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Chapter 918 Li Wan: Is this... is this because of her?

 Shenjing, Grand View Garden

And just when Li Wan was having complicated thoughts, the grandma from outside suddenly ran over and said, "Grandma, the old lady and my wife have something to call you over, and take Brother Lang over."

Li Wan's beautiful face suddenly showed surprise, and he whispered: "Did you say something?"

It turned out that Jia Heng's memorial recommending Li Shouzhong as governor of Anhui was delivered to the General Affairs Department of the capital by express delivery 600 miles away. After Jia Zheng saw it, he came over to look for Li Wan and planned to talk about the situation.

Sister Feng said with a smile: "I think it seems like a good thing."

Young wife Hua Xin's eyes lingered on the earrings next to Li Wan's ears, thinking to herself that Sister-in-law Zhu hadn't worn earrings for many years.

In fact, when a dead tree turns into spring, it is more of a change in mood after a happy mood, and Sister Feng is good at observing words and expressions. When she saw the recent change in Li Wan's expression, she naturally became a little suspicious.

Hearing this, Li Wan smiled slightly on Wen Ning's face and said, "Girl Feng, let's go and take a look."

It was originally a greeting to Jia Mu in the past, but now it is considered a thing of the past.

Rongqing Hall

Jia Mu was sitting on the Arhat bed, with Mrs. Xing and Wang sitting next to her, and Aunt Xue also sat below, with a smile on her fair and plump face.

As Baochai moved into the Grand View Garden, helping Jia Heng take care of the house and the business in the capital, Aunt Xue was overjoyed, and her originally worried heart gradually relaxed.

This is indeed not just a concubine. Brother Heng really likes her Jiabao girl, and there should be no problem in marrying her as his wife in the future.

Of course, Aunt Xue didn't know that Jia Heng also really liked another treasure girl.

Sitting on the chair at the bottom was Jia Zheng. Jia Zheng was sitting upright at the moment, twirling his beard under his chin with one hand, and looking at Jia Lan, who was sitting neatly not far away, like a little adult, with a hint of joy on his elegant face.


After asking a few questions just now, Langeer's answers were indeed fluent. He was more diligent and smarter than Baoyu in studying.

No wonder Ziyu admired the young Langeer so much and said many times that he should cultivate her well.

"The eldest grandma and the second grandma are here." At this time, grandma entered the hall and said with joy on her face.

Li Wan and Sister Feng entered the hall. One was wearing a pale yellow dress, a bun with eight treasures and beads, beautiful beaded face, and brilliant embroidery. The other was in a blue dress, with a dignified appearance, almost like an orchid in an empty valley, gentle and graceful.

"Old ancestors, you are calling Sister-in-law Zhu and I in a hurry because of some happy event." Sister Feng's sharp eyes saw the joy on Jia Mu's face and Jia Zheng beside her, and she had a guess in her heart that it must be a happy event, so she smiled

Yi Yingying asked.

Jia Mu said with a smile: "Girl Feng's mouth is just like a magpie announcing good news. Don't tell me, it's really a happy event."

Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, and Aunt Xue all laughed.

Sister Feng came to Jia Mu and continued to laugh and joke: "Old ancestor, I wonder what kind of happy event it is? Let's talk to my grandson's wife."

At this time, Li Wan also sat down and looked at Jia Mu curiously.

What happy event needs to call her?

As a transparent person in the Jia family in the past, Li Wan had long been accustomed to guarding his children's birthdays. He sometimes felt that he was just a fool to Bao and Dai's fights and other laughter in Rongqing Hall.

A spectator.

At this time, Jia Lan came forward and called her mother politely.

Li Wan's beautiful face showed a touch of maternal gentleness, and he said: "Brother Lan, sit there."

Jia Mu looked at mother and son with a kind smile and said, "Let your father-in-law speak."

Because he could not conceal his joy, Jia Zheng's elegant face showed a smile and said: "The imperial court divided the provinces of Jiangnan into Anhui Province. Ziyu just submitted a memorial and strongly recommended Brother Li as the governor of Anhui. Hearing that the emperor was happy to accept him,

There have been rumors in the cabinet that he will be appointed governor."

Li Shouzhong was a relative of Jia Zheng, and Jia Zheng highly praised Li Shouzhong's talent, learning, and character, who was a scholar and a wine minister in the Imperial College.

Li Wan: "..."

My father is going to be the governor of Anhui? Is he a feudal official?

No, why did he recommend his father to be the governor of Anhui?

My father had been idle at home for some years and seemed to have left his official career long ago and was forgotten by the court, so he recommended me again.

Is this... is this because of her?

I don't know why, thinking about this, Li Wan's breathing quickened, his heart beat violently, and his beautiful cheeks flushed slightly. He felt a strong feeling of shame and joy welling up in his heart, making the beauty almost unable to control himself.


At this moment, although Mother Jia observed Li Wan's expression and saw that his cheeks were rosy and his gentle brows were filled with joy, she was only happy because her father was re-enabled, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Only Sister Feng glanced at Li Wan, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she became even more suspicious in her heart.

Why is this joyful attitude so similar to when she was showing off?

At this time, Jia Mu smiled and asked Jia Zheng, "I don't know why Brother Heng wants to reinstate Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law and me?"

Aunt Xue smiled and continued: "I was silent before, and I never heard Brother Heng mention it at home."

Sister Feng Danfeng looked at Li Wan aside with a half-smile in her eyes, and asked tentatively: "Sister-in-law Zhu, have Brother Heng told you?"

I remember that after Brother Heng went to her banquet, he went to Sister-in-law Wan’s banquet the next day.

"Ah." When Li Wanfang was lost in thoughts, she heard the words and said: "Brother Heng, he seems to have never mentioned this matter. I just heard about it."

It must have happened that day, was he trying to make amends because he felt guilty? But why did he say...it was just this time, not next time?

It's not that she doesn't follow the rules of women, but she still keeps thinking about it. In fact, these words make people confused.

Jia Zheng said softly: "Ziyu praised his relatives very much in his memorial. He mentioned that Li Shouzhong kept filial piety for three years and did not change his ambition, which shows his integrity and upright character. After the filial piety period expired, he lived at home and educated the children of the clan. Now Anhui Fang

We are in urgent need of virtuous officials to take up the post of Fang Bo, so we recommend our relatives."

Jia's mother said worriedly: "Zheng'er, will people say that Brother Heng is nepotistic or something like that?"

Mrs. Wang raised her fair face, frowned slightly, and moved her eyes slightly.

Aunt Xue also had a bit of concern on her face, after all, she was her son-in-law.

When Li Wan heard this, he raised his beautiful eyes filled with autumn waves, and a hint of worry appeared on his beautiful face lightly covered with powder.

He was an official in the court and had many political enemies to begin with. Especially if she continued to criticize him because of this incident, it was her...her fault.

Jia Zhengdao: "That's not true. Ziyu's recommendation was based on a public spirit. As the ancients said, one should not avoid relatives when recommending talents. In addition, the in-laws were originally well-known scholars. They once offered wine to the Imperial Academy and are now governors of a province. They are all respected by everyone.


Jia Mu smiled and said, "Brother Heng is very good at doing things."

As he said that, he glanced at Mrs. Wang who was touching the Buddhist beads, and deliberately nodded: "Isn't that what I was doing in the beginning? Now in the General Affairs Department, everyone can be considered as giving full play to their talents."

Jia Zheng hurriedly said: "Mother, my son's qualifications are too dull and he cannot be brought up. Now he is just doing nothing in the Department of General Affairs."

"Hey, what's this? Brother Heng is a military minister, but the first-class Wuhou doesn't know better than you? Now you are a good official in the General Affairs Department." Mother Jia said with a disapproving look.

Jia Zheng could only say a few words of humility.

Sister Feng smiled and said: "This is also a suitable candidate, otherwise the palace would not accept it."

As he said that, he glanced at Li Wan, and a look of envy welled up in the depths of Danfeng's eyes.

Compared to the Wan sister-in-law, the Wang family where she was also a widow was in decline in Jinling. This did not mean that the Wan sister-in-law still had a child.

Mrs. Wang, holding a string of sandalwood beads in her hand, glanced at her daughter-in-law, not sure whether she was happy or worried.

Can't Uncle Heng help Baoyu?

"Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law, it's not been easy for you to take care of Brother Lang these years." Mother Jia looked at the young Hua Xin woman whose cheeks were flushed with shame and joy, and said with a smile: "Brother Lang will be taken care of by his grandfather in the future.

, it will be easier to get ahead in the future."

In fact, this is an obvious thing. With a grandfather who is a feudal official, Jia Lan's future will definitely be much brighter.

As for Li Shouzhong's daughter, Li Wan, who was previously an unknown and unknown widow, now has a more radiant face.

Li Wan took Jia Lan's hand and said softly: "Old lady, Brother Lan still has to look after himself. My father is getting older. He still has to become an official and take care of himself."

That man should be able to cultivate Langeer well in the future, after all, she shamelessly allowed him to bully her that night.

Since everything was for the sake of her children, she no longer had to feel guilty about the gods.

Jia Mu smiled and said: "Even if his grandfather becomes an official in the future, won't his Uncle Heng take care of him? If he passes the Jinshi examination, it will be easy to become an official again. Even if he fails to pass the Jinshi examination, if he succeeds in the examination, then Fu Shi's family

Didn't he also become the governor of a state?"

In the past, she looked at Brother Heng as if he had a cold temper, but now she sees that he is actually cold on the outside and warm on the inside, whether towards Baoyu, his father or Jia Lan.

It's not in vain that she helped him in the first place.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at Mrs. Wang again, with an inexplicable color in her old eyes.

In the future, if Baoyu wins the imperial eunuch, he will really have to rely on Brother Heng's recommendation and support if he wants to serve as an official. I don't know why Baoyu's mother is having trouble with Brother Heng every day.


This brother Heng is also a kindhearted person. He originally wanted to find an opportunity to talk about Xiuyan, but he hurried south to Jinling again, so he had to look for another opportunity.

Aunt Xue glanced at Mrs. Wang, her thoughts a little complicated.

My sister doesn't know that Brother Heng is now the son-in-law of her Xue family. When Pan'er's lawsuit is over, he comes out of the Wucheng Army and Horses Division, not only to find an official position, but also to start a business and take care of him in the future.

, I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life.

Sister Feng Li also smiled brightly and said softly: "Old lady, Brother Heng is in the south now. You said you won't come back during the New Year."

Jia Mu said: "He is running errands in the palace, which is what he should do, but Keqing is quite lonely at home."

Sister Feng said with a smile: "What the old lady said, there are sister-in-law You and the second sister over there, and the third sister is accompanying her."

She just needs to go to Keqing's house to keep him company these days.

A kind smile appeared on Mother Jia's face and she said: "I know you two have a good relationship, so you should go see her more. You said Brother Heng didn't write any letters at all."

Sister Feng smiled and said: "Wait a minute, I said I'm going to find her."

"Early tomorrow morning, the ladies of each family will go into the palace to congratulate the Queen and the Queen Mother on their birthday. Don't forget to remind her." Jia Mu said with a smile again.

And when Aunt Xue listened to Jia Mu talking about Mrs. Gaoming coming to the palace to celebrate, the smile on her fair face froze, and her eyes had an inexplicable meaning.

You have to be the first wife to be granted the title of Madam, which is a great dignity and honor. At that time, Pan'er will also be the eldest brother-in-law of the Marquis.

Ningguo Mansion, back hall

Qin Keqing was not playing mahjong, but was preparing for the New Year with Youshi and Third Sister You, buying clothes from various places.

Because today is New Year's Eve, all the mansions in the house have been decorated with lanterns and decorations. From the front hall to the Yimen, the second inner door and the back hall, red lanterns have been hung, creating a joyful scene.

In the hall, Third Sister You looked at Qin Keqing, who was flipping through the account books, and asked: "Sister, will the uncle not come back to celebrate the New Year this year?"

Qin Keqing said softly: "I should be celebrating the New Year in the south. Didn't the newspaper not long ago say that the three government agencies in Jiangnan were newly established, and the Marquis of Yongning went to the Jiangnan Camp to inspect. He should be busy at this time."

Third Sister You sighed quietly.

Qin Keqing smiled and said: "Why are you sighing? It won't be too late to wait until next year. I can't let you run away anyway."

At first, Jia Heng said that he would use a sedan to welcome Sanjie You as she passed the door, but later on, he was gradually delayed because he went south to Jinling.

"I'm not worried about this, I just think that during the Chinese New Year, the whole family can get together and talk and laugh." Sanjie You said softly.

Second sister You looked at her third sister, with a hint of smile in her soft eyes.

The third sister has been holding her in her arms while sleeping for the past few days, as if she is her man, which is so embarrassing.

Just then, the nanny from outside came in and said, "Grandma, Sister-in-law Feng and Sister-in-law Wan are here."

After a while, Sister Feng, accompanied by Ping'er and Feng'er, came to the hall with Li Wan. With a smile on her face, she said, "Are you all here?"

Qin Keqing said softly: "Sister-in-law Feng, why are you here?"

"Come here to see you." Sister Feng looked at the graceful beauty with a smile and said softly: "By the way, the second master just said that Brother Heng sent a memorial to the capital in the south, saying that it was recommended.

My sister-in-law’s father is the governor of Anhui.”

Qin Keqing smiled and said, "Really?"

Then he looked at Li Wan and asked: "Sister-in-law Zhu, husband, he has always said that it is a pity that Mr. Li is idle in Jiangnan."

Li Wan showed a bit of embarrassment on his face and said softly: "Just now, the master said that to the old lady, but actually, I don't know what the situation is."

Speaking of which, during this period of time when Li Wan was living in Daoxiang Village, he did not even come to the backyard hall to see Qin Keqing. Looking at the beautiful and elegant lady with her charming smile, he felt a little guilty.

Qin Keqing did not doubt that he was there. In fact, she wanted to ask Li Wan about his experience in giving birth and raising children. He chuckled and said, "Sister-in-law Wan, let's sit down and talk."

As they talked, everyone sat down in the room. The maids served tea and everyone drank tea and talked.

Sister Feng said with a smile: "Today is New Year's Eve. It seems that Brother Heng is not coming back."

"Husband, you may come back before the Lantern Festival. Things in the south seem to be settled." Qin Keqing said softly with her beautiful face.

"After walking for so long, I should have sent a letter." Sister Feng said softly, blinking her eyes, and said softly: "Brother Heng handed the memorial to Beijing, so I should send a letter to my family along the way.


Qin Keqing had a faint smile on her hibiscus face and said softly: "Perhaps she is still on the road at this moment."

While talking, the nanny outside opened the curtain again and entered the back hall, and said happily: "Grandma, the boy outside said that Jinyi Mansion sent someone to deliver a letter from the uncle."

Sister Feng said with a smile: "Look, this is called telepathy, and we are really on the road."

Qin Keqing's jade cheeks were flushed, and she felt a little shy when facing the smiling and joking eyes, but soon, she felt a little shy and annoyed in her heart.

She knew that there would definitely be a letter from her husband, probably... more than one.

Grand View Garden, Hengwu Garden——

There are not many furnishings in the wing room. As the original work says, the four walls are like snow caves. Under the east window, Baochai is wearing a honey-colored jacket and a pink horse-faced skirt. She is sitting on the Kang couch, concentrating.

Looking at a blue-covered account book on the small table, with the sound of "swiping" the pages, another plain hand moved the abacus beads.

Accompanied by the sound of patter, patter, I would pick up a pen to record in the account book from time to time.

The golden morning light of winter shines through the window on the girl with curved eyebrows and plump cheeks, and her plump and white face is like the core of a pear, and her face is delicate and smooth, while her lips, which are not dotted but red, are shiny and blue.


The girl suddenly raised her head, with a hint of curiosity in her moist apricot eyes under her beautiful eyebrows, and asked: "Ying'er, have all the clothes of the maids in each room been delivered?"

"Everything has been delivered, girl, but I'm exhausted. Some things can't be messed up. It takes a lot of effort." Ying'er wore a pale yellow dress and sat down, with a delicate and clear voice.

A little bit of the gentleness and charm of an oriole emerging from the valley.

But in terms of sound alone, Yinger lives up to his name.

Baochai smiled softly, looked at his maid, and said: "Take a rest when you are tired, I am not in a hurry."

"It's okay, I just want to do things beautifully and not embarrass the girl." Ying'er smiled again and said softly: "Actually, the girl is really tired. My uncle has left so many shops to the girl.

Take care."

Even though Baochai was a big-hearted person, he could not help but feel a sense of embarrassment and anger in his heart. He said in annoyance, "You are talking nonsense again with that mouth."

You can't say this carelessly, the principal wife is still in Ningguo Mansion.

Ying'er came close enough and said softly: "Girl, my uncle has been going to the south for such a long time, and no letter has been delivered. Looking at the situation, he won't be back this year."

Baochai closed the account book in his hand, sighed softly and said, "It should be, Nanbian'er's errands will be finished, it should be after the new year."

She also misses him a little. After the two of them got together, they also spent less time together and more time apart. Not long ago, the Plum Blossom Poetry Club opened for the first time, and the sisters wrote poems. Without her watching, the poems lost a lot of interest.

"Girl, Miss Lin is here." Baochai's other maid, Wen Xing, entered the side room through the curtain and said softly.

When Baochai heard the words, she stood up and walked away with joy in her bright, translucent, moist apricot eyes.

In fact, without him by her side, she and Yan'er were much closer than ordinary sisters.

At this time, Daiyu, accompanied by Zijuan and Xiren, entered the house, looked at the girl with smooth muscles and bones, and said with a chuckle: "What is Sister Bao busy in the house?"

Baochai looked at the girl with a smile and said with a chuckle: "When I came here, I didn't do anything, I just flipped through the account books."

As he spoke, he took Daiyu's slender hand, and said with a friendly and natural smile: "While I was talking, no one was talking, it was a bit boring, so here you are."

Daiyu's starry eyes were bright, and she chuckled and said: "Xiangyun and the others were making trouble in Qiu Shuangzhai. I was a little tired, so I came over to see my sister. My sister is very busy now. She is so busy all day long that she can't find anyone."

He gave the outside shop to Sister Bao without asking her if she wanted to take care of it, hum!

Hey, he actually knows that she doesn't care about this, and he understands her.

Baochai chuckled lightly, looked at the pretty girl, and said, "If you like it, come and take a look at it for me."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to help Daiyu untie her red and white fur cloak, and said with a chuckle: "Let's sit in the inner compartment."

Daiyu quickly smiled and said: "Sister, I'll just come."

After saying this, he helped her take off her cloak. If he saw it, he might think she was frivolous.

Baochai said softly: "It's okay, we are all a family, there is no need to be so exposed."

Daiyu's clear and jade-like cheeks blushed slightly, and then she no longer persisted. She sat down on the kang couch with Baochai's hand in hand, lightly pursed her pink lips, and asked: "Sister Bao, Brother Heng."

It's been a while since I went to Jiangnan, and I wonder how busy you are in Nan Province?"

Baochai ordered Ying'er to prepare hot tea, and said softly: "There is no progress in the newspaper, and I don't see him sending letters from the south, but everything should go well."

Daiyu sighed softly and said softly: "It's been so long, but no letter has been delivered."

Baochai smiled and said: "I arrived in Jinling not long ago after a lot of planning. I am probably still busy at the moment and haven't had time to write a letter. This is normal. Sister, don't miss me too much. We have only been away for a long time and we are so clingy."

As he spoke, he held Daiyu's slender hand.

He couldn't help but look at the girl opposite him carefully. She had picturesque features, peach cheeks and starry eyes, especially the soft charm of the Jiangnan water town. No wonder Brother Heng liked Meier.

Daiyu's cheeks were red with embarrassment and she said angrily: "Sister Bao, who is clinging to him?"

Baochai smiled softly, took the girl's hand, and asked with concern: "I read the newspaper recently. Uncle Lin is going back to Beijing to report on his work. I don't know where he is now?"

"When I was in Luoyang, I received a letter saying that I was going to enter Guanzhong. According to the journey, I will be there soon." Daiyu said softly.

Lin Ruhai was summoned to the capital by an imperial edict from Emperor Chongping to report on his duties. He was also appointed to another appointment. He was on the road before and recently entered the land of Sanfu.

This chapter has been completed!
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