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Chapter 77 I still have a move, if you can't catch it, you won't lose

Xu Muzhi was so supportive, Ning Chen could guess what he was thinking.

After all, in front of his idol, does he want to show that he is stronger?

Ning Chen looked at Xu Muzhi, and now he finally understood why some idiot fans said this.

Xu Muzhi seemed smart when he was not in front of Kong Jijiu, but in front of Kong Jijiu, he turned into a fool.

But it's not impossible to try sword moves with him.

When he came back, Ning Chen planned to give it a try.

It was just delayed by Wu Xian's incident, so I never had time to verify it.

"Don't worry, I know you are at the eighth level of martial arts. I will only use my eighth level ability to fight you. If we can't tell the winner within ten moves, I will lose."

Ning Chen smiled slightly: "Twenty-six moves."

Xu Muzhi didn't know why it was twenty-six moves and frowned and asked: "Why twenty-six?"

Ning Chenyun said calmly: "Because I have understood twenty-six moves and can defeat you within ten moves, it is difficult for me to verify the power of the remaining sixteen moves."

Ning Chen tricked her again.

Xu Muzhi really wanted to give himself a big mouth, but why couldn't he help but become this flatterer?

But Ning Chen's words really angered Xu Muzhi.

Xu Muzhi took out his plain knife from his waist.

Civil servants of the Wu Dynasty were allowed to carry swords, but Ning Chen found it troublesome.

Moreover, if you go out wearing a sword, it will be as if you are fencing with others at any time, which is unlucky.

Fortunately, the Imperial College does not lack weapons.

Ning Chen randomly selected a sword, weighed it and felt the feel of it.

It's been so long since I traveled through time, and although it's not the first time I've come into contact with weapons, it's still the first time I've fought against people.

To say that I am excited, there is still some excitement.

Who doesn’t have a hero dream in their heart?

"I'll let you attack first."

Xu Muzhi took a stance and said.

Ning Chen was not polite to Xu Muzhi, it was just for verification.

With one step, the word 'zig' was directly integrated into the sword move.

When Xu Muzhi saw Ning Chen take action, his expression changed slightly.

A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the door.

Xu Muzhi, who was once a disciple of Confucianism, could naturally see that Ning Chen's sword moves contained the meaning of "nurturing".

Ning Chen is not a precedent for the combination of Confucianism and martial arts.

For example, the combination of military commanders and war poems is definitely not a relationship where one plus one equals two.

Xu Muzhi himself actually followed this path.

Xu Muzhi's sword skills also contain a war poem.

Moreover, it is also a very powerful war poem that makes righteousness boil.

This is also the reason why Xu Muzhi was able to quickly stand out and be selected by Dingguo Hou.

"Although you contain the true meaning of Yangzi, it is almost impossible to reach the level of a saint in the realm of Yangzi! You will lose this battle!"

Xu Muzhi pretended to be generous and reminded Ning Chen, then drew his knife and went forward.


Swords clash.

Just as Xu Muzhi was about to exert his strength, Ning Chen changed his sword moves.

The sword's edge turned in a direction like a spiritual snake in an instant, and the tip of the sword went straight towards his throat.

This was the first time Xu Muzhi had seen such agile swordsmanship.

Whether in the military or among civilians, very few people use swords, and even those who do use swords are similar to the heavy swords like Da Dao.

This has a great relationship with the emphasis on strength in the early stages of martial arts.

Although the sword is agile, it is difficult to exert the strength of a martial artist.

Although the knife does not have as many changes as the sword, it can still give full play to the martial arts advantages.

Xu Muzhi himself chose the simple sword, which can be regarded as an existence between a knife and a sword.

He just wanted to integrate war poetry so that his fighting methods would not lack the charm of Confucianism, but also the power of martial arts.

Ning Chen used the sword to bring the Confucian charm to an extreme. As for the power, it was indeed a little lacking.

But enough killing!

Xu Muzhi's sword pressed down and collided with the sword in Ning Chen's hand again.

Still before Xu Muzhi could exert his force, Ning Chen's sword technique turned again, and like a spiritual snake coming out of its hole, it headed straight for Xu Muzhi's chest.

"I'm afraid this is a change of one word. Otherwise, the transition would not be so smooth!"

As a Confucian scholar, Xu Muzhi's vision is still there.

Ning Chen really shocked Xu Muzhi.

Entering the battle with words is already difficult.

With a change of one word, it becomes more difficult to enter combat skills.

And the most difficult thing is that this kind of calligraphy is not any kind of calligraphy that Xu Muzhi understands in the world.

It seems to have nothing to do with any kind of calligraphy in the world.

So there is a high possibility that this is Ning Chen's original creation.

Thinking of this, Xu Muzhi no longer looked down upon Ning Chen at all. He also wanted to see how strong Ning Chen could be.

Xu Muzhi put away his contempt and struck faster and with greater force.

Both sides go back and forth, Xu Muzhi's sword moves are basically a random combination of eight moves.

But Ning Chen didn't repeat any moves until he reached twenty.

It still looks like the same word, but it's completely different.

This also shocked Xu Muzhi's heart.

One word actually made Ning Chen happy.

This is something Xu Muzhi has never thought about.

Another six moves passed, and Xu Muzhi suddenly gathered his war poems together and struck down with one sword.

With an incomparable meaning.

This time the contact directly blew Ning Chen away.

Seeing that Ning Chen was finally forced back, Xu Muzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

If this still can't force Ning Chen to retreat, then he has lost a lot of face. At least he can make it back now.

"Your twenty-six swordsmanship skills are indeed good. But they are still not very good. If you meet a real master, one move will be enough to defeat you."

Xu Muzhi forcibly redeemed himself here, saying that he wanted to take care of Ning Chen and let Ning Chen perform the complete twenty-six sword techniques.

However, Ning Chen did not listen to Xu Muzhi's forced respect, but was thinking about a question in his mind.

Xu Muzhi's words really woke me up.

All my sword skills are derived from one word, so why can't I use this one word as the foundation to perform twenty-six changes in each move?

After silently deducing it in his mind for a while, Ning Chen suddenly raised his head and gave Xu Muzhi a bright smile: "I have one more move. If you can't catch it, you don't lose."

This chapter has been completed!
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