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Chapter 912 Jia Heng: Son? Mopan is really becoming more and more confident.

 Mongolia, Khanate

At nearly noon, the Mongolian Khan Ezhe saw Peng Qianhu from Jinyi Mansion in the Golden Khan Tent. His name was Peng Ji, and he claimed to be Jinyi Qianhu. He had a token and credentials on his body.

As evidence.

"The Commander-in-Chief of the Han Dynasty, Peng Ji, has met the Mongolian Khan." Compared to the arrogance and toughness of the Jurchen envoy, Peng Ji's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing. He cupped his fists and saluted Ezhe, and then looked at Ezhe calmly.

E Zhe did not call Peng Ji to sit down. He looked at Peng Ji aggressively under his thick eyebrows and asked, "Why did your governor send you here?"

Peng Ji said softly: "Back to the Great Khan, according to what my Marquis interrogated Duduo and the generals of Zhengbai Banner knew, the Jurchens will launch a war to annex Mongolia later this year, hoping to win over the Mongolian tribes of the Great Khan."

When E Zhe heard this, the cold light in his eyes flashed away, and he said in a condensed voice: "Then tell me, how did Marquis Yongning capture Duduo alive?"

Although Mongolia also received news of the Han Dynasty's victory at Haimen through some merchants, Ezhe actually didn't know much about the specific details of the war.

In his impression, the Jurchens were brave and good at fighting, especially Duduo, who was famous throughout the grassland for being good at conquering and fighting, and had a great reputation. Why did they suffer such a tragic defeat? Something strange happened.

"This year, King Duduo of the captives, with his soldiers under the Zhengbai Banner, led the North Korean navy to invade our coastal provinces of Han Dynasty. He led the navy to defeat our captain, and captured the captive king Doduo alive on the Chongming Sands. Just a month ago, he was in the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

Sacrificing prisoners, the Great Khan wanted to hear some rumors about this matter." Peng Ji said in a deep voice with bright eyes.

Ezhe frowned and said in a cold voice: "I have heard a little bit about this matter. With Duduo's bravery, it is really unbelievable that Marquis Yongning was able to capture him alive."

When he first heard Wu Leji mention this matter, he was a little surprised that another figure like King Zhao Tuesday appeared in the Han court?

A look of pride appeared on Peng Ji's face and he said: "My Marquis is brave and fierce, and he has the evil from ancient times. He has few rivals in the world."

Yongning Hou leveled the Central Plains and fought on the sea, from north to south, facing invincible opponents.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed of your words." Ezhe's guard commander Battelle snorted coldly and sneered.

Peng Ji glanced at Battelle and said: "The Great Khan, the Jurchens have always wanted to take over the Central Plains, all the way from Jizhou, all the way from Datong, and the Great Khan is a hurdle that stands between the Jurchens and the Central Plains, and they are bound to get rid of them.

Then, if the Great Khan does not want to surrender to the Jurchens, joining forces with me, the Han, is the only way."

Ezhe looked at the old man Ulji on the side, met the piercing gaze in the sunken eye sockets, then looked at Peng Ji again, and said coldly: "Even if you say that this is indeed the case, how can I believe that the Han people are not

In order to one day annex our Chahar tribe?"

The Chahar tribe under the Mongolian Khan now has only eight Otoks, divided into Haqit, Naiman, Keshiketen, Ujimqin, Sunit, Aohan, Alakzot and Zhu.

Xi Ti.

Some Mongolian tribes, such as the Naiman, Keshiketeng, and Aohan tribes, are closer to the Jurchens, and their centrifugal force is increasing day by day, but they have not yet gone to the point of violating hundreds of years of loyalty to their ancestors and daring to rebel and kill the descendants of the Golden Family.

Like Keshiketeng, Ao Han hoped that the Jurchens could properly resolve their problems with the Jin family, either by forcing them to surrender or by marrying each other.

As for the Naiman tribe, they are increasingly dissatisfied with Ezhe.

Mainly due to the Han court's ban on trade policy and Ezhe's peace treaty with the Han court, the Jurchens, with their warriors from the Naiman, Aohan and other tribes, gained a lot of goods every time they raided the south, and the population expanded the tribe.

Ezhe pondered and said: "Since the Zhou Dynasty, the two kings of Zhao have passed away one after another. You Han people are strictly prohibited from selling goods to the grassland. I, the Mongolian tribe, want to obtain salt, grain, and silk. There is no place for it."

Peng Ji said loudly: "The Great Khan, the border control policy was only to prevent the Jurchen tribe. During the Longzhi period, mutual trade was opened, but the tribal people of the Great Khan diverted a large number of trade materials to the Jurchens. The ministers in the court were naturally dissatisfied with this, so this

Strictly implement border restrictions, and even so, your ministry will still be able to obtain a large amount of supplies from unscrupulous traders in the land of the Jin Dynasty."

Hearing this, Ezhe snorted coldly and said: "If you want to join forces with our tribe to fight against the invaders, we must first open a mutual market."

Peng Jidao: "The abolition of the border ban is related to the national policy of our country. It needs to be decided after discussion between my Marquis and the ministers in the court. Now the Jurchens are coming menacingly and want to annex Mongolia. I wonder if the Great Khan is prepared?"

Ezhe sneered and said in a deep voice: "What precautions can I take? The worst I can do is to vote for Huang Taiji. He wanted to marry his daughter to this Khan more than ten years ago."

These words naturally put pressure on the Han court, but in the Ming Dynasty in parallel time and space, Ezhe did bring the jade seal to surrender.

As for this big man, because of the successive intervention of King Zhao, King Zhou and other vassal kings, after the Battle of Liaodong, Mongolia's situation did not become uncontrollable, and he supported Mongolia to curb the rise of the Jurchens.

Moreover, although Ezhe is not considered a heroic leader, under the influence of kings such as Zhao and Zhou, he can also be called a steadfast king.

Peng Ji's expression remained unchanged, and he was indifferent to E Zhe's threats. He whispered: "Great Khan, I'm afraid that by then the Jurchens will not tolerate a strong ruler ruling Mongolia to divide the power of the Jurchens. The Great Khan can then protect his family.


This Peng Qianhu was also selected by Jia Heng at the beginning, and his experience was extraordinary compared to the ordinary martial artists in Jinyi Mansion.

E Zhe's expression changed slightly, obviously he understood what the Han court official in front of him said.

To put it bluntly, even if he surrenders, he probably won't live long, and his son will take over the tribe to annex his tribe.

Ezhe looked closely at Peng Ji and asked in a cold voice: "If this Khan fights with your Han court, will your Han court dare to send troops out of the fortress?"

Peng Ji said in a deep voice: "My governor can naturally lead the army north to respond to the Great Khan."

"I think Ben Khan is patrolling outside the city, right?" Ezhe said in a deep voice.

This is indeed what Han generals love to do, sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight.

Peng Ji whispered: "The Beijing camp and the Jiangnan camp can dispatch an elite force to the fortress to support the Great Khan's troops in resisting the Jurchens' westward invasion."

E Zhe said in a cold voice: "Deploy an elite army, when will it be done and how much will it be?"

Peng Jidao: "These need to be planned by my Marquis."

Ezhe interrupted Peng Ji's words in a cold voice and said: "When will your governor come over, tell Ben Khan this and see off the guests!"

There is no sincerity, doesn't this just want him to face the Jurchens alone, and then the Han people will sit back and enjoy the results?

When Peng Ji heard this, his expression froze. Under the ferocious gaze of Ezhe's guard commander Battelle, he cupped his hands towards Ezhe, and then strode away from the military tent with his head held high.

After Peng Ji left, Ezhe looked at Ulji and asked: "Ulegi, what do you think?"

A look of thought appeared on Ulji's old face, and he said: "Great Khan, we don't have much time left for us. If Huang Taiji is afraid, we need to recruit Han troops to help. This is the only way."

At this moment, the sounds of a low-pitched argument between the girl and the guard came from the military tent outside.

Ezhe's face darkened slightly, and he was about to instruct the guard commander Battelle beside him to go check the situation.

Not long after, I saw a girl wearing a flaming red dress and a fox fur cloak. She was in her prime, tall and graceful, with beautiful features, thin eyebrows and deep eyes, and a plump face like an apple, as red as the clouds.

The tassel above his forehead was knotted in a heart shape and fit tightly on his forehead. With one hand holding the saber at his waist, he entered the military tent with vigorous movements and called out in a charming voice: "Father Khan."

Ezhe stared at the person who came, the anger on his face receded slightly, he smiled and said: "Yaruo, why are you here?"

This person is Ezhe's youngest daughter Chahar Borzijit Yaruo, which means moon in Mongolian. She is also the apple of Ezhe's eye and is deeply loved by Ezhe.

With a smile on Ya Ruo's pretty face, she asked: "Father Khan, I heard from my brother that people from the Han Kingdom just came?"

Ezhe frowned and asked, "What did your brother say to you?"

Yaruo said softly: "The Jurchens recently wanted my father to go to Shengjing to pay homage to their emperor. They also said that they would lead troops to annex the tribe and marry me to Hauge's son Fushou."

Ezhe frowned and said, "Where is your brother?"

"Father, is what my brother said true?" Yaruo came closer and looked at his father, with a questioning look in his bright and clear eyes.

Ezhe said softly: "This is what is said in the credential, but my father Khan has already dismissed the Jurchen envoys, so what the credential says cannot be trusted."

Yaruo looked worried and said softly: "Father Khan, will the Jurchens attack Father Khan?"

Ezhe said: "Don't worry about these."

"I'm old now, and it's time for me to understand these things." Yaruo said softly with a look of dismay on his face, "Did Father Khan also ask Han people to come over and help?"

Ezhe was silent for a moment and said: "You are so young, why do you ask this?"

"I heard from my brother that the Han people have a remarkable figure, who is as good at fighting as the King of Zhou back then, and captured the arrogant Prince Duduo of Yu alive." Yaruo said softly with his eyes shining.

Ezhe asked: "Where is your brother?"

With that said, he looked at the guard commander Battelle on the side and said: "Go and bring Agula."

Ezhe has two sons and one daughter. The eldest son is fourteen years old and has just grown up. He is called Agula. The younger son is called Zhamu. In this parallel time and space, Ezhe actually has no sons. His younger brother Abu Nai is the same as Ezhe.

The wife actually gave birth to two sons, one named Luobu Zang and the other Burni.

Barter accepted the offer and then strode out of the golden sweat tent. Not long after, a burly young man with bronze skin and hair tied into pigtails was led into the sweat tent.

"I have met Father Khan." Agula saluted Ezhe and called him respectfully.

In Mongolia, the age of fourteen is already considered adult, so naturally we are not as close as we were when we were children.

Ezhe's face was filled with anger and he asked: "What nonsense are you and your sister talking about?"

Agula raised his head and said loudly: "Father Khan, the Jurchens want to make my Golden Family surrender just like they did to Horqin. My son knows that they are reorganizing their army and will attack at any time. How should Father Khan respond?"

He has the blood of the Golden Family flowing through him. If he wants to restore the glory of the Golden Family, how can he surrender to those Jurchens?

Ezhe's face was slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice: "It's not your turn to ask questions about important matters in the clan!"

Agula said softly: "Father, since the Han envoys have arrived here, why doesn't Father Khan agree to them and unite to fight against the Jurchens?"

When King Zhou was still alive, Chen Han's affairs were not so decadent in Mongolia, and they still maintained good relations with Chahar Mongolia.

"Barter, drag him down and give him ten lashes." Ezhe shouted coldly and gave instructions instead of answering.

Battle hesitated for a moment, then called two Mongolian guards to drag Agula away. After a while, the sound of whips and muffled grunts were heard outside.

Ya Ruoying moved her lips and said, "Father, there is nothing wrong with what my brother said."

"You want to be whipped too?" Ezhe glared at his daughter and said coldly.

Ya Ruo shrank her neck, a smile appeared on her childish apple face, she came forward and took E Zhe's arm, calling: "Father, aren't I worried about you?"

"Father Khan has his own plans in mind. Yaruo, you are not young anymore and it's time for you to get married. Not long ago, the Naiman tribe wanted to ask you to be his wife. For my father's sake, I thought about it and let you get married.

." Ezhe said softly.

The Jurchens are tigers and the Han people are wolves. Now that they are uniting with the Han people to fight against the invaders, will the Han people use this to annex Mongolia?

"Father, I won't get married." Yaruo raised her little face and said with a bit of determination in her bright eyes.

"Nonsense! How can the marriage be left to you?" Ezhe said.

In the past few days, the Naiman clan had been full of complaints against him, and asking their daughter to marry him was also a way to calm their grievances.

Yaruo's petite and soft face suddenly fell down, she stamped her feet, with tears in her eyes, she said: "Father, sweat."

At this time, Ulji whispered: "Princess, your father Khan has already made a plan, there is no need to say anything more."

And just when the Mongol Golden Khan in Chahar was wondering whether to unite with the Han Dynasty, Peng Ji of the Jinyi Mansion also sent a letter through flying pigeons to the results of the talks about the Mongol Khan, and quickly delivered them thousands of miles away.

Jia Heng.

Jinling, Ningguofu

In the study room, in the southern winter, rays of warm sunlight shine through the windows and shine on the penholder on the mahogany bookcase. The sparse shadows hanging there fall on the paper and inkstone, as if sitting on the bed.

The shadows clustered around Jia Heng were on the left and right.

Well, Jia Bijie.

Jia Heng held Zhen Qing and Zhen Xue's shoulders and talked in a low voice.

Zhen Qingfeng's eyes flashed and she said softly: "Ziyu, who do you plan to recommend to the governor of Anhui?"

Jia Heng gently pinched the beauty's chin and whispered: "I recommend you."

Zhen Qing: "..."

She is a princess, how can she be a governor? Ah, this bastard is making fun of her again.

"Pfft." Zhen Xue couldn't help laughing when she saw her sister gnashing her teeth after being stunned. Her sister and Ziyu were making trouble every day, talking and laughing, it was just like singing in a play.

"You bastard." Zhen Qingfeng said with annoyance in her eyes. She reached out and punched the young man's chest, and said angrily: "I'm serious about talking to you, huh~"

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a warm and soft breath coming towards his face, drowning him like a tide.

Zhen Qing put her arms around Jia Heng's neck, closed her beautiful eyes slightly, and allowed the young man to be intimate with her.

"Inquire about everything, take good care of your baby, don't think about what you have and what you don't have." Jia Heng held the beauty's slender hand, looked into her beautiful eyes, and gently pinched the beauty's fragrant and tender skin.

Zhen Qing snorted softly and said, "Let me ask what's wrong? You only care about your son, right?"

Jia Heng: "???"

Son, Mopan is really becoming more and more confident.

Zhen Xue chuckled lightly and said: "Ziyu, I see it's getting late. Let's go make dumplings. Others will get suspicious later."

Jia Heng nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

He was chatting with the two pregnant women, originally to help the two pregnant women relieve their depression and lovesickness, and to save them from their random thoughts.

In fact, the advantage of Zhen Qing and Zhen Xue being pregnant together is that the two sisters can talk together and not look lonely.

Everyone talked and came to the inner hall of the back house. At this moment, Yuan Chun had already ordered Bao Qin to bring the dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings over.

Yuan Chun chuckled and said, "Brother Heng, it's time to make dumplings."

When his eyes fell on the faces of Zhen Qing and Zhen Xue, they couldn't see anything unusual, and their suspicions were temporarily gone.

Jia Heng said: "Sister, wait a moment, I'll wash my hands."

After saying that, he sat down and washed his hands first. Then, Zhen Qing and Zhen Xue also washed their hands one after another, wiped them with a towel, picked up the dumpling wrappers, and Kuaizi picked up the dumpling fillings and put them inside.

While everyone was talking, they started making dumplings.

Zhen Xue asked casually: "Is this stuffed with celery?"

Yuan Chun said: "Well, the kitchen prepared something stuffed with green onions. The taste is too pungent and not good for pregnant women, so they didn't prepare it. This is celery that was hidden in the ice cellar and taken out. It's still fresh."

Zhen Qing looked to the side at the young man who picked up the dumpling wrappers and picked out the fillings, feeling a sweetness in her heart.

Speaking of which, she has never made dumplings in the many years since she married into the palace.

Zhen Xue had soft eyebrows, and she secretly glanced at the dexterous butterfly-like fingers, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

Yuanchun was making dumplings and said, "Brother Heng, have you read the summary of Nanjing's account books this year?"

Jia Heng pinched the edge of the dumpling and said softly: "I've seen it. Guangdong, Zhangzhou, and Fuzhou are about to open up the sea. In the future, the sea trade will become more and more prosperous. I previously established several shops with Shibo of the Xue family.

Jinling specializes in selling porcelain and specialties to Southeast Asia, bringing spices here for sale, and recently established a chamber of commerce."

At this time, the countries in Southeast Asia had a lot of demand for the porcelain, silk, and tea of ​​the Han Dynasty. He had previously added customs, which not only expanded tax sources for the court, but also solved the livelihood problems of the coastal people. In fact, it can be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

Zhen Qing listened to the two talking and glanced at Yuan Chun, her eyes flashed, and there was a strange meaning in her heart.

Although Yuanchun was dressed as if she had not left the palace, no matter her eyebrows, eyes or movements, she had the charm of a woman who had been through affairs. If she was in the palace... she shouldn't be.

In fact, Yuanchun has often been with Jia Hengru recently, and the two get along almost like a couple day and night. As time goes by, Yuanchun can't hide the charm of a plump young woman, even if she doesn't dress up in girlish makeup.

A woman like Zhen Qing can certainly see something unusual.

In fact, after returning to Beijing, if Yuanchun hangs out in front of Mrs. Wang too much, Mrs. Wang will recognize him.

Shui Xin chuckled and said, "Dad, just put the copper coins in."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "It still doesn't work. I'll be more careless later and accidentally eat it again."

Zhen Xue picked up the dumplings Shui Xin was holding and said angrily: "You kid, look at the dumplings you made. When they are put into the pot, they will all rot into a pot of soup."

Jia Heng smiled and said: "Child, let her play. Anyway, she will eat it later."

Shui Xin raised her palm-sized pink face and said softly: "I want to eat these dumplings made by daddy. There are all kinds of dumplings. They look delicious at first glance."

Zhen Qing and Zhen Xue made crescent moon dumplings, while Yuanchun made Yuanbao dumplings. Jia Heng first made willow leaf dumplings and then wheat ear dumplings, which are basically fancy dumplings.

Everyone also noticed at this moment that Jia Heng was making several kinds of dumplings.

At this moment, Zhen Xue Liu Ye's eyes were shining brightly under her slender eyebrows, and she asked in surprise: "How come you have so many tricks up your sleeve, Ziyu?"

Zhen Qing glanced at Zhen Xue and thought to herself, what is this word? Why are there so many tricks?

Well, it's really surprising that such a world-famous Marquis Wu can make all kinds of dumplings. He does have a lot of tricks in bed...

As the beauty thought, her legs in the skirt couldn't help but close together.

Jia Heng said softly: "I used to study some tricks at home when I was making dumplings during the Chinese New Year."

He was talking about the past life, but in the ears of Zhen Qing, Zhen Xue and Yuan Chun, he thought it was the time when Jia Heng's parents died young and lived alone in Liutiao'er Hut.

Yuan Chun pursed his pink lips, looked at Jia Heng with complex eyes, and said softly: "Brother Heng has suffered a lot by himself in the past."

"Sister, you actually didn't suffer much." Jia Heng looked at Yuan Chun calmly and said softly.

Zhen Xue looked at the young man with soft eyes, a trace of pity appearing on his flawless jade face.

Speaking of which, Ziyubi is several years younger, so she can be considered his eldest sister.

Zhen Qing also stared at Jia Heng, her pink lips parted slightly, and she said softly: "It is said that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Brother Heng also suffered a lot to get to this point."

This is the man she is willing to serve. So what if he comes from a humble background? Isn’t he alone in the world?

Everyone was making dumplings, chatting casually about home cooking, and finally filled two pots with lids full.

"Okay, it's almost done. These are enough to eat." Zhen Qing chuckled with her moist eyes as bright as the crescent moon under her curvy willow-leaf slender eyebrows.

The flour in the young woman's hand lingered between her fingers. Looking at the young man with a handsome face and the patterned dumplings in her hands, she felt a surge of sweetness and warmth in her heart.

This is what a family is.

Zhen Xue smiled and said softly: "Put down more later so that the maid below can have some too."

For Zhen Qing, it is obvious that she would not think of a maid, let alone the dumplings she made herself, but Zhen Xue is undoubtedly kinder.

There were several maids who were holding the qin, and they were holding the lid of the pot to lower it.

Everyone started talking, and not long after, the dumplings were cooked and placed in bowls. Bowls were delivered, steaming hot.

Xinxin was holding a small bowl filled with dumplings in various styles. Fan Dudu had a smile on his face and said, "Daddy, these look really good."

Jia Heng picked up a piece of stuffing skin, chuckled, and called out: "Xinxin, you made this, come over and eat it."

"That's for Daddy. Daddy, please eat it." Xinxin looked a little embarrassed and said in a sticky voice, picking up a dumpling and chewing it in small mouths.

Jia Heng smiled and said, "Xinxin is such a good boy."

Everyone laughed.

It was not until afternoon that everyone finished eating the dumplings and ordered the maids to collect the bowls quickly before sitting down to drink tea again.

Just as Jia Hengfang was about to sit down, the nanny outside reported: "Master Hou, Li Baihu from Jinyi Mansion has something urgent to do and wants to see Master Hou."

Jia Heng's face paused slightly, and facing a few concerned glances, he put down the tea cup and said softly to Zhen Qing, Zhen Xue and Yuan Chun: "I'm going to check on the situation."

With that said, he came to the front hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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