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Chapter 90 Lobbying in the Western Regions [5000,

This was the first time for Ning Chen to enter a military town.

The so-called military town is more like a huge military fortress.

The size of the military town is smaller than the size of the county town.

The length and width are about five miles each.

The location of the military town was right in the middle of a straight road, which cut off the possibility of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom being able to quickly enter the Wu Dynasty.

Extending on both sides of the military town, a large number of fire forts were also arranged.

The main function of these fireforts is not to defend against enemies; their main function is to detect enemies.

After all, in addition to this main road, there are still many small roads around that you can walk on.

You can also walk through the mountains and forests.

Warriors among the human race can climb mountains and ridges.

What's more, the demon clan is born to live in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, these fire forts were arranged to monitor the movements of the demon clan.

Each fire fort is equipped with ten to fifteen people and has a beacon tower.

Once a problem occurs, light the beacon immediately.

The beacon tower was constructed in a special way, and the fuel inside was purchased by the imperial court from Daomen.

Once lit, smoke will emit red and bright light, which can be easily seen from more than ten miles away, whether it is day or night.

It is said that there are two thousand people in the military town, but in fact this refers to only two thousand combatants.

In addition to the combatants, there are also people in the military town who are responsible for their food and daily life, as well as civilian husbands who are responsible for transporting supplies during the war. Many of them bring their families with them.

So in fact, the real number of people in a military town is about 25,000.

The two military towns have a population of more than 50,000.

With a population of more than 50,000, people eat horse chews every day, which is not a small number.

Ning Chen doesn't need to bear any of this now, so Wang Lin said that he gave Ning Chen a big gift that day.

In fact, when Ning Chen just came in, he was really surprised by the number of people inside.

In the general's mansion in the military town, Ning Chen found Fang Xiong and several leading captains in the military town.

"Uncle Champion." Seeing Ning Chen come in, the four captains in the room all stood up to salute.

They were all transferred from the Huwei Army, so they all respected and admired Ning Chen very much.

If he were still the former border guard, there is a high probability that he would not be able to follow Ning Chen.

"No need to be formal, just get up." Ning Chen raised his hand and signaled.

"Let's all sit down and talk. Owen just came over to take a look and brought you some local specialties from the north." Ning Chen motioned to everyone and said.

"How's it going? Are you getting used to coming to the north?" Ning Chen asked first.

"It's quite adaptable." Lieutenant Zuo stood up and replied.

"I told you to sit down and chat, and get up without answering a question." Ning Chen said to Captain Zuo who stood up to answer the question.


Captain Zuo responded and then sat back.

"When I first came in, I saw that there were more and more people in the military town. It seems that your family members are also here, right?"

"Go back..."

Captain Zuo, who was about to get up, was pushed back to his chair with a look from Ning Chen.

"Yes, our family members and the civilian husbands who cooperate with us have arrived one after another recently." Captain Zuo replied.

Ning Chen nodded and said: "There are still many places in Baijia City that can be used to build houses.

If you are willing and your family members do not object.

You can let them live in Baijia City."

"Yes, we are willing. Thank you uncle!"

Before Ning Chen finished speaking, the four captains stood up excitedly and agreed.

They also went into Baijia City.

The conditions in Baijia City are eight to ten times better than their military town.

If their family members can live in Baijiacheng, then they really have nothing to worry about.

Ning Chen raised his hand to signal and said: "You don't have to rush to thank me, I haven't finished speaking yet.

I allow them to live in Baijia City, but their status is calculated as refugees.

It cannot be calculated as a formal city citizen.

But if you play for Baijiacheng, I can give them points.

Do you have any opinion on this?"

"no comment!"

For the four captains, it was enough for their families and the family members they deployed to live in Baijia City.

As for whether you are a refugee or not, this is not important at all.

Their identity is nothing more than military households.

From where they originally lived, they moved to the north.

It's nothing more than giving them a few more acres of land than where they lived before.

The identity remains unchanged.

But the conditions here in the military town are really bad.

If you can go to Baijiacheng, what will happen to the refugees?

Seeing that the four captains had no objections, Ning Chen said: "As long as you all have no objections.

In addition, Baijiacheng now has a lot of vacancies, and many places are recruiting people.

If your family members are interested, you can find out for yourself.

In terms of salary, there is no difference between urban residents and non-urban residents.

If there is another military town, the treatment will be the same. You can just notify them when the time comes.

I won’t go out of my way to make a trip.”

"On behalf of the four thousand sergeants, I would like to thank the champion for his kindness." Lieutenant Zuo clasped his fists, gave a deep salute, and said loudly.

"You guard the left and right wings of our Baijia City, which in itself is a meritorious service to Baijia City.

What's more, the current expansion of Baijia City is a time when a large number of people need to be replenished.

At least your family members are more trustworthy than real refugees.

To me, it's a win-win."

Ning Chen frankly said what he was thinking.

The more frank Ning Chen is with each other, the more these powerful men will respect Ning Chen.

There is a big difference between the military and officialdom.

"Okay, the things in life have been settled. Now it's time to show you the local products I brought you." Ning Chen said as he stood up.

"Don't be stunned. Find a bigger place and I'll show you the local specialties I brought." Ning Chen saw that the four captains were stunned and couldn't help but urge.


The four captains reacted after hearing Ning Chen's words.

However, the four captains all had doubts about the local specialties Ning Chen mentioned.

The four people, together with Fang Xiong, suspiciously led Ning Chen to an open place.

This is the training ground for daily martial arts training, and the place is spacious enough.

Ning Chen glanced over here and nodded.

Then Ning Chen raised his hand, and thousands of monsters who had recovered their true bodies appeared on the martial arts field.

Seeing so many monsters appearing, the four captains subconsciously wanted to attack.

"Don't be nervous, these monsters have all been tamed by me.

Now they can be safely used by you and become your mounts."

Ning Chen stopped the four captains who were preparing to attack.

When the four captains heard Ning Chen's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then everyone burst out in surprise and excitement and asked: "Really!?"

Ning Chen said angrily: "Of course it's true. If it wasn't true, why would I have brought them here? To help you identify the physical characteristics of the demon race?"

Hearing what Ning Chen said, the four captains became even more excited.

Captain Zuo looked at the large number of untransformed monsters in front of him, rubbed his hands and said excitedly to Ning Chen: "Uncle Champion, can I find one to ride on?"

The look in Captain Zuo's eyes reminded Ning Chen of the looks in the eyes of some old men who entered Lanxiang Pavilion.

If we didn't know that Captain Zuo was purely excited by the demon knight.

Otherwise, with his eyes and actions, Ning Chen would have already classified him as one of those people with special quirks.

"Look for a male, not a female. I'm worried that you won't be able to help but ride him." Ning Chen said teasingly.

The four captains all burst out laughing after hearing this.

In the military, this kind of joke is really considered a very minor one.

Of course, such jokes can also make it easier to narrow the distance between Ning Chen and them.

Captain Zuo didn't care about the other three's ridicule and walked into the group of monsters.

Take a look to the left and take a look to the right.

Finally I chose a wolf demon.

Lieutenant Zuo jumped onto the wolf demon's body.

Although the wolf demon also resisted, this resistance was completely based on animal instinct, not a demonic reaction.

Lieutenant Zuo clamped his legs together fiercely, and his body sank, directly crushing the wolf demon's waist.

Such a powerful and heavy action subdued the wolf demon on the spot.

The wolf demon obediently accepted Captain Zuo's control.

Seeing that the wolf demon had really become his mount, Lieutenant Zuo directly rode the wolf demon, which was a head taller than the war horse, and galloped around the entire martial arts arena.

The other three captains were also very jealous.

"You can choose for yourselves." Ning Chen said to the other three jealous captains.

"Yes, thank you, Uncle Champion."

The other three also ran towards the demon group and began to choose their own mounts.

After the four captains all went to choose their mounts, Ning Chen also said to Fang Xiong: "General Fang has been tamed by the little fat dragon. The little fat dragon said that as long as he does not leave Baijia City for eighty miles, there will be no problem.

These are all left to you. How to distribute them is up to you, General Fang."

"Eighty miles, this distance is too short. Isn't there any way to extend it a little longer? This distance is not enough to take the initiative or pursue a deep pursuit." Fang Xiong frowned and said to Ning Chen.

After hearing Fang Xiong's words, Ning Chen thought to himself: "Fortunately, I'm smart."

The little fat dragon told Ning Chen that it was two hundred miles. Originally, Ning Chen planned to say one hundred miles.

But then Ning Chen thought about it and realized that one hundred miles was a little too long for Fang Xiong.

It's relatively safe if it's controlled within a hundred miles.

Ning Chen shook his head in embarrassment and said: "This is really impossible.

The little fat dragon is still in the growth stage, and it is already difficult to control such a large amount at one time.

In terms of distance, eighty miles is already the limit.

If the number continues to increase in the future, the distance may even decrease."

Fang Xiong didn't hear anything wrong from Ning Chen's answer.

"This is the weakest mythical beast I have ever seen." Fang Xiong gave the little fat dragon a label.

"After all, he is still in the process of growing up. General Fang, give him some time to grow.

When he grows up, the quantity and quality he can control will definitely increase." Ning Chen defended the little fat dragon.

"When he grows up, I will go back to the Marquis long ago, so what's the use?" Fang Xiong complained again.

Ning Chen laughed along and said, "General Fang, you can't think like that, we will often cooperate in the future.

When the time comes, wouldn’t it be good to get a group of monsters as mounts for the Red Flame Army?”

Fang Xiong did not answer, but looked at the demon knight in front of him and said: "Let's talk about the future matters later.

At present, these demon knights can only be used for defense.

Those who fight back can only fight back within a limited range.

The only advantage is to use the characteristics of the demon clan to make the fastest defensive counterattack.

In other aspects, it doesn’t have much advantages.”

After hearing Fang Xiong's words, Ning Chen instantly felt very relieved.

Being able to defend and counterattack quickly is enough for Ning Chen.

What about going deep behind enemy lines and what about taking the initiative?

Do this kind of thing as little as possible.

The Tiger Power Army and the Red Flame Army are two different concepts.

I only have such a small amount of wealth, and if I lose it, I will be the one who suffers the most.

"Thank you, Uncle Champion, for giving us such a group of demon riders!"

While Ning Chen and Fang Xiong were talking, the four captains had all adapted to the demon cavalry and returned.

After Ning Chen bowed to the four people, he said to them: "How to use these demon cavalry, you just have to follow General Fang's arrangements.

The other thing is this group of demon knights, because of their special domestication method.

They cannot leave within eighty miles of Baijiacheng for the time being.

You must explain this matter clearly to your subordinates when the time comes.

Once they go beyond this range, I won't be able to control the demonic nature in them."

"Yes, I will remember it." The four people agreed in unison.

"Okay, I'll take care of these two things.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and the next step is up to you.

I will go back to Baijiacheng first."

"Congratulations, Uncle Champion!"

The four captains said in unison again.

After leaving Congjun Town, Ning Chen returned to Baijia City.

After a trip to both sides, it was already dark.

I first went to see Guo Xin and explained the affairs of the family members of the sergeants in the military town.

After determining some specific suitability, Ning Chen returned to his residence.

Returned to his mansion, after having dinner.

The four girls had already prepared everything needed for Ning Chen to take a bath.

This time, the four girls, after Ning Chen soaked in the pool, all got into the water together.

Two of them massaged Ning Chen's arms, and the other two massaged Ning Chen's legs.

While receiving the massage from the four little girls and their tender little hands, Ning Chen continued to think about some defense and development issues in Baijiacheng in his mind.

Regarding defense, Ning Chen thinks it should be enough for the time being.

The defensive formation deployed by Yun Xuanzi himself can be said to have no shortcomings other than burning money.

Unless the first-level ancestral demon comes to attack your defensive formation, it will never be broken.

If the first-grade ancestral demon really moves, the human race will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

Therefore, the defense of Baijia City is basically an iron wall.

As for the development plan of Baijia City, Ning Chen can continue to think about it.

The main source of money for Baijia City now is the wholesale and sale of materials from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

Although this can bring in a lot of money quickly, it comes at a certain price.

Of course, you can earn a lot of money from selling land, but this is a one-time deal.

It cannot be considered as sustained income and development.

So looking at Baijiacheng now, we still walk on one leg, and one leg is ultimately unstable.

Baijiacheng needs to develop other industries.

"The tents and air mattresses from Wu'ang can be taken over and produced in Baijia City.

In addition, the wine in the north can also be produced in Baijia City.

Perfume and glass can also be produced in Baijia City.

After all, currently, among the four northern states, Baijiacheng has the best location.

The route extends in all directions, and the route to other places in the four northern states is the same.

The reason why there was no industry in the past was, on the one hand, it was too small and not stable enough to be worth the risk of producing things here.

On the other hand, it is because there are too few people here and the cost of labor is too high.

But now, Ning Chen has solved these two problems.

In terms of security, Ningchen's place is definitely one of the best among all the capitals and counties in the four northern states.

In terms of population, Baijiacheng is currently experiencing a phase of population explosion.

The population is growing at an exponential level, and the demographic dividend is very obvious.

The cost can naturally be controlled.

After thinking about this, Ning Chen's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Sir, what good thing did you think of to make you smile so happily?" Dongmei suddenly asked as Ning Chen was massaging her shoulders.

"I'm going to look at the hands of the four of you. The one who is the most dishonest can be punished later." Ning Chen glanced at the four little girls and said.

After listening to Ning Chen's words, he pressed Xiao Chuntao further and further towards the thigh, and quickly moved his hand outward.

Ning Chen was not idle here, and Xuan Ku and his disciples were not idle either.

The two cents did not leave the north.

I hit a wall with Ning Chen, but it didn't hit Xuan Ku at all.

Xuan Ku is a true ascetic.

This setback is nothing to Xuan Ku.

The tasks entrusted by the Bodhisattva must be completed.

Since Ning Chen can't work here, Xuan Ku can just lobby others to do it.

With so many cities in the four northern states, there will always be people who are interested in his proposal.

For several days, Xuan Ku traveled around the major cities and met with King Ming, King Beizhou and King Teng in person.

Xuan Ku, the vassal king behind Wu Ang, did not go to see him.

Knowing that Wu Ang and Ning Chen are one and the same, Xuan Ku naturally has no need to touch this thorn.

However, the other three vassal kings knew that Ning Chen had clearly rejected Xuan Ku's request.

Prince Teng acted most directly and drove Xuan Ku away directly.

King Ming and King Beizhou were relatively gentle, but they still drove him away.

Then Xuanku went to Luanzhou again, blocking the faces of many semi-saint families.

He demonstrated his Buddhist ability to control and transform the demon clan.

Let these semi-saint families see what they see is what they believe.

At the same time, he also told them about his demands from the Western Regions.

However, in the end, Xuan Ku did not get any promises.

"Master, we are running around like this, but we haven't seen any results. What is the point of doing this? Disciples think that they are all looking at Ning Chen's decision. Ning Chen doesn't agree. If we keep running around, I'm afraid we will also be in trouble.

It's useless work." Xuan Ku's disciples, who kept running around, also complained about Xuan Ku.

This chapter has been completed!
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