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Chapter 515: The Oracle

Chapter 515 Oracle

Ning Chen actually fell in love with his imperial sister.

How is this possible!

How could my imperial sister fall in love with Ning Chen?

"Sister Huang, I admit that Ning Chen is very good. It is difficult to find someone better than him in this world. However, the difference between him and you is still too big!" Wu Xian tried his best to defend himself, trying to show that Ning Chen was worthy of him.

Not as good as my own royal sister.

When Wu Zhao heard what Wu Xian said, he was still happy.

"You are right, but I still want to get married after all. If you think he can't do it, then who else can?" Wu Zhao asked back.

Same problem again.

Ning Chen also asked Wu Xian the same question.

Wu Xian was also speechless at that time.

Because besides Ning Chen, he really couldn't think of anyone else who could match his imperial sister.

Now the imperial sister also asks such a question, but he still can't answer.

"It's easier on Ning Chen. I can win your favor, Sister Huang." In the end, Wu Xian could only choose to continue to be stubborn.

Wu Zhao looked at Wu Xian and said with a smile: "Very good. Just say this when you see him in the future."

Wu Xiandao: "I have already told him, and I have also warned him. Let him treat you well, Sister Huang, otherwise I will definitely fight him to the death, even if I can't beat him."

The biological brothers of the same mother are different.

"Very good. The number of memorials to be approved tomorrow can be halved." Wu Zhao also gave Wu Xian a little benefit.

But before Wu Xian could be happy, he heard Wu Zhao continue: "I need to make up for what I missed the day after tomorrow."

If we continue to play here, we will tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

"Sister Huang, I'd better watch it normally tomorrow." Wu Xian said dejectedly.

Facing the mountain of memorials, Wu Xian really had no temper at all.

"Although the Wu Dynasty is so powerful now, in fact everything is in the stage of being prosperous.

There are naturally a lot of things that need to be dealt with every day. Wait until everything is on track.

If you are willing to go to court in three or five days, it is not impossible." Wu Zhao rarely comforted Wu Xian.

Wu Xian felt Wu Zhao's comfort and hurriedly said: "Sister Huang, I understand, and I will work hard."

Of course, this was not what Wu Xian was thinking.

Wu Xian felt that the imperial sister could obviously pass the throne to him when she had to go to court in three to five days.

But Wu Xian would never dare to say this.

Wu Xian knew his royal sister's temperament very well.

If he said this, Wu Xian could beat himself half to death in minutes.

Wu Zhao's temper was really unbearable for his younger brother.

After Wu Xian said goodbye and left, Wu Zhao did not rest. Instead, he read the memorial that Wu Xian had corrected again and checked it for Wu Xian again.


After a month of training, the elite cavalry under King Jing have become familiar with the monsters assigned to them.

Compared to these monster beasts sitting down, the well-trained war horses I had in the past were really not enough.

Five war horses are not as good as a real monster beast.

Whether it is endurance, explosive power or speed, the two are completely different.

While King Jing's cavalry was running into monsters, the Huwei troops recruited from the northern and western regions also officially entered Jingzhou.

Every one of the powerful troops who entered Jingzhou was very excited.

Being able to enter Jingzhou is definitely a recognition of their strength.

Before the establishment of the Huwei Army, the Wu Dynasty had only two armies.

The Red Flame Army and Prince Jing’s Iron Cavalry.

They are the main force and trump card of the Wu Dynasty.

Even if the rest is the Forbidden Army, it can only be regarded as a miscellaneous army.

But now they actually have the opportunity to be recruited into Jingzhou and protect Jingzhou with Prince Jing's cavalry.

This is definitely the greatest recognition of their strength.

Of course, the person I want to thank the most is Ning Chen.

Without Ning Chen, he would have supported the Huwei Army in a series of reforms.

The mighty tiger army can achieve what it is today.

What's more, among the Huwei Army, there are at least several hundred captains and generals, all of whom came from the Baijiacheng City Defense Army.

These are all due to Ning Chen.

The current Dingjun poems of Hu Weijun were all written by Ning Chen.

Ning Chen is definitely the biggest contributor to the Huwei Army being what it is today.

So when Ning Chen appeared on the commander's platform, the Huwei army roared "tiger", "tiger" and "tiger".

"Please order some." Prince Jing directly handed the general's military book to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen quickly said: "My lord, it's you who should do it, you are more familiar with Jingzhou."

Prince Jing did not take back the generals book, but said to Ning Chen: "Just read it according to it. They should hope you will come to the generals more."

Seeing that King Jing insisted on this, Ning Chen had no choice but to take over the generals' military book and start ordering generals.

Every time Ning Chen called someone's name, that person would stand out from the crowd and respond to Ning Chen in the loudest voice.

"Su Wei, lead the general of Jingan City and lead 10,000 troops into Jingan City."

"I will obey your orders!"

After Ning Chen finished speaking, he directly threw down a military talisman in the military book.

After receiving the military talisman, Su Wei took the order to return to the team again.

Then Ning Chen ordered the generals one by one.

Everyone was assigned quickly.

There are a total of twenty-two cities in Jingzhou.

It is enough to protect it with more than 400,000 people.

What's more, there are still 50,000 to 60,000 people in Baijia City who can maneuver, and King Jing still has 50,000 personal guards who can be used for maneuver.

Even if all the cavalry under King Jing were sent out, it would still be enough to protect Jingzhou.

After allocating the Huwei army, the next step is for Prince Jing's entire cavalry to attack.

The order and direction of the attack have already been planned.

At this moment, all it takes is an order from King Jing, and all 400,000 cavalry will attack and sweep away the barbarians.

Barbarians do not have the concept of towns, and barbarians exist more in the form of tribes.

In the form of a tribe, there is naturally no concept of a city wall.

Without the concept of a city wall, the power of the cavalry can naturally be maximized.

The cavalry cannot attack the city, but the barbarians in the tribe can come and go freely.


Prince Jing gave the order to attack in a calm tone.

Immediately the order was delivered to the twenty-two cities in Jingzhou as quickly as possible.

The city gate opened, and groups of cavalry ran out of the city gate like wild horses.

The loess brought up covered the sky and the sun, as if a sandstorm was coming.

It took a full hour and 400,000 cavalry to complete the full-scale attack.

In the next few days, 400,000 cavalry will, according to the designated plan, thoroughly cleanse and attack all the barbarian territories within a radius of 500 miles.

All barbarian settlements are the targets of this raid.

Four hundred thousand iron cavalry plowed the barbarian territory five hundred miles wide from east to west, plowing back and forth twice.

Make sure there are no barbarian settlements within these five hundred miles.

In this way, even if there is no way to reveal the true intentions of the barbarians.

It can also create a 500-mile buffer zone for Jingzhou.

With a buffer zone of five hundred miles, even if the barbarians really make any big moves, Prince Jing will be able to deal with all the barbarians' methods more calmly.

The cavalry passed through nine consecrated cities.

The moment when the gate of the Saint City opens.

The barbarians outside were obviously stunned.

Because the gate of this holy city is never opened easily.

Open it now, as they roar to rush in.

But he saw the cavalry that could not be seen and rushed out from inside.

Each of King Jing’s cavalry fought against the barbarians not once.

Therefore, they did not panic at all when facing the barbarians.

The weapon in his hand is like cutting leeks.

Harvesting the lives of the barbarians near the Holy City.

A killing feast officially begins in the Holy City.

When the endless cavalry of King Jing appeared on the land of the barbarians.

The barbarians were in an unprecedented panic.

It is not that Prince Jing has never taken the initiative in recent years.

However, the number and frequency of attacks are very limited.

This was a true full-scale attack.

How can we not kill the barbarians outside?

Under the howls of the barbarians, Prince Jing's cavalry did not stop at all.

Even if by chance a fish slips through the net, the cavalry behind will naturally rush forward to finish the attack.

The real plowing program begins.

How could the barbarian emperors not know about such a huge movement?

At this moment, all the Barbarian Emperors gathered in the Barbarian Palace.

He Gu is still sitting in the main seat.

Although Dazhi's side has declared failure, not even the flesh and blood of the Barbarian God has been brought back.

But these still did not shake He Gu's status.

"Prince Jing's attack with all his troops this time is an opportunity for us. If we can seize this opportunity, we may be able to severely damage Prince Jing." The bald-haired Barbarian Emperor was the first to put forward his own suggestion.

To be honest, the bald barbarian emperor's proposal made them very tempted.

In the past, King Jing had always been hiding in the city. With the obstruction of the Holy City, it was really difficult for them to cause any large-scale harm to King Jing.

Now that Prince Jing has taken the initiative, it is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

However, He Gu does not dare to make such a decision easily now.

"I also agree that this time we take the initiative to attack King Jing severely." The Corpse Barbarian Emperor also spoke, expressing his agreement with the Bald-haired Barbarian Emperor's proposal.

The Hegu Barbarian Emperor looked at the other five Barbarian Emperors who had not spoken, and asked: "What do you mean?"

Qiu Dunman Emperor was the first to express his position: "I agree to take the initiative. After all, such an opportunity is rare. If we can severely damage King Jing, we will be more calm in the future."

After Emperor Qiudun finished speaking, Emperor Xubu took over the words and said excitedly: "Sending an attack can certainly cause some damage, but we cannot ignore the oracle!

If we anger the gods because of this, our result may be more painful than death!"


This is the root cause that makes Hegu Manhuang dare not jump to conclusions.

Not long after Dazhi died in battle, Emperor Xubu summoned Emperor Hegu and the others together.

The Xubu Man Emperor was specifically responsible for the barbarian sacrifices and was also the channel for the barbarians to communicate with the gods.

To the barbarians, gods are the supreme existence.

Although the gods have not sent down any oracles for a long time.

However, the barbarians never stopped worshiping the gods for a moment.

This time the oracle came down again, how could Emperor Xubu not be excited.

So he immediately summoned all the barbarian emperors together.

The other barbarian emperors who saw the oracle were also extremely excited.

Because in the eyes of the barbarians, as long as the gods are willing to take action, the human race is just a group of despicable and ugly ants.

The gods can easily kill humans.

But after reading the oracle, the barbarian emperors had some different ideas.

This time the direction of the oracle is very clear.

The oracle made it clear to them that all the barbarians should retreat and wait for blessings from the gods, and then go all out to kill the human Ning Chen.

This is a very clear oracle, and the direction of the oracle is Ning Chen.

To the barbarian emperors, this was both surprising and a bit unbelievable.

You must know that the oracles in the past will not point to a certain human race alone.

Because in the perception of the barbarians, all human races are equally despicable.

So they feel that gods will not care about someone alone.

But this time, the name Ning Chen clearly appeared in the oracle.

Just imagine a person who can be named directly by the gods.

what does that mean?

Does it mean that this person is remembered by the gods?

No, of course it's not just that simple.

The most direct meaning of this is that the gods regard this person as a threat.

How terrifying this person would be if he could be regarded as a threat by the gods.

There is simply no way to delve into such a thing.

Although this oracle was strange, the barbarians still followed the oracle and sent all the barbarians back to wait for the blessings of the gods.

God's blessing is the greatest honor.

Barbarians who have been blessed by the gods will be more likely to return to their ancestors.

Even barbarian emperors like them can gain great benefits and can take a step closer to the barbarian gods.

But now the situation has changed, and a greater temptation is placed in front of them.

King Jing's entire army attacked, giving them a chance to severely damage King Jing.

As long as they seize this opportunity, they will have a much easier time facing Prince Jing in the future.

As the messenger of the gods, Emperor Subuman naturally could not watch these people violate the oracle, so he had to jump out and stop them.

After Emperor Xubu expressed his excitement, Emperor Uluolan also agreed with Emperor Subu.

"We must follow the instructions of the gods, otherwise the gods will bring disasters that we cannot bear."

The reverence the barbarians have for the gods cannot be described in words.

Of course, this kind of awe may have weakened a lot in the hearts of the main war factions such as the Bald-haired Barbarian Emperor and the Zombie Barbarian Emperor.

Because if this kind of awe was still there, they would not even propose taking the initiative.

Because according to the oracles of the gods, all they need to do is wait and wait for the blessings of the gods. They do not need to consider other things.

Three barbarian emperors expressed their approval, and two barbarian emperors clearly expressed their opposition.

The remaining Barbarian Emperors who have yet to express their opinions include Qijin Barbarian Emperor and Chilu Barbarian Emperor.

The Hegu Barbarian Emperor looked at the other two Barbarian Emperors who did not express their opinions: "Do you think you should take the initiative or follow the oracle?"

The two Barbarian Emperors looked at each other, and Qijin Barbarian Emperor said: "I also agree to take the initiative, after all, such an opportunity is rare to find."

The Chilu Barbarian Emperor clearly expressed his opposition. Now that the score is four to three, He Gu's opinion is very important.

(End of chapter)

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