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Chapter 7 Here, here, here he is!, Capital]

Zheng Da was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No."

"What about the eighth grade? Can you get immortality?" Ning Chen continued to ask without giving up.

Zheng Da still shook his head.

"What about the seventh grade?"


"Where's the sixth grade?"


Seeing that Ning Chen wanted to continue asking, Zheng Da said in advance: "I don't know what happens after the sixth rank, sir. But..."

"But what?" Ning Chen asked.

"However, I have heard legends that martial arts masters of fifth grade and above cannot live forever, but they can already extend their lives and can easily live beyond a hundred and fifty years."

After listening to Zheng Da's words, Ning Chen finally became a little interested.

Ning Chen doesn't have much interest in anything between 150 and 150.

Ning Chen would be extremely grateful if he could live for another three to five years now.

"Is it difficult to practice martial arts?" Ning Chen asked after chasing Zheng Da.

Zheng Da didn't know why Ning Chen suddenly became interested in martial arts, but when Ning Chen asked, Zheng Da replied.

"It is not difficult for adults to practice martial arts. Among the many cultivation systems, martial arts has the lowest requirements for talent."

The threshold is low, which is what Ning Chen likes the most.

"Then how long will it take to reach the fifth level?"

Zheng Da replied: "I really don't know how long it will take for the villain."

He is also a ninth-grade Zheng Da. How could he know about the first-grade things?

"Then how long did it take for you to get into the industry?" Since there is no one else to refer to, let's take a look at Zheng Da's.

Mentioning this, Zheng Da was still a little proud: "The villain spent three months sensing Qi, and then kept cultivating Qi for three years. Now he has reached the ninth level and can hit the eighth level at any time."

"Did it take so long?" Ning Chen couldn't help but frown after hearing Zheng Da's words.

It takes three months to sense Qi, but Ning Chen doesn't have that much time.

Zheng Da felt a little unconvinced when he heard Ning Chen say it took a long time.

But firstly, he was hired by Wanhong to protect Ning Chen, and at the same time, he also needed the medicinal materials Wanhong gave him to help him enter the eighth rank. Secondly, Ningchen was a high official in the imperial court, and he was also the top scholar in the new department. Zheng

Faced with Ning Chen, he was indeed a little scared.

"How about giving it a try, maybe I can go faster?"

Although he knew that reputation points would definitely help him survive, Ning Chen didn't like putting his eggs in one basket.

"Can you guide me in martial arts?" Ning Chen said to Zheng Da.

"Your Majesty, you have read the books of sages and you are the number one scholar in a new subject. Wouldn't it be faster to follow Confucianism and Taoism? There are books and literature in the imperial court that you can use, so why should you retreat to martial arts?" Zheng Da expressed some confusion about Ning Chen's choice.


Confucianism and Taoism, Ning Chen knew about it from the memory of the original owner.

But Confucianism and Taoism are all about accumulation and development. Not to mention the weak in the early stage, not to mention increasing longevity in the early stage, it can't even strengthen the body, there are only some bells and whistles.

"I have approved my fate, and I am a virtuous person."

Even if you can defeat Confucianism with eight characters, you can still be admitted to the top exam in a new subject. Is this just for the purpose of defeating Confucianism?

Zheng Da felt that his brain was a bit out of use.

However, Ning Chen had a request, and Zheng Tianzi complied. At the same time, Zheng Da also planned to show Ning Chen how ridiculous Ning Chen's previous disdain for martial arts was. It must be said that martial artists are easily fooled.

"Sir, this is a common way to nourish Qi among civilians and the military. Please take a look at it." Zheng Da took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen took the paper and quickly scanned it, and found that nourishing Qi was actually not difficult.

There are two methods in total. The first one is to use form to nourish Qi. This requires starting from the squatting horse stance and using various basic martial arts movements to temper and precipitate one's own Qi. Finally, external stimulation is used to stimulate the inner Qi.

Ning Chen would definitely not choose this, squatting on horseback, Ning Chen didn't have the time.

The second method is the method of cultivating qi in meditation. The explanation is simple, it is to immerse yourself in samadhi, then sense the external qi, and attract the inner qi from the outside.

This second type is much more difficult than the first type, so generally warriors major in the first type and use the second type as an assistant. At the same time, when assisting, they will also use some precious medicinal materials to make medicated baths.

further stimulation.

Zheng Da, who was able to nourish his Qi for three months, had to take a two-pronged approach, coupled with tempering in medicinal baths, and then he was able to reach the highest level.

After Ning Chen saw it, he sat down directly on the spot and prepared to try to enter meditation.

Zheng Da looked at Ning Chen and was ready to try it on the spot.

He hesitated to speak on the side, but in the end he didn't say anything.

On the one hand, Zheng Da feels that this is the master's business. If the master wants to try it, he may be embarrassed. On the other hand, Zheng Da also wants Ning Chen to know how difficult it is to get the goods. How can he save it?

Ning Chen despised himself from now on.

Ning Chen sat on the ground and followed the method on the paper to enter samadhi in just two breaths.

"Enter samadhi!"

Zheng Da also came through this, so Zheng Da still knows what it means to enter concentration.

At the same time, Zheng Da knew very well how difficult it was to enter concentration.

Entering concentration is a step that plays an important role in every system of practice.

It's just that for any system, it is very difficult to enter samadhi.

Even if Zheng Da has now entered the level of meditation, he does not just want to enter samadhi. He can only succeed once in ten times, and it takes a very long time.

Zheng Da, let alone seeing someone like Ning Chen, who can fall into trance instantly, has never heard of him.

"It must be a coincidence, it must be a coincidence!" Zheng Da comforted himself in his heart.

But the next moment, Zheng Da's eyes widened, because he clearly felt the vibration of the surrounding Qi.

"Introduce the air into the body!" Zheng Damang took a deep breath.

Introducing Qi into the body is another important step in entering meditation.

Zheng Da himself, with the help of medicinal baths, took two months to succeed, and Ning Chen succeeded in seconds.

This was a really big blow to Zheng Da.

Zheng Da has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, practicing in the winter and practicing in the summer and never slacking off for a moment.

Moreover, Zheng Da even said that he should practice martial arts as early as possible, before his young bones have fully grown. This is the best time.

But Ning Chen's behavior is completely illogical.

"Is it true that the brains of scholars are better and it is easier to practice martial arts?" For the first time, Zheng Da had doubts about his IQ.

On Ning Chen's side, everything went very smoothly. He fell into meditation very smoothly, introduced Qi into his body very smoothly, and then felt the Qi movement in his body very smoothly.

"Is it so easy? Didn't it say it would take three months?" Looking at the Qi that had been generated in his body, Ning Chen also felt that something was not right.

After waking up from his trance, Ning Chen looked at Zheng Da who was stunned and asked: "What does it feel like to generate qi? Is there a stream of qi in the body that circulates endlessly in the body?"

"Life and life...continuous circulation!" Zheng Da was shocked again.

You must know that it took Zheng Da two months from the time he produced the Qi machine to the point where it could circulate throughout the universe and continue to be reborn.

"My lord, you are truly a martial arts prodigy." Zheng Da said this with great willingness, and he was so overcome with admiration.

Zheng Da couldn't help but be convinced. After half a year of walking, Ning Chen managed it all in less than a cup of tea.

What is this if not a wizard?

"In that case, I can start the next level of training directly." Ning Chen asked in surprise.

If martial arts were so easy to master, then Ning Chen felt that he would have a chance of extending his lifespan.

After hearing Ning Chen's words, Zheng Da came back to his senses and shook his head and said, "Sir, we can't do it yet."

"Why?" Ning Chen asked confused.

"My martial arts training requires a step-by-step approach. You can train the muscles, bones, and skin in one breath internally. Now that you have completed nourishing the qi, the qi machine needs to grow in the body. When it grows enough to strengthen the muscles, bones, and skin, you will reach the ninth level.

Then you can start to refine the muscles, bones, and skin. When the muscles, bones, and skin become as steely as iron, you will have reached the eighth level."

"How long will it take?" Ning Chen asked.

"The Qi-nourishing stage can be as short as half a year or as long as several years, and it takes almost the same time to exercise the muscles, bones and skin."

After Zheng Da finished speaking, he added: "But the villain thinks that with the talent of the adults, three months is enough to reach Qi-nurturing perfection."

"March? It's still a little too slow." Ning Chen immediately lost interest when he heard the time.

Seeing that Ning Chen looked down on martial arts so much, Zheng Da couldn't help but feel a little enthusiastic: "Sir, if there are medicinal materials to help, it is possible in January.

Moreover, the villain also knows that there are many people who can practice at the ninth and eighth levels if there is sufficient supply of elixirs and other replenishing medicinal decoctions. This can greatly shorten the time and can reach the eighth level in half a year.


This time is still a bit long for Ning Chen.

In this case, martial arts training seems to have no meaning to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen shook his head with a disappointed look and left, leaving Zheng Da alone angrily.

If there was a favorable impression at this time, Zheng Da's favorable impression of Ning Chen would be absolutely zero.

Ning Chen's talent in martial arts is what many people dream of, but Ning Chen felt that it was too slow to directly express his disappointment in martial arts.

On the second day, the sky was slightly bright. Under the service of four exquisite and well-behaved maids, Ning Chen changed into official uniforms, teased the four little maids again, and then sat in his Maslais and went to court.


When Ning Chen's Maslas arrived outside the palace gate, he found that many ministers were already here.

It's just that Ning Chen's Maslais is too high-profile and too conspicuous.

Some people who don't know the situation, after making some inquiries and knowing what is going on, will inevitably say "corrupt officials" immediately.

But does Ning Chen care?

If Ning Chen cared, he would have fought back long ago.

Ning Chen raised the curtain and looked at the courtiers on horseback outside. He really didn't know what they were thinking. Is it okay to ride a horse?

After the three-way drum sounds, all officials can enter the palace gate and walk to the main hall.

At this time, Ning Chen found that the area around him was much wider, and the people around him were far away from him.

Ning Chen didn't care, it would be better if it was wider, so as to save himself from stepping on other people's heels and prevent others from stepping on his own heels.

After all the officials entered the palace, the chief eunuch followed the routine and asked everyone to report early and leave the palace if there was nothing else.

"Your Majesty, Sun Kejian, the Censor of the Censor's Office, has something to report." The Censor holding a wat board stepped out of the queue and said loudly.

The emperor was most annoyed by these censors, but he had to let them speak.


"I want to impeach Ning Chen, who is from Zhongshushe and is also a scholar in the Department of Etiquette. The new champion is Ning Chen!"

It's coming, it's coming, it's finally coming.

The climax that Ning Chen had been waiting for finally came.

Why did Ning Chen come to court? Wasn't it just to have others impeach him?

If you don't impeach yourself, how can you be a qualified sycophant?

Without waiting for the emperor to ask questions, Sun Kejian began to list Ning Chen's crimes: "Ning Chen did not respect the law, accepted bribes from businessmen, and privately granted exclusive purchasing rights to businessmen. He prostituted in Fireworks Willow Alley in a high-profile manner, discrediting the majesty of the court. I thought that

, Ning Chen, a person with stains on his body, is not suitable to preside over the ceremony of establishing the crown prince. I sincerely request that Ning Chen be deprived of all official positions."

This chapter has been completed!
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