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Chapter 121 Dragon Academy has recruited q group number: 483542220

Chapter 121 Dragon Academy is enrolling students (q group number: 483542220)

With a programmed smile, Coulson's face appeared in front of Constantine.

"Mr. Constantine..."

"Shut up, dealmaker with the devil."

As soon as the two sides started, they started talking trash. It was just Constantine's unilateral output.

"Oh, it's worth mentioning that Natasha is also a trader, sir."

Coulson became a little aggressive and tried to drag Natasha, who was standing next to Constantine, into the water.

"The link on her body disappeared the day before yesterday, and the devil will no longer come to her."

As soon as these words came out, Natasha was only happy. But in Coulson's ears, the taste changed.

The day before yesterday, when he received the notification of activation, Coulson came to Fury's office happily that day and asked about the details of the mission and related matters.

However, just as he reached the door, Fury's biochemical alarm was triggered. The three-defense armored steel door blocked Coulson from outside.

After finally dealing with the smell and residual items on his body, and using countless disinfectants and deodorants on himself, Fury reluctantly opened the door to his office.

From Fury, who was still covering his nose, Coulson learned the reason and goal of the mission, and at Fury's suggestion, he waited until the smell of disinfectant on his body dissipated before proceeding with the mission.

In order to dissipate the smell of disinfectant on his body, Colson spent a whole day in the wind tunnel laboratory, relying on the experimental wind tunnel to completely eliminate the smell on his body. The time to find Natasha was postponed until today.

And the day before yesterday happened to be the day when Fury was forced to leave the meeting and Greed was discovered by Ash.

'In other words, Ash's behavior severed the connection, and this information must be told to Fury. The priest has a way to stop the devil, and he is more powerful than what he shows.'

Covering up his inner thoughts, Coulson licked his face and said to Constantine: "Although we had misunderstandings before, we can still establish cooperation. Even magicians need resources. SHIELD has the World Security Council

The endorsement and the resources that can be mobilized are enough to allow all magicians to live a good life."

Coulson, who couldn't think of what the magician needed, used the most common language to induce confessions to test Constantine's bottom line.

Although Constantine did give relevant information about the Crystal Lizard last time, SHIELD's satellites scanned the earth in all aspects and could not find any clues. It was not until the dimensional invasion that they realized that the Crystal Lizard would

Not also in another dimension.

"Give up your temptation. It will only make me feel sick and disgusted."

He threw a lit cigarette butt at Colson and watched as Colson quickly dodged and stopped the gun of the special team behind him.

"Our cooperation can be established on a multi-faceted basis, and we only need you to provide a little bit of trivial information."

Constantine lit another cigarette, blew out a round smoke ring, watched the smoke ring slowly rise up and dissipate on the ceiling, and then said nonchalantly: "For example?"

"For example, what does it take to become a magician, talent, will, learning ability, or something else."


Constantine laughed and said, "Listen carefully, you need to have a strong body to become a magician."

Colson continued what Constantine said and said: "That's for sure, everyone needs to have it."

"And you must be proficient in one-handed swords, two-handed swords, two-handed swords, shield control, charge, whirlwind, and be able to wear heavy armor."

"Is this something a mage needs to learn?"

Listening to Constantine's answer, Coulson couldn't help but ask his own doubts.

However, a blue magic sword appeared in Constantine's hand and pointed at Colson. Colson immediately closed his mouth and made a movement to close the zipper on his mouth.

"Basically after learning these, you can learn the most basic and mysterious light magic."

Finally hearing the most important content, recalling the information about Constantine in Natasha's report. Coulson asked: "Is it a magic similar to invisibility?"

Invisibility was the first magic that Constantine learned during the dimensional invasion battle, and Natasha wrote it down in detail in her report.

However, after listening to Colson's words, Constantine looked at him like a fool.

"You can't even walk, but you want to learn to fly? The first magic is lighting!"

"But isn't that what you learned is invisibility?"

"I'm a genius, aren't you? Are you? Or is that guy in your headset? Really an incompletely evolved life form, a kindergarten-level primary school student, a genetically mutated alien, a frog head with Mongolism, you guys

How did your teacher teach such a mentally retarded person?"

Laughing at the group of people in front of him, Constantine spewed trash talk. But no one dared to refute his words. After all, the hope of the mission still lies with Constantine.

Finally, after Constantine finished using various adjectives for Colson, everyone's ears finally became clear.

After taking a sip of water and moistening his throat, Constantine was interrupted by Coulson when he was about to continue describing.

"Mr. Constantine, if you have any opinions, we can come down and discuss it. Can we reach a deal now? If you have any requests, you can make them. After all, you still need to return to Dragon Academy..."

Colson's words seemed to give Constantine a wake-up call.

"Recruitment for Dragon Academy is about to begin. If you have outstanding talents to bring, Dean Obeck will definitely be willing to see new blood join."

Dragon Academy enrollment! Perhaps this is the big event that greedy people say about Dragon Academy. After all, it is a magic school, and enrollment must be a key part.

Faced with such important news, Colson asked in detail: "So are there any requirements for students?"

"have no idea."

"You are a magician, how could you not know?"

"I am a genius. I was found by Dragon Academy on its own initiative, not by me. Besides, I only studied with Dean Obeck at Dragon Academy. I don't even know how many teachers there are."

Versailles' words came out of Constantine's mouth, which caused Coulson a lot of pain. He didn't know any standard admissions, so it was better to let Fury have a headache.

"What about time? You should know the time, right?"

"After a week, there will be special envoys coming to pick up these students on any mountain with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters."

After receiving the relevant information, Coulson returned to Fury's office without stopping and told Fury the information face to face.

After the report, Colson said hesitantly: "I think Constantine has a big problem."

Fury looked at Coulson who was standing in front of his desk with his only good eye, his eyes full of questioning, as if to say "Why?"

"How can a magician fight like a warrior? He is even required to wear heavy armor. That is the equipment that a medieval knight should have."

Thinking of Coulson being assigned to the job of janitor when he returned to SHIELD, Fury said nothing and turned the computer screen on his desk to Coulson. On the screen was a demonstration of Constantine throwing fireball bombs with one hand.

, the scene of charging towards the man in black with a magic sword in one hand.

Coulson decisively shut his mouth when he saw this scene. On the screen, Constantine slashed the sword drawn by the orc, which he would never be able to do.

"How can we prepare as students? After all, we only have one week."

"There are still a group of students at SHIELD University, and their qualifications are very good. I will tell Dean Dam Dugan. At the same time, in order to avoid other reasons, you go call Clint back. We must be prepared for both things. If the students

No, maybe a soldier can."

After arranging a new task for Coulson, after Coulson left the office, Fury hesitantly took out his phone and called Pierce.

After all, this matter needs to be reported to the Security Council, and we can no longer take advantage of it ourselves.

Fury, who felt like his heart was bleeding, dialed Pierce's phone: "Pierce, there is news from the magicians. They are recruiting new students to enter the Dragon Academy."

(End of chapter)

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