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Chapter 108 The last time was the last time

Chapter 108 The last time was the last time

"Wait, wait, what about me? You forgot about me!" Cassel shouted.

In order to show his bravery, Cassel even stood sideways and took out his church pistol and placed it in front of his chest.

Martha reached out and gave her child a hand. Cassel, who wanted to express himself at this time, made people a little worried.

However, he didn't expect Ash to listen to Cassel's words and think about it seriously.

Throughout Cassel's life, although he was out of touch and out of tune, he was always concerned about other people. In many cases, Cassel was the key.

But now Cassel is not looking for trouble to show off himself. On the contrary, he wants to make a real contribution to the sacrificial site.

So Ash handed a Lothric standard gun to Cassel.

"Kassel, you have seen me use it before. If necessary, summon those dragoons. They will cover your evacuation."

Cassel nodded solemnly, took the Lothric flag gun with both hands, and put it on his shoulders.

Ash walked up to the fire-proof girl, then half-knelt down and reached out to hold the fire-proof girl's hand as before.

"Farewell, Lord Ashes, may the flames guide you."

After saying goodbye to the fireproof girl, Ash followed the two bosses Sheffield and Ross onto the helicopter.

Outside the helicopter window, the accompanying armed helicopters were constantly moving back and forth, detecting possible dangers.

In the helicopter, Ross threw a sealed report to Ash.

He didn't care whether he could see it or not. Since Ross threw it, Ash must pay attention to it.

"Investigation report about Ash Solar? When did you do this kind of thing?"

After reading out the cover title of the report, Ash said jokingly to Rose.

"It's not our investigation, it's SHIELD's investigation. These bastard agents privately conducted a comprehensive background check on us. What you have in your hand is intelligence from the Sheffield Shadow Force."

Ross leaned on his seat, pointed at Sheffield, who was smoking a cigar on the seat opposite him, and spoke with an unhappy face about the little tricks done by SHIELD.

"Where's Devlin? I gave Devlin the clue last time, he should prepare in advance."

Ash brought up the role of Director of the Bureau of Investigation Devlin in front of Ross. For the three people present, the Bureau of Investigation, which is responsible for all domestic affairs, has always been a reserved position of the military. The previous directors of the Bureau of Investigation were all in the military

Only those who can come to power are under the protection of big bosses. Correspondingly, it is the CIA that belongs to politicians.

"After Devlin's last incident, he uncovered several latent SHIELD agents from the team. Devlin started a purge within the Bureau. Unexpectedly, the history of the investigation has been extended to Hoover's generation. Now,

Devlin is a little preoccupied with himself. It’s really disappointing.”

Sheffield bit down the wet butt of the cigar, spit it out, and commented disdainfully to Devlin.

Ash quickly read the investigation report on himself and asked curiously: "Then why did you come to me?"

"The last joint operation made the Pentagon learn about the new combat plan. They are thinking of building a new department dedicated to handling special affairs. Sheffield and I want you to be the chief officer of the department.

Avoid having this position occupied by a bunch of useless agents."

Ross spoke words and sentences quickly, and the beard on his mouth trembled rapidly, matching his serious expression. Ash's eyes kept staring at his beard.

Ross, who had a stern tone, saw that Ash did not answer his words, but instead kept staring at his beard. Ross couldn't help but pat the steel seat to attract Ash's attention.

"Oh, uh, why are you looking for me?"

Instead, Sheffield laughed and said, "Because you are a professional who knows and has the ability to handle this kind of thing..."

Sheffield said these words in a long voice, which aroused Ross's dissatisfaction. Ross straightened up and kicked Sheffield's seat to ask him to stop speaking in this tone.

"Because we can only find you, Ash. I hope you can agree. This is our request."

Rose's words made Ash a little confused as to why he had become the target of everyone's appeal at this time.

"Because of what that idiot Fran Hammer did, his retirement is a certainty. Originally, except for the useless intelligence staff who were minions of politicians, all military chiefs needed to be determined by their predecessors.

, and inform other chief officers.

But Frank Hammer's retirement came too suddenly, and the Marine Corps was completely unprepared for a successor. And because there were problems within Devlin's Bureau of Investigation, there was no time to conduct background work on the selected successor.


In addition, this time the orc incident has made the entire earth aware that there are fantasy species in this world, and various countries have begun to launch their own special incident handling departments.

Originally, the handling of internal incidents within ARMY has always been a matter for the military, but this time the Pentagon is preparing to make this matter independent.

If one of our own had not taken over this department, part of the military's power would have been eroded, and even Frank Hammer's Marine Corps would not have been able to stay. It is impossible for us to give up on these brothers."

Ross said this, but the core idea is only one sentence, that is, 'the military is under threat and is in urgent need of help.'

Ash thought about Rose's words. Ash still had his own thoughts on this kind of thing. But it was not impossible to add another layer of buff to himself.

However, there are some things that Ash needs to ask clearly in advance to avoid being unclear about them later.

"My question is, why are you looking for me? Although I asked it a second time, you understand that this is not the same question. The second question, where does the funds for the establishment of the department come from?"

When Ash asked, Sheffield laughed.

"Feiji, you didn't scare this guy, hahahaha! Look at this kid."

Sheffield handed over a tablet with cut-out pictures of various news reports.

'God favors Ami, angels come', 'God's blessing, the priesthood that can summon angels', 'Shocking, the past of the angel summoner', 'It was he who saved 20,000 brothers', 'Military chaplain, a

a great doctor'

News created by various headline parties are neatly arranged on the tablet one by one, and there is even an interview with Stark at the back.

And Stark also praised Ash to the fullest, just like the news above.

During this period of time, Ash has been staying at the sacrificial site and has not paid attention to the news outside. Mainly because he is focused on various vehicle models and has no time to read such gossip.

However, in this short period of time, he actually became the new 'representative'?

Who else can create such a momentum, besides the two big guys in front of me, who else can make the entire ARMY media report positively on one person in all aspects.

I remember the last time I was forced to take the stage was the last time. It was when Yulia pushed her to the position of Lord of the Wandering Souls in the Black Soul World.

Now the same thing happened again.

(End of chapter)

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