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Chapter 84: Enemy Garrisoning and Harassment

Ying Jingyu looked up at the dark night sky, thinking about something in his mind

After waiting for half a minute, Jingyu said: "Since he has seen through my plan and thinks it is an advantage to gather troops in one place, then I will make it a disadvantage!"

Zheng Chan asked in confusion: "Master, what do you mean?"

Ying Jingyu's eyes suddenly flickered and he ordered: "Vice-General Sima Zhou!"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead three thousand infantry, carry light crossbows around the rear of Liu Bang's army, block their escape route, and not allow anyone to escape from Guanzhong. Can you do it?"

Sima Zhou was startled, then he raised his hands and said, "Don't worry, sir, if you let someone escape, I will definitely come and see you!"

"Okay, go down and make arrangements immediately!"


I saw Sima Zhou without delay, whipped his horse, led twenty cavalry, and headed towards the Qin army in the west.

Ying Jingyu spoke again: "Chanchan, people need to eat and sleep. The enemy will definitely send many scouts tonight to inquire about our news. And since the enemy's main force dares to camp and rest here, then we will do the opposite.

That’s fine.”

Zheng Chan was confused when she heard this, "Young master, do you mean...to attack the enemy at night? Even so, wouldn't we still have to fight a war of attrition with the enemy?"

Ying Jingyu smiled slightly: "If we want to fight a war of attrition, I will not wait until tonight. I wonder if you have ever heard of the saying: When the enemy is stationed, I harass him; when the enemy is tired, I attack him; when the enemy retreats, I pursue him?"

Zheng Chan and other generals all shook their heads, and Zheng Chan said: "Sir, I roughly understand the meaning. Does it mean that our cavalry is only responsible for harassing the enemy at night?"

Jing Yu said: "Well, I will personally lead three thousand cavalry troops to harass Liu Bang's camp and make them extremely annoyed. It depends on how the other party responds."

"Vice-general Sun Shixiang obeys the order!"

I saw a knight in black armor taking a few steps closer to Ying Jingyu, cupping his hands and saying, "The general is here!"

"I order you and General Lu Wei to mobilize more than 28,000 infantrymen and rush to ambush near Liu Bang's camp overnight. If you see the main force of the enemy's cavalry leaving the camp, immediately surround the main force of the enemy's infantry and encircle and annihilate them!"

The deputy general named Sun Shixiang was startled and said in confusion: "Sir, the enemy has ten thousand cavalry. If they all come out in full force, how will you respond?"

Ying Jingyu thought for a moment and then said: "Don't worry, I don't expect that his 10,000 cavalry will be sent out together. Didn't I leave 500 'thunderbolt bombs' for the infantry? When the time comes, the infantry will use crossbows and thunderbolts to surprise,

Take down the opponent's main force as soon as possible. In this case, the cavalry led by me will be safer, do you understand?"

Sun Shixiang didn't dare to hesitate anymore, "Yes, Master! If something goes wrong, I will bring it up to see you!"

"Okay! Go down and cooperate with General Lu Wei and set off immediately!"


Sun Shixiang ordered twenty horses and galloped towards the eastern area near the Bashui River...

Then Ying Jingyu turned to look at Zheng Chan, who lowered her head with a blushing face: "Young Master, I'm not going anywhere, I'll just follow the Young Master's cavalry."

Ying Jingyu chuckled and said: "You have a daughter and can be responsible for the logistics in the rear. You have to know that among the various divisions of troops, only the cavalry is the most dangerous."

"Our army has too few cavalry, otherwise it would not be so passive."

Zheng Chan shook his head and said: "If Chan is that kind of person, why did you need to follow the young master to the military camp in the first place? I can at least protect the young master by my side."

Ying Jingyu took a deep breath: "Okay, forget about protecting me, you have to protect yourself. Otherwise, the young master will not feel at ease."

Zheng Chan felt warm in her heart and nodded shyly: "Yes, Master."

"Okay, Ying Kui listens to the order! Go to the cavalry camp immediately and send another two thousand cavalry here!"

The general named Ying Kui cupped his hand and said, "Yes, Young Master!"

I saw Ying Kui order his troops and ten cavalry, and go all the way to the north.

Zheng Chan looked at the groups of people who had been arranged in a few minutes, and said a little uneasily: "Master, there is still something that I don't understand."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Master, have you ever thought about what would happen if the main force of the enemy army stood still and did not pursue the master's cavalry?"

Ying Jingyu nodded in agreement: "Chanchan has such a delicate mind, it seems she has the potential to be a general, haha."

"Sir, please stop joking. The enemy is facing us, and our army's advantage is not obvious. This is not child's play."

Ying Jingyu said: "Of course I have thought of this. This is also the worst plan. Unless the opponent has a real general who has fought a hundred battles, it is highly likely that they will pursue our army."

"Young Master is so confident? What if?"

Ying Jingyu snorted and smiled: "If it really happens, we can only swallow it forcefully. Even if we can swallow this kind of humiliation, how can our army defeat their army if they don't confront them head-on?"

Zheng Chan suddenly realized, "That's it. It seems that the young master is very confident."

"Hahaha..., there is nothing certain. Even if this situation occurs, the enemy army must be exhausted and low in morale after being harassed by our army overnight. However, our army's morale is high. Even if they encounter a head-on tomorrow, they will still be exhausted.

It’s better than eating it hard today. Does Chanchan understand?”

After hearing this, Zheng Chan sighed in her heart, this Master of Qin had taken every step and every decision of the enemy into account, how could he be invincible?

"Chan is stupid. This enemy army will definitely not escape the hands of the young master!"


All the Qin cavalry waited for half an hour, and heard the sound of horse hooves ahead. It seemed that the two thousand Qin cavalry led by Ying Mei had arrived.

When the three thousand Qin cavalry gathered together, Ying Jingyu shouted loudly in front of the army: "My fellow soldiers, tonight is crucial! Liu Bang's main army in the direction of Lantian has probably been completely annihilated by General Li Xin at this time.


"There are only these 30,000 enemy troops threatening Guanzhong. As long as they are all wiped out tonight, we will have peace in Guanzhong!"

After hearing this, the three thousand Qin cavalry looked very excited. This news was simply a shot in the arm, because the Qin army had not won a big victory for a long time.

At this moment, when I heard that the enemy's main force had been wiped out in the direction of Lantian, my excitement and pride could not be greater.

Ying Jingyu continued: "We are the only ones left. Although the enemy cavalry is large, our Qin Cavalry is also equipped with 700 cavalry and 500 thunderbolts!"

"As long as we can hold back the main force of the enemy's cavalry and prevent the two armies from uniting, we can win this war quickly! Are you confident?"

At this time, all the cavalrymen were flushed with encouragement, and they shouted loudly, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Ying Jingyu nodded with satisfaction: "Generals, listen! Listen to my order and follow me to harass the enemy camp tonight!"

All nine cavalry officers raised their hands and said, "Here!"

"Set off!"

Three thousand Qin cavalry almost blended into the night, like a black whirlwind, making a rumbling sound and running towards the enemy camp several kilometers away.

At this time, the 30,000 troops led by Xia Houying and Fan Kuai had set up numerous tents under the mounds. After the infantry had finished eating, they were all ready to go into their tents and rest.

Xia Houying and Fan Kuai, however, did not enter the tent. They stood outside the tent with their hands folded, looking towards the north where the Bashui Qin camp was located.

Both of them frowned deeply. Before they came, they clearly wanted to use the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves to sweep away the Qin army in Guanzhong. Who knew that the two armies encountered such a difficult problem before they fought...

Suddenly! A scout in red armor came to report:

"Two generals, the Qin army is attacking again at night. They are already a mile away and are about to arrive!"


This chapter has been completed!
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