are still too few talents in the arm, or in other words, before gaining absolute say in side affairs, there is no chance to win over talents and intervene in local internal affairs.

What she is doing now is just an attempt to reform the bad government in the name of investigating illegalities, and at the same time, she is neglecting personnel matters. Princess Xianning thought for a while, her beautiful eyes flashed with smoke, her pink lips were slightly opened, and her voice was like flying springs and flowing jade, and she said


"The internal affairs are not repaired, corrupt officials are rampant, and the people have no livelihood. Things like what happened to Gao Yue will happen again. Yesterday I talked with my uncle and my aunt. The evils in the place are so deep that they have reached the internal organs.

Even if my uncle was in Fuguo County and wanted to do some practical things, there were many constraints. Instead, because of his national authority, he was worried about his colleagues and superiors, and was not allowed to stretch his hands and feet. "

Jia Heng nodded, looked at Princess Xianning with admiration, and said with a smile: "Your Highness is right. You are really right to bring Your Highness here this time."

It is really rare for a female prostitute to have such insights.

Princess Xianning felt a mix of embarrassment and joy when Jia Heng looked at her with admiration and affection. She licked her pink lips, her beautiful brows and eyes were full of seriousness, and she said in a clear voice: "Sir, if you are always in charge of this place, I think you will be able to bring great peace to the Central Plains."

, it was a pity that Guanzhong Ping Fan was just a husband who had to be separated from his father. As time went by, she felt that he was really a genius who had not been born in hundreds of years, and he was good at almost everything, including military affairs and internal affairs. However, when she thought of such a man, she actually

He is her lover. Thinking of this, the joy and embarrassment in my heart becomes more and more uncontrollable, and waves of sweetness surge up. Speaking of which, she also wants to thank Chan Yue,

Jia Heng was silent for a moment, with a bright light in his eyes, and said: "Things have their own priorities. Border dangers are the top priority for our Han Dynasty. The most urgent task now is to interrupt the momentum of establishing slaves to rejuvenate the country, so that we can have enough energy to eradicate the long-standing disadvantages and reopen the country for the Han Dynasty."

, peace for all eternity.”

Hearing this, Princess Xianning's face was charming and her bright eyes were shining. She looked intently at the young man's solemn face. Unspeakable admiration welled up in her heart. She gently took Jia Heng's hand and leaned Qin's head against it.

In Jia Heng's arms, Jia Heng said foolishly: "Sir, it's a pity that there is only one Mr. in the world."

If it weren't for my husband's incompetence, maybe we could all work in parallel.

Jia Heng stretched out his hand and hugged Princess Xianning's slender shoulders. He smelled the fragrance of Princess Xianning's hair between his nostrils and felt a little lost.

Jinyang and Xianning always gave him the feeling that the political brains of the old Chen family were all born in the female relatives. "Perhaps this is the style of the Dream of Red Mansions. Today, people are busy and accomplish nothing, but suddenly they think about everything they had back then.

Woman, after careful examination and comparison, you feel that her actions, actions, and knowledge are all superior to mine?…

Jia Heng thought about this, gently supported Xian Ning, and couldn't help but sigh: "How wonderful would it be for Your Highness to be a man and have the body of a son?"

Princess Xianning: "???"

What do you mean sir?

Sir, don't you?

Immediately, I realized, it’s not that

It's a meaning, but my thoughts are a bit complicated. I put my face against Jia Heng's heart frequently, feeling the strong heartbeat, and said shyly: "If I don't become a daughter, I can't stay together with you, sir~"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a shadow approaching, and the familiar breath came in again, and his two petals were soft and soft.

Princess Xianning's heart beat brightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, hiding a shy shadow, her face was often crimson and dyed with clouds, and she was gorgeous.

A thought flashed through my mind. In the past few days, my husband had kissed her every time she disagreed. It seemed that he never got tired of kissing her, and it felt different every time.

Sometimes it was like a gentle breeze and drizzle, and sometimes it was like a violent storm. The two of them had passed each other countless times in the past few days.

The relationship between the young man and woman who had just fallen in love had grown rapidly. Jia Heng gently grasped the sweetness, but Xian Ning was still a little shy. Although he occasionally responded a little, he mostly still suffered passively.

Thinking of this, put your hands down from your shoulders.

Xianning was immersed in a dizzy state like drinking fine wine, when suddenly there was a "thump" sound, like being struck by thunder, and he felt a strange feeling coming from his front, and his delicate body suddenly trembled, and he hugged tightly

Jaban's waist.

Fangxin was so ashamed, sir, how could he touch her there?

"So," Jia whispered after a while, next to the girl's earlobe, which was as red as blood. "So, Your Highness, it is better for your daughter to be pregnant."

I just took the measurements and found that not only did the old Chen family's brains grow on the two princesses, but Xuezi also gave in.

Princess Xianning: "..."

He snorted and was about to get angry, but the young man leaned down again.

After a while, Princess Xianning could no longer control herself. The tenderness of a young girl still remained on her plump and shiny lips, and the electric shock-like feeling made her body soften into mud.

Jia Heng hugged Princess Xianning, sat down on the rusty pier, held her slender hand, and said with a chuckle: "Your Highness, it's noon now, let's eat food first."

Princess Xianning's face was as hot as fire, and she said "hmm" in a voice as loud as a mosquito's fly. It seemed that she was still not freed from the trembling pain just now, but she was just leaning against Jia Heng.


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