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Chapter 21 The Holy Land [6000,

The eight merchants are Ding, Chu, Xing, Cui, Jing, Qu, Ye and Niu.

The industries of each of the eight companies are very large and complex, and the industries that each company is involved in are very diverse.

However, each company also has its own pillar industry, which others cannot set foot in.

The Ding family mainly focused on water transportation, and 70% of the water transportation in the Wu Dynasty was done by the Ding family.

The Chu family mainly dealt in silk, and nearly half of the silk business in the Wu Dynasty was done by the Chu family.

The Xing family mainly produced tea, and they also occupied half of the country in the Wu Dynasty.

The Cui family mainly specialized in spices and accounted for 70% of Wu Dynasty’s spice business.

The Jing family mainly specializes in dyes, accounting for more than 60% of the business.

The Qu family was engaged in the flesh and blood business. All counties and prefectures in the Wu Dynasty had brothels owned by the Qu family.

The Ye family is engaged in the porcelain and jewelry business, accounting for more than 50% of the total.

The Niu family operates an escort agency, providing escort services for the seven companies above.

At the same time, I will also get involved in some pawn shops, which require ruthless business.

After listening to Wu Ang's story, Ning Chen first excluded the Niu family.

The Niu family's business sounds like a business run by a group of warriors.

They were completely tricked and deceived.

Based on their thinking, if there is a business channel to help with pricing, they might be able to make some money.

Simply letting them set their own prices and not losing money would be a good idea.

After knowing the pillar industries behind the eight companies, Ning Chen had an idea.

"Okay, I probably know the situation. Let them all have the final say. Please come over and talk." Ning Chen said to Wu Ang.

Wu Ang said: "There is no problem with the other seven families. The Cui family may not come."

"Do they even dare to reject your reputation as Prince Ang?" Ning Chen said jokingly.

Wu Ang shook his head and said: "It's not that you don't give me face, but it's the semi-sage Zhu family who supports the Cui family."

When Wu Ang said this, Ning Chen understood.

"Let the Zhu family be the Zhu family. If they want to come, they can come. If they don't come, it will be treated as if they don't understand etiquette. People who don't understand etiquette must be educated."

Wu Ang clearly heard business opportunities from Ning Chen's words: "Brother Ning, in the spice business, I must have the right of first refusal."

Ning Chen didn't expect Wu Ang's nose to be so sensitive.

He just said a word, and Wu Ang heard about the business opportunity.

"Didn't you just say that establishing a business path might affect the brotherly relationship between you?"

Wu Ang said with a righteous look: "Brother Ning, they and I are superficial brothers, but we are real brothers. If you marry my imperial sister in the future, you will have to call me brother-in-law. We are a family.


After Ning Chen found out that Wu Ang had given up the throne, he completely let himself go.

My royal sister sold it as soon as she said it would, without any hesitation.

"Aren't you afraid that your imperial sister will kill you if she hears it?"

Wu Ang said with an indifferent expression: "If my royal sister knows what I just said, it can only be said by you and me. With my royal sister's character, we might have a companion on the road.


Faced with Wu Ang, who had completely let go of himself, Ning Chen found that he had to re-examine Wu Ang, and at the same time, his strategy for dealing with Wu Ang had to be adjusted.

As a brother-in-law, it is natural for him to control his brother-in-law.

"Go and invite people first, as many as you can invite. Those who can't be invited will be considered unlucky," Ning Chen said to Wu Ang.

"Okay, I'm going to find someone. After I find him, should I come to your house or find another place?" Wu Ang asked Ning Chen.

"Just bring them here." Ning Chen said.

Before Wu Ang was about to go out, Ning Chen suddenly stopped Wu Ang and said, "Let Wan Hong go. It seems too shameful for them to let you, a prince, go to them."

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Wu Ang refused directly: "There is no need for Wan Hong to go, just let me, the prince, invite them in person. As the leader of the business, I must give them enough face."

After hearing Wu Ang's words, Ning Chen instantly understood what Wu Ang was going to do.

Ning Chen sneered and said: "You have given them enough face now, and then you will let them spend money to make up for the face you gave away?"

"I knew that we couldn't hide this from Brother Ning. Don't worry, Brother Ning, after this matter is settled, we will divide the accounts into four, six for you and four for me."

Based on his understanding of Ning Chen, Wu Ang directly figured out the account sharing ratio.

Wu Ang has arranged everything, what else can Ning Chen say, just accept it reluctantly.

After Wu Ang left, Ning Chen also used his reputation points to exchange for some things.

Next, Ning Chen will wait for people from the Eight or Seven families to come over and see if they plan to have a good talk.

If you want to have a good talk, Ning Chen has a way to have a good talk. If you don't want to have a good talk, Ning Chen also has a way not to have a good talk.

Wu Ang did not let Ning Chen wait too long.

After all, it was Prince Ang who came forward in person. No matter how reluctant he was, he still had to give him face.

Except for the Cui family, the Cui family has a very strong backing.

So he completely ignored Wu Ang's invitation, especially when he heard that he was going to Ning Chen's place.

Fengjing was the city with the largest population and the highest per capita consumption in the Wu Dynasty.

It has always been a battleground for businesses.

Fengjing contributes almost half of the profits to each company every year.

For this reason, even if the family does not make its fortune in a trading firm in Toyojing, the person in charge of the firm in Toyojing is always the second or third person in the family.

To a large extent, you can act arbitrarily without reporting to your family.

Seven extremely luxurious carriages stopped at the door of Ning Chen's house.

Wu Ang's carriage was still parked at the back door, continuing to hide its presence from others.

The curtain of the carriage was opened, and six men and one woman, dressed in extremely luxurious clothes, stepped out of the carriage.

Six men and one woman exchanged glances, and there was a sense of determination in everyone's eyes.

Everyone strives to make the other six people understand that they are an offensive and defensive alliance, allies with one heart and one mind.

The seven people were taken directly to the tea room where guests were received by Zheng Da.

The seven people were slightly startled when they saw Ning Chen, who had been famous for a long time and was meeting for the first time.

Because just looking at his face, it's completely impossible to tell that Ning Chen would have such a bad reputation.

This handsome appearance made the boss of the Qu family feel that he could have an in-depth and simple talk with Ning Chen first, and then decide whether to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the other six companies based on the situation.

After all, how can he attack and defend the alliance when he is paralyzed and fainted?

"I've seen the champion uncle."

After being slightly stunned and fantasizing, the seven of them respectfully bowed to Ning Chen.

It's just that the musician's voice was obviously half a beat slower, and there was also a soft and sultry flavor in the voice.

This made the other six managers look askance at him.

Ning Chen also looked at the people of the Naqu family.

When people from the Qu family came in, Ning Chen could tell that she had the blood of the demon clan and was a hybrid of human and demon.

It can be seen from her water snake waist that she holds tightly and twists a lot when walking, that she has the blood of the snake clan.

Wu Ang of the Qu family had told Ning Chen before that the person standing behind the Qu family was Prince Teng.

It was the snake spirit vassal king that Ning Chen had seen before.

The Qu family's Snake Clan bloodline is the same as that of Teng Wang's family.

It's just that Prince Teng's family is of the blood of the demon clan, while the Qu family is not of the royal blood.

When Qu Hongling saw Ning Chen looking at her, her electric eyes looked at Ning Chen with a hint of shyness and a hint of provocation.

When the other six families saw this scene, they understood that they had lost a loyal ally.

In fact, Qu Jia originally just accompanied his big clients to make noises.

The Qu family owns a brothel. Even if Shangdao sets the price for the brothel, it cannot determine the reward.

She came here this time only because the big client requested it, so she came with her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't come.

In fact, Ning Chen was also curious as to why the Qu family was involved in this matter.

It's probably because of the business relationship, and it has nothing to do with her running a brothel.

When Qu Hongling saw Ning Chen looking at her, she gave him a salute and explained in a soft voice: "Uncle Champion, the Nu family must have trouble with Uncle Champion.

Uncle Champion drew his sword for Hong Xiao and stood up for Du Qiuniang that day.

After Hongling heard this, she was very moved.

When I came to deliver the plaque to Uncle Champion that day, the slave family happened to go home to report on their work and were unable to see Uncle Champion. They felt extremely regretful.

I came here today because I really don’t know what impact business will have, and I want to hear Uncle Champion explain my doubts."

Ning Chen understood what Qu Hongling said.

This is because I am worried that the big customers will be unhappy, so I will join in to build momentum for the big customers.

"It doesn't matter. I asked you all to come here just to talk about this business."

"Everyone, please stop standing and take a seat."

Ning Chen raised his hand to signal to everyone and said.

Qu Honglingshui twisted her waist, walked forward, and sat down at the seat closest to Ning Chen.

When the other six families saw it, their hearts were already in confusion.

We haven't even started yet, and we've already lost one ally.

Even if the champion is given a seat, they still have to be obedient.

After everyone took their seats, Ning Chen said to the other six managers, "I already know Hong Ling, where are the others?"

When Qu Hongling heard Ning Chen's words, she immediately volunteered and said, "These slaves are familiar with each other. Please introduce them to Uncle Champion."

Ning Chen nodded: "Then there is Lao Hongling."

Hong Ling's pretty face blushed slightly and said, "The champion's words are serious."

Then Qu Hongling began to introduce each of them one by one.

"The person sitting at the door is Ding Shi of the Ding family, the eldest son of the head of the Ding family. The Ding family's water transportation is all over the rivers of the Wu Dynasty. More than half of the goods in Fengjing every day are transported in by the Ding family."

"Next to Ding Shi is the silk Chu family Chu Ge, the second son of the Chu family head. The Chu family's silk supplied 60% of our Wu Dynasty's industry.

It is said that the reason why the Chu family's silk is so good is because the Chu family has some special Confucian and Taoist methods that can make silkworms produce large amounts of silk."

Qu Hongling introduced them one after another.

The stewards from the six families all had dark faces.

Even if they rebel in person, this directly exposes their secrets to Ning Chen.

After listening to Qu Hongling's introduction, Ning Chen smiled and said to Qu Hongling, "Thank you for your hard work."

Qu Hongling blushed and said, "It's not hard work. It's Hongling's honor to be able to serve Uncle Champion."

When the six housekeepers saw Qu Hongling's behavior, they felt regretful.

They had previously discussed whether to bring the Qu family with them, but Qu Hongling promised that he would stand on the same front as these big customers.

They had just brought the Qu family with them, but when Qu Hongling came over, she was so impressed by Ning Chen's beauty that she outright sold the other six of them.

"You must be thirsty after talking so much."

Ning Chen said something to Qu Hongling, and then ordered outside: "Serve tea!"

The four little maids, upon hearing Ning Chen's instructions, quickly entered the tea room carrying already cooked tea.

Only this time, the tea cups used to hold the tea were not porcelain cups, but a set of crystal clear glass cups without a trace of impurities.

These glasses were redeemed by Ning Chen with reputation points.

A complete set of glasses cost Ning Chen a thousand reputation points.

The reason why so many reputation points were spent was entirely because of glass, which was not available in the Wu Dynasty.

Anything created from scratch has a high reputation point.

Taking the crystal clear glass in her hand, Qu Hongling held the glass in her hand with a look of surprise on her face.

I looked at it up and down and couldn't put it down.

Even Wu Ang couldn't help but take a good look at the crystal clear glass.

"Uncle Champion, what kind of crystal is this treasure made of? How can it be so crystal clear?" Qu Hongling asked in surprise.

This issue is not only of interest to Qu Hongling, but also to others, especially the Ye family, which specializes in ceramics and jewelry business.

It’s not like the Ye family doesn’t have such pure crystals.

It's just that it's one of the Ye family's treasures at the bottom of the box. To make it into a cup and use it to make tea would be such a waste.

If he dared to make such a request, his father would have his legs broken.

Ning Chen smiled indifferently, looked at Qu Hongling and said, "If you like it, I'll give you a set later."

When Qu Hongling heard that Ning Chen was going to give her a set of such precious cups, her legs went weak on the spot.

Qu Hongling's face turned red and she said excitedly: "Hongling has no merit, how dare you accept such an expensive gift from Uncle Champion."

Ning Chen waved his hands and said, "It's okay, they're just some worthless small items."

After saying this, Ning Chen gave instructions, "Go get a tea set and give it to Miss Hongling."

"Yes." Xia Zhu responded and went to get it.

Qu Hongling didn't expect that Ning Chen would actually give such a precious thing to herself.

"Uncle Champion."

Hong Ling called out Uncle Champion, and everyone seemed to be able to hear the sound of water.

After receiving Ning Chen's gift, Qu Hongling must repay the favor.

Although there is no way to repay Ning Chen physically right away.

But mentally, we must support Ning Chen.

Qu Hongling looked at Ye Liuheng, the eldest son of the head of the ceramic Ye family.

"Young Master Ye, how does Champion Uncle's crystal tea set compare with your Ye family's crystal chessboard set?"

The Ye family's crystal chessboard is also one of the Ye family's treasures at the bottom of the box.

But in terms of purity, there is no way it can be compared with Ning Chen’s tea set.

"How can the things from my Ye family be compared with Uncle Champion's treasures?" Ye Liuheng said honestly.

Ye Liuheng was honest, but it was absolutely impossible for Ning Chen to make the Ye family surrender just by relying on such a precious tea set.

After all, there are only a few people who can afford such precious treasures.

Not all of his Ye family's business is for high-ranking officials.

What's more, ordinary dignitaries cannot afford such a precious crystal tea set.

After all, the audience for such high-end things is too limited.

In a few years or even more than ten years, it would be good to be able to sell one set.

This does not determine the Ye family's real profits.

Most of the Ye family's profits still come from the sales of ordinary and medium-sized porcelain jewelry.

So Ye Liuheng's attitude is, I admit that your stuff is very good, but I won't convince you.

Xia Zhu quickly came over with a brand new tea set.

But when he came in, Xia Zhu slipped and the tea set in his hand flew out.

Ning Chen stood up and walked over, catching Xia Zhu.

Amid everyone's astonishment, the entire set of crystal tea sets fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

When Qu Hongling saw the crystal tea set that Ning Chen planned to give to her, it was thrown to pieces.

Qu Hongling sighed sadly for a while, but at the same time, Qu Hongling was moved by Ning Chen's behavior of completely ignoring the treasure for the sake of his maid.

Qu Hongling really felt that such a man was the one worthy of being entrusted with his life.

At this moment, Qu Hongling understood why Hong Xiao, the most beautiful woman in the capital, was willing to wait only for Ning Chen.

Who could not love Ning Chen like this?

Even I, don’t I love Ning Chen like this to death now?

Although I feel very distressed to lose a crystal tea set, my Ninglang looks good no matter how I look at it.

"Are you okay?" Ning Chen asked, holding Xia Zhu in his arms.

"My lord, I'm fine. This tea set, sir..."

Ning Chen interrupted Xia Zhu and said to Xia Zhu, "It doesn't matter, just go get another set."

"Thank you, sir." Xia Zhu saluted quickly.

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Qu Hongling quickly expressed her position: "The slave family already knows your thoughts. The slave family will never dare to let the master spend any more money. If the master gives these fragments to the slave family, the slave family will be very happy."

Ning Chen waved his hand and said: "It's not worth much money. If it breaks, it will break. Just go get another set. I'll have someone come over later and clean up this place."

When Qu Hongling heard Ning Chen's words, she stopped preparing to collect the remaining pieces.

Looking at Ning Chen's attitude when speaking, Qu Hongling felt that what Ning Chen said might not be false.

This crystal tea set may be really cheap, or I may have misunderstood something.

"Uncle Champion, I dare to ask, how much is this crystal worth?"

Ning Chen thought about it in his mind and said, "If this is the only way, I'm afraid I'll still need ten taels of silver."

What Ning Chen said was a rough number.

After all, if it is just this set, the cost of firing is indeed not low.

It's just that in Ning Chen's opinion, ten taels is already not low, but in the eyes of Qu Hongling and others, these ten taels are already an extremely low number that cannot be lower.

Ye Liuheng was the first to stand up and said in disbelief: "Impossible. Absolutely impossible.

A set of one hundred thousand taels for such crystal clear crystal is not an exaggeration.

A set of twelve is absolutely impossible!"

Ning Chen looked at Ye Liuheng and said, "Did I say this is a natural crystal?"

Ye Liuheng was choked by Ning Chen's words and didn't know what to say.

But after careful recall, Ning Chen did not say that this was a natural crystal.

Qu Hongling rolled her eyes and said to Ning Chen: "Uncle Champion, you mean that this is the crystal made by Uncle Champion himself?"

Ning Chen nodded and said, "It's just some gadgets I made when I was bored."

Qu Hongling glanced at the lost Ye Liuheng, and continued to assist Ning Chen and asked: "Uncle Champion, when you just said one thing, did you just refer to what you did? Or do you mean that its cost is a fixed ten taels."

Ning Chen glanced at the sensible Qu Hongling and replied: "It's just what I made. The cost is about ten taels per set. If the quantity is large, the cost should be even lower."

Ye Liuheng did not let Qu Hongling speak anymore, but made a decisive statement: "Uncle Champion, our Ye family will give our full support to Uncle Champion and Prince Ang to open up business paths."

What a joke.

If this set of crystal tea sets costs hundreds of thousands taels.

That would have no impact on the Ye family's business at all.

But if it's just a few taels of silver, it's like draining money from the bottom of the cauldron for the Ye family's business.

If you don't take a stand at this time, are you waiting to die?

"The Ye family is willing to support me and Prince Ang in opening up business routes, which is really a great blessing to the people. I am here to thank the Ye family on behalf of all the people in the world."

Ye Liuheng quickly returned the courtesy and said: "How dare you, how dare you."

After a pause, Ye Liuheng said: "In order to express my Ye family's apology, my Ye family is willing to sell the crystal utensils made by you, Uncle Champion, in all the stores of my Ye family. In the first three months, my Ye family will not take any money from all sales.

All of them belong to the champion."

Ning Chen listened to Ye Liuheng's words and shook his head.

Ye Liuheng's heart skipped a beat when he saw Ning Chen shaking his head.

If Ning Chen doesn't agree to such conditions, it probably means that Ning Chen intends to kill the Ye family.

In this case, this matter is not something he can decide.

But what Ning Chen said next made Ye Liuheng overjoyed.

“If I make this kind of thing myself, the output won’t be too high.

Since your Ye family sells ceramics and jewelry, I can give this production method to your Ye family.

From now on, all you, the Ye family, need to do is give me a share of the sales."

After Ye Liuheng waited for Ning Chen to finish speaking, he bowed directly to Ning Chen and said, "The champion uncle Gaoyi is a little kid from my Ye family. I mistakenly believed the rumors and misunderstood the champion uncle.

Don’t worry, Uncle Champion, my Ye family will bear all the expenses for opening up business routes.”

Qu Hongling interrupted Ye Liuheng at the side and said: "Why should your Ye family bear all the responsibility? Don't our Qu family have any money? If we really talk about cash, my Qu family is second. There is no one here."

Dare I say number one."

What Qu Hongling said is correct.

The brothel has no debts and has the most cash available among the seven brothels.

Ye Liuheng said: "This is just a small gesture from my Ye family to apologize to Uncle Champion."

Qu Hongling wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ning Chen: "It doesn't cost anything to open up business routes, you don't have to argue about this."

Throughout the entire process, the stewards from the other five families sat and watched.

Although he didn't say a word, his heart felt a lot colder.

You should know that when we were at the door just now, everyone gave each other affirmative looks.

How about determining the offensive and defensive alliance?

This chapter has been completed!
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