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Chapter 101 Meeting Natasha Again

Chapter 101 Meeting Natasha again

Maria's body was taken out of the car.

Seeing Ash's actions, Frank, who was almost vented, also walked down from the wall.

Bringing the two children, Frank explained directly to the children why their mother left and what death meant.

At the same time, since Maria was the first victim at the sacrificial site so far, more and more community residents gathered around to express their condolences.

This operation made it difficult for Ash to directly tell Frank: 'Stop crying, your wife will be resurrected when I turn around.' Such words.

I had no choice but to cooperate with more and more people to complete the scene.

Frank held his wife's body and followed Ash's guidance to the open space under the tower on the right.

This was originally the tomb of the sacrificial site, and the heroes who once spread the fire were buried inside. Although this is not the world of black souls, the coffins that should be there are still there.

After finding a sarcophagus, Frank put Maria in it. Then he took the children and said goodbye to his wife.

The community residents who became more and more cooperative found fresh flowers from nowhere and placed them around the sarcophagus. Some even persuaded Ares to bring extra candles from the sacrificial site and light them around.

Seeing this situation, Ash, who was covering his face, dodged out of the crowd. Seeing the fireproof girl snickering, Ash shrugged helplessly.

Seeing the good deeds of the community residents, Jane Smith in the crowd had already begun to arrange for people to take turns praying.

'Forget it, I'll find a chance to tell Frank later.'

Giving up on performing a resurrection trick in front of everyone, Ash took the fire girl and stood far away, leaving the scene to Frank.

But not long after, Frank led his children to Ash's side.

"Ash, I want to give the child to you."

As soon as Frank opened his mouth, he was shocked by Ash's hundreds of years of moral integrity. As soon as they met, he took care of his son and daughter. Is that okay?

Frank's next words were an explanation to Ash.

"Frank Hammer has been suspended from duty and asked to assist in the investigation. I have to take a look and stabilize the remaining Marine brothers."

Considering what Fran Hammer did just yesterday, shooting him is not an exaggeration.

But this also involves the invasion of the Orcs. Although General Hammer may have a happy ending with the cooperation of the military bosses and Forborough, the job transfers and subsequent investigations will not stop.

The best outcome for General Hammer may be to retire immediately and leave the army.

For a commander who can fight for the treatment his brothers deserve, Hammer can be said to have set a majestic and example among the Marines this time.

So much so that now, the military's biggest fear for General Hammer is that his soldiers will not agree to Hammer's retirement.

This kind of thing being promoted to a high position by his subordinates is not something that happens once or twice in the military.

So it was necessary for Frank, the instructor who trained almost all Marines, to come forward and temporarily calm the soldiers down.

"Leave it to me."

The friendship between men does not need too many words to describe, as that would be too pretentious.

With Ash's reply, Frank turned around and left without saying a word. This time it was the ghost driver who was responsible for taking Frank to his destination.

Lisa and Frank Jr. II (he will be called Frank Jr. from now on) stood next to Ash, watching their father leave helplessly without crying at all.

The sensible child was naturally loved by everyone. He took the children to the sacrificial site, and everyone welcomed the children.

The Onion Knight used the campfire at the sacrificial site to cook his specialty elemental soup, and gave everyone a large bowl.

Ash packed up the remaining elemental soup and put it deep into his backpack.

The Onion Knight's elemental soup is the best supplement for the undead. In this world, in just a few days, the Onion Knight has improved a version suitable for this world.

Enjoying the excellent taste, Stark began to lobby the Onion Knight to work for him again.

The sacrificial site was in harmony, and so was Constantine's side.

After performing the scene with Ash yesterday, Constantine returned to the storage room on the Brooklyn Bridge alone. This has been his residence for so many years, and there is no room to change it anytime soon.

What's more, allowing a magician to change his residence at will doesn't make a mockery of Constantine's ability.

In order to avoid Natasha's entanglement, Constantine didn't even ask for the wolf's ashes and left without looking back. In his mind, Natasha had the wolf's ashes as a trophy, so would she bother him for a while?

, just look for opportunities to show your face again in the future.

However, this morning, the door to the storage room was opened from the outside.

Natasha was dressed in home clothes, holding shopping bags in her arms, and walked in from the door. She moved quickly and naturally, then turned around and closed the door with her foot.

Seeing this somewhat familiar scene, Constantine asked strangely: "What are you doing? And why do you have the key to my house?"

Natasha did not answer directly, but placed the items in her hands on the dining table one by one, and then classified the various items neatly.

Putting the food into the empty refrigerator, Natasha leaned against the refrigerator, peeled an apple with a kitchen knife, took a bite and said, "I didn't expect you to be here. Originally, we finished the environmental analysis yesterday.

Seeing that you don't have any food reserves, I thought this was just a hiding place for you."

Chewing the food in her mouth, Natasha quickly finished the apple, then took out the food from the shopping bag and started cooking by herself.

"I didn't expect you to be here. I just can't leave NY for the time being, so I came here to hide temporarily."

At this moment, Natasha didn't have any secret agent demeanor, she seemed like just a girl next door.

But when Constantine looked carefully, he discovered that under Natasha's home clothes, she was still wearing the tight-fitting combat uniform from yesterday.

The combat uniform was a bit dusty, and the home uniform was one size too big, so it was just put on randomly as a cover.

Constantine took out the flask and took a sip. He didn't react to Natasha's behavior. He just returned to bed and continued the date in his dream.

The sounds of chopping and frying continued in the kitchen, and before long, Natasha had the meal ready.

When she walked to Constantine and was about to ask him to get up to eat, Natasha saw the wine bottle that Constantine placed next to her.

Since meeting Constantine, in addition to smoking, he would occasionally hold his own wine bottle and take a few sips.

The cigarettes are just the most ordinary silk cigarettes, and the appearance of this wine flask is no different. It is just the most common flat silver wine flask that can be carried around.

Taking advantage of the meal to relax, Natasha was also ready to take a few sips and take a break.

Just as she picked up the jug and was about to put it to her mouth, Constantine suddenly appeared from behind her, covered her mouth with one hand, and held her wrist holding the jug with the other.

"I said, little girl, don't touch other people's things."

(End of chapter)

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