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Chapter 929: The Mongolian War Begins

 Ningguo Mansion, Huifang Garden

When night fell, the men of the Jia family guessed riddles, drank wine, and returned to their residences with the help of servants.

Lin Ruhai also rested for the night in the front yard of Ningguo Mansion.

And above the Tianxiang Tower, the lights are brightly lit, hairpin skirts and coats are ringed, eyes are full of beauty, and laughter and laughter are endless.

Under Sister Feng's lively atmosphere, Jia Mu's laughter never stopped.

Everyone around after a few seconds looked at Sister Feng who was joking.

Jia Heng also went up to the attic, looked at Jia Mu, and said, "Old lady, are you calling me?"

Mother Jia smiled kindly and said, "Brother Heng, this year has not been easy. I have to offer you a glass of wine."

This year, the young man in front of me was granted the title of First-Class Wuhou, and helped Zheng'er give birth to Guan'er, as well as Nanbian'er Lan Ge'er and his grandfather re-enlisted him.

Jia Heng said: "The old lady really upset me."

At this time, Yuanyang helped Jia Heng pour a glass of wine. With a smile on his face, he said softly: "Master, drink first."

Jia Heng looked at the girl, met her shining eyes, and nodded. It had been a while since he had talked with Yuanyang.

However, Yuanyang is not in a temperament that can't live without a man, and he doesn't have to think too much about serving Jia's mother.

In fact, not only Yuanyang, Miaoyu, Baochai and Baoqin did not speak for a long time.

Under the gazes of many eyes, Jia Heng raised the wine cup and said: "Then I wish the old lady a long and prosperous life."

Jia Mu said with a smile on her face: "Okay, okay."

As he spoke, he also had a drink.

Mrs. Wang looked at the young man, her hands hidden in her sleeves clenched the Buddhist beads tightly.

Jia Mu said: "Brother Heng, it's not easy for you to be busy with state affairs outside. Your wife and daughter-in-law have taken care of the affairs of the house, so don't worry too much."

Jia Heng nodded, then looked at the beauty sitting next to Jia Mu, and met her soft and beautiful eyes with a smile.

Sister Feng smiled at this time and said: "Old lady, it's getting dark now. Let's go to the garden and put up lanterns."

Jia Mu smiled and said, "Let's go. I've been doing this for a long time, and my body and bones want to move."

As they spoke, everyone supported Jia Mu and headed towards the Grand View Garden.

When night fell, Sister Feng organized a group of gold hairpins to go to the Grand View Garden, preparing to go to Qinfang River to put out lanterns. On the Fengyao Bridge, lanterns were hung, red and yellow, and lanterns were hung along the Qinfang River.

The river flows.

Fireworks shot into the sky, colorful, and the night sky was gorgeous.

After the lantern festival was over, all the Jin Chai returned to their residences. Because there were so many people, Jia Heng naturally did not stay alone with others under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Jia Heng did not even live in the Grand View Garden, but left the Grand View Garden and went to the front yard of Ningguo Mansion. When he arrived at the inner study, he raised his eyes and saw that the lights were still on in the study, and a tall and beautiful figure was projected on the window.


Jia Heng's face was startled, and he opened the curtain and entered the wing, looking at the girl who was standing in front of a hanging map, lost in thought.

Jia Heng came closer and asked, "Xiaoxiao, why didn't you go put out the lanterns?"

Chen Xiao pointed to a volume on the desk and said, "Look at this, the urgent information sent by the detective, Liu Jixian asked me to send it over."

Jia Heng picked up the military briefing and read it. A serious look gradually appeared on his face, and he said: "The Naiman tribe and the Aohan tribe are preparing to attack Ezhe's Sunit tribe in the near future."

"I'm afraid that the grassland has already started fighting at this time. The envoy has already informed Ezhe in advance so that they can take precautions as early as possible, but it is probably of little use. There is no room for opportunism when the two armies are fighting." Chen Xiao said.

Jia Heng frowned and said, "What if we let Datong send cavalry to respond first?"

"The border generals are not strong enough to defend the city wall. How can they dare to go out to fight easily? If they are taken advantage of by the enemy and lose their energy, it will be bad." Chen Xiao snorted coldly and said.

Jia Heng was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: "Then the troops will be sent out tomorrow. I will still send the light cavalry to the north. I will integrate the troops and horses in Datong and Taiyuan and then make plans."

He had guessed before that he wouldn't be able to stay at home for long, and sure enough, something happened in the north again.

Chen Xiao said: "Those fire blunderbuss haven't been completely built yet? How do you plan to transport them to the border?"

"More than twenty Hongyi cannons are almost enough. We need to use mules and horses to transport them to Datong. I asked Cai Quan to take charge of this matter." Jia Heng looked at the map, looking back and forth between Taiyuan and Chang'an, and then looked again

A glance at the direction of Ping'an Prefecture.

Chen Xiao's clear-shuang jade face showed a look of thoughtfulness, and her voice was as clear as gold and stone, and she said: "If we mobilize the 12 battalions of cavalry in this way, we can probably mobilize 50,000 to 60,000 elites. This is already the elite of the cavalry in the Beijing camp."

Jia Heng said: "The cavalry went first, and the infantry followed later. There are still many troops in Taiyuan and Datong. With the Beijing camp taking the lead, the cavalry can only go north. The changes in the grassland can only be blocked by Ezhe first."

Last time."

Chen Xiao said: "Then tomorrow, we will tell the palace that this is a battle that will affect the fate of the country."

If the intervention in the Mongolian war fails, then the Jurchens will roam thousands of miles outside the Great Wall from now on, and no one will be able to control them.

Jia Heng nodded and said, "I will mention this when I go to court tomorrow."

On the 16th day of the first lunar month of the 16th year of Chongping, the warm atmosphere of the New Year gradually faded away, and the Han Empire, like a clockwork machine, began to operate again after a short rest.

Daming Palace, Hanyuan Hall

Today is the first court meeting after the festival. Emperor Chongping summoned all cabinet ministers to discuss state affairs, mainly the first meeting with ministers after the festival, to show that the emperor is in good health and the country is in good condition.

The civil and military officials in the palace were lined up on the left and right. At a glance, the officials in scarlet robes standing respectfully were surrounded by darkness. The atmosphere at this moment was solemn and solemn.

Then, a cry of long live the mountains sounded.

"I have seen you, Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty." All the ministers in the palace saluted in unison, and their voices spread from Hanyuan Hall to the white marble square outside.

Jia Heng was in the first row of the court class, holding an ivory and jade wat in his hand, bowing to the middle-aged emperor sitting on a golden chair.

Emperor Chongping looked at the ministers below and said, "Everyone is safe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After the ministers thanked him, they stood with respectful expressions.

After a moment of silence, Yao Yu, the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, coughed, came out of the train, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, since last year, Shen Fang, the governor of Liangjiang, was demoted for crimes. Now there are few ministers in Xinjiang, so I am asking for help.

The imperial court recommends virtuous and upright ministers, and on behalf of the emperor, he takes care of millions of people in the two rivers."

"Accurate performance." Emperor Chongping's face was indifferent, and he only uttered two words.

The recommendation of the governor of Liangjiang is obviously not something that can be decided by the court after such a festival, but whether the cabinet department is ready to wait for the person who is far away will be decided by the Ministry of Personnel in conjunction with the cabinet, and it cannot be decided suddenly.

At this time, there was a person among the imperial censors holding a bamboo scepter. It was Deng Jin who was involved in the criminal affairs department and said: "I am reporting to the Holy One. I thought that the chief minister of the cabinet has been vacant for a long time. The affairs of the six ministries and hundreds of departments are in chaos.

The first thing to do is to appoint the head of the cabinet, to assist the Mingjun and the Yingzhi in governing the world, and to calm the hearts and minds of the civil and military officials below."

Emperor Chongping was sitting on the golden chair with a blank expression. He just glanced at Han Huang below and said nothing for a while.

Han Huang below is the old god. Sometimes it is not a good idea to just avoid him. Today is a test and showdown for the emperor.

As Deng Jin from the Criminal Division raised the issue of the pending chief minister of the cabinet, a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice came out from below to agree.

The level of chief minister is usually awarded by special purpose. There are some who are recommended by the court, but not many.

Just when the atmosphere in the palace was somewhat strange, Jia Heng looked calm and suddenly stepped out from the crowd and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have urgent military information to report."

Seeing Jia Heng following closely behind, who was originally thinking about whether to discuss the cabinet of the chief minister, ministers, and ministers today, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

Facing Emperor Chongping's gaze, Jia Heng raised his hands and said: "The Naiman tribe and the Aohan tribe colluded with the Jurchens to rebel against the Chahar Mongol Khan and attack the Khan's court. Please send troops to Datong and Taiyuan immediately to prevent the Jurchens from annexing them.

Battle of Mongolia.”

As soon as this statement came out, all the officials in the palace were in an uproar. They were talking among themselves, and even the censor Jiu Yi couldn't hold it back.

Mongolia is already fighting in the steppe? No, what does this have to do with the Han Dynasty?

In fact, many officials don't even know that there are several Otoks under Chahar Mongolia, and they are confused now, let alone travel thousands of miles to help Mongolia fight against the Jurchens.

When Emperor Chongping heard this, he was startled, his face changed slightly, and his eyes became solemn.

At this time, the Minister of Military Aircraft and the Commander-in-Chief of Nan'an County were the first to go out and speak in a loud voice: "Yongning Marquis, when did this military information come from? How come I don't know? Master Shi, the Military Aircraft Department didn't deliver it, right?"


Shi Jie took over the conversation from the side and said, "It may be a secret message, but it hasn't been delivered yet."

Not far away, the King of Chu, who was standing in the train of the Ministry of War, glanced at the young man in the python suit, and then looked at the Prince of Nan'an County.

It seems that the Wang family of Nan'an County and the Marquis of Yongning are not on good terms.

Behind Lin Ruhai, the Minister of Household Affairs, Chen Cheng, the Minister of Cangchang and Prince of Qi County, had a sneer on his lips.

In this main hall, there was a sea of ​​people who had offended the child.

Jia Heng glanced coldly at the Prince of Nan'an County and said in a deep voice: "Last night, it was reported from Jinyi Detective that several Mongolian tribes have summoned all the tribesmen, together with the Jurchen White and Xiangbai banners and the servants and soldiers, to attack

The attack on the Mongolian Sunit tribe in Chahar was a secret report, so it is not surprising that the Prince of Nan'an did not know about it."

The Prince of Nan'an County looked indifferent, and said with cupped hands: "Your Majesty, in the war between the Jurchens and the Mongols, I, the great man, should sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the tigers and the tigers in order to reap the benefits. I should not rashly intervene in this matter and take chestnuts from the fire."

This shows that he did not participate in the imperial meeting between Jia Heng, Li Zan and Shi Jie yesterday.

As the saying goes, small meetings decide major matters, general meetings decide small matters, and secretaries meet to decide personnel matters. If you don't know, then no one has told you that you have to sit on the bench.

As soon as the Nan'an County Prince's remarks came out, there was no shortage of voices of support. For example, Hu Yi, the Li Ke, was the first to respond to the incident and said loudly: "Your Majesty, since last year, our court has been fighting for many years, and the soldiers have died at the king's expense.

There are countless people injured and disabled in this incident, which can be said to be a waste of money and a waste of people. When we are recuperating and restoring our people's strength, one man is greedy for martial arts and starts a military campaign. I think that such a reckless military campaign, hoping for great achievements, is a disaster rather than a blessing for the country. I still ask your Majesty.

Think twice.”

The connotation of these words is that Jia Heng was good at starting wars in order to achieve meritorious service for himself. He was so happy about his achievements that he even remonstrated with the emperor.

Emperor Chongping's face looked a little ugly, but he still had such self-restraint and ignored it.

At this time, a young official walked out of the Metropolitan Procuratorate's train and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have heard of the death of Yang Wenxuan, the imperial censor of Henan Province. Our Han army has entered the grassland hastily. The geography is unknown. Once it is defeated by the enemy,

, the consequences are disastrous, I ask your Majesty to think twice and not to use weapons rashly."

All the commentators below echoed this, most of them were talking about the war between Mongolia and Jurchens. The Han Dynasty could just wait and see what happened and reap the benefits. There was no need to participate at all.

When Yan Ye, the king of Nan'an County, saw this, he felt a little happy. This is what people want and the general trend is.

My son, this is the year when the title of Marquis has tasted the benefits. He is greedy for success and has too much selfishness!

Emperor Chongping had no expression on his face, looked at the ministers below, and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

At this time, Cen Weishan, the Minister of Punishment, held an ivory and jade wat in his hand, and went out to report: "To report to your Majesty, I believe that the Jurchens have been wreaking havoc outside the pass for a long time. Our Han army rushed out of the fortress rashly. Once defeated by the enemy, I am afraid of what will happen in Liaodong."


Jia Heng listened to the words of the courtiers in the palace, shook his head secretly, and felt cold in his heart.

In fact, this is the consistent behavior of the ruling group of the Central Plains Dynasty. It was dark and dark outside, so he just closed the door and lived his own life, turning a deaf ear to the outside world and being short-sighted.

In this regard, it is really not as good as Dai Ying, who is known as a shit stirrer.

Jia Heng's face was indifferent, but he did not refute it.

If it had been the past, he would have had no choice but to argue with the scholars and refute them one by one.

But now, since the two great victories in the Central Plains and Jiangnan, this level of debate is no longer necessary.

He did not speak at this moment, but gave the most powerful rebuttal. This was the confidence of a powerful man in the court.

Rockets burn coal. If I look at it twice, I will lose.

Lin Ruhai, who was in the court train, saw the courtiers who had their own opinions, but there was a hint of confusion on his elegant face.

This was the second time I came to the court after many years, and I saw that the familiar disputes were almost the same as before. They were arguing about the same thing.

Emperor Chongping did not comment on the rebuttal of the Prince of Nan'an and the agreement of the ministers. After the subordinates calmed down for a while, he looked downwards instead at Li Zan, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, and said: "Old Li Ge has been stationed at the border for a long time.

What do you think about this?"

At this moment, all the ministers in the palace suddenly fell silent and looked at Li Zan, hoping that this minister in Peiping would stand up and oppose Jia Heng's act of causing trouble.

But Han Huang and Zhao Mo frowned. The emperor no longer consulted the cabinet on all military and state affairs, but entrusted them to the military aircraft department.

Li Zan cupped his hands and said: "Back to the Holy Spirit, the former Song Dynasty was located in a corner of the south. When the Mongols raised troops to destroy the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty asked for help from the Song court, but the Song court ignored it. Then the Mongols destroyed the Song Dynasty, resulting in the Yashan Incident, which interrupted the Chinese orthodoxy.

What happened in the former Song Dynasty is not far away from Yin Dynasty."

Mr. Li Ge did not express his position directly, but told the old events of the Southern Song Dynasty and told the ministers the truth about the death of lips and teeth.

The officials in the palace were silent for a moment and looked at Li Zan with surprise.

Emperor Chongping looked at the two ministers in the cabinet with dark eyes, and said in a calm voice without any fluctuation: "What does Han Qing think?"

Han Huang said: "Your Majesty, I think that Li Ge's words can be regarded as the epitome of gold and stone. Chahar Mongolia is in Datong, Yunshuo, and is at peace with our dynasty. It is almost a screen vassal. There is Jin only, but the place of dynasty is not the same."

If the flames of war spread, it would be like sitting back and watching Mongolia be destroyed at the hands of the Jurchens, and there would be no peace in the land of the Jin Dynasty."

Since the emperor has made up his mind, he can only send troops first.

However, the Prince of Nan'an County held up his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this old minister cannot agree with this statement. The Mongols and the Jurchens were originally the same species, but now they are decisively victorious on the grassland. Our government is waiting for both sides to suffer losses and reap the benefits. How can we fall into it ourselves?"

When Emperor Chongping heard this, he actually nodded, turned to look at Jia Heng, and said, "Does Marquis Yongning have anything to say?"

Jia Heng said: "I just want to ask the king of Nan'an County, what should we do if Chahar Mongolia surrenders to the Jurchens because of being forced by the Jurchens? I, Datong, Yunshuo and other places must fight against the Jurchens, just like the Song Dynasty faced the Jin.

Yan, Zhao, and the Jin Dynasty were invaded by enemy troops. They ignored each other and the capital was shocked. It is unknown how the Nan'an County King responded."

When the Prince of Nan'an County heard this, his expression changed slightly and he was speechless for a moment.

Jia Heng ignored the prince of Nan'an County and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, we must not sit back and watch the Jurchens annex Mongolia, otherwise the Jurchens will become more powerful and the affairs will become increasingly difficult to deal with. It is imperative to send troops to curb the Jurchens' westward expansion."

Emperor Chongping nodded and said: "What Yongninghou said is inspiring."

Jia Heng gave a solemn salute to Emperor Chongping and said: "I would like to lead the army to Datong to sit down and repair the armored soldiers to observe the changes in the grassland. We can dispatch troops at the right time. Whether it is to reap fishing profits or join forces with Mongolia to resist the captives, it can all be decided according to the time.


After hearing this, Emperor Chongping's face softened a bit. He looked at the cabinet ministers below and said, "Do Han Qing, Qi Qing, and Zhao Qing have any other suggestions?"

When Han Huang heard this, his face was solemn, he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, we should send troops to prevent the Jurchens from calmly annexing Mongolia and increase their momentum."

Qi Kun raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue has prepared to supply the army with food for half a year to support the war and prevent the front line from worrying about expensive food."

Zhao Mo also raised his hand and expressed his approval.

When the Prince of Nan'an County below saw this scene, his face turned ugly, and then he felt his hands and feet were cold.

Both the cabinet and the Military Aircraft Department supported Jiaheng in starting the war, but he seemed to have suddenly become a misfit...a clown?

In fact, it is like after the speech of Santokuzi, the head of state, who paid 500,000 marks for a loaf of bread, both the army marshal and the cabinet minister looked at him with admiration.

Jia Heng did not rely on his words, but relied on the prestige established by his victory in the war in the past year, not to mention that he had convinced the Ministry of Revenue in both sweet potatoes and financial resources, which naturally created a great trend.

For side affairs, the undisputed right to speak!

Some of the silent courtiers, some of whom had dark hearts, wished that Jia Heng and Jurchen had faced each other earlier, suffered a defeat, and then stopped.

Prince Nan'an also quickly adjusted his mentality and sneered in his heart.

Wait, if Xiao'er loses, then today he is a loyal and upright minister who defies all opinions, and the Holy Spirit will not ask him to clean up the situation!

But if the child slanders him, he will end up miserable.

"The purpose is to appoint the Minister of Military and Aircraft, Jia Heng, Marquis of Yongning, as the general to conquer the captives, and select the powerful troops from the capital to go to Datong and Taiyuan, and use the Emperor's Sword to control the provinces and border towns in Shanxi and Hebei. They will respond to the military at any time, and anyone who will delay the military aircraft

, Regardless of martial arts, you can make decisions on the fly, kill first and then play." Emperor Chongping pondered for a moment and said loudly.

When all the ministers in the palace heard this, they were shocked, but they calmed down.

Fortunately, the general who conquered the captives was only sent on a temporary basis, killing first and reporting later. This was also the case during the Battle of Henan?

Jia Heng cupped his hands and said, "I thank you for your great faith in the Holy Spirit. Even if you are a humble minister, your body and mind will be smashed to pieces, you should also report to the State."

When Jia Heng's imperial edict to select troops for the expedition was issued, the courtiers did not discuss the choice of the chief minister of the cabinet. As the ministers in the Hanyuan Palace dispersed and left in twos and threes, a tense and severe war atmosphere once again enveloped the entire palace.

Shenjing City.

Teahouses, restaurants, and streets were all discussing the Han Dynasty's dispatch of troops. As time went by, all the provinces in the north and south of the Han Dynasty paid attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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