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Chapter 167

King Jing mobilized 50,000 troops, and all the Red Flame Army returned to defense.

Ning Chen now only has about 70,000 troops left in his hands.

If we remove the combat attrition and non-combat attrition.

Ning Chen now has a lot of plans, and the number of people who can still participate in the battle is only about 45,000, not even 50,000.

At the beginning, there were 120,000 troops, and all of them were elite soldiers and strong generals.

Now there are less than 50,000 left.

If you want to conquer the Western Regions, it will still be very difficult.

Although in the previous battle at Moko City, the Wu Dynasty won a great victory and killed tens of thousands of enemies.

But now the number of monk soldiers remaining in Leiyin Temple may still reach more than 30,000.

If Ning Chen still has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, plus six to seven hundred thousand civilians.

Then the Western Region, which has about 30,000 monk soldiers left, really dare not move.

But now Ning Chen only has less than 50,000 troops left, and the civilians only have a little more than 120,000.

If we put aside the already occupied Buddhist kingdom, the scattered troops will be scattered.

There are even fewer troops left to fight.

In addition, the high-end combat power currently in Ning Chen's hands is actually not as good as that of the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions.

In this situation, unless the demon soldiers from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom are mobilized to come to the Western Region to help.

But in this case, either Ning Chen or Wu Chao will have to pay a certain price.

The price Ning Chen paid is easy to say. It was nothing more than writing a few more novels.

But the Wu Dynasty needs to pay a price, which may be higher.

Whether Wu Zhao is willing to do so, and whether the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are willing to do so, are all variables.

Moreover, the two bosses suggested that they retreat to Baijia City for the time being.

Ning Chen didn't intend to continue to force herself.

Ning Chen also planned to listen to the suggestions of the two big guys.

However, Ning Chen does not plan to retreat to Baijia City with all his troops, but will continue to keep the army in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions.

Ning Chen asked Zhao Tuo to open up and occupy all the Buddhist kingdoms on the route from Moko City to Baijia City.

Although this will lengthen the supply line, Ning Chen now has the help of the giant elephant clan from the Houchen Demon Kingdom.

Logistics supplies are not a problem at all for Ning Chen.

I told Marquis Dingguo and Prince Jing about my thoughts.

Marquis Dingguo and Prince Jing both agreed with Ning Chen's idea.

However, the two of them also reminded Ning Chen that it would be better to take root in Moko City.

Try not to go further into the Western Regions.

If the Western Region really seizes the opportunity to counterattack, it will be a very troublesome thing.

Now that the Western Region is at a disadvantage, it would be okay if they seize the opportunity to make a comeback.

They will definitely find a way and march straight ahead.

Wu Zhao, who had listened for a long time, also spoke at this time: "I can send some of the Forbidden Army and Huwei Army to Hezhou. Or if the conditions offered by the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom are not too excessive, I can also choose to agree to them.


Neither Dingguohou nor Jingwang commented on Wu Zhao's suggestion.

They all know that this choice is for Ning Chen.

Ning Chen thought for a moment and still rejected Wu Zhao's proposal.

"The Western Region is not stupid, if suddenly a new group of new troops comes out from my side.

They will definitely know what's going on.

If they choose to cause trouble in the hinterland of our Wu Dynasty, it might be even more troublesome.

It's not bad to maintain such a balance for now. I'll harvest the interests of the Western Region first, and then I won't have no way to counterattack.

I will never suffer this kind of loss."

Hearing what Ning Chen said, Marquis Dingguo couldn't help but ask: "You have a plan."

Ning Chen did not answer directly, but asked: "Master Hou, if I establish Mahayana Buddhism in the territory of Wu Dynasty, can the Confucian saints and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors protect me?"

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Marquis Dingguo pondered for a moment and said, "This is not certain."

Ning Chen stepped back and said, "Then if I just write down the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, will it lead to the crushing of Buddhism and Taoism?"

Marquis Dingguo thought for a little longer this time: "If you just leave the classics and you will not leave the Wu Dynasty, there should be no problem.

You are a person blessed with great luck, and at the same time you have followed Confucianism, Taoism and Martial Arts.

These two holy paths will protect you.

As long as you don't leave voluntarily, it will be difficult for the power of Buddhism and Taoism to penetrate.

The power between the Holy Paths is quite distinct."

When Marquis Dingguo said this, Ning Chen felt relieved.

"Master Hou, this way I can do it with confidence and boldness." Ning Chen said with confidence.

Marquis Dingguo asked: "What do you want to do?"

Ning Chen smiled mysteriously and said: "I want the Bodhisattvas from the Western Regions to come to my Wu Dynasty to learn scriptures."

"Learn from the experience!?"

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Marquis Dingguo and Wu Zhao were both stunned.

"Don't the Western Regions always say that Buddhist scriptures are in the West? This time I will ask their Bodhisattvas to come to our Holy Land in the East to obtain the real Buddhist scriptures." Ning Chen said with a hint of bad taste.

From the tone of Ning Chen's words, Marquis Dingguo knew that Ning Chen must not be holding back any good ideas.

However, Marquis Dingguo thought about it for a moment. If it were really a Bodhisattva from the Western Regions who came to Wu Dynasty to obtain Buddhist scriptures, this matter would be really interesting.

"Tell me about your specific plan?" Marquis Dingguo asked.

Ning Chen simply told everyone his plan.

Including the conditions for obtaining the true scriptures, I have explained them to everyone.

After hearing this, even Marquis Dingguo admired Ning Chen's plan.

"This plan is very quick. If it can really succeed, it will really kill two birds with one stone." Marquis Dingguo couldn't help but praise Ning Chen's plan.

Wu Zhao also asked Ning Chen: "What do you need me to do for you?"

Ning Chen thought for a while and said: "I may need to build a temple. Isn't the one in the Western Region called Leiyin Temple? Mine is called the Great Leiyin Temple."

After hearing Ning Chen's arrangement, Marquis Dingguo couldn't help but clap his hands in admiration.

What kind of story will happen next, even Marquis Dingguo is looking forward to it.

Wu Zhao directly agreed to Ning Chen's request.

At the same time, she told Ning Chen that she would now order the Ministry of Industry to start building the Great Leiyin Temple.

And this Great Leiyin Temple will definitely be larger than Leiyin Temple in any aspect.

"After the temple is repaired, there will be no need to put the Buddha statues. I will get some Buddhist scriptures to put them in at that time." Ning Chen said to Wu Zhao.

Wu Zhao nodded in agreement.

After the plan of traveling eastward to obtain the true scriptures was made, the subsequent implementation was also very critical.

The first is that the true scripture written by Ning Chen must be spread to the Western Regions first.

Secondly, you must ensure that you have set the conditions for obtaining the true scriptures. The people in the Western Regions must know about them.

But when Ning Chen started writing scriptures, he encountered the first difficulty.

That means Ning Chen simply can't write down the scriptures.

Ning Chen’s first choice is the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra.

But when Ning Chen was about to start writing, he felt a huge pressure, which directly blocked his writing.

This made Ning Chen feel as if what he was holding was not a pen, but a mountain.

At the same time, there was huge pressure on Ning Chen's shoulders, making Ning Chen unable to even pick up a pen.

Under such double pressure, Ning Chen had no choice but to give up holding the brush and instead used his fingers instead of the brush.

But when Ning Chen was about to use the pointing pen, he found that there was an insurmountable barrier between his fingers and the paper.

This kind of separation seems very close, but it seems to be as far away as blocking the mountains and seas.

Ning Chen knew that these were the holy ways of Buddhism, and they were hindering him.

But Ning Chen is definitely not afraid.

It's just the holy way of Buddhism, but this is the territory of the Wu Dynasty.

Ning Chen directly mobilized Haoran's righteousness and planned to use Haoran's righteousness to leave his Heart Sutra on the paper.

When Haoran's righteousness was mobilized, the Confucian Holy Way also sensed the situation on Ning Chen's side.

A powerful force of the holy way fell directly over Baijia City.

This power of the Holy Path directly forms a barrier of the Holy Path.

The power of Buddhism and Taoism cannot penetrate into the hundreds of cities in Hezhou.

No matter how the power of Buddhism and Taoism attacks, the power of Confucianism and Taoism remains unmoved.

In the vast and invisible void, above the golden holy path of Buddhism, a flaming Buddha is glaring at a pure white holy path.

On top of the white holy path, an old man with kind eyes and a wide Confucian shirt put his hands in his wide sleeves and looked at the raging Buddha opposite with a smile.

Although the old man smiled, he never took a step back.

No matter how angry the Buddha was, the old man had no intention of giving in.

But the angry Buddha on the other side could not shake the old man at all no matter how he attacked.

Therefore, the Buddha could only be incompetent and furious.

After all, the Wu Dynasty was the territory of Confucianism.

How could the Holy Way of Confucianism lose in a home battle?

Ning Chen felt this feeling of not losing best.

When Haoran's righteousness started to circulate, the barrier disappeared directly.

Ning Chen directly used Haoran Zhengqi to leave clear wear marks on the paper.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and can survive all hardships."

The Heart Sutra has a total of 260 words.

If it were normal, Ning Chen could finish writing it in a few minutes.

But this time, it took Ning Chen more than half an hour to write the last word.

After writing the last word, go straight to the Buddha's Light.

The intense Buddha light rose directly into the sky.

The Buddha's light instantly enveloped the entire Baijia City.

Then the Buddha's light rose rapidly, directly breaking through the clouds, leaving the Buddha's light shining in the sky.

When the soldiers and civilians in the Baijia City in Hezhou saw the Buddhist kingdom rising into the sky, they all came out to check it out.

After all, this is the Western Region, and they are at war with the Western Region.

How could this sudden appearance of Buddha's light in the city not make people nervous?

"The Buddha's light seems to be coming from the direction of the city lord's palace. Could it be that the monks from the Western Regions have dispatched their masters to sneak attack the champion!"

The people who came out to investigate suddenly became nervous after seeing the direction in which the Buddha's light appeared.

Many of them even ran directly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Ning Chen is very important in their hearts.

Not just because Ning Chen is the coach of this Western Expedition.

It was even more because Ning Chen brought them honor and wealth.

The rules of Hezhou Baijiacheng are exactly the same as those of Baijiacheng in the north.

It is really a great honor for them to be one of the hundreds of Hezhou cities.

So now that something happened to Ning Chen, of course they couldn't sit still.

"This Buddha's light seems a little different." Someone observed it carefully and suddenly said.

"What difference does the light of Buddha make? Those bald donkeys are not good people. Hurry up and save the city lord!" The person who was copying the guy said without looking back.

The person observing the Buddha's light grabbed the person who was about to run to the city lord's mansion to save others.

"Why are you pulling me? If you're afraid, you don't have to go. I can't watch the city lord being bullied by a bald donkey!" The man who was pulled turned around and said angrily.

"If you take a closer look, this Buddha's light is indeed different. You have lived here for a long time, so you should know what the Buddha's light looks like."

When the person who was being pulled heard what his companion said, he also raised his head and looked at the Buddha Kingdom in the sky.

After careful observation, he really found that the Buddha's light was different.

Although the Buddhist countries in the Western Regions will also experience universal illumination.

But that kind of universal illumination will have a drastic impact on people's minds.

The Buddha's light in the Western Regions is a kind of forced transformation.

But now that the Buddha's light is shining everywhere, there is no such strong feeling of wanting to take refuge.

On the contrary, this Buddha's light also made them feel very peaceful.

The most important thing is that they saw that there was also a large amount of Buddha's light rising in the Western Region, directly forming a strong confrontation with the Buddha's light in Baijia City.

The two kinds of Buddha's light were directly confronting each other.

This scene and situation really confused them.

"Is this Buddha's light that fights against those bald donkeys in the Western Regions created by the city lord? Is the city lord a Buddhist cultivator? Is he a Buddhist cultivator who ran away from the Western Regions?" The man with the weapon in his hand scratched it with his free hand

The bald head said doubtfully.

This situation really subverted his cognition.

In his opinion, those who can produce Buddha's light must be Buddhist cultivators.


The person behind him gave him a slap on the back of the head and said, "How could the Champion be a Buddhist cultivator who ran away from the Western Regions?

The champion is the number one winner who won three yuan in a row.

If it is a Buddhist practice, how can it be possible to cultivate Haoran righteousness?"

Hearing this, the bald man scratched the back of his head and said, "Yes, if you are a Buddhist, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate Haoran's righteousness."

This is a tentative issue in Hezhou.

Because in Hezhou, this method is often used to judge spies sent by Buddhist cultivators.

Once you practice Buddhism, you will no longer be able to practice Haoran Zhengqi, Zhenqi and Daoqi.

So if Ning Chen was a Buddhist cultivator, it would be impossible for him to win the top prize.

But if Ning Chen is not a Buddhist, how should we explain this Buddha's light?

"I know." The person behind the bald head suddenly shouted excitedly.

"What's going on?" The bald man quickly turned his head and asked.

"Have you forgotten what identity the Champion has besides being the Champion?" He did not directly answer the bald man's question, but deliberately let it slip.

But the big bald man is a martial artist, and in such an urgent situation, his mind doesn't know what to do.

"Just say it directly, don't beat around the bush." ​​The bald man said eagerly.

Seeing that the bald man's mind really couldn't turn around now, he stopped talking in circles and directly announced the answer to the mystery.

"Our Champion, in addition to being the Champion and the Lord of Baijia City, he is also the head of Baijia Academy."

After hearing this explanation, the big bald man said that he couldn't understand it even more.

"What do you mean?" The bald man thought for a while, but couldn't think of an answer, so he simply asked directly.

Looking at the martial artist in front of me and the scholar behind me, there is nothing I can do.

"Baijia Academy, that's Baijiadao? Do you know what Baijiadao is?"

The bald man said: "I know. There are business ways and legal ways in Baijiadao..."

Regarding the holy way in hundreds of academies, Da Baldy is still cherished by all.

But he still didn't know what this had to do with Buddha's light.

Is it obvious that there is no relationship at all between the two?

One hundred schools of thought is one hundred schools of thought, so Buddhist scriptures are nothing.

Seeing the big bald man in front of him, he couldn't think of the answer even after thinking about all his hair. The scholar behind him directly said helplessly: "One hundred schools of thought, one hundred schools of thought, and one hundred schools of Buddhism can also be counted among the hundreds of ways."


It's just that now our champion seems to have walked a path that is completely different from the Buddhist holy path in the Western Region.

That’s why the Buddha’s Light in the Western Regions is resisting so fiercely.”

After finishing speaking, the scholar said sincerely: "Our champion is really awesome.

Aren’t you in the Western Regions engaged in intrigues?

I've directly overturned your family's reputation."

Seeing the pride and pride on the scholar's face, the bald man still didn't know what it meant.

But he still said in agreement: "Yes, our champion is really awesome. Now the Western Region is in trouble."

The scholar naturally saw it, and the bald man still didn't understand what he meant.

But the scholar didn't intend to explain it to the bald man.

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he can't explain why.

Even if he keeps his mouth open, this bald man may not know the significance of Ning Chen's move.

So since there is no way to explain it clearly, I might as well not explain it clearly.

Why are you wasting that saliva?

How about appreciating Ning Chen’s current masterpiece?

This is the holy way of Buddhism created by Ning Chen.

If the great monks in the Western Regions found out about this, they would probably be so angry that they died on the spot.

If they dare to come to Baijiacheng, then Marquis Dingguo or Prince Jing will come over and kill them directly.

The Western Regions will no longer have the ability to resist.

The scholar now really admires Ning Chen.

At the same time, he also felt that it was really his honor to be able to follow such a city lord.

He even decided to go to Baijia College later and ask if he could sign up for this Buddhist path.

After all, I grew up in the Western Regions and know a little bit about Buddhism and Taoism.

This chapter has been completed!
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