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Chapter 161 Colorless Bowl

The Fox King and Snake King were naturally happy to receive Ning Chen's promise.

As for Ning Chen's promise to only the two of them, they naturally wouldn't have any objections.

Ning Chen clearly distinguishes between close relatives and distant relatives, and they are not holy mothers.

It's impossible to offend Ning Chen because of other people's affairs.

On the contrary, the two of them are now very curious. After they go back, the expressions of other people who did not come will be wonderful when they see them.

They had invited others to come with them, but in the end they just sent some demon soldiers to help.

It can't be said that sending demon soldiers didn't help, but the meaning of being there in person is much different.

Now the result is like this, the two of them also want to see the regretful expressions of those people.

"If you guys are not in a hurry to leave, you can stay for another two days." Ning Chen took the initiative to invite.

"No rush, no rush. We haven't been to the Western Regions yet. We just want to see the customs and customs of the Western Regions."

"In addition, the white elephant may need help from the Marquis."

The Fox King said to Ning Chen.

After finishing speaking, seeing that Ning Chen didn't speak, King Fox quickly added: "Master Hou, don't get me wrong, I don't want Hou Shen to accept this favor from me.

I will explain to Hou Shen who helped them.

I hope Mr. Hou will help, and I also hope that Hou Shen will accept your love, Mr. Hou.

At that time, a transport team can be sent over to help you, Mr. Marquis, transport supplies to the front line.

The characteristic of the Thick Demon Kingdom is its large carrying capacity, and at the same time, their defense power is very amazing.

As for speed, it is definitely much faster than ordinary horses.

If you, Lord Marquis, help with this, Houchen will definitely send a large number of elephant monsters to help.

This will be of great help to the Marquis in his subsequent attack on the Western Regions."

The conversation changed and the Fox King continued: "In addition, Houchen's side, I made my own decision and did not inform them.

The Marquis may not know much about the situation in the Houshen Demon Kingdom.

In addition to their amazing defense and strength, their speed is among the slowest among the demon clan.

Letting them come over may not only be ineffective, but may drag us all down."

After King Fox explained it like this, Ning Chen understood what King Fox meant.

However, the Fox King was so active in speaking good words to the Hohen Demon Kingdom, Ning Chen still felt that the Fox King must have some agenda.

"Senior, what do you want to get from the Houchen Demon Kingdom?" Ning Chen asked simply.

The Fox King did not hide anything from Ning Chen, and said frankly: "I hope to borrow the Houchen Pearl from the Houchen Demon Kingdom to help my little girl overcome the disaster."

"Overcoming the tribulation?"

The Fox King nodded and said: "My little girl should be able to improve her bloodline after being advised by the Marquis.

But this kind of promotion of bloodline will bring disaster.

If it were an ordinary disaster, I should be able to handle it.

But this is the calamity of Eight-Tails being promoted to Nine-Tails, and I don’t know what calamity it will cause.

So just to be on the safe side, I came up with the idea of ​​thick and heavy beads."

Ning Chen nodded and asked immediately: "I saw that when senior just started to take action, he also showed the nine tails."

There was a shock behind the Fox King, and the nine fox tails spread out in the wind, forming a fan shape.

"Master Marquis, take a look again."

Ning Chen took a closer look and found something different.

One of the nine tails is obviously thinner than the other eight, and its color is not pure white either.

There are still a few miscellaneous hairs in the fox tail.

It's not obvious from a distance, but if you look at it up close, it's quite obvious.

"I am a fake Nine-Tails. One of the tails is my wife who turned herself into my Ninth-Tails before she died."

When King Fox said this, he rarely showed some true feelings.

It can be seen that this relationship really gave King Fox an unforgettable memory.

Moreover, Ning Chen recalled carefully that he indeed did not see any other fox girls in the Fox King's palace.

The Fox King also seems to have only one daughter.

From this point of view, the Fox King is still an infatuated species.

This can also explain why the Fox King would protect his daughter from being approached by a playboy like Ning Chen.

"Senior, if there is anything you need me for when your daughter goes through the tribulation, just ask the Fox King." Ning Chen did not continue to explore the Fox King's story, but took the initiative to make a promise.

Faced with Ning Chen's promise, King Fox hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said, "I will invite the Marquis in advance."

Obviously, the Fox King is still wary of Ning Chen, but for the sake of his daughter, the Fox King still doesn't want to take risks.

The war here is over, and Ning Chen also informed Zhao Tuo of the battle situation here.

As for Feng Jing, Ning Chen planned to let the bullets fly for a while longer.

I still have two or three days to settle the incident.

Because of the Wolong Phoenix incident, [佞] point’s current upward trend is very good.

After the settlement, I can inform Fengjing in detail about what happened.

It was already the last minute, and Ning Chen didn't want any surprises to happen.

This time I spent almost half a million reputation points to redeem a copy of "Journey to the West".

I'm just counting on this wave of blood to come back.

Therefore, the current progress of the war can be reported back to Fengjing a few days later.

In addition, since there is no news from his side, there will definitely be more rumors about him from Fengjing.

This also helps to strengthen your [佞] point.

Zhao Tuo received a message from Ning Chen, and after reading it, Zhao Tuo broke out in a cold sweat.

The three second-grade Bodhisattvas bypassed their own army and went directly to Baijia City in Hezhou.

If Ning Chen had not planned this in advance, Ning Chen would have been captured or killed by the Bodhisattva from the Western Region.

There is no point in killing more enemies here.

The coach was killed, and more than half of the battle was lost.

What's more, Ning Chen, the coach, is of extraordinary significance.

The same result also surprised Zhao Tuo.

The three second-grade Bodhisattvas passed by, and Ning Chen took Mu Dieyun Xuanzi with him, as well as three second-grade demon clansmen.

He killed the two Bodhisattva's bodies abruptly and scared the Great Wisdom Bodhisattva away.

Zhao Tuo really didn't expect such a result.

Theoretically, a second-grade monster race cannot be the opponent of a second-grade Bodhisattva.

But the current result is showing such a result.

This was really beyond Zhao Tuozhi's expectation.

Zhao Tuo is really curious now about what the battle situation was like at that time.

However, there was no such detailed record in Ning Chen's letter to him.

If Zhao Tuo had not been the commander-in-chief, he would have had to sit here.

Zhao Tuo really wanted to go back and find out carefully how the battle was going.

Although they can't go back, such news is enough to boost the morale of the army.

Zhao Tuo ordered people to spread such news throughout the three armies, and also told the news to the monk soldiers who were resisting tenaciously in Moko City.

Focusing on the heart is paramount.

This is a sentence written in Ning Chen's military book.

Zhao Tuo also directly learned and applied it.

Sure enough, after receiving such news, the military morale of the Wu Dynasty was lifted.

This is truly a big victory.

After hearing such news, the monk soldiers in Moko City naturally didn't believe it for the first time.

Therefore, the generals among the monk soldiers went directly to the Arhat who supplied the supply and asked the Arhat about the authenticity of the matter.

Naturally, the Arhat who supplied the information did not know about it, but the Arhat who supplied the information asked Leiyin Temple.

As for the result of the inquiry, it is naturally very bad.

Faced with the inquiries from these monk generals and monk commanders, the supplying Arhat made a decision that went against his ancestors and simply shut up and stopped mentioning the matter.

It is a commandment for monks not to lie.

Naturally, supplying Arhats must be followed.

But if you don't tell lies, then telling them will definitely shake the morale of the army.

Therefore, Yinggong Luohan directly chose to keep silent about this matter.

The monk soldiers and generals below have no control over how they speculate on this matter.

After the monk left, there was a hint of worry under the kind expression of the serving Arhat.

To be honest, supplying Luohan did not predict such a result.

Especially as far as he knew, the colorless alms bowl was lost.

This is really a disastrous defeat for the Western Region.

As night fell, after the day's siege and attack, the front line directly entered a state of rotation and rest.

Ning Chen opened his own high-end chat group.

Ning Chen needs to know how to deal with the colorless alms bowl.

Now that the things are in hand, how to deal with them has become a problem.

Although the thing was obtained with the help of the Divine Ape King, the Divine Ape King didn't know what to do with it.

The Fox King didn't give too good advice, because after all, this was a Buddhist treasure.

If you want to stimulate it, you need Buddhism.

Since King Fox and the others can't get the answer, they can ask in the chat group to see if there is an answer.

"I just got a baby today, but I don't know what to do with it. See if you can help me find a way to deal with this baby."

Ning Chen said directly in the group.

"What treasure?" Marquis Dingguo was the first to respond to Ning Chen.

"Colorless alms bowl." Ning Chen said the name.

"What is it?" Marquis Dingguo emphasized and asked again.

"Colorless alms bowl." Ning Chen also repeated it.

"The colorless alms bowl used by the Buddha was an important treasure used in the Western Regions to suppress luck." Marquis Dingguo said in a serious tone.

Ning Chen said: "I don't know if this was used by Buddha, and I don't know if it can suppress luck.

I knew it was brought here by Bodhisattva Dazhi, and there must have been tens of thousands of monk soldiers inside."

At this time, King Jing said: "According to your description, it should be the colorless alms bowl used by the Buddha. Only such a heavy treasure can hold so many living people."

Sure enough, there must be something important before Prince Jing can come out and say a few words.

"What exactly happened over there?" Wu Zhao asked.

Ning Chen finally figured it out. Marquis Dingguo and Prince Jing both cared about how high he could fly, but only Wu Zhao really cared about whether he was tired from flying.

"Thank you for your concern, Xiao Zhao. Nothing major happened here. It's just that three second-grade Bodhisattvas came, and I killed two of them physically and maimed one." Ning Chen said casually.

Ning Chen directly chose to upgrade. He didn't even call him Wu Zhao anymore, and instead called him Xiao Zhao.

"What's going on?" Wu Zhao's tone was obviously more solemn.

Marquis Dingguo also asked curiously: "Did such a big thing happen over there?"

Because the matter was over and Ning Chen was obviously fine, Marquis Dingguo's tone was also very relaxed.

It can also be seen from the tone that Wu Zhao cares about himself the most.

"It's really not a big deal. It's just that during the day today, the Bodhisattva Dazhi, along with the two Bodhisattvas Daxing and Dawei, as well as colorless alms bowls and tens of thousands of monk soldiers, suddenly came to Baijia City..."

Then Ning Chen told everyone in the group exactly what happened.

After listening to Ning Chen's story, both Marquis Dingguo and Prince Jing fell silent.

Wu Zhao was also silent.

Only Kong Jijiu, who had just come online, said without hesitation: "As expected of my master's disciple."

Marquis Dingguo and Prince Jing rarely refuted Kong's offering of wine.

Because such a big victory must be considered a big victory for them.

An impeccable victory.

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, there is no need to publicize this matter in the court. I'm worried that after publicizing it, there may be some unnecessary trouble.

The battle situation in Moko City is still very anxious now. I want to wait until the battle situation there becomes clearer and then make a detailed summary and send it to Fengjing." Ning Chen said to Wu Zhao.

This is the second time that Ning Chen calls Wu Zhao Xiao Zhao.

But Wu Zhao still didn't resist, which made Marquis Dingguo smell something different.

But Marquis Dingguo just smiled and said nothing.

Wu Zhao simply agreed: "I understand, I will not talk about this matter in court."

After a pause, Wu Zhao continued to ask: "Are the Fox King and the three of them still in Baijia City now?"

"They are still here. I asked them to stay for a few more days. If someone from the Western Region comes back and kills them, I will have someone here to help." Ning Chen replied.

"That's good. I will take a look at the situation in Beijing. If the situation in Beijing allows, I will send some more people to protect you." Wu Zhao said.

Ning Chen quickly said: "Xiao Zhao, you don't have to worry about my side, your side is equally important.

What if they jump over the wall in a hurry, bypass me and go to Fengjing to find you?

Your side may be more dangerous than mine.

At worst, I can just abandon Baijiacheng and run away.

You can't leave Feng Jing and run away.

So just keep the manpower on your side to protect you.

You don't have to worry about me at all.

I may not be able to defeat those Bodhisattvas, but I can definitely outrun those Bodhisattvas."

Wu Zhao pondered for a moment and said, "Okay."

Kong Jijiu also spoke at the right time and said: "Master, I feel that I am not far away from the second grade.

When my master reaches the second level, I will go to the Western Regions to help you.

When the time comes, it will only be a few Bodhisattvas, and they will not be able to achieve anything great."

Marquis Dingguo felt that Kong Jijiu was very rude at this time.

It was obvious that Ning Chen and Wu Zhao were talking to each other, why did you, Kong Jijiu, suddenly interrupt.

This is very rude.

But after thinking about it, Kong Jijiu was alone in his life, so we can understand his rudeness.

This chapter has been completed!
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