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Chapter 772 Jia Heng: Have you been jealous in the past two days?

 Ministry of Household Officials and Yamen Association

As Jia Heng's words fell, the official hall fell into a brief silence. Several salt merchants looked at each other, thinking about the impact of Jia Heng's words on them.

Wang Shouqi was very anxious and asked: "Master Jia, doesn't this mean that everyone can receive the salt sales fortune?"

Are we really going to cut all the seeds and draw out the firepower?

Jiang Tong, Xiao Hongsheng and others also had panic expressions on their faces. Everyone could get salt by ticket and could not help but sell it. They were salt merchants, how could they profit from it?

Jiang Tong also argued hurriedly: "Master Jia, as a result, the salt from the Lianghuai Salt Fields is being bid maliciously, and I'm afraid that the imperial court will become increasingly unable to collect tax money."

Huang Rishan also echoed: "Yes, with such disordered production and marketing, it was chaotic and running on each other. How could the court collect tax money at that time? I'm afraid it would be like the salt tax in the Ming Dynasty, which was more than one million taels a year."

After the establishment of a self-exclusive system for importing merchants to the shore, the tax revenue during the Longzhi period had reached the level of more than 6 million taels per year. Four million taels were paid to the state, and part of it was retained as operating capital for salt merchants.

Jia Heng raised his eyes and looked at Wang Shouqi and Jiang Tong, with a sharp sword-like gaze and a hint of scrutiny, and said: "Mr. Wang, even if you switch to the method of selling salt, you salt merchants who have been here for hundreds of years have sufficient capital and deep foundation. Even if thousands of sails compete, , we can compete at the top, so why should we be afraid?"

In fact, there was an idea of ​​restructuring at the beginning, but it was obviously not in line with the actual situation. However, with the popularity of the salt voting method in the world, Yangzhou salt merchants were destined to step down from the stage of history.

"In this way, the salt benefits are dispersed to the people and the price is low. How can the state call for tax payments?" Qi Kun hesitated for a moment, and asked with a layer of gloom in his heart.

This conflicted with the inherent concept of monopolizing high prices since Guan Zhong, but the abolition of the monopoly of salt merchants was precisely the consensus of people of insight at the time.

Because of the salt merchant's wealth and extravagant life, officials who had studied hard for ten years would frown upon seeing him. In the past, due to the lack of returns on donations and the fact that the salt transport envoy was a relative of the emperor in the palace, the incident never occurred.

Jia Heng said: "Firstly, small profits but quick turnover. Secondly, the court can collect taxes after the salt is produced and before it is sold to prevent Huai salt from being unsalable in the market. At the same time, it can appropriately control the price, area, and time limit of the salt to patrol." The Censor of Salt supervises the personnel and finance of the Transportation Department, and urges the provincial governors to arrest smugglers in a timely manner and crack down on smuggled salt. There are many detailed rules. I have compiled a booklet for everyone to read, brainstorm, and discuss. Big plan."

As long as the production end is controlled and the huge profits of salt merchants are eliminated from the salt production end, Huai salt can be sold all over the world. Then it is equivalent to the tolls on the road being collected as taxes by the state instead of being monopolized by salt merchants. And the fate of the salt transporter is treacherous.

When the new salt law becomes popular in the world, the deficit of the Salt Transportation Department over the years will have to be thoroughly investigated. At that time, who else will pay attention to the fate of the four former general merchants?

No matter how much money you owe the court, you will have to pay it back one by one in the future!

Qi Kun took the book delivered from the Experience Department and began to read it attentively. Tan Jie, the Minister of Household Affairs, and Lin Ruhai, the Inspector of Salt Patrol, each took out a copy and began to read.

Wang Shouqi also took a book and started to flip through it. When he saw the words on it, he felt his eyebrows beating wildly and a feeling of impending disaster descending from the sky.

It is not just the so-called cost reduction and efficiency improvement, but also the deprivation of monopoly rights. What is the use of the salt general merchant in the court? The century-old prosperity of Yangzhou salt industry will be like a passing cloud.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they also had an indescribable emotion in their hearts.

Because of Jia Heng's status, he doesn't say what he says, but it's basically a done deal, and the rest is just some minor fixes.

Lin Ruhai looked at the details of the salt law reform on it and said: "Three joint votes, one vote stub, one vote for reconciliation, and one vote for salt. This method is complete, and can be used to hide the lies from the superiors and the inferiors, and prevent the slightest step in lining one's own pockets."

“After the restructuring, the Salt Patrol Censor’s Yamen went to the site to supervise, and at the same time, a third-party quarterly review was carried out on the accounts of the Salt Transportation Department. The Ministry of Accounts and the Ministry of Internal Affairs printed salt stamps, so that one salt, one vote was traceable. ." Jia Heng said thoughtfully.

He introduced the Ministry of Household Affairs because he did not want to increase the resistance to the reform. Otherwise, Qi Kun and civil servants would oppose it and return the interests of salt and iron to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How would the Ministry of Household Affairs handle itself?

Moreover, the corruption problem in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is no less serious than that of civil servants.

Qi Kun twirled his beard with his hand, nodded and said: "I have heard of this salt-drying method. I heard it is much cheaper than the frying method, and the sea salt obtained is clean and pure. Previously, the Lianghuai Salt Farm was worried about affecting the official salt and making the kitchen workers unemployed. , so it is a pity that this method was not adopted.”

Jia Heng said: "The method of drying salt is more effective than the method of frying salt, which relieves the suffering of kitchen workers. As for the impact on official salt, the quality and price of salt will be almost the same as that of private salt in the future, and the transportation companies will no longer have to hinder them." This is the way.”

Qi Kun pondered for a moment and said, "This method seems to be somewhat feasible, but I don't know how much money it can collect."

Jia Heng said: "Let's try it out for a year to see the effect, but the Gangyan method is not feasible."

Upon hearing this, Qi Kun nodded, as if he agreed, and then said: "It is mentioned in Yong Ning Bo's charter that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the operation of the Salt Transportation Department. Can it usurp the authority of the Ministry of Revenue and deprive the treasury of revenue?"

Jia Heng pondered and said: "Before the reform, Liu Shengzao was also a relative of the emperor. After the reform, the Salt Transportation Department will be operated by personnel sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the annual quota of tax money will be sent to the Ministry of Household Affairs, which will also be supervised by personnel sent by the Ministry of Household Affairs. This way the accounts will be clear and don’t make the distinction between inside and outside.”

When Qi Kun heard this, his expression paused, and he thought about the pros and cons.

For example, when it comes to the benefits of salt and iron, it is impossible for the royal family not to have a hand in the past dynasties, and it is unrealistic to not allow the royal family to intervene at all.

Jia Heng raised his eyes to look at Tan Jie, the Minister of Household Affairs, and asked, "What do you think, Minister Tan?"

Tan Jie was also thinking about what Jia Heng said last time about recommending him to be the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He looked at the book and thought about it. After hearing this, he quickly said: "The original Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs only printed salt quotations, but now it is responsible for the salt affairs. Do you want to choose another one?" Should we send a commissioner to be in charge, or should the Minister of War be in charge?" Xie said.

Isn’t Nanjing’s Ministry of Household Affairs the biggest winner from this revision of the Salt Law?

Jia Heng looked at Tan Jie with a strange look and said, "Did Mr. Tan misunderstand? What I said before was that the Ministry of Household Affairs in Shenjing sent a clerk to the transportation department in Huaidu and Huaidu to assist in official affairs, and it was jointly operated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Nanjing The Ministry of Household Affairs only prints salt stamps in conjunction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is responsible for verifying the salt prospecting."

What are you thinking about?

Tan Jie: "..."

Qi Kun looked at the charter in his hand and said: "Uncle Yong Ning, although this method is feasible, it still has disadvantages. If things go on like this, there will still be a tendency that the Department of Transport will not be able to lose its control. The Ministry of Household and Internal Affairs will work together to seek personal gain from it."

Lin Ruhai took over and said: "As stated in the regulations, the Yangzhou Salt Academy Censor can independently audit production and sales, salt invoices, and finances on a quarterly basis."

Jia Heng looked at Qi Kun, who was thinking non-stop, and said thoughtfully: "Besides this method, does Mr. Qi Ge have any other methods?"

As for the subsequent corruption issues caused by the infiltration of the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the Salt Transportation Department, we will just discuss it with Jinyang at that time.

Qi Kun was silent for a moment, speechless.

If the method of opening the middle is restored, the border affairs and salt affairs can be solved at the same time. However, as times have changed, the method of opening the middle is indeed out of date.

Lin Ruhai said: "The three parties of Qi Ge Lao, Yan Yuan, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Ministry of Revenue can check and balance each other and eliminate corruption."

The possibility of officials from the three systems colluding in corruption has also been greatly reduced, and there is a basis for using salt stamps to verify the salt tax.

Jia Heng nodded and said: "It is impossible to completely eliminate corruption. We can only monitor it from time to time to reduce the impact of corruption."

With that said, he looked at Qi Kun and Lin Ruhai and said: "If there is no objection after a few more days, we will draw up regulations and report them to the court. Yangzhou Salt Affairs has been delayed for too long since the beginning of the year."

At this moment, no one asked the salt merchants for their opinions because there was no need.

After it was decided to change to the salt ticket system, the eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou had been completely swept into the trash can, and the rest were left to their own devices.

Then, Jia Heng discussed with Qi Kun, Lin Ruhai, Tan Jie and other officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs, as well as the Salt Transportation Department and others, the details of the salt voting method and the division of powers between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

After finishing the meal, Jia Hengxiang sent Lin Ruhai to the ferry.

"Uncle, if you don't want to go to Jinling, stay for two more days and go to the house to see your sister." Jia Heng asked.

Lin Ruhai smiled and said: "I won't go. The new salt method is very popular. The affairs of the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Department are complicated. I need to go back and take charge. Besides, didn't I just meet Yu'er a few days ago?"

My daughter is in the Ningguo Mansion. I heard that she went hiking a few days ago. The frail appearance she had when she was a child seems to have been alleviated a lot. Xie

According to the previous division of responsibilities, before the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a commissioner, Qi Kun took over the Salt Transportation Department on behalf of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Lin Ruhai, as the Salt Patrol Censor, sent someone to supervise it.

Jia Heng said: "I plan to take Sister Lin to Gusu to see my aunt in two days. If my uncle is free, I can go with him."

Lin Ruhai sighed and said: "I went there once during the Qingming Festival. It just makes me sad. You and Yu'er can go and have a look."

When Jia Heng heard the words, he nodded in agreement, escorted Lin Ruhai all the way to the boat, and watched the boat sail away to the north of the Yangtze River.

"Master Lin really believes in you." Chen Xiaomu said sarcastically.

Jia Heng turned to look at Chen Xiao, calmed down, and asked: "Have you been jealous in the past two days? Your words are sour."

Meeting the boy's playful gaze, Chen Xiaofang felt a sense of shame deep in her heart, her eyes were covered with frost, and she said coldly: "That's nonsense."

Jia Heng said: "Okay, let's go back."

As he said that, he headed towards the horse tied to the willow tree next to the ferry,

After a moment of silence, Chen Xiaoning frowned, followed Jia Heng, and reminded: "These salt merchants are very worried during the dinner, and there may be troubles again. Do you want to send someone to keep an eye on them?"

Jia Heng took the reins from the guards and said seriously: "We have sent people to keep an eye on him, but they won't come blatantly. They will probably have to wait and see for a while to see how the trial of the new salt method goes. If the new method is frustrated, what will happen to them?" They will definitely make noise again."

There are now only four of the eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou. If he dares to carry out assassinations and collude with salt lords after he supervises the Jiangnan and Jiangbei camps, he would be really stupid.

The only thing they are doing now is to wait for the failure of the new salt law, and then take advantage of the rising public opinion to mount a mass attack and counterattack.

Chen Xiaodao: "The tax and bank deficits in the fifteen years of Chongping have been basically verified. When did the investigation begin in the Longzhi period? The Guo family has already received rumors in Suzhou."

"He is the consort of Princess Kuaiji and needs me to visit him in person. I have sent Jinyi's guards to Suzhou to monitor him. He will arrive in Gusu in a few days and have a talk." Jia Heng said, "Actually, your aunt is here to deal with it. It would be more appropriate, but she is still on the road at the moment."

Jinyang set off about ten days ago, but we won’t see her for another month. I really miss her.

In Jinling City, at the foot of Qixia Mountain, there is a mansion with green willows and white walls and deep gardens. It is Wang Shouqi's private estate in Jinling.

At this moment, the four major merchants in Yangzhou all looked gloomy.

Huang Rishan looked at Wang Shouqi and sighed: "Everyone can become a salt merchant, how can we do this business?"

Jiang Tong said angrily: "Abolish the system of monopolizing merchants to divert shores. Brother Wang, this court treats us as chamber pots and throws them away when we are no longer in use. I think back then, the salt tax was only 1.2 million taels, which made our ancestors work hard to help us." By the imperial court's marketing to various provinces, by the time of Longzhi, the amount could reach more than six million taels. In addition to the silver paid to the treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Salt Transportation Department could also keep more than one million taels."

Huang Rishan sighed and said: "Nowadays, everyone has become a salt merchant. When my profit in a year is not as much as the previous one, it is time to find another way to make a living."

Listening to Jiang Tong and Huang Rishan's complaints, Wang Shouqi frowned, his face looked dejected, and he said in a pale voice: "This is going to cut off our roots. From now on, we will be able to make salt by banknotes. We will no longer earn any profit every year. In the past, I was not afraid of making up for the shortfall, but now that I have lost my position as chief merchant, if things go on like this, I will be in trouble."

Huang Rishan laughed at himself and said: "At first, Huang thought he could redistribute the Yanyin from other companies, but he didn't expect Uncle Yongning to be so ruthless. He was going to ruin the pot!"

"When he accepted the military salary that we donated to pay for our service, he was not ambiguous at all!" Hearing this, Jiang Tong looked ugly and said: "The Yangzhou Salt Industry is self-indulgent, and we will all be the sinners of the Yangzhou Salt Industry in the future. "

Huang Rishan said, looked at Wang Shouqi and said: "Brother Wang, you should think of a way."

Wang Shouqi shook his head and said: "I have nothing to do. Now the person in Chonghua Palace completely ignores the salt affairs. Now we are forcing the cow's head to drink water. If we don't drink the toast, we will have to drink wine as a fine."

Huang Rishan thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said: "Old Wang, why not think of a way? King Qi didn't say he was willing to help before."

At the beginning, because the King of Qi cut off his titles to make up for the shortfall, the Yangzhou salt merchants contributed a lot of effort, and the King of Qi also promised to protect the salt merchants.

Wang Shouqi was silent for a moment and said: "The Prince of Qi County can't speak in the court now."

In his previous relationship with Prince Qi, he was betting on the future of his Wang family, and Prince Qi could not count on it in the short term.

"Where is Mr. Shen?" Huang Rishan turned his eyes and asked.

Jiang Tong frowned into the character "Chuan" and said, "Master Shen has just been dismissed from his post, how can he dare to speak for us again?"

"We had some friendship with the Zhen family back then." Huang Rishan said, even though he felt it was not appropriate, he said: "But now that the fourth master of the Zhen family has been defeated, the Zhen family is like a Bodhisattva crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect itself."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Because, I suddenly discovered that at some point, the backers who could be relied upon for help had various problems.

In fact, after being repeatedly weakened by Jia Heng, the salt merchants are now meat on the chopping block. Whether they want to be cut into minced meat or into golden cartilage is just up to Jia Heng's will.

Apart from jumping over the wall in a hurry, there is no way to create a big storm.

In the Daoguang period of parallel time and space, Tao Shu, the governor of Liangjiang, executed a great salt lord, and then dismissed the officials of the Lianghuai Capital Transfer Department. The Yangzhou salt merchants, who were in panic all day long, had no choice but to seek help from the Minister of Military Aircraft, but the Minister of Military Aircraft Cao Zhenyong "understood the righteousness deeply" and completely lost his opinion.

Now a military man with a heavy army is personally supervising the rectification of the salt affairs. This is undoubtedly bullying.

Wang Shouqi's old eyes narrowed slightly and said: "No matter Prince Qi or Master Shen, they are unable to compete with Uncle Yongning now."

Xiao Hongsheng became more and more frustrated as he listened to the talk of several people. His eyes flashed and he said: "Mr. Wang, as Uncle Yong Ning said, even if we change to the method of voting and salt, and use the capital of several companies like us, we will be able to do it." Striving for the upper reaches does not necessarily require taking desperate risks and resisting the general trend."

Wang Shouqi was silent for a moment and said: "What nephew Xiao Xian said is not unreasonable. We have sufficient capital and are stronger than ordinary people."

In fact, he was still worried about something in his heart. Is the recovery of the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Department really going to stop here?

So much money was confiscated from the Cheng, Ma, Bao, and Huang families, and it fell into the eyes of the imperial court. Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts. Is it possible that the imperial court was not moved at all?

However, it is difficult to discuss these hidden concerns with the other three companies, and on the contrary, they cannot be explained clearly.

"We need to transfer some more disciples out. It's hard to stay in Jiangnan." Wang Shouqi made up his mind.

Most of the large amount of property cannot be transferred out. The guards of Jinyi Mansion were keeping a close eye on them, but the younger members of the clan took some valuables with them, leaving more avenues for escape and a chance to make a comeback.

While the four general merchants in Yangzhou were thinking about countermeasures, at the same time, in the back hall of the Liangjiang Governor's Office, Shen Fang listened to the salt affairs discussion and regulations from his staff, and was silent for a long time, saying: "With the method of selling salt by bank ticket, if people go to collect tickets to buy salt one after another, will it cause the price of official salt to drop and erode the source of national tax revenue?"

If so, the public opinion in Jinling was in an uproar at that time. Amid the opposition, if he took over the salt affairs and turned the tide, he might be able to regain the favor of the Holy Family.

"Master Zhitai, I heard that you have to pay a certain tax to get salt with salt stamps. The salt you buy with one stamp is not something that ordinary people can buy, and there are also areas for selling it. As a result, the personnel who originally stacked the bed frame houses have to pay a certain tax. Once it is cleared up and all the money is gone, the price of official salt will be greatly reduced, and it will sell well in Jiangnan, Jiangxi, Huguang, and Henan provinces. It is not known that the taxes and money collected will increase significantly." Bai Sixing was silent for a moment and reminded.

Lu Chaoyun said: "Dong Weng, this plan is to gather everyone's efforts to reduce the floating fee, abandon the general merchant and collect salt to benefit the Salt Transportation Department."

Shen Fang pondered for a moment and said: "These are all unknowns. Let's wait and see what the results are."

After saying that, he looked at Lu Chaoyun and asked, "How is the public opinion among scholars in Jinling now?"

"After yesterday's appointment of Yongning Bo as the Crown Prince's Taibao, the number of impeachment memorials issued by Jinling City's Zhongke Taoist officials has been greatly reduced. They seem to be...scared." Lu Chaoyun frowned.

Hearing this, Shen Fang said coldly: "You really can't count on these people!"

Bai Sixing consoled him: "Dong Weng, now is the time when Uncle Yongning is gaining momentum. It is normal for them to be wary. However, after this incident, if there are people in the court who are dissatisfied with Uncle Yongning, they can wait until Uncle Yongning is here." There were some differences in the military and political affairs in the south of the Yangtze River. At that time, we worked together to drive Yong Ningbo back to the capital."

When Shen Fang heard this, his expression changed for a moment and he sighed.

He didn't know it, but he was unwilling to do so and was a treacherous person.

Zhen Family Manor

In the flower hall in the backyard, Zhen Yingjia, Zhen Shao, Zhen Xuan and others were sitting together. Not far away was Princess Chu Zhen Qing.

After Zhen Yingjia listened to what Zhen Jue said, he looked at his third brother Zhen Xuan and asked: "Third brother, you are well versed in the affairs of merchants and merchants. How is the law and regulations of salt voting better than the method of diverting merchants to the shore?" ?”

Zhen Xuan is in charge of all businesses of the Zhen family, and even helps Zhen Yingjia sort out the account books of Jiangning Weaving Bureau and Hangzhou Weaving Bureau.

At this moment, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed: "Brother, this is a wonderful method. It reduces floating expenses and Huai salt sales are huge. Our Zhen family can also purchase salt stamps and travel to various salt provinces. If we make a profit, we can also make up for the weaving bureau." deficit." Xie

A bright light also flashed through Zhen Shao's eyes under his brows. He raised his eyes to look at Zhen Yingjia and said, "Brother, this is a very good thing for me to say."

With the death of Mrs. Zhen, the Zhen Yingjia brothers already knew that the biggest problem for the Zhen family was the huge deficit left by Jinling Tiren Academy. Moreover, Mrs. Zhen also confessed some details to Emperor Chongping in a memorial before her death.


Because the amount of the deficit was huge and it involved the Emperor's southern tour, the Zhen family could not get the money by selling things. No matter how much the deficit was filled, they should at least actively fill it and give the palace an attitude.

Zhen Yingjia looked at Zhen Qing who was sitting aside and asked, "Qing'er, what do you think?"

Under Zhen Qingyun's temples, on her charming and beautiful face without makeup, she could see a look of contemplation. She turned around and said softly: "Father, I think that since the Secretary of Salt Transport said, no matter who

Everyone can get salt by ticket, so naturally our Zhen family can do the same, and with the size of our fleet and manpower, we can transport salt from the Huaihe River to Huguang provinces, and we can get an extra million taels a year, which can be easily filled by then.


In fact, the salt voting method does not limit people, and the Zhen family has long wanted to get a share of the salt industry. However, the Lianghuai Capital Transfer Department and the eight major merchants had already cut the cake, and the Zhen family was not in a good position.


Now is the chance.

Zhen Yingjia nodded and said: "In the next two days, you and your sister will go to Ningguo Mansion again and ask Ziyu what his regulations are."

Zhen Qing said softly: "Father, Brother Heng, after finishing his errands in the south of the Yangtze River, he may go to Suzhou. The Yangzhou Yanyuan Yamen is probably in charge of the salt affairs."

Zhen Yingjia asked: "By the way, will your sister also go to Yangzhou together? Or will she just live in Ningguo Mansion and never come back?"

Yesterday, after Zhen Qing returned, she felt that she was exhausted, so she went back to her courtyard to wash off her dust. She asked the female official to tell Jia Heng about Zhen Xi's acceptance, but she was rather vague.

Zhen Shao and Zhen Xuan looked at Zhen Qing with doubts in their eyes.

"Ziyu also agreed to accept it because he felt pity for sister Xi'er. Regarding the second uncle's affair with her, we still have to wait and see if there is a war, otherwise the officials of the Department of Science and Technology will gather together to impeach her." Zhen Qing said softly.

Zhen Shao's eyes twinkled and he said, "Nowadays, there are many people in the city who are impeaching Ziyu. If you go to court to seize love, it will be easy to get the truth."

Zhen Yingjia felt a little happy and nodded: "Yes, the Zhen and Jia families are family friends. I'm afraid that they will fall into the eyes of others and gossip."

Seeing the joy on the faces of her father and several uncles, Zhen Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and said with relief: "Me and... I also mean the same thing. If there is a war, then the love will come back."

It is logical that even if there is no war, we have to wait until there is no high-ranking general in the Jiangnan camp, and my second uncle happens to be on the road to help Brother Heng deal with the bandits."

Everyone in the Zhen family nodded slightly when they heard this.



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