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Chapter 103 Carkerus

Chapter 103 Kakarus

Natasha, who had been shocked for decades by the big move made by the man in black, saw the red vortex and thought it was the evil god coming to take revenge.

There was no time to wake up Constantine, and like Constantine's sleeping habit, lying next to his ear and screaming might not wake him up. So Natasha took out her pistol and shot wildly at the figure who appeared.

Although I don't know if the bullet is useful, the decibel sound of shooting indoors is enough to wake up Constantine. As long as Constantine wakes up, there is still a chance.

Having made up her mind, Natasha pulled the trigger and the sound was as coherent as a submachine gun, and the fifteen-round magazine was emptied instantly.

However, all he saw was this woman covered in red light, taking out a long whip from her waist and waving it to block all the bullets fired at her.

The bounced bullets refracted crazily in the room, shattering all kinds of furniture. One bullet even hit the wall directly against the nose of Constantine who was lying there.

After Natasha finished shooting, she ducked behind the refrigerator and prepared to change the magazine. However, a long whip bypassed the refrigerator and was tied directly around her neck.

The other end of the whip exerted force, knocking Natasha from behind the refrigerator, knocking down everything in its path, and being brought directly to the woman in black.

Natasha's neck was tied with a whip, and she knelt down at the feet of another woman. The scene was a bit subtle.

Just when the woman, who was covered in black and glowing red, raised her other hand and put it to her mouth, pretending to blow something, Constantine finally woke up.

"Stop, Chicarus." Constantine stopped the woman's next behavior.

Kakarus, the white spirit that can be encountered in the game in front of the boss of the old demon king in the underground cemetery, assists the Ember Man in killing the old demon king. He was originally the apprentice of Comicus of Onuma, because he learned the taboo poison system

He was displeased by his teacher because of his curse. In order to seek forgiveness from his teacher, he embarked on a journey to find new spells, trying to obtain new spells and gain his teacher's forgiveness.

After working with Ashes to slay the old demon king, Cakarus, who obtained the new spell, returned to the cage where the teacher of the Undead Settlement was. Since he could not find the teacher, he committed suicide next to the cage.

In order to save another apprentice of the spell teacher, Hui Jin stayed at the Undead Settlement for several months and finally waited for this senior sister to avoid the tragedy.

But after Caikalus met the old conjurer again, he learned that Ashes was the new apprentice, which made her jealous.

On the one hand, Ashes took away her teacher's favor, and on the other hand, Ashes helped her kill the old demon king, obtain new spells, and prevent her from committing suicide.

So much so that now Kakarus is both grateful and jealous of Ash (Constantine). Although Kakarus tried his best to fulfill Constantine's request, his attitude can only be...

Said it was barely acceptable.

Constantine stopped Cakarus from behind. Sitting on the bed, Constantine lit a cigarette and held it in his hand, looking at the two people in the living room.

Lifting Natasha with the whip, Cakarus glanced at Constantine unhappily, but still put Natasha down according to Constantine's words.

Ignoring Natasha, who was lying at her feet and gasping and coughing crazily as the whip was wrapped around her neck and suffocated.

Kakarus hung the colorful whip back on his waist and said to Constantine: "The teacher agreed to go to Huanyin City, and with the teacher's persuasion, Kirk also agreed to bury the white spider in Huanyin City, but he

I require you to go there in person."

Hearing Chicarus's words, Constantine woke up from his sleepy eyes and fell into meditation and memories again.

Seeing Constantine's appearance, Cakarus seemed to have thought of something. Without saying a word, he directly used the Black Crystal of Farewell to return to his own time and space, and handed the time at this moment to Constantine.

Sitting on the bed, the cigarette in his hand had burned his fingers, but Constantine, who was lost in thought and memories, still seemed not to feel anything.

Natasha got up from the ground and saw this scene. She just reached for the cigarette butt in Constantine's hand, put out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can to avoid a fire.

Meeting new people, hearing new names, the mysteries surrounding Constantine become more and more numerous.

Natasha had no choice but to use the communication tool she always carried to transmit the recording and video to Fury. This kind of thing should be a headache for Fury.

This made Fury, who was always paying attention to the situation, couldn't help but become curious. Who is Constantine's teacher, who is Kirk, and who is the White Spider?

The task of continuous observation and information acquisition was handed over to Natasha through covert means, and Fury went to work on other things. Compared with the magician's affairs, there are more important things to deal with now.

Natasha looked at the mission description, and then looked at Constantine, who was sitting on the bed, deep in thought, and began to give off a vague atmosphere of being uninvited.

Gently rubbing the marks on her neck, Natasha became even more disappointed with such a task. It was obvious that Constantine did not like her, and the mysterious man Cakarus who attacked her as soon as they met, not to mention

Talking about the teachers and Kirk you may meet in the future, the name White Spider just sounds like it’s not human, okay?

But a task is a task, and as a low-level agent, he is not qualified to refuse. He can only fulfill the requirements of his superiors as required.

Looking at the dilapidated interior that was hit by stray bullets, and looking at Constantine sitting on the bed, Natasha began to despair about the mission.

After reluctantly clearing up the broken items in the room, organizing the garbage into bags and stacking them outside the door, Natasha was ready to go out again, taking advantage of the zero-dollar shopping happy hour caused by the orcs outside, to add some of her own items to the room.

Maybe she will continue to collect information from Constantine, so be prepared in advance for a protracted war.

However, just as she was about to go out, the wolf ashes tied to her chest flew up on their own, crossed the entire room, and fell into Constantine's hands.

I saw blue light dots lingering in Constantine's hand, pouring into the box containing the wolf's ashes.

Throwing the urn to Natasha, he should have started to sneer at her, but Constantine didn't say a word, just lowered his head and touched the book that appeared in his arms.

It was a black book wrapped in black cloth strips. The black cloth strips were edged with dark gold, which was elegant and precious. The contents of the book vaguely revealed between the strips were also written in unknown golden characters.

Constantine stroked the book as if stroking his former lover. This appearance made Natasha's curiosity even more serious.

But Constantine's condition at this moment was obviously not a good time to ask, so Natasha just took the thrown urn and put it around her neck again.

Taking out the pistol and hiding it in her arms, Natasha walked outside. Her current goal was to buy something for zero yuan and bring herself some new daily necessities.

(End of chapter)

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