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Chapter 852: Become a Marquis, be a Marquis! (Please give me the moon)

 Dahan, Shenjing

Jia Heng was standing on the deck at this moment, wearing a black and red satin embroidered sitting python robe. His face under the wingless crown with a mountain shape was as cold as a knife in the cold wind, and his eyes were as bright as a falcon.

The boat approached the ferry and a plank was lowered from the side of the boat.

Jia Heng got off the boat, surrounded by the guards in Jinyi Palace. When he saw the middle-aged emperor standing under the yellow umbrella canopy, with the stars over the moon, his face showed excitement at the right time. He walked a few steps quickly and came close.

, bowed to each other and said, "I have seen your Majesty."

"Ziyu." Emperor Chongping looked at the young man, and when he met his eager and "admiring" eyes, he felt a little stirred in his heart. He stepped forward and supported the young man's arm and said, "Ziyu, long time no see."

Ziyu went south this time, first rectifying the salt affairs, then reorganizing the Jiangnan camp, repelling the bandits, and capturing the Jurchen prince alive, one by one, almost like a magic sword, cutting down the mess in the southern province.

Well organized.

You must know that he had just put an end to the chaos in the Central Plains this summer and presided over the flood fight and rescue operations. It can be said that he was running back and forth non-stop and had no time to keep warm. Not to mention that there was a good harvest of sweet potatoes in the Central Plains, which solved the food crisis of the Han Dynasty in one fell swoop.


The atmosphere of the Han Dynasty has been very different since then. Internal worries are gradually disappearing, foreign troubles can be eliminated, and ZTE will be revived one day!

Why did he just come out to greet such a minister with such great power?

Where were the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty when trouble struck?

Jia Heng also had some excitement on his face and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Not far away, the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty, who were shivering in the cold wind, saw this scene where the monarch and his ministers were getting along with each other like a fish in water. Their eyes changed and their expressions were incomprehensible.

There are those who are envious, there are those who are jealous, and there are also those who are resentful!

When King Wei looked at the two people who were talking, he felt a surge of unspeakable envy in his heart. His father treated Ziyu as his son-in-law even more affectionately than he did as his son!

Song Jing frowned, her eyes dimmed for a moment, and the third uncle of Princess Xianning sighed in her heart.

They are also relatives, but they are very different.

Jia Heng said: "Your Majesty, Prince Jurchen and the eighty-five bannermen of Zhengbai Banner have been escorted to the capital and are on the boat."

With that said, he winked at Li Shu, the bodyguard of Baihu.

At this moment, another ship full of palace guards and soldiers also docked at the shore. Under the escort of the Jinyi palace guards, Duduo and several Jurchen generals got off the ship with shackles and heavy shackles, and headed towards the city gate tower.


Duduo was disheveled at the moment. Through his messy hair, he looked coldly at the Han Dynasty monarchs and ministers, with a sneer on his lips. These courtiers were already interested in peace talks and even wanted to release him.

Han Ting is indeed like this!

Along the way, in order to strengthen Duduo's will to survive, or prevent Duduo from committing suicide, Jia Heng did not block the public opinion of the Han Dynasty, but showed Duduo some newspapers to read, so that he could understand the Han Dynasty.

trends in the DPRK.

Duduo naturally learned about the wars and disputes in the Han Dynasty.

The guards of Jinyi Palace are currently preparing prison cars for Duduo and other Jurchen prisoners, and escorting them to the capital.

This suddenly attracted the attention of the courtiers present. Except for the Jurchen envoys the day before yesterday, many Han officials even saw so many Jurchen bannermen and Jurchen princes for the first time.

Even Yang Guochang couldn't help but take another look at Duduo, seeing a hint of gloom in his old face.

I cursed in my heart, barbarian!

Han Huang also looked at Duduo, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the person. Is this the Jurchen Prince Duduo?

Compared with the calmness of several cabinet ministers, some officials from the Six Ministries and Offices in Beijing and officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate were not so calm and relaxed, whispering to each other:


"That should be the Jurchen Prince Dodo."

"Guoru Jingzhong is talkative. He is tall and has eyes as fierce as a wolf, almost like a bear and a wild beast."

Some officials were discussing among themselves, and their original resentment over being frozen in the cold wind had dissipated a lot.

Just seeing the Jurchen Prince reduced to a prisoner in such a state of embarrassment meant that this trip was not in vain!

In fact, this also reflects to a certain extent the complex perceptions of Chen Han officials towards the Jurchens. It would not necessarily be true to say that they did not have any hatred at all.

The previous good news about the capture of the Jurchen Prince was just words. Of course, the feelings brought by it were not as visually impactful as the scene, which shocked the Han court officials inexplicably.

It greatly satisfied the self-esteem of the Central Plains Kingdom.

Since the 27th year of Longzhi, for a period of 20 to 30 years, Chen Han had been retreating steadily under the Jurchen offensive, and almost never achieved a decent victory.

It can be said that it goes from one failure to another.

At this moment, the Jurchen prince and a large number of Jurchen prisoners were already alive in front of their eyes, and the sense of impact undoubtedly made the courtiers excited.

Regardless of the differences in national policies regarding war and peace, it has undoubtedly greatly stimulated the confidence of the civil and military ministers of the Han Dynasty as a great nation.

The weather cleared up and the rain stopped, and the Han court officials thought it was OK again.

Wang Shu, minister of Dali Temple, was nearly sixty years old, with gray hair and an inexplicable color in his sunken eye sockets. He sighed with emotion: "It has been like a dream for thirty years, and the sound of victory suddenly came from the south."

During the great defeat of the Han Dynasty during the Longzhi period, Wang Shu was still supervising the affairs of Shanxi Province. At that time, the Jurchens invaded the country on their own behalf and the situation was urgent. He once went to organize young men and strong men to help defend the city.

Zhao Yi, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, who was standing next to him, was very handsome. Hearing Wang Shu's words, his elegant face was filled with excitement and he said: "Mr. Wang is right. This is my first victory in thirty years."

It's probably a complicated mood, like "it's suddenly reported that a tiger has been crouching in the world, and tears suddenly fall like a downpour".

Xu Lu, the censor of Zuodu, also stared at the young man, his face moved, and his eyes filled with thoughts.

No matter what, Yongning Bo Jiaheng was Huo Huo, the guard of the former Han Dynasty, a good minister who led troops to conquer the country. If he kept his integrity, the Han Dynasty would never treat Wu Xun harshly. If he harbored different ambitions, then the whole world would punish this rebellious minister and traitor!

At this moment, Qin Ye, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was also looking at the young man not far away, with joy on his face and a dreamy feeling in his heart.

This is his son-in-law, rare and unparalleled in this generation.

Yang Guochang's eyes were gloomy as he listened to the whispers around him, and a gloom gradually fell over his heart.

When all the ministers are immersed in the joy of victory, why not worry about giving birth to a Jurchen? How can we talk about peace?

Is this a child's plan?

At this moment, Emperor Chongping's right deputy, the censor of the capital, Zhang Zhi, who was serving as the censor of correction, did not grab the officials who were having a heated discussion.

As Duduo was escorted into the prison car and gradually approached, all the officials of the Han Dynasty looked at the Jurchen Prince with their eyes, as if they were looking at a peep show.

"This prince has no beard?"

"The forehead is still bare?"

Some low-ranking censors and officials commented and were amazed.

This is the Jurchen king who wreaked havoc in Hebei, Shandong and other places. Now he has no hair and beard, and he is really a beast and barbarian.

Duduo was being pointed at at this moment, and he felt a surge of irritability and hostility in his heart, and looked at the officials coldly.

When the Jurchens take over the Central Plains, all these Han officials will grovel and call themselves slaves!

But at this moment, a group of soldiers in military uniforms with flags that were very different from the red mandarin duck war coats of the Han army suddenly came down from another building ship. They were the generals of the Korean Navy, headed by Li Daoshun, as well as Cui Wengui, Gao Xien and other Koreans.

Navy Commander.

Several generals came close to him, and bowed to Emperor Chongping with great ceremony, saying loudly: "Li Daoshun (Cui Wengui, Gao Xi'en), the guilty general of a small vassal country, has seen the emperor of the Han Dynasty, long live long live, long live long live."

The civil and military officials who were looking at the Jurchen Prince were also attracted and looked at the Korean navy generals who were kowtowing.

North Korea?

This is a name that is both strange and familiar. Korea was once a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, but now it has been conquered by the Jurchens.

Emperor Chongping's heart moved slightly, and with a hint of joy in his eyes, he asked: "Is this the North Korean Navy Commander?"

Because Jia Heng had already mentioned it in his previous memorial, Emperor Chongping was no stranger to it.

Jia Heng's voice was like gold and stone in the cold wind, and the black cloak he wore was rustling, and he said: "Holy Master Mingjian, this is the general of the Korean Navy. Li Daoshun and others admire me in the Central Plains. Now they have abandoned the dark and surrendered to the light, and voluntarily

Surrender anyway."

The expressions of the officials who were watching changed.

Seeing this, Yang Guochang stared at the young man in python suit with the Emperor's Sword hanging on his waist with cold eyes.

As expected, he is a treacherous and sycophantic person. He acts as a traitor but as a loyal person, he uses this to invite flattery to his superiors!

Because emperors have always been very happy about their achievements, they like this kind of drama where all nations come to court and serve in foreign lands.

Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment and said: "Liaodong fell, Korea was isolated, and Korea was forced by the Jurchens. It has been more than thirty years now. You have re-naturalized the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty has not forgotten the vassal people of Korea."

After saying that, he looked at all the North Korean generals and said, "Let's all get back together."

After Emperor Chongping finished speaking, he looked at Jia Heng and said, "Ziyu, the wind is strong here. Please follow me into the city first. I have already held a reception banquet in Xihe Palace to celebrate this great victory."

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, Your Majesty."

At this time, Dai Quan, a group of internal eunuchs, and guards came over pulling a carriage, and the Emperor's carriage was driven by the Six Imperial Guards.

Still the same as last time, Jia Heng took the riding whip from the groom's hand, looked at Emperor Chongping and said: "Your Majesty, get in the car."

Emperor Chongping did not hesitate to say goodbye. He looked at the young man with a smile and got into the car. Jia Heng took Emperor Chongping in his car.

The ministers behind them also got on the carriages and sedan chairs one after another, and marched towards the palace garden with the soldiers on both sides, the internal guards, and the imperial guards.

Emperor Chongping opened the car curtain, looked at the young man in python suit holding the reins and drove the car with sentimental eyes, and said softly: "It was summer last time. Ziyu traveled from summer to winter from Henan to Jiangnan. The journey was quite hard."

Jia Heng said softly: "When the country is in trouble, I should go back and forth for the sake of military honors. I dare not speak of my hardships."

Emperor Chongping looked at the young man and felt that he had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start. There was the naval battle against the captives, the salt affairs of the Huaihe River, and the Jiangnan Zhen family and the remnants of King Zhao.

Finally, after thinking for a while, he just smiled and praised: "Ziyu, the battle in Jiangnan has shown our country's prestige. This is our first victory against the captives."

Jia Heng controlled the direction of the carriage, maintaining a neither fast nor slow speed, and said in a calm voice with the vigor of a young man: "This is my duty, I dare not praise you as a saint."

"That girl Xianning and Chanyue, how are they two?" Emperor Chongping asked softly.

Jia Heng said softly: "Your Highness and the little princess came back with me. They are on the boat now. They will go to the palace to meet the Queen and Concubine Rong later."

Obviously, the female Juan on the boat could not go into the city with him in the full view of the civil and military officials. After the welcoming officials dispersed, she would return to Ning Rong's Second Mansion and the Eldest Princess' Mansion in a carriage.

The monarch and his ministers were talking, and the carriage, protected by the imperial guards and cavalry, gradually drove into the palace from Anshun Gate, and the ministers behind it followed one after another.

Afterwards, a large number of palace guards and soldiers escorted the prison cars containing Duduo and Jurchen prisoners one after another, and marched from another street to the imperial prison of Jinyi Mansion in a solemn atmosphere. People stood on both sides to watch and watch the excitement.

Some threw rotten eggs and various domestic garbage from high places.

Duduo looked at the people on both sides of the streets and restaurants at this moment, sneering in his heart.

At this moment, the people in the 108th Street of Shenjing City were talking happily about this triumph, and the teahouses and restaurants in the streets and alleys were discussing the capture of the captured Jurchen Prince Duduo.

The millions of soldiers and civilians in Shenjing City are like a sea of ​​joy.

As Wang Shu said, this was the first great victory of the Han Dynasty against the captives in thirty years. The capture of a Jurchen prince alive made this war a shining pearl.

At this moment, the Jinyi Palace Guards, who had been arranged by Jia Heng in advance, were already in plainclothes and moving around the teahouse. The wine shop was talking about the Jurchen princes and who Baylor was, building momentum for further publicity campaigns.

And this undoubtedly unveiled the Jurchen aristocracy to the curious people of Shenjing.

King Wei walked side by side with Song Jing and said with emotion: "Uncle, this is really not easy. So many Jurchens have been captured by Ziyu. With such ability, I should be able to win consecutive battles against Jurchens in the future."

It’s still the same sentence, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Compared with the words on the battle report, the Jurchen Prince and the prisoners in front of him are more shocking.

Song Jing smiled, and could understand King Wei's excitement, and said: "Your Highness will go into the palace later to see the Queen and see Xianning."

No matter what, compared to the two kings of Qi and Chu, starting from Xianning, the relationship between His Highness and Uncle Yongning is undoubtedly much closer. Moreover, I heard that King Chu lost his son in the south, and the Zhen family in Jiangnan was also raided.

The direct victory is just around the corner.

Prince Qi was also riding in a carriage at this moment, and there was a middle-aged scribe sitting in the spacious carriage compartment.

Jia Yucun looked at the frowning Prince Qi not far away and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. The moon is waxing and waning, and the water is full and overflowing. It's true that Yongning Bo is proud of the spring breeze and is becoming more and more powerful, but the civil servants in the court are afraid of it."

The more serious we are, the more we are talking about peace talks now."

Prince Qi was silent for a moment and said, "Mr. Yucun, I hope this peace negotiation can suppress his arrogance."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if the Holy One listens to Uncle Yongning's words, if things are not good for the captives in the future, then they will attack in groups, and they will be as powerful as they are now." Jia Yucun said with relief.

After the fall of King Zhongshun, he switched his allegiance to the King of Qi, but the King of Qi was obviously not favored by the emperor, and his future was unclear. It was said that the King of Chu valued scribes, but something happened to him in the south.

The King of Wei is fine...but the King of Qi is ruthless, and now he can no longer easily change his family.

Prince Qi looked worried and said, "Although I say so, but..."

But just now the Jurchen prince was captured alive by Xiao'er. What if he wins another big victory against the bandits in the future?

When that time comes, who else in the Han Dynasty can control him?

Xihe Palace

The glazed tiles of the palace were covered with a thin layer of snow, and the sergeants lined up under the pillars, like evergreen pines and cypresses standing proudly in the wind and snow.

A carriage decorated with dragon patterns and hung with yellow curtains on all sides. Two tall carriage shafts traced two parallel lines with traces of snow and water on the palace road paved with blue and white stones.

Behind the oval palace gate painted with red paint, the winter sun shines on a majestic and majestic palace.

The three characters "Xihe Palace" above the green dragon plaque are shining in gold. In the late afternoon winter sunlight, Xihe Palace is solemn and gorgeous.

Jia Heng pulled the reins, stopped the carriage, got down from the handlebars, stretched out a hand to help Emperor Chongping get out of the carriage, and said: "Your Majesty, we are here."

Emperor Chongping smiled, got out of the carriage, looked at the handsome and calm face of the young man, with a touch of intimacy and kindness in his eyes, and said, "Come, follow me into the palace."

The young man in front of him is actually his son-in-law. After this battle, there will be no incredible objections to Xianning's promise to Ziyu, both inside and outside the palace. After he has made great achievements in the future, he can grant the marriage and quell the rumors. .

Jia Heng, however, did not dare to ask for help. He was a few steps behind Emperor Chongping and said: "Your Majesty, please."

At this time, the officials had not yet followed, and the monarch and his ministers, or the father-in-law and his son-in-law, walked along the palace road towards Xihe Palace.

Emperor Chongping asked: "There are a lot of controversies in Beijing over the peace talks. What do you mean, Ziyu?"

Jia Heng said: "We think that our victory in the first battle of the Han Dynasty is the time to rebuild the morale of the army and inspire the people. We should use the head of the Jurchen prince to commemorate the heroic spirit of our Han Dynasty. However, the Jurchen bandits were killed for treason, and the prisoners persisted." Three nos: no compromise, no contact, no negotiation for peace! I have been reading the imperial newspaper in the past few days and am aware of the opinions held by the nobles in the imperial court."

Emperor Chongping said: "What the Prince of Nan'an County said can be ignored, but it is also a strategy to hide one's strength and bide one's time. Didn't Ziyu mention in "Pinglu Ce" that the Jurchens cannot be destroyed in a day?"

Of course, the emperor was not moved by the words of the main peace faction, but needed to listen to the opinions of Jia Heng, an important military minister, in order to strengthen Gan Gang's arbitrary will.

Jia Heng said: "Your Majesty, I also mentioned in the plan to pacify the captives that the Jurchens established a government system and were determined to conquer me. Now it is just a temporary measure for them. I just heard that the Jurchens plan to invade Chahar Mongolia. , when the time comes, will my big man be held back because of the peace treaty?"

When Emperor Chongping heard this, his eyes tightened and he said in a deep voice: "Chahar Mongolia?"

Jia Heng said: "The Mongol royal court of Chahar has been struggling to survive. Once it falls into the hands of the Jurchens, our important towns of Datong and Taiyuan in Shanxi will face the enemy directly, just like in the Northern Song Dynasty. There will no longer be any mountain and river barriers in Guanzhong. If we and I The Jurchens have reached a peace agreement, and they will definitely start fighting again next year."

Emperor Chongping said coldly: "The Jurchens are really ambitious!"

Not to mention other things, this alone is not enough to talk about peace talks!

Jia Heng added: "If Duduo is released, the Jurchens will get back what they couldn't get on the battlefield through the peace agreement that could have been a truce, and the morale of our Han army will definitely be frustrated, and the people from the north and south of the world will be disappointed. This will Han and captives are not at odds with each other!"

When Emperor Chongping heard this, his face was slightly shaken and he said: "What a Han and captives who cannot live in harmony!"

With an aggressive look, he said in a loud voice: "I also have this plan. The Jurchens were just a foreign state that surrendered to my Han Dynasty. They stole Liaodong and became the crown prince. How can I, the Han Dynasty, make peace with them? Wait a moment, I want to ask. Why did this Jurchen prince offend my big man?"

Just as Jia Heng expected, the emperor was very interested in such things as "the chieftains questioning their crimes before the Majesty and criticizing their wrongdoings."

The monarch and his ministers were talking and walked up the steps into the palace.

Banquet tables have been arranged on the left and right sides of the Xihe Hall to facilitate future banquets for officials.

As time passed, officials from the Cabinet, the Military Aircraft Department, the Five Governments and the Six Ministries and Temple Supervisors arrived at the palace one after another, and slowly entered the palace according to their rank to pay tribute to Emperor Chongping.

Emperor Chongping was sitting upright on the golden chair, holding the armrests on both sides. The ministers below were divided into two groups, civil and military, by the cabinet and the military aircraft department. Jia Heng and the Prince of Nan'an were the first to salute and pay homage. Long live the mountain.

Emperor Chongping's face softened a bit, and he smiled and said: "Everyone, please get back on your feet."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live, long live long live." The courtiers below all saluted and thanked them and stood up.

Emperor Chongping glanced at the courtiers below and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Yongning went to the south of the Yangtze River on a mission this time. He defeated the bandits in a battle and captured the Jurchen Prince alive. His hard work was so great that he had to be rewarded. Dai Quan passed the order."

At the end of the sentence, the emperor glanced at Yang Guochang coldly, and a wave of bad memories filled his heart.

After a period of struggle, the title awarded to Jia Heng was finally settled just two days before Jia Heng arrived in Beijing.

Jia Heng was granted the title of Marquis, and no civil or military officials in the court had any objections.

Without the title of marquis, the spitting stars of all the people in the world can drown the princes in temples and temples.

But there is a lot of importance in how many people should wait. Therefore, on the way to Chang'an, Jia Heng had heated debates one after another in the Wuying Palace of the Cabinet. It was not until the day before yesterday that this debate was completely ended.

In other words, as the chief minister of the cabinet, Yang Guochang strongly opposed it and even risked his political life to some extent.

If the chief minister of the cabinet objected, it would be ugly if the Sixth Section sealed the matter and refuted the memorial. Therefore, together with the sacrifice of prisoners at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, this matter suddenly became a hotly debated topic in the cabinet.

Yang Guochang believed that being granted the title of third-class marquis was enough to reward his merits. Otherwise, if a marquis of the third rank made little merit in the future, would he still be granted the title of duke or king?

How old is Uncle Yongning? At such a young age, he has the air of a powerful minister. How can he be a king and a minister for a long time?

Emperor Chongping was naturally displeased and sullen and silent, but Yang Guochang was determined this time and wanted to repay the emperor with his unfaithful advice.

As for Han Huang, Zhao Mo and others, they felt that the third-class princes were really shabby people.

It seems that he is unwilling to give it.

Therefore, Han Huang and Zhao Mo proposed to be promoted to the second rank of marquis, for the purpose of preservation and not to treat the meritorious officials poorly.

However, Emperor Chongping was still dissatisfied. After a period of stalemate, he asked Qi Kun, the Minister of Household Affairs, who happened to be returning from Shanxi Hedong Salt Fields to organize salt affairs, and inquired about the whole story of the Jiangnan War.

Under Emperor Chongping's gaze, Qi Kun gritted his teeth and said something fair: "At that time, the enemy captives were victorious, the Jiangbei Daying Navy was newly defeated, the Jinling soldiers, civilians, gentry were panic-stricken, and they fled outside the city.

, chaos arose, the old capital of Jinling faced the enemy, and was in danger. Yongningbo won both the front and back battles. If he does not become a first-class prince, it will be difficult to conquer the world. "

Because this debate in the cabinet was completely ended with the "just words" of Qi Party officials, there was no longer a joke like waiting for Jia Heng to arrive in the capital and the meritorious service has not yet been decided.

As for changing other titles, it is not necessary. There is no need to change the title until a decisive victory is achieved in the war with the Jurchens.

Moreover, according to the Han Dynasty canon system, there are two characters for Hou and one character for Gong.

For example, the Marquis of Pingyuan, the Marquis of Xiangyang, the Marquis of Zhongjing... and so on.

If you were to be granted the title of Duke, then you would definitely be granted the title of Duke.

Emperor Chongping glanced at the tall and tall young man, with a somewhat gentle look on his face.

How could the ministers and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty know about his arrangements, one door and two houses... three houses, at that time, the hereditary prince was the reward of Liaodong.

The Han Dynasty had four princes from east to west, south from north, and one prince was still missing.

"Uncle Yongning received the order." Dai Quan's fair face showed solemnity at this moment, and he held up a silk letter embroidered with a yellow dragon. The ivory white jade shaft had a warm and greasy texture.

Jia Heng came to see you with great courtesy and said: "I accept the order from you."

At this moment, all the officials were listening to the message of the decree, and some people were also curious about how many ranks of princes were granted to Uncle Yongning.

Jia Zheng is behind Cheng Xin, the political envoy. At this moment, the face of the handsome old man Zheng is almost sweating slightly as he holds the wat board. He is actually more nervous than Jia Heng.

Qin Ye's old eyes also had a bit of expectation.

Qin Keqing is already a countess, and the next step is to become a marquise. If she gives birth to Lin'er, it can be said that she is extremely noble.

Dai Quan, the Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty, had a solemn look on his face. He unfolded the silk fabric with a swipe, and a high-pitched and loud voice rang out in the Xihe Palace, saying: "The emperor is destined to carry the heaven, and he said: An Xia is in control of the barbarians, and the country must rely on the left guard.

, divided the land, the imperial court did not hesitate to reward him with honors... Minister of Military Aircraft, Prince Taibao and Minister of the Ministry of War, Jia Heng, Deputy Envoy of the Imperial Academy, Jingying Festival, Jia Heng, who has pure aspirations and actions, and keen knowledge. Since he went south to Jinling under the emperor's order, he has

He worked diligently, like a thunderbolt, to quell the chaos of the bandits, captured the king of the bandits with all his strength, and shocked the barbarians. His achievements are of no greater magnitude than the state of the country... The ruler of the world rules the world. If the rewards and punishments are unclear, nothing can be accomplished. If the rewards and punishments are clear and the four directions are feasible, special

I have been promoted to the rank of Marquis of Yongning, first class, and given an iron stamp with an elixir to express my outstanding achievements. I admire this."

When Yang Guochang listened to the imperial edict recited by Dai Quan, he couldn't help but exert some force on the ivory wat tablet he was holding in his hand. His face was as gloomy as ice. Even though he already knew the specific content of the edict, he still felt a little indignant.

The emperor favors traitors and refuses to accept honest advice, Han Huangmei ruins the country, and is granted a first-class title due to his merits. How can such an imperial edict be passed?

And Yan Xuan...

Yang Guochang's old eyes twitched, he glanced at his students beside him from the corner of his eye, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Forget it, the emperor favors the son, the general trend is over, Yan Xuan is dormant now, and he will revive the party in the future.

Seeing this scene, Han Huang exchanged glances with Zhao Mo, the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and felt a mixed feeling in his heart.

This edict was passed with his compromise, and he captured the Jurchen Prince and made him a first-class marquis. As for whether he could be granted a title, it was unlikely that it would speed up the emperor's suspicion of Yong Ning Bo.

The next time you will be crowned a duke or a king?

The emperor will soon discover that Yongning Bo's great achievements will make him unbeatable. At that time, the birds will be hidden and the rabbits will die and the dogs will be cooked!

At this moment, the two of them didn't know that Emperor Chongping had already thought of other ways for Jia Heng.

Cen Weishan, Fang Huan, Yan Hong and other members of the Zhejiang Party all looked a bit unhappy, and there was a thick gloom in their hearts.

Wu Xun is so powerful and so young, what will he do in the future? Not to mention the things that Jia Ziyu did in Nan Province, bullying civil servants and subjugating them for his own use.

But a hundred years after the emperor's death, he is in power. Who can control this son?

After hearing the imperial edict, Jia Heng's face paused slightly, his cheeks were flushed, and his voice was choked with sobs. He cupped his hands and said, "I thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. Long live, long live, long live."

Waiting for a while, he deserves it!

On the way back to Beijing in triumph from the Central Plains, as soon as I got off my horse, I hurried to the south of the Yangtze River, rectified the salt affairs, reorganized the southern army, defeated the bandits and captives, and benefited the country and the country.

Killing a person is worthy of his title!

Not to mention that with the sweet potato as a strong man, he suppressed the worries of civil strife one after another.

But it is far from enough. There are many people in the court who are waiting for his downfall with ill intentions and making all kinds of slanders and speculations about him. Now there is still a long way to go before he can dominate the country and dominate the world.

The power is still not enough!

At this moment, when Jia Zheng below heard the announcement of the imperial edict, he felt a surge of joy in his heart. He looked at the young man who was thanking the saint, and his eyes were a little blurry for a moment.

In both Rongning and Ningfus, the Jia family has been in decline for hundreds of years. Fortunately, Ziyu was born as the Qilin of the Jia family. Even if he died, he could comfort the ancestors of the Jia family.

Qin Ye also had a look of joy on his face as he recalled the past one or two years.

Recalling the past, a young man drove a donkey cart to marry Keqing. The girl Keqing listened to the instigation of the two maids at that time. At first, she looked down on the son-in-law and wanted to regret the marriage. Fortunately, he kept his promise and kept his promise, otherwise

, what kind of fate should it be at this moment?

Marquis, Marquis! Among the nobles of the entire Han Dynasty, among the founding nobles, there were only four princes, eight princes, and twelve marquises, and the highest meritorious officials in the Taizong Dynasty were marquises. It is conceivable that the respect of marquises is rare.

Moreover, during the Chongping Dynasty, it has to be said that it is quite regrettable that no one was awarded a title for military merit, which also shows that the martial arts of the Chongping Dynasty was insufficient.

It can be said that Jia Heng has now entered the ranks of the high-ranking nobles of the Han Dynasty. He is led by the first-class Yongning Marquis, the military minister, the commander-in-chief of Jinyi, and the title of Minister of the Ministry of War and the crown prince's Taibao. It can be said that this is the true trinity.

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