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Chapter 23: Turmoil in Xianyang City

Ying Jingyu ordered three thousand captains to lead three thousand Qin soldiers down. After leaving the palace gate, he divided his troops into several groups and began to conduct a large-scale manhunt in Xianyang City...

Today's Xianyang is not at peace. In more than a hundred years, there has never been such a large-scale and non-stop deployment of troops and generals in the city to hunt down many ministers.

In the past, similar turmoil occurred in Xianyang City, but it was only within Xianyang Palace. This is the first time that it has affected the entire Xianyang City.

At this time, everyone in Xianyang City was in danger, because through the cracks in the doors or windows, groups of Qin soldiers wearing black armor and holding spears could be seen breaking into the houses of high-ranking officials one after another.

At worst, only the male owner of the family is arrested, at worst, the house is ransacked and everyone is arrested...

Throughout the streets of Xianyang, the cries of men, women, children, officials and their families who were escorted by Qin soldiers never stopped.

Except for groups of Qin soldiers on the streets, no one else dared to take to the streets. Every house closed its doors, for fear that these tigers and wolves would find some evidence of crime and come to ransack their homes and destroy them...

People are panicked

This state of city-wide manhunt lasted from noon to Xu shi in the evening (19:00-21:00), and Xianyang City gradually calmed down.

The brave ones quietly opened the door to confirm that nothing was wrong, then ran to the street to take a deep breath of fresh air. It seemed that they were suffocating a lot.

After Qin III entered Xianyang Palace, the original 6,000 palace guards were replaced by Qin soldiers for city defense, and he ordered all the eunuchs and slaves who had served Qin II Hu Hai to be sent away from the palace.

At this point, Ying Ziying, the third emperor of Qin Dynasty, felt that the Xianyang Palace was much quieter. In the past few years after the death of the First Emperor, all kinds of bad things in the Qin State happened in this palace. It was because of a group of bad people and a group of people who served these people.

A rotten bitch

Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable and my stomach is churning.

The Third Emperor of Qin also summoned Queen Han, her second son Ying Yuanlong and other family members to the palace and arranged their residence...

At this time, the third emperor of Qin was standing alone, wearing a royal robe, with his hands behind his hands in the "Chaoyang Palace", the political hall of the former King of Qin or the First Emperor of Qin.

The main hall is extremely wide and empty. In the middle of the end of the main hall is a tall royal platform, 15 meters wide and more than 3 meters high. The steps leading up are all bluestone reliefs, and most of the steps are paved with bright red carpets.

Since Qin Xiaogong moved the capital, Xianyang City and Xianyang Palace have been expanding for more than a hundred years. After the First Emperor unified the six countries, he was not satisfied with this. He carried out extensive construction projects and Xianyang Palace could no longer satisfy...

The nation's labor force was recruited to serve as corvees, and while expanding the palace city, a new dynasty palace, Epang Palace, was built on the south bank of the Wei River.

Many years have passed, and when Qin was in danger and weakened, the palace was not half repaired, and it was still continuing its previous policies, and the corvee continued...

Qin Sanshi raised his head and looked at the luxurious throne high above, and sighed deeply, feeling a little helpless and desolate in his heart as the Qin Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline.

Can Da Qin change all this on his own?

Suddenly, a soft call from behind interrupted Qin Sanshi Ying Ziying's meditation.


Qin Sanshi turned around and saw Ying Jingyu wearing silver armor and white robes, a long sword at his waist, a red cloak, and a crown and bun. Suddenly, he felt a little strange to this young son.

The image of Ying Jingyu who was an ignorant child, bold and restless in the past is gone forever, replaced by Ying Jingyu who is decisive, capable, strong willed and ambitious!

The third son of Qin, Ziying, looked at his son who was becoming more mature, stronger, and more heroic, and felt a warmth in his heart. Maybe only with him by his side could he feel a real sense of security...


Ying Ziying smiled and said: "Yu'er, you have grown up."

Ying Jingyu was stunned after hearing this. Why did Qin Sanshi, the father of the family, suddenly say such a thing?

But thinking about what happened last night and today, and regaining control of the Qin Dynasty after a narrow escape, Jing Yu empathically understood the emotion and sigh of Qin Sanshi at this time. It can be regarded as a kind of release after long-term oppression...

Jing Yu chuckled and said: "Father, as a descendant of the Ying family, you are responsible for the fate of your family and country. If Yu is still acting like a child, what hope does our Qin have? My son and I are also forced by the situation."

Ying Ziying smiled bitterly and shook his head. In fact, he planned to kill Zhao Gao. After Jingyu woke up after being seriously injured, he became very different from before. Qin Sanshi could still see this.

Fortunately, this change of my son is greatly beneficial to the current state of Qin.

Therefore, Ying Ziying and his wife never exposed this issue. Maybe God took pity on Da Qin and gave Ying Jingyu some kind of magical power.

No matter how he changes, he is still his biological son. Becoming good and strong is the biggest wish of a parent...

Ying Ziying interrupted the topic and said, "Yu'er is here, have you finished hunting down the gangsters in Xianyang City?"

Jingyu cupped his hands and said, "Father, you are lucky to have fulfilled your mission! Except for those who have fled to Guandong or are hiding deeper, 90% of them have been captured."

"Oh? How many people are there?"

"Including the 60 generals last night, the relatives of the nine Dong clans captured today, close officials such as the Dong clan, Zhao Gao, Meng Cheng, Yan Shiping's close followers, or the traitors and traitors who harmed the Qin Dynasty in the past, there are a total of 1,220 people."

Qin Sanshi was shocked: "There are so many people? Are they all going to be beheaded?"

Ying Jingyu thought for a moment and then said: "Father, this treasonous crime must be killed as a warning to others to prevent future generations from doing the same."

"In addition to these 1,220 people, there are also a few generals captured by General Zhang Chang who have not yet arrived in Xianyang. General Zhang has sent a letter on flying horse. At Shenshi time today, he has completely controlled the more than 30,000 Qin soldiers stationed outside the city.

Will the 105th..."

Ying Jingyu paused for a moment and saw King Qin looking a little unhappy. He thought to himself that Ying Ziying was still a little soft-hearted and could not bear to kill so many descendants of the old Qin people.

He continued: "But father, don't worry, not all of these criminals will be executed. Some of them are just working for Dong Lege and have not done anything to harm the Qin Dynasty. Some of them are forced to follow Dong Lege out of helplessness.


"Therefore, I have ordered an investigation of the information of each official and noble, and check for evidence of their past crimes. If the crime is extremely heinous, his or her home will be confiscated and beheaded. If the crime is minor, he or she can be demoted to a commoner in Guizhou and his property will be collected."

"But even so, most of the more than a thousand people will not be able to escape the death penalty."

Qin Sanshi sighed inwardly after hearing this. This may be the best ending.

Although she felt unbearable for a moment, she couldn't find a reason to refute Ying Jingyu, because in these few days, Ying Ziying had quite understood Jingyu's temperament. He rarely acted emotionally on matters of family and country, and only acted with emotion.

The most correct and appropriate choice...

Qin Sanshi said: "In this case, we must achieve the effect of deterring people. After collecting the evidence that requires the beheading of the guilty officials, parade through Xianyang City, let the people of Qin see their crimes, and then behead them in public."

"Lest people who don't know the reason spread rumors and cause trouble to people's hearts."

"Yes, Father!"

Ziying continued: "Did General Zhang explain when he will return to the court?"

"Father, there is no definite time in the letter, but if the military garrison outside the city is stabilized, General Zhang will bring soldiers into the city to pay homage to the king as soon as tomorrow."


This chapter has been completed!
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