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Chapter 669 Emperor Chongping: If Jiaheng forms a party, it is also my party

 Hanyuan Hall

All the officials in the palace were waiting for Emperor Chongping to read the memorial.

Emperor Chongping read the list and found that there were five or six people, all of whom were officials of the imperial court with good qualifications and good qualities in recent years.

At this time, the imperial government, the central officials, and the chiefs of other provinces and vassals were all recommending examples. Therefore, there was no problem in the resume. Not only were there Yude, the censor of the Zhejiang Party Youqiandu, and the minister of Taichang Temple.

Guo Yongchang, Minister of Justice Cen Weishan, Jiangnan Admiral Zhuang Guangjie, left deputy imperial censor Peng Ye of the Qi Party, Imperial College sacrificial wine Liu Yuzhong, and Shandong Chief Envoy Jing Daoyu.

Emperor Chongping said expressionlessly: "Let several ministers and ministers take a look at it and discuss it."

In terms of personnel matters, Emperor Chongping was always willing to listen to the opinions of his ministers, at least on the surface. Dai Quan responded and began to take the memorial and circulate it among the nine ministers.

In fact, beforehand, the list was agreed upon by the officials and officials, and it had been circulated among the ministers and officials, so they had some understanding of the qualifications and conduct of the relevant officials.

Emperor Chongping glanced at the ministers below and said: "The Central Plains has been in chaos. The governor of Henan and the officials of the Fan and Zhen divisions will select honest and self-responsible officials to supervise Henan to avoid further chaos. They will also be handed over to the Military Aircraft Department.

Let Uncle Yongning and Shi Qing take a look."

The middle-aged emperor said this and winked at Dai Quan who was standing aside.

All the ministers in the palace were stunned and looked at each other. They recommended the candidate for the governor of Henan. Shi Jie, the Minister of War of the Military Aircraft Department, could understand after reading it, but what did it mean to show it to Uncle Yongning, who was only a martial artist?

This seems to be against the ancestral law, right?

Jia Heng was not surprised. He took the memorial and read the names on it. He frowned and looked darkly for a few times. It was clear that this list was a balanced list of the two parties in Qi and Zhejiang, and even the name of the recommended leader was written after.

According to the regulations of the Han Dynasty, "It is advisable to order the officials. From now on, the court recommends that together with the nine ministers, they must consider and adhere to it, and do not just make promises. The names of the recommenders should also be recorded to make it clear that the ancestors sit together and do not report personal relationships."

In other words, recommendations are mostly real-name recommendations. If there is a problem with the relevant responsible person, the recommender will be held accountable.

In the promotion rules of the Han Dynasty, with the exception of the three ministers of the ceremonial household, who were more expensive than the governor, the other ministers were actually half a rank lower than the governor in the promotion sequence. In other words, the governorship was mostly transferred as part of the Mokan transfer.

Jia Heng wrote down the names and various information, and with an idea in his mind, he handed the memorial to Shi Jie, the Minister of Military and Aircraft who was standing aside.

After the ministers below read the memorial list, they began to discuss it privately.

Emperor Chongping said: "There is a vacancy for the governor of Henan. What opinions do you have on the candidate chosen by the Ministry of Civil Affairs? Can you speak freely about it?"

Just like the "Huidian of the Han Dynasty": "Whenever there is a vacancy, the emperor will gather the nine ministers in charge of the department and the road. They will gather in the east of Que, the nine ministers will stand in the west, and the department will stand in the north. They will select the ministers and give a speech to recommend the vacancy.

, discussing the merits and demerits of virtue and foolishness."

At this time, Ke Dao was the first to speak. Zong Hongliang, the censor of the Fujian Dao Dao, held the wat board, cleared his throat, and cupped his hands and said: "I would like to inform you, Your Majesty, that I am a humble minister who will die for hearing about it. Guo Yongchang, the Minister of Taichang Temple, has a frivolous character.

He has little talent and weak virtues, and cannot bear the responsibility of being a minister in the border area. I have impeached him many times and asked the Holy One to look into it."

The minister of Taichang Temple, Guo Yongchang, was criticized by the courtiers for his behavior when the minister of the Ministry of Industry was vacant, and now it is considered that the old matter has been brought up again.

Emperor Chongping glanced at Guo Yongchang, who was ashen-faced, and said: "Guo Qing has no experience in serving in any local government. With all his experience and experience, he can be the chief envoy of a province. It's just that the southern part of Henan is experiencing chaos and is in urgent need of officials who can manage affairs."

To appease a little,"

I won't use Guo Yongchang for the moment, just because he is from Zhejiang and has no special talents. Looking at it, all the civil and military officials in the dynasty are from Zhejiang. At this time, a person came out from the Kedao train, and he was obviously from the Li Kedu.

Hu Yi cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that after the great chaos, there will be great governance, and we will use kind and generous elders to control Henan, implement benevolent governance, educate and nurture, so I think that Liu Yuzhong, the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine, is quite famous among the scholars.

He can be the guardian of Tianmu and patrol Henan."

As Hu Yi opened his mouth, other leaders began to comment on the names on the list. However, the parties concerned would not refute them on the spot out of fear of suspicion, causing the court to fall into an unsightly controversy.

Jia Heng listened to the bickering between the Qi and Zhejiang parties in the lower room. Anyway, he had some understanding of the dispute between the Qi and Zhejiang parties.

The more the emperor wants to achieve a balance of power, the more intense party struggle will be. However, if he does not pay attention to region and origin when selecting officials, he will face new problems.

This was a chronic political disease of the Chongping Dynasty and an almost unsolvable political problem.

After that, Ke Dao discussed each candidate. Of course, everything was discussed, including official reputation, talent, conduct, and even the family tradition of the family members, citing scriptures.

Jia Heng felt sleepy after listening, but the emperor was sometimes thinking, sometimes nodding, and sometimes frowning. Although he was not as expressive as the good voice teacher, he still showed to the ministers the image of a wise king who accepted advice with an open mind and opened up his mind.

After Ke Dao spreads the discussion, it starts to enter the discussion among officials of third rank and above.

Officials at this level undoubtedly need to speak more calmly. Generally speaking, their tone is lukewarm and there is a hidden meaning behind the scenes.

First of all, Pang Shilang, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, spoke: "Your Majesty, as Yong Ningbo, the former governor of Henan's military affairs, said, the officials are greedy and cruel, the people's livelihood is resentful, people's hearts are corrupted, and hiding from each other is evil. Therefore, the humble ministers think that they want to govern the Central Plains.

"Wei first emphasized the administration of officials, and Shen Si Weichen thought that he would choose the capital to inspect the local area and restore discipline. Peng Ye, the left deputy capital censor, is an upright official and as clean as water. It is appropriate for him to patrol Henan and eliminate the accumulated abuses."

Jia Heng glanced at Pang Shilang and felt strange in his heart. In order to enhance his persuasion, he roped him in to endorse.

When Pang Shilang returned to the train, Wang Shu, the minister of Dali Temple, came out and said with cupped hands: "I thought that the previous war in Henan Province was so fierce that the vitality of the officials, soldiers and people was greatly damaged, and people were panicked. I thought that Liu Jiujiu could be sent to the governor of Henan Province.

, to calm people’s hearts.”

Liu Yuzhong, who served as a wine liberator at the Imperial College, was also a member of the Qing Dynasty and could be regarded as an elite scholar in the north.

At that time, Fang Huan, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, came out of the class, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the Governor of Jiangnan, Zhuang Guangjie, is the minister of the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing. I think it is more appropriate for him to patrol Henan and preach in places."

Emperor Chongping looked silent and did not comment, and asked: "One talks about the capital constitution and the other talks about academic officials. I think Henan still needs to employ people according to the time and place, and select honest and capable officials to govern. Mr. Yang Ge, you are the head of the cabinet. I think


Yang Guochang was startled for a moment, then said in a clear voice: "The words of the Holy One are from a high position. I think that the situation in Henan can be settled, and the priority is to be gentle and appeasing. I think that Liu Yuzhong, who is offering wine in the Imperial Academy, is worthy of a great responsibility. Please accept it from the Holy One."

"Xu Qing?" Emperor Chongping's expression remained unchanged. He turned to Xu Lu, the censor of Zuodu, with a clear look in his eyes, and asked, "Does Xu Qing have any opinions on the candidates submitted by the Ministry of Personnel?"

Xu Lu's face became solemn, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I believe that the governor of Henan should choose honest and upright officials to serve as governors. Whether they are Du Xian or other officials, they all care about the livelihood of the people."

After listening to this, Emperor Chongping nodded, looked at the ministers below, and said: "What Xu Qing and Yang Qing said is reasonable, but it still needs to be judged based on the reality of the situation in Henan. After all, the situation in Henan has been determined, and the army in the capital camp has been determined.

Henan withdraws."

With that said, he turned his questioning gaze to Jia Heng and asked: "Yongning Bo was once the governor of Henan's military affairs. He has a deep understanding of the situation in Henan. He has just pointed out the current shortcomings in the administration during his term of office. Now, does he have any good opinions on the selection of governor?"

Just as Jia Heng figured out the holy intention, Emperor Chongping asked Jia Heng. This is almost conceivable.

When the rebellion in a province has settled down, it is normal to ask the former governor who should succeed him, but Emperor Chongping can ask, but after Jia Heng comes back, he cannot take the initiative to mention who I think can be his successor, or even seek an internal decision, otherwise he will lose his ministers.


General He Nian recommended a list of people to Yongzheng, and Yongzheng looked at it with a mysterious smile on his lips.

As soon as these words came out, Han Huang, the Second Assistant to the Cabinet, frowned, his elegant face looked solemn, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. Shi Ding, who was on the train from the Military Aircraft Department, had already tightened his hands on the Wat Board, and his heart had already

When I mentioned my throat, I felt so nervous the last time. It was the last time. Because of my meritorious service, I was awarded the title of Marquis of Wu. At that time, I was in a high-ranking official position and was very high-spirited.

Jia Heng held an ivory jade wat in his hand, coughed, and stepped out of the class train. When he raised his eyes, young Wu Xun's eyes were as bright as stars. His clear voice sounded throughout the hall. Qing Yue said excitedly: "Your Majesty, what I did is what I did.

, different."


As soon as the words came out, all the officials in the palace were shocked. Is it different?

Because this means that Jia Heng does not recognize the list in the official newspaper, but recommends other candidates. But as a martial artist, shouldn't you keep silent and dare to make random remarks?

Yao Yu, the Minister of Rites, frowned and took the lead. He raised his hands and retorted: "Your Majesty, according to the imperial court's rules, Wu Xun and the Governor's Office of the Five Armies do not discuss the candidates for the border ministers, because they regard military and political affairs as two separate things. There is a difference between civil and military affairs. I think that

The Holy One just asked Uncle Yong Ning, but it is really inappropriate. I ask the Holy One to take back his words."

The errands of governor and governor were originally an extension of civilian politics, used to control military affairs with civilians. Of course, Wu Xun and the Governor's Office of the Fifth Army can jointly discuss the candidates for high-level military commanders such as commander-in-chief and admiral.

Emperor Chongping looked indifferent and said slowly: "During the Taizong Dynasty, the governor of Ningxia had a vacancy. Taizong summoned Jiuqing, Kedao, and the five military governors to discuss the vacancy. By the time of Longzhi, the governor of Xinjiang ministers was recommended by the court and discussed together, and it gradually became a rule.

At that time, people thought that the governor was more concerned with civil affairs and did not ask about military achievements. However, Henan was experiencing war and there were many wastes waiting to be promoted. How could the governor be selected without asking about military achievements in suppressing rebellions? Kuang I set up a military department and did not choose civil and military services.

With the ministers assisting in military and state affairs, and the selection and appointment of governors of a province are related to the military and state, why not consult the ministers? In terms of Jiuqing, Yongning Bo was awarded the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was also the Great Jiuqing, which did not go beyond the canonical system."

The so-called Dian system is actually an administrative system inherited from Taizu and Taizong. It was fixed in the form of "Dahan Huidian" in the Longzhi Dynasty, but "Dahan Huidian" does not mean that it cannot be revised in the Chongping Dynasty.

For example, the system of the Military Aircraft Department must be written into the "Hui Dian of the Han Dynasty" to make it a law for future generations. Yao Yu, the Minister of Rites, was a little dumbfounded for a while and stood there, looking hesitant.

The expressions of the officials in the palace changed, and their minds were racing with thoughts. Han Huang frowned, and a cold look surged in his eyes.

What he was most worried about happened. The emperor treated the military department and Yongningbo as his confidants and obeyed his advice. If things went on like this, the imperial code would be corrupted and there would be endless troubles.

Emperor Chongping then looked at Jia Heng and asked, "Jia Qing, please speak freely."

Jia Heng's face paused for a moment, and he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the war in the Central Plains will be settled, and we still need to be careful to prevent the resurgence of the bandit Xiaoxiao. Wu Xun can lead the troops and take charge of the enemy police. Now the director of the Military Aircraft Department, Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding Laocheng Muguo

, and because of his military merits, he was promoted to the highest level of military service, and he was able to hold the important task of appeasing the Central Plains. For example, he could be the governor of Henan and sit in the Central Plains. When the people of the Central Plains are at peace, he could then take over as a civil servant."

This is because there has just been a rebellion in the Central Plains, so it is really reasonable and reasonable for a martial artist to stay in charge for three years to prevent the incident. However, as soon as this statement came out, the ministers in the palace caused an uproar and whispered among themselves.

Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding? Who is this?

Oh, this is Wu Xun, because he is stationed in the Central Plains to prevent bandits from gaining momentum, which makes sense. No, isn't this an in-law of the Jia family? Do you really want to promote the virtuous and not avoid relatives?

However, the previous recommendations made by the two parties in Qi and Zhejiang were similar.

However, Yang Guochang's eyes were full of anger, he held a wat tablet in his hand and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I think that Uncle Yongning's selfish desires are too strong, but what he said is really unacceptable!"

The son’s wolfish ambition is clearly revealed!

Most likely, Mr. Xiaoge had a solemn and upright look on his face: "The female official has jumped out on her own!"

Of course, he is the chief minister of the cabinet after all, and the phrase "excessive selfish desires" has already aroused people's imagination and expressed his consistent opposition.

Shi Ding was originally excited when he heard Jia Heng recommending him on the train at the Military Aircraft Department. After hearing this, the veins on his forehead were beating and his heart was filled with anger. This old Mr. Yang had done something bad again!

At this time, a censor held a wat tablet, his eyes flashed, and seeing a rare opportunity, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, I, Hu Guangdao Jiang Xing, impeach Yongning Bo and snare his cronies for evil intentions. I ask your Majesty to punish him severely."

At this time, another official came out from the department and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have sent a memorial to Wei Hongda who was involved in the incident. Yong Ningbo appointed a private person and had the intention of forming a party!"

All of a sudden, several more Ke Dao censors came out to echo.

Among them, Tang Song, the censor of Shanxi Dao, spoke more fiercely. He cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Uncle Yongning is the head of the Jia family, and the Shi family is an in-law of the Jia family. Uncle Yongning recommends Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, to be the governor of Henan and to control the place. What do you want to do?"


As soon as this statement came out,

Peng Ye, the deputy censor of the left deputy capital, glanced at the censor of Shanxi Dao who spoke, and secretly said, "It's really hit the nail on the head, what do you want?"

However, at this moment, he was a person recommended by the court and could not interrupt. Moreover, Yong Ning Bo's holy family was prosperous, so it was not easy for him to confront Yong Ning Bo directly.

Han Huang looked indifferent, as if he had expected this scene.

If Wu Xun intervenes in the governor's court, a group of people will surely attack! This is a political rule. No matter who you are, you will definitely be ridiculed by the current discussion.

Without him, as Jia Heng was granted the title of Yong Ningbo and became the Minister of Military and Aircraft, his power increased day by day, and he was destined to be criticized by civil servants. These civil servants even scolded the chief minister of the cabinet, so they would not treat Jia Heng differently. Now we see

When Jia Heng recommended Shi Ding in the governor election, he undoubtedly got an opportunity and rushed to criticize him.

The two parties in Qi and Zhejiang were also quite dissatisfied with Jia Heng's interference in the governor's personnel affairs. The military aircraft department was set up to interfere in key affairs, but they could tolerate it for the sake of state affairs.

Of course, because Jia Heng did not communicate with Han Huang, who was in charge of the Ministry of Personnel, he rejected the candidate proposed by Han Huang. Of course, it was impossible for Jia Heng to communicate with him. Otherwise, with Jia Heng's current status, even the deputy ministers of the cabinet would look after him. It is really

What a deception.

Jia Heng looked happy and fearless, and turned a deaf ear to some of the noisy voices in the palace. In the past, he had to fight with the scholars and spray them one by one. Now, with his position as an assistant minister of the military, he was a little embarrassed when he sprayed them one by one.


It would be serious to scold him back later.

When Qin Ye, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, saw the scene of shouting and killing in the palace, he frowned and his eyes showed worry.

Jia Zheng looked equally worried. He looked at the young man in python suit and opened his mouth, wanting to support him, but he vaguely felt that the time was not very suitable. Otherwise, the criticism of "Jia Heng formed a clique" by some censors would be confirmed.

Waiting for the impeachment to stop in the palace, Jia Heng faced Emperor Chongping who showed no signs of anger or anger above him. He raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, what I have done is out of a public spirit! Henan has been initially decided, and Wu Xun still needs to be in charge, otherwise the future will come.

What if it causes trouble? As for those heart-breaking words, they are really nonsense and not worth refuting! They are limited by the difference between civil and military affairs and neglect public affairs for private purposes. They have the heart of a fox and use themselves to save others.

Referring to a deer as a horse, it is a filthy rumor! There is a smoky air, and a nest of snakes and rats!"

As he said that, his eyes glanced at the Kedao censor who had just started to get excited, and finally his eyes were fixed on Yang Guochang's face. Some of the Kedao censors' faces turned black, and they felt an evil fire rushing to their foreheads.

Referring to a deer as a horse, it's a slanderous rumor! There's a smoky atmosphere, a nest of snakes and rats? Is this a martial act?

The scolding was harsher than what they just scolded.

In particular, the words actually rhymed with "refute, 诼, nest", which can be described as cadence and ups and downs, just like the clanging of swords. When Jia Zheng saw this, his heart was excited, and Ziyu, as always, would rather break than bend.

Here, Emperor Chongping looked livid, looked at the officials who bowed their heads and said nothing, and shouted: "Today's discussions are all national affairs. How can science and education speculate and make heart-breaking remarks? Just like Jia Heng's party,

Those are also my followers and the wings of my country!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a hurricane blowing through the Hanyuan Palace. The ministers felt as if they were struck by thunder, their hearts were shaken, and they all looked at the young man and Emperor Chongping with complicated eyes.

My followers are the wings of the country! Such words are simply unheard of in ancient times. I am afraid that they will be recorded in the history books in the future and become a good story about the relationship between the king and his ministers and the great success.

And don't they become buffoons? Well, this?

Xu Lu, the imperial censor of Zuodu, also had a complex look on his face. He glanced at the young man in python suit with sword-shaped eyebrows and bright eyes. The emperor actually said one thing right, they were all imperialists.

Han Huang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was filled with a thick haze. What could the emperor do with his sincere admiration for Yong Ningbo? Jia Heng's face was also shocked, and he looked at Emperor Chongping who was sitting on the golden chair, and his cheeks appeared in time.

The color is red and the mood is agitated.

This sentence is almost like what Yongzheng said to Tian Wenjing, who was also the governor of Henan, "I am such a man, such a character, and such an emperor."

Jia Heng's face was shocked, and he bowed with great ceremony, his voice a little choked, and said: "The grace of the Holy Lord is unprecedented, and I am so frightened that I shed tears of gratitude and don't know what to say."

Emperor Chongping saw the reaction of the ministers and the young man below, waved his hand, listened to the choking voice, his heart moved slightly, and he was a little proud of the talent's words, his eyes couldn't help but become gentler, and said: "Get up

Come on, Uncle Yongning, just do what you want and don't worry about gossip."

Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, was originally a high-ranking military officer. He previously served as the director of the Military Aircraft Department, but he was somewhat unworthy of his talents. Now, it is not inappropriate to appoint him as the governor of a province to suppress Henan after civil unrest.

As for Ziyu's formation of a party, there were even more vicious criticisms. If Shi Ding'an, the loyal marquis, was transferred to the key departments such as the Beijing camp, there would still be murmurings. But now that he is transferred to Henan, what is the best place for the Han ministers to do?

Officials from top to bottom are all civil servants.

Moreover, Ziyu always abides by his duties as a minister. Not only did he drive the troops after the triumph, but he said that the Jinyi Mansion was used for the war against the captives, so he did not touch the system of five thousand households in the Jinyi Mansion.

What's more, this is my son-in-law.

Jia Heng's face was slightly shaken, and he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Shandong Bailian is sneaking around and inciting the people to rebel. Bandits are still causing trouble in Shandong. If I don't use martial arts to be in charge, I may be in danger of resurgence. I will use martial arts to be in charge.

, If the Holy One has another suitable candidate for martial arts, it can be easier."

Nowadays, there is actually no suitable candidate like Shi Ding. His recommendation is really not a random recommendation.

Because, after a little observation, no matter in terms of seniority or age, among the important personnel of the Military Aircraft Department, Shi Ding is really not as suitable as him.

Shi Ding was in his early forties, he was in the prime of life, and he was a martial artist who was awarded the title of Marquis for his meritorious service. The purpose of his previous training in the military aircraft department was to recover. Even if he did not take action, Shi Ding would surrender to the emperor.

Of course, there is also a bowling Hou Shi Nai who is also suitable. He is now on his way back to Beijing.

He even thought that Emperor Chongping might not have had the idea of ​​using the Shi brothers. After all, the two men did release the feudal officials. Although it was because of Yuanchun's concubine Prince Teng taking charge of the army, it was enough to show that the Shi brothers did want to do something.

Very useful.

Emperor Chongping thought about Jia Heng's words, was silent for a moment, and said: "Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, was granted the title of Marquis for his meritorious service in the Northwest War. His talents are worthy of those of a general. It is indeed appropriate for him to pacify the Henan and Jingsui areas.

Where is Jinghou Shiding?"

Compared with some civil servants who were not skilled in military affairs, Shi Ding, the Marquis of Zhongjing, was indeed "extraordinary in talent" because he was awarded the title of Marquis based on his military merits.

"The humble minister is here." Shi Ding said with an excited look on his face as he came out of class. He suppressed the excitement in his heart. After all, he was a prince of the country, so he still had this bit of determination.

"Marquis Zhongjing is a military figure of the imperial dynasty. He has no previous experience in pastoral care. As a governor of Henan, how should he manage the place?" Emperor Chongping stared at Shi Ding and asked in a deep voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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