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Chapter 112: A Succession of Black Materials

Chapter 112 Continuous black information

Nick Fury's exit is seen by everyone as asking for trouble.

Just now, Roland the Gunslinger was not from Earth to attack the credibility of the military's intelligence sources. Now he has been exposed as having made a deal with the devil.

This act of using Zi's spear and attacking Zi's shield put the weapon into Ash's hands.

Although everyone else present knew more or less about the dark side, when a demon stood in front of everyone, he realized that the fear in his heart could not be stopped.

Being in contact with dark creatures is not a fatal thing, but being brought to the table becomes a fatal injury. The first place to stand is human beings.

Although the gunslinger Roland is from another world, he still relies on the dimension of the earth and has the appearance and body shape of a human. Even the inspection report issued by the military shows that the gunslinger's DNA is the same as that of humans.

The gunslinger's strength is not very strong compared to some people on earth, and his abilities are said to have been studied by the military and a new training plan has been compiled.

But the devil is different. To a certain extent, this is a betrayal of the earth and mankind. After all, the first thing that everyone thinks of is the evil seed that trades souls in religious stories.

But then again, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not enforce the law in Ami and is only responsible for the Security Council. None of the people present belong to the higher-level unit of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, Fury is free to leave the stage. As for whether the Security Council will deal with him after Fury leaves the stage, it is not up to the people on the scene to control.

Sitwell's face was covered with sweat. As a representative of SHIELD, he could not leave the scene casually.

Because of Fury's farce, the people next to Sitwell distanced themselves slightly from him, and several women involuntarily moved their chairs away from him.

The military representatives and the meeting security began to move the muzzle of the gun towards Sitwell to prevent him from doing anything bad. After all, even the director made a deal with the devil, so it is inevitable that his subordinates will

Learn something.

Lasseter did not stop this behavior, pretending not to see it, and continued to preside over the meeting.

"Okay, now that the person in question has left, let's get back to the meeting itself. Does anyone have a better opinion on the formation and ownership of the new department?"

Hearing this, even though Sitwell was isolated, he had to speak quickly to grab some of the credit. SHIELD had to show its presence.

Sitwell ignored the sweat on his forehead and said eagerly: "SHIELD has sufficient personnel and relevant experience, and we have enough funds to support activities. I think this should belong to SHIELD."

Attorney General Lasseter leaned back on his chair, stared at the report in his hand and said to Sitwell without raising his head: "There is no need to say what I have said. Say something useful."

Sitwell looked at the outline in his hand that had been completely overturned because of Fury's speech, and he was so anxious that the beads of sweat on his head began to spin.

Suddenly seeing a person in the action report, Sylvette had another idea.

"Take this dimension invasion incident as an example. After the incident began, my SHIELD special agent Natasha Romanoff invited the magician Constantine to the front line of the incident as quickly as possible."

Sylvette was right, Natasha did go to the front line as soon as possible, and with him was Constantine.

Although this was arranged by Ash, Ash could not explain the real situation and could only tell the story in Sylvette's mouth that Natasha took the lead and led Constantine to the front line to assist.

Secretly poking at General Ross next to him, Ash asked: "Besides our people, has Fabler sent anyone?"

Ross pouted and gestured to his left.

Ash followed his gaze and saw that he was wearing an expensive black suit that looked like Devlin's.

Ash tore off a piece of paper from the report and wrote on it. After finishing writing, Ross's lieutenant passed it quietly from behind.

Sylvette was still talking nonstop.

"SHIELD's agents have keen insight and have confirmed the seriousness of the matter at the first opportunity, and can accurately find professionals to deal with it. This just proves SHIELD's ability."

As Sylvette said, a ball of paper towels hit his forehead. The light paper towels stuck tightly to his forehead because of the sweat.

Sylvette was as funny as a chocolate ice cream cone with a little cream flower on top.

"Who is it? How dare you do this!"

Sylvette took off the paper towel, opened it and took a look. It still had coffee stains on it. It was obviously used.

Everyone present was stunned by such a provocation. They could not imagine that any bold guy would dare to do this at an inquiry meeting hosted by the Minister of Justice.

Looking along the direction where the paper ball was thrown, everyone focused their attention on a man in a black suit.

This man wore the same black-rimmed glasses as Devlin and had a neatly trimmed short beard. He looked at Sylvette with disdain. The man coughed twice and showed

Feel your own innocence and prepare for your speech.

Then I heard him say: "Harvey Russell, senior agent of Forborough, will temporarily serve as Forborough's representative at the meeting."

"So Russell, what do you think of SHIELD? If you don't have a legitimate and correct reason, I will let you out immediately, and Devlin will come to the Pentagon to explain your presumptuous behavior


Attorney General Lasseter issued a warning and an ultimatum to Russell.

Russell stood up and buttoned his suit. He pretended to stare at the document in his hand and said: "On the day Director Devlin organized a fight against the beasts in Long Island, two groups of armed men took advantage of the NY City

The rioters were evacuated from the Brooklyn Bridge. Can you guess which family these two groups of armed men belong to?"

It's just a guess, but everyone can tell that this is for SHIELD. Needless to say, the armed personnel must be the power of SHIELD.

"However, on the front line, on Block Island, we only saw one female SHIELD agent. She arrived with the magician Constantine after the two armed groups left NY.

Some citizens even photographed them riding two glowing wargs from the Brooklyn Bridge all the way to the east side of Long Island.

Moreover, after the magician Constantine assisted Director Devlin in building a defense line, he continued to set out for Block Island. In this process, there was only one agent, Natasha, as you mentioned.

I couldn't help but wonder who forgot about my comrades, who left a woman alone in NY, who let her go deep into the front line to complete the mission alone, who left her alone."

(End of chapter)

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