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Chapter 102 Confucian Heart [5000,

Buddhism is banned, and all suffering can only be dealt with with the golden body.

The golden body is the symbol of the third-grade Arhat realm in Buddhism.

Although they are all golden bodies, the abilities and rules of each golden body are completely different.

The different reasons are determined by the seven levels of asceticism in Buddhism.

What kind of ascetic practices you choose at the seventh level will determine what kind of ability you will have in your golden body at the third level.

For example, if you choose the ascetic method of sharpening the physical body, then your golden body at the third level will also follow the route of the physical body.

If you choose the ascetic practice of studying the Dharma, your golden body at the third level will automatically be accompanied by the Dharma, and you will receive a power bonus when performing the Dharma.

There are many ways of asceticism that Buddhism can choose, and the types of golden bodies are naturally diverse.

The golden body is just a common characteristic of everyone, but their abilities are completely different.

It was also the first time for Ning Chen to see the high-level methods of Buddhism.

During the previous battle with the Buddhist Kingdom, the person Ning Chen fought against was a monk of the sixth level of Zhao Jian.

And by a coincidence of fate, Ning Chen killed the opponent without any bloodshed.

Ning Chen didn't see the methods of Buddhism, but Ning Chen did see the tricks of Buddhism.

Today I just want to catch up on the Buddhist class.

Under the lightning-quick attacks of the Lord of Qingqiu Kingdom, Xuan Ku was beaten back steadily.

The golden light on his body was trembling even more.

But except for the expression on Xuan Ku's face, which became a little more bitter, there was no other change.

Ning Chen looked at Xuanku and asked Fang Xiong beside him: "General Fang Xuanku's golden body, what special abilities does it have?"

Since Fang Xiong has fought against Xuanku, he naturally knows more about Xuanku.

"What he cultivates is suffering. The harder he endures, the stronger his power can be exerted." Fang Xiong replied concisely.

Ning Chen understood that Xuan Ku was the only way to achieve success by enduring hardship.

The stronger the attack you receive, the more painful your heart will be. When it breaks out, the stronger the power will be.

This kind of approach really requires a very strong psychological quality.

It is even more important to taste all the suffering in the world during the period of asceticism.

On the one hand, the more you suffer, the stronger you become; on the other hand, it is because only the suffering you have endured can be transformed into your strength when others use it on you again.

Only this group of Buddhist cultivators can come up with these tricks to torture themselves.

"Another flaw of this kind of golden body is that it prevents people from moving when being attacked?"

Ning Chen looked at the motionless Xuan Ku and asked Fang Xiong.

Fang Xiong nodded and said: "This is an accumulation process, so not moving is naturally the best choice."

Ning Chen would not choose such a painful way of cultivation anyway.

The thought of standing still and being beaten is unpleasant.

Of course, Ning Chen also understood that the reason why Xuan Ku used this method of standing still and resisting was probably because he had no choice but to do so.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to escape from this situation.

The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom made it clear that he would never let him go.

Although the Zhu family didn't say anything.

But he will definitely help the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom and not let him leave.

Fang Xiong beside Ning Chen doesn’t need to worry about Xuan Ku for the time being.

Therefore, if Xuan Ku wants to leave.

The only thing we can do is to find a way to explode with high intensity in a short period of time.

His current method is a method that can potentially accumulate enough explosive power in a short period of time.

"So in addition to enduring hardship, he also has to find ways to develop a good figure." Ning Chen said as he looked at Xuan Ku who was constantly being beaten and either retreating or advancing.

"You don't need to practice. He can condense the medicine master's appearance when he is at the fourth level. He can just repair it while being beaten." Fang Xiong said to Ning Chen.

"Is this still possible?" Ning Chen really didn't expect that the Buddhist cultivators were quite playful.

It's just that this kind of flower is still something Ning Chen doesn't want to accept.

While being beaten, he healed himself at the same time.

Ning Chen felt that only people with abnormal brains could do this kind of thing.

"Since General Fang Xuanku has such a method, how did you avoid his strongest blow back then?" Ning Chen asked Fang Xiong, wanting to hear Fang Xiong's opinion so that he could accumulate some points against the enemy.

Available reference experiences.

Fang Xiong shared his experience very generously: "I punched him and he didn't even have a chance to suffer."

This method is really very powerful.

It's just that Ning Chen can't use this method.

It's not just a matter of insufficient cultivation.

Because Ning Chen believed that after Fang Xiong used such simple and crude methods.

He must also be very weak.

Xuan Ku, a third-grade Arhat, is not a parallel import.

Even if Fang Xiong is much stronger than Xuan Ku, he can still solve the problem with one punch.

Seeing that the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom was unable to solve Xuan Ku for a while, we can also see how powerful Xuan Ku is.

Therefore, Fang Xiong was able to succeed only because Fang Xiong had a special way to concentrate and release all his energy in an instant.

And this method must be a life-threatening method.

Basically, after I win, I have to have a period of weakness, and I can look at you in a coma, or look at your body, and slowly recover.

But if I lose, you can kill me slowly.

Ning Chen didn't want to learn this crazy method.

Seeing that Fang Xiong seemed to be a teacher and wanted to teach him the method, Ning Chen took the initiative to change the topic and asked Fang Xiong: "Doesn't the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom know about Xuan Ku's cultivation method?"

If the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom didn't know, Ning Chen wouldn't mind doing a good deed for once.

Send a message to remind the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom.

"He knows Xuanku's methods and also knows Xuanku's weaknesses. What he is doing now is just to use speed to eliminate Xuanku's weaknesses." Fang Xiong directly explained to Ning Chen the secret behind this.

When Fang Xiong said this, Ning Chen nodded instantly, indicating that he understood.

When someone reaches the level of Xuan Ku, he is a person who can be listed among all the forces and is worthy of being studied.

Therefore, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom must know the details of Xuanku.

Now the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is attacking so quickly because he hopes that the speed of his attack can exceed the speed of Xuan Ku's recovery.

Mysterious suffering can accumulate the suffering in the heart, and then turn this suffering into attack power.

But all the injuries caused by attacks on Xuanku will not disappear because Xuanku has accumulated the pain in his heart.

The injuries on Xuan Ku's body were just like what Ning Chen and Fang Xiong said before.

Either he relies on his powerful body, its hardness and its own resilience to resist these attacks on himself.

Or, as Fang Xiong said, you are in the realm of Dharma and practice the Dharma of Medicine Buddha.

Use the power of this Dharma to heal the Tao wounds suffered on your body.

No matter which way it is, it will take time to recover.

As long as the recovery speed and quantity within the unit remain unchanged, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom can cause more damage to him.

Then all the damage is accumulated bit by bit.

In this way, when the accumulation reaches a certain level, Xuan Ku will naturally be defeated.

The Qingqiu Kingdom leader's method of winning with speed is essentially the same as Fang Xiong's method of using absolute power to win.

After knowing this, Ning Chen felt that he should be more distant from these Buddhas.

The ideas of these monks are really weird.

Although every link in the cultivation system is interconnected, it gives the other party the opportunity to make up for the shortcomings after becoming an Arhat.

But a shortcoming is a shortcoming, and it will still exist no matter how you make up for it.

Just like Xuan Ku now, there are actually only three situations.

The first situation is that Xuan Ku finally succeeds in accumulating enough energy.

When facing a strong enemy, you can stage a desperate counterattack and kill them directly.

The second situation is the situation when I met Fang Xiong.

He was directly knocked down by Fang Xiong with one punch, and he was knocked down so hard that he couldn't get up.

When I see Fang Xiong in the future, I will take the initiative to walk around him.

The third situation is the current situation.

Seeing yourself defeated, the difference from the second situation is that the time of defeat will be much longer in this case.

Three situations, two of which are failures.

You have to have a very abnormal brain to make such a choice.

The figure of the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom has turned into a ball of white light in the eyes of everyone.

Xuan Ku stood there, really only being beaten and not fighting back.


Just when everyone didn't know when this boring attack would end.

Xuan Ku spit out a mouthful of blood.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, the aura on Xuan Ku's body also began to descend downwards in the cave-in chamber.

It can be seen that under the lightning-fast attack of the Lord of Qingqiu Kingdom, the speed of the Lord of Qingqiu Kingdom was ultimately superior.

When you vomit blood, there will be a first time and a second time, and then there will be many more times.

Therefore, under the continuous attacks from the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom, Xuan Ku kept vomiting blood.

The disciples brought by Xuan Ku were so anxious that their eyes were red.

"My master is the sixth disciple of my Buddha, and his position is extremely respected. If you do something to him, my Buddha will definitely not forgive you." Xuan Ku's disciple shouted loudly at the top.

Ning Chen glanced at Fang Xiong and found that Fang Xiong seemed not very clear about Xuan Ku being the sixth disciple of the Buddha.

Looking at the people around me, it's obvious that they don't know much about this matter.

If it's just Fang Xiong who doesn't understand this, then it doesn't really matter.

After all, Fang Xiong is very nervous and it is normal to not understand the situation.

If everyone doesn't know it, then this shows that the relationship between Xuan Ku and Buddha is very obscure.

Reporting such an obscure relationship at this moment, in Ning Chen's opinion, not only would not save his master at all, but would also hasten Xuan Ku's death.

Since Xuan Ku has such an identity, it is even more impossible to let Xuan Ku leave.

People with such noble status will definitely receive special care in the future.

If you don't kill him now, do you mean you have to wait for him to get stronger and come back to settle the matter with you?

Ning Chen took a look at Xuan Ku's disciple and did not see any flaws in this disciple's intelligence or other aspects.

He obviously seems to be a smart disciple, how could he do such a stupid thing?

Or maybe Xuan Ku was a little too harsh on him on weekdays, and he was just waiting for revenge at this time.

The purpose of reporting Xuan Ku's heel was to confirm that the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom wanted to kill him.

Of course, this is just Ning Chen's own speculation. In actual circumstances, Ning Chen thinks it shouldn't be so sinister.

He probably just wanted to save Xuan Ku, but it just had the opposite effect.

Of course, Xuan Ku will not sit still and wait for death, although he has not accumulated strong enough Ku.

However, the power Xuan Ku can exert is still very impressive and terrifying.

Ning Chen watched these two top masters constantly fighting in the void.

If it weren't for the fact that the sages of the Zhu family in Licheng had left behind their moral articles to protect it.

I'm afraid this Li city has been destroyed.

The practitioners after the third level and the practitioners before the third level are completely two levels of life.

Those after the third level belong to the extraordinary realm.

Those are extraordinary practitioners who can really move mountains and reclaim seas.

Although Xuan Ku has begun to fight back, it is still too limited after all.

The strength of the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is still higher than Xuanku.

If Xuan Ku can really accumulate enough suffering, he may still be able to fight.

Now that he has not accumulated enough Ku, Xuan Ku can only be destroyed by the leader of the Qingqiu Kingdom.


Xuan Ku's body immediately burst into flames.

In the midst of the fire, Xuanku put his hands together and sat cross-legged in the flames.

The scorching eyes did not make Xuanku scream, but the pain on his face only deepened.

"Is he planning to harm himself first and then become stronger?" Ning Chen asked Fang Xiong.

"He plans to sit down." Fang Xiong explained to Ning Chen.

After hearing Fang Xiong's explanation, Ning Chen still felt that he didn't quite understand: "He gave in so quickly and planned to commit suicide."

Fang Xiong continued to explain to Ning Chen: "Buddhism has special means to condense relics.

And the relics can help them start their next life."

If that's the case, it makes sense.

It can't be defeated anyway, there is a 'traitor' beside him.

It is better to die early and be reborn early.

If you can start the next life in advance, it is also a good choice.

Although memories will be forgotten, everything must start again.

But it's better than dying here completely.

And starting over with the relic will be much faster.

"Have you asked me if you want to cultivate again?" The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom directly took action and condensed all his Confucian practice into his own Confucian heart, and then directly drove his Confucian heart into the ball of flames.


The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is really ruthless.

Although Confucianism is not his major, he has cultivated to the fourth level and condensed his Confucian heart.

This is really not easy.

As a result, I just gave up now.

A Confucian heart entered the flames, and a terrifying and terrible aura filled the eyes of the fire.

This time, Xuan Ku's face finally showed no bitterness, but real panic and fear.

He was fearless before because he was confident.

He knew that no matter what, he would not die.

But it doesn't work now. The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is trying to kill himself.

Xuan Ku's body began to struggle, trying to escape from the flames.

But how could the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom let him succeed?

Relying on his own speed advantage, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom kept pushing Xuanku back, just not giving Xuanku a chance to escape.

With the addition of Confucianism, the flames will indeed become less and more intense.

It's just that such exuberance can melt everything, including relics, which will be melted in such flames.

In the end, such a raging fire caused by Xuan Ku was finally extinguished after completely burning the initiator Xuan Ku into nothingness.

Xuan Ku's disciple has been waiting below, hoping to get something belonging to his master.

Preferably relics.

He is not a relic who is greedy for mysteries, he just wants to leave with the relic to protect his teacher.

It's just that he was disappointed, Xuan Ku was completely burned away, leaving nothing behind.

For such a disciple, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom would not take the initiative to embarrass him.

Of course, if he insists on seeking death himself and comes to make trouble, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom will not mind squeezing him to death directly.

Gently wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the Lord of Qingqiu Kingdom said kindly to the little princess: "Come to your father."

This time, the little princess jumped directly into her father's arms.

Things here are over, and there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

Even though he was injured now, Fang Xiong was the only one present who had a chance to keep him.

So he's not worried about that.

"Master Ning Yuan, I wonder if you can copy a copy of the book you wrote. I want to spread it among all the schools in Qingqiu Kingdom." The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom said to Ning Chen.

Of course this is possible, but the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom cannot do this on his own.

For things like printing books, Ning Chen must do it himself.

Printing books is profitable.

And there is nothing to be afraid of even if the profit is low, because there are many people in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom.

Not to mention that everyone has one copy, even if it is a tenth, Ning Chen can make a lot of money.

Ning Chen can move this book printing industry chain to his own Baijia City.

"There are still some parts in the King's Book that need to be revised. After I return to Baijia City to revise them, they will be printed immediately.

When I finish printing, I will notify the king to pick it up.

I wonder how many copies Senior plans to get in the first batch?"

The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is also a man who matures with age.

After listening to Ning Chen's words, I immediately understood.

Ning Chen is planning to start making money.

Revising or not revising, these are just excuses.

The main thing is to know how many copies you need. This is the key question.

The leader of the Qingqiu Kingdom thought for a moment and said: "For the first batch, just print 100,000 copies and give them to me. After 100,000 copies, if the effect is obvious, I will continue to order more."

The leader of Qingqiu Kingdom is so considerate, so of course Ning Chen will not make things difficult for others.

One hundred thousand copies is one hundred thousand copies. Anyway, this is a long-term business.

This chapter has been completed!
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